O'RONO WEEKLV 'TIML-S THU-êRSAV, AIGUt làr th, 159) ORONO WEEKLY TIMES F-oundeq. RP. A. Forrester Publisher RPL C. Forresteru& Missing The boat One of Ontario's larger sources o)f revenu 'e coDrnes through1 the tourist tae This sourc(e of revenue is wide spread and bene- fits Jiu1any phases of thle businless worl.! It benefits summaner odges, resturats, rocrynovelty, sports anld gift stores, garageýsan service station, motels andO many othrs In facýt it is stated that wvholecmmntisbenieif iteiher directl!Y or* in di rect (onis ;net loefe a; suramer resort area but it isloa ted n Hg0a1115wich .man, aalnr rvldrn h sumermonh1 Oono as a whole could benefit fromn- somne of 't tstC do'Sýfllari that passes our door. At the present timre it is rte ifcut-tointerest tourists in Orono nother tha thse iter ested in sîghtseeinig. There is, a potential turstatratonwihi tevillage if itfwre ursuied and this is thie establish1ingy of a ctn1pasitewh has been recomnmended bythe Oronoï Police Trustees a year or so agu. The establishment of such a site by obtaîingi1 more land at the south of the present park coufld become ain ideal tcourist attradit-on. and could be establish ed at littie cos to any vOf the necesiti's ae j-nw in the park such ais wtrad sros Cmiglias becomre one of the bgetfaue !summerwuý vacationîs for n~N ithin the past, few y.ears an-dreot oo- ing ls ekedshlow that there are ,(.t naÈyeog-,amsi thepr;:cet accom-rmodate those wishing tis tyeOf tin-g. Orn ias the potentjýial if it. has theintave Exposing IllusPis M.Fred G, Clark o"f the Aeia Economic Foundation Is an expert at deflating and expsing ilusions. Here are sone of hos asicpoins. Th" onîy sourepce omore welt 15xùrpoductei-on, l more mnoney. Governrnents cannot give the people anything that it lias flot first aken fromi themn. Governmnent aid reduced to real- ity, is redistribution of production and if too muel i s talken from producers, they wvilI reduce their productin. InflatIonarydfct spendi-ng, which seems, to releive taxes, is, in fact, t-he most cruel of ail taxes. Inflationary wage increasesý except ln the~ vert short ruri help nobody and injure everybody incl1uding those who receive themn. Neithler Government nor business can guarantee emplo-y- ment -- onlIy customer-s can do that. Strikes are only -partly a gaînat capital, they are mainly again-st tiie other wOrkers who ,must pay the hlglier prices. Mercer Ad D. West CLAS$IFIED SECTION ?.sudDrdr DIEDNOTICE A. f. McKENZIE, M.». i Em1joy FC e ilittiug, MOFFATMPrce Mrgre jThe, office of R. R_. Waddell Q.C. PHY&ICIAN and SURGEON Saturday in Orono w;%ill be closed froirn Aug. Office Hours ie h Ïrn nteýrmed1iate August ist, 1959 David Neil o ft it oAu 27îtl 1959 for holidays, 2:ý00 ta 4:00 p.m. 1:-00 te 8.00 P.m. club on Tuesday night defeba the IAged 33 years. H1-usband of fDoris c- Satur-daysý and Wednesdays by Oshawa Junios by a close'narînjopingadfahrofDvdsn.f-apo ,ensol Yf 4-3. The victory for Orono came Mr anrd Mrs. W. S. Moffat Orono1î) in the iast ining, which ý was the 'pece o on ls!wdCOMING EVENT PHONE 1417? ORONO fifth. AlOon' four runs were Aïîck Plan to) attete 11,Leska4rd Com-i ____ _______ coutd i te f iffrme ïbRestoat tesn n eral munitPnîcin fOrono Park, on KelyLae asawrddth vc- Hme Oonuntil i.. usday. Austil SDRt. iR. J.TAGGART tor ashepithedfo Orno oy, Srvie as eldintheUnied Eveyon wlcoe.b-p VETERINARY SU~RGEON i thefive innins lie allowed oîy hurliOrtu d 2.0 pm. thre its H di hweergive up dy nemn r~oCxeey 01 rnOt tive walks U'a n ook seven strîke- WCls Ornonathe otherhadag-DEI taydfo NrhOrn on LEGAL ed utseen it wtl ea WstSudldenly jinthe, Sick CîdeY ý,a w mllbakdogs. - îedlig the parade with tîree hisHs aTino Vensat ~~ ~ ac LarieC a.,Bk for thretips to the plate. SnglesiAugust Sth, MLheawrencfate_________________._ Armstrong, DonBeaDton ndVîinrce son1of Mn. ýad Mrsz. WM. looey of Barrister and Solicitor were registered by Don Mercer, ,C'1-ron. Itrm roomeey L EA GU E CHAMPIONS H1IP <WMN1EOT Vanstone. onW ïednesday.TIc Ftinallddeciding game forBO ANILNT 0 shawa took the &ead in the game il- h egu hrposi f h a- hns whe thy cord to unsin heT- i tm ivision willbe- played in Bow- Office MA 3-5683 Home MA 3-5M5 second inning off a walk, a triple rn anilile this lVonday night be -_________ ____ hît nd astel 10~hehomeplat Ap le S ora e I wee OV'11r ono andiBwxavle In thefut Oshawa 'vn further 'on u and support the local boys ahadwîn hey tallied 0a single Atmtota 0hcenjtu[ry am im,60pln ________________ ~ ï. KY LYCE TT,DBA. counter off two single bits and a +(iali engapidbcn walk. trolled in amosphe bneapplestrae _)j aaritev-Soicto for Oron stan- m Vvarieties keep best Ai R e d in the fîth hen Dean West 1lit -rlit!e of ivepretcarbon d idé. lK~L Iin t.heOffices CE a oul. al asthndeierdoxide and three peur cet oygen.R R. Maur;llQuC, toý both Tim loxandJohn Shet1er Sne hy contînually ;gi-ve off carn, MAIN. ST, , OONO ;ClnSesArn4rog Yeche fut bon dioxidie if is necessary to r-e- j o remodeing your present oneO a fieder ý coîe a d D n B eato n move the excess in order to main- C nac S rday 7 m. -5 , a timely doubleto clear thcbseé an l esrdconcentratio. j Or oscored ir 1siiL'e Thi as been done by-,,'scub'bing 1~ eehn 3 rn frane. th orrn ate he amospherei a soltion of Fly IjC IS j Monday 'afernoon the O 1ono11,1caustc soda or lye - mnateridan- j - trerniates travelled to Niewcasle!geosthadendcrsveo Phone 2191 Orono J CK R J ci ere they, played theee -Pastle 1metlsScrubbing in (done daily for Jnosin cnecinwihte ew- severîai hours andithe solutirust j Foundations anid Septic Tanks - castie Sports Day. The gamne ended: be dhanged at least every other lay 1 ~ ~ aalbe ~ ActoeradVlao in~~~~~~~ a itrfrNwaslT ow, however, a tiry scrubber il Aiougli Orono outhit the NeýW- dvlpda h envle S,*-- " "" r pcilz nIamat Cas,,ie crethy were unable to out-'dvlpda h et.l.NSfan n score the Juniiors who were outhti eea Researdli Station las sm untr ae 12 to 7, Orono hield the lead inti he pîfe prainwîout f The RUTTER ConRlImefo teTi first part of îlhe gaine but lost it L etin g the storage quality of the CneÎ i o eu the sixth whLen N1ewcastle went a-1 fruit. CO.MPANY and dates lead by on-.e irun. Osborne pitched Tests showed that if îlhe storage s theý garne for Orono while Eric Car- atrnosphere ,was allowed to diffuseý. hn U551 rù leton was on the mound f'for NewV- over unopened bags of fresh î ~ PooT -26Poe5r1 ru castle.The hitting star forOro drated lime in a gas-proof contaiel P.O. Sax 62 was on Mercer who batted 1000OI er, the carbon diowJde was quickly it~D JA '5q~ n.l perfect record.,lHe collectediasrbd u'hrmr,îl1esrdPort Hope, Ont. fou sngls nda dube fr isgas concentration was easily an ByDrc and Save Commissions, Auctioneer adVlao fîve tCrips 1th ie plate. tained by the adjusîrneni 'of gaie n Vlao valves, - ! onuments, Gravestones, Çfli 5 ucilSles of aIl s$;a" I anda' reasonable rates -DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE f Production Service - Health of Animais Division j s BR u(CE L LO'SIS CONTROL AREAS The County of Duirham lias been declared eni area for the eradicaion ofg SBrucellosis under the Anim al Conta£,ious Dis4ease -Act. The testing otf cattie for j gBrucellosis has already eommenced. In accurdance- with the Regulation, al cattie owners are required to assist Veterinarians by assemnblinig and restrain- Iing their cattie on being notified of their pending visits.g D 1 gAil cattie moved into the2 area mnust be accompanied by a heijth certif i-g ii cate at any office of the health of Animais Division, Caqnada Department of Ag-g Sriculture.g gOnIy by the fuliest co-operation of al cattie owners wjil satisfactoryg gprogress be nmade towards compleioin of the tests, which is to the benefit of g ail concerned. g U ANY PERSONS VIOLATING ANY PROVISI2ý NS 0F THÉS ACT ARE g LIABLE TO --: PENALTY.g lg100buashels 0f Mlts p pie1cs at ClbokNSlast vwinter required one pound of hydrated ime per sushel for a seven-mocnil storage period. There >was littie or mo shrinikage as the relative bhurnid-, iywas maintalned at 90 per cent,1 and ie hefuit was in g-ood conditiQai when mwarketed late in My Althougl only thre1e-quar',tersoIf Ia peunid of caustic sodla would be needed for tle same operation, the! limie can be purdha-sed Ilo'IlIl at onýe-sixthi the cost and mray eue 10 swýeeien. soUl after the storage season is over. -Expect 800 At B owmanville High School The Durhlam 1 Counity Disirici Iligh SclIool Board mect in Bowiman- ville, Wednesday, July 2911 wiil onlly 0one-memben abs-ent. A letter wvas r-eýceived froni the Departient approving a Limited Vocational Cour-se iin Bowmnanville this Sepiember. The Port Hlop-e prvetComnmit- tee reporîed tlat *îl-e door hardwïare, wa$ ncarly com-rpletedPemsso was given te repair a num-ber of broken winidows, At Bowman iivas reporîed that the decorating- and plastering was completed. A priinin îleý Vice Principa't's office and reoca- tien of the in"nrtovasaprv ed. Mr. Dippeil reported that l ex- t pectcd 800 pupils nextý SeptembnýerI and asked permission t0engi'age anI- other Secretany te assist with leni cal work. Permission was grantedl Accoun Is te the ameunt cf $ 3,-i 701.00 wene approved !,or py-ei Duning the Buildinig Comm--ittuec presentation, a imotio.n wajs put 10 build two schools one in Danlïingtoni and one in 3MIlbrook, An amrend-ý rnent 'was presented to i11e effect! thai île schools be in BowmanHville and Millbrook. The amendmei was j lest 8 te 7. Thc original otonwasj passcd by a rnanitýy of IL to 3. Thie Lecrtary was askeýd 10 presenîl,.e'I new proposai to themuicpaite f on approvai, iand when received toi take any rLei sr steps 10 speed I up the pr am iEngravlng, tGoioîeatung Hiave You Flnough Proteot youralrand Yu gfamily against loss by having gAdequq.te AtAtomobile nu' ance. Dïscuýsyrreie rnments with j.) SURJNNCE 5 Iii N.F. POýRTER insiraic'e Service Saie Hamilton . . E very class of Insur- ance is represented in, our office. The follow- ing are some of the main coverages wecit offer: Automobiîle, Life, Accident andi Sickness, Pl'ate Glasýs, Liabi!ty, Pire, Burgltary, Hsit;zain Livestock, BolIer, Wind, Polio, Hail, Fidelity Bonds etc. C 'NO, P4,:N5 R1 FIRST MR A~ LOANS Communi De wthhm t ot ery MroatOrono fo.r date. LIFE INSURANCE Peusion Plans, dctoalPlI, Protection and SvigaPlans for Children amidAdultz,; mbrlgage Inj F. E.LYCETT orono, Ont. - Phtoneil16 Typwriter's Remingtzn Portable. 4 Models. Fraeedmnrao. At $1.00 dcown en"d $1,00 awok Upto 20, ofi ndmntaos OSHAWA BSNS MACHINES 329 SimcoeSt S Evlie nA54 k STAFEtOP IpROS. Phone Whitby 552 j 318 Dundas St,, S.,Wiftby 1 FINE QIJALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a bardoe dig. nifiod monument over the e i4f ing Place of your iov#ed ones. Irafo expensive, Anld seeing this 5estý tribute wiII ghe you endiess coàmfort. C-NTRACTORSFR FAManid 1101E WIRING APi'LIANCE SALES Po-iland GUar-anteed Ree'aiy. tai: ids of Electricai Equîîpm*rn- and Appilances Su., - 'itors -Water 'ets- i. ,,;, 4e. Stoves , ,, a