os & aylor's headquarters for roceries ANDMets WÏe keep the best of everytitg and ont prices are right. Try Bîg JO Flour. Libertyville, = - Illinlois. OId Eyes 4 -,,,,,1'ade Young. Have Your eyes examined and properly fitted with glasses. We guarantee satisfaction. Watches Clocks Jewelry Fine Watch r C.R. LIBERTY VILLE, We have a 1 than ever... Bargains i ". M -- Pianos Organfi Musical Instruments. epariing our specialty. SUIERMAN9 - - - ILLINOIS. VEATIIER arge fine at prices Iower in SIIOES.__ We carry a fine assortment of~ shoes-ladies and gents, at ".right Our trocery Department is where you can save money. F.C. SMITH & SONO Butler BIdig. Libertyville, Illinois. Croker- Is Cheaper than any of 'em 0 0 Workmanship Anld Quality of -Qoods Considered. Some especially pretty patterns in suitings. Overcats to. fit you and your purse. H aVE the old ones cleaned Up. TRY QVKR UBANK is alwa'ys-.«mmm& 1 iraz tise guast 0f H. S. Hurîbuti sud lE85 i. vife Frlday sud Saturday otiant vaek Au ordinance lu the nature of a SteicaeOlsimudson1ie. Reusambar tise aId Midsa Conven- franchise vas pasiesi ut tise village way tiste convention. Lion. Be ounibandi and enjoi aàisearty board meeting Monday niglit pranting sexux fi. laugisai tise Union cisurcis naxi Thurii- permission 10 F. B. Loveliand Fletchser morning Session. lay and Friday eveningz, Feb. 17 and Clark to construct sud "maina in ireidents uaddress, hy Augelinu I. S", [dite~. Lihartyville a talephone liue. Thea Eleotroia Hypronostru iendargraas. ordinauca sa passes rectites tu dtait tise Holl oeil. Wt. L Attrige annouicea bia.self a object, proviuions sud conditions Convention sang. canidte oreoleeriuanthe cl-impoaed and la à laugtisy document. Readsingo intzo!ftrev ions con- uIs for the town of Libertyville, sn- vention. jec totheAp ova thtea iepublicanIrTise proiectori are very reticent Address of valcomeanaad reiionse. L mcus. Mrtise rppovalm radma garding tlieir connecioas vus aud Experieuce meeting. ~sscus Mr.Atnisge a gosi unplan of operatilg tisa lina, but va Duet, exPressing gentiment o! everY loiib ofie.deduet fromt sucb particles o! Informa- Ioti aion cehaut. Tihe Methodsut (congregatiun ad' tion as tbey divulge tisaitbey seul, ITiabtihetrmonilàmil fL@ ounoi]d thair prayer meeting Weds- liter uecriiig permission tif thea lra. Mlffkt's asidratis. dey ulglsi&o aliov il viso visas itW liperviaors, connlecitis tiste Bell specimiens testifi. attend lise revival service i tise Fi- Telephoise compan'i lina nt Bondont NPresidensourimng sire byieriin clsurcs. lise churcis vi ansd autalîlisis a lis station in F. B. Aternoon Session. eriwded sIud intense interent va Loveli drull;tore. Tisyare aie n- solo, -I sus 62.' nulifentluatMr. Biski. excllent doubtetti working in conuiletion iis EiiilooleueaulgitIla "taik .teisaIenlcompany. Bover tist aiiy Iecitation by tise itejuvâteil Pri- .N. J. IPitzker, repreaenuilg tise N. b, tise proposei telepshone le a vy den.ilb toerjivntd i, Pitzker Company, deaersinludasirable acquistion for Llbertyvilie, Admission 25 cent@;: childien usîder tallioe' trmmings, vas guait of W. C. andisiftise gentlemen in question fourteon, 15 cents. Tickets ons sale ati sauboru ovar Suuday. Mr. lisuboru succoesilu ataisiaing tise ina ei:Lel' rgso. ordereci a large lina of trisnlgs for contamplated thair auterprise l oet rgsoe spring andstiulmer gonds of Mr. daservîng o! andsi vii receive ierty Dramatie and LteranY. i'ritzke.x batoiei retuin ta tisa city, co-operation. Tise Catisollo Club Sas made arrange- vicisarrived ibis veek. __________ menti tu gîve a dramatlc aud titerary entertaluimen; on Saturday, Fais. 12, Tisa Liberiyville piessura Club viii A Fine Proram. t tisa Tovn HaIl, Lihartyville, comn- give asblaaitise Tovu Hall. Lberty- St inseidosa prograinas ieritorious menciggut 8:15 p. M. ville, Mionday nigist, Fais 14. Munie lu every datait la renderad lu Liberty- Tise progfsi, islll open vus a viliie bfiruishied bi1Prof. Smiths and vlle, as tiat witisvisidistheaudience ut comedetta, entitieda --Happy Pair'by orchntr, o Chiago super i;lbe he Uionchuchvas favorasi lat'S.Tisye, praasited bh irM. Henry L. orciaita, i! isiago Supar i$iliatis Unon isncisHall, rapreseuting bHi. Houaiton sud eeinluIsament.Thase sisuces ai- risai evening. TIse n'saers vare Mien Imelda JM. Once asa Mn. Way% prove îiassnrable affairsansd tisa reudered vus sa precitlon sud ulcaty iloneyton, isoilio!fvisousara members Liys huope tisa coîing dauce viii Se visiis eWi couipicuossa Si consparlsou o! tise Chieago School o! Acting. A favored itus aslarge an ttendaun as vustise chaos >his 5go oftan prevaîla shoret snoa iss folova e Contne tise tat one gîvan hi em.st entertiumnenis given lu imal nOm- thinkiug 'thora lu a sud faling off un services aithlie Preibytanian ciinrcis munitias. To enomnersie eacis parti- udfeetiona o!flber isnsband. She ln cular selectilnan sdcomment us It gaiiseriasg doyes n d visbs aile coutid Sunday ai 10:30 a. M., 3 p. M.s.und 7 nunitetiseiarmony visicis ha.s ean p. m Ra. G D.Henar iiicooucidesarves le impossible. If tisera were iout. Sise receivai leiters o! congratis- tiseMo rninG. .servie Ti oser tunysnumhars utise progruss i sCislattons trous bar friands ragarding tisa the ria sivi cTd o y ey, w matt usecial favor tisai vera Liionse ueet teliciti o!lieor Maried lire. servce@willbe ondctedby ev.renderasi hy utile Mildred Poole and Tisese lattera usuke the loyal vite Oaeo. Buck. Suday ufiornoon tisermakably indignant tovardi Iser meein vii a fr ou nu su lr.tise instrumenital randutiolsiby tMr&.reue, tai tille umoment Mr. Buck viii usidrensatisa men ou a suis- C. N. Dursusi. Houeytan entera the room, hutsila vany tisi vli ie selfulundeacodig- ludresi Poole by bar demonstration ilînainresi. Ba tallaeiber Sa married ly ntresin. L i doied ha ao! axtruoîdiurî talant lu recing, ier simply te oblige ber visicisaM iy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g iatrsig ul eiitsiamore grief 10 pour Constances haut. large niushai o! men viliiha present. ingiug sud piaîing. by ber modeai Tisafsue? muni umusing scenesansd demeanor undsi vniing vuji von tise arguments liser isuaband le tisrouali Dapt Supreme Master, F. W. beains o! an appreciative audience. avukenesi ai last and racognisshie Rualikar, bas succoedesi lu securing a Encore foilovesi encane, and tise Utile wife's anger ta due tobis coldine»a andi iailitcient nuhai o! candidates te or- lady reapoudesi graionis, iherebi Tis Cmdtt efllwdb gaulas a local losige Mystia Woîkeri wlnning greater fuvsîr vlthbebr recitatious hi misses Clara Avei o! tise Woild lu Lihatyvila, visicis deligistesi admirra. ansi Mary Davis and a song by organizutioss yul take place tise lattairlira. C. N. Durand's instruîmeail 'MissM. Alice Davis, for visicis part o! tise presant montS Tise solections were lasiaacis instance ais- viii hae presented a dramatlc sketch, by J . W. Jones, autitiesi*,On organization le u goosi oua ans ieh- tlisiaicaiy aucoresi. Tisa manifeat tise Ilaud." Jack Carlytan, Baîrister coning vany popular. tir. uebker aisedispiayesi aveu lumost dilcuit ai Law, ia charucierizei by Mr. H .L. r h - tise rpressittive Peuple O! oui pieces ansi bar faculty o! luculcating Hall sud Milli Garland hy IMiss L villge n bs lii nsitis loigeyul ist a acianiul onsrucion ,~Imelda (iraca. This la muat cisarmiug. vilageon i% is an th loge il ino amecantaicontrutio, aIldepiet" tvo former lovais viso tari ontunudar unuanlly aupidlous spirit tist ipe&bi volumesliveewt site.udsia picule parti sud hi chh-ce circaimsian<bas. Ih iaundito become airains o!muniec, very Seservedli tisey are lort on tiseIlandi. 1 appeara oua o! tise trongesi orSon lu Liberty- makas lier uppearance tisa invariale slomatm efoe sa illypîula Jack ville.iSucceas to tise Myiale Wokers. signal toi applanse. lier technique l a lton euetued ily rlansd to ln respouse tW snvtations lhsînasi iiremarkable, iser conception vuse wviici iey neyer alte.r tisai ezclages vordss W. A. Demi, pioprietor o! tise Libserty- accords partectî, isanecetise lmoni untilt tieY met Ou teIselandi. Ha villa Hotél, aliout 130 guesis partook uexpliasue power tftsar misic. totrea ber assistance visich aise trya 10 make hlm Selieve Mlle viises tu o! hi ospitsliti on tisa occasion o! Tise quartette etompoiei o! Chsicasgo sieclîne, thougis aise ia more a.iisssns tise -opealug' o! bis bouse. White gentlemen was greated wvus flttaning Wo regain bis affections. At lait aise tise hoiel isas beau conducteil under approval. viie the recitailis bY tise recaives hie favori vitis tise lie- litsa nagementi for somea ilme, tisera misses imbal, Averti ansi Davis vere standing eise ini doln u tuim consîIdera- tioan o! thselpant. Heeaise plays, Ilika neyer isad beau a public "-opaning.' li keepingvlitiithe excellent isaracter ail vomen, a akilif iii gaule, sud comles Tiseisotal dining room vas convartesi of tisa entira prograin, sach ansiou victorlous hi regauinngtise once into a hallmont and Prof. Smiths ansi avary nîusîser o!fvisich In wortisy of ansi ieectas1baud ansihut. Tiese<cne orchestra, of Ciicago, turnîises munie siesarves cosuimeuiatioas. in laid on Lake Windmara lu a hoast durlg tse eenlsg Tbla ver lad -Tiseentariaiisent in not ouly gîven lu tiseisotlfice ansi11 partook o! a The i'nogram. by memisera at tisa Chicago wciool o! e aumptuonsi repâst, after vhicis ail re- Th isa estanuient t4) Se gîven utac ting but abia hinome<f tise leasing paird aain e te hal rom ad 1memiseis o!facietyInluLibertyvilie daning tuaasu o isgai t rome anAi tisa Tovai Hall ou Stuiday evening, viso are siotesi for 'thair grnd siin- duncna as gal neumes Ai Fei. 2. Iulbch favuresi vitis a fuît telectusl quaities in eulightmei, lun guesis vare presanted vus hbouqluetsi1hanse. Tise prograus hlav assuares a reiluemOnt unditunailthtiaiistitend. oo oara Is tise dressiuîg roams apîu gond eveninga enjoymont: 10 hriug sociuhilty ansd feiliti ta tise enierismg the isouges. 1ael h,. . ia .N DnnliumatSaut. Illat, 4.A . ......... r%.C. . Drnd Ail ara invitesi to attend, liecause hj _________________ oisssiesa-"AHa 5fPair. ,,>, viln orafo hi nîpolii DrcosWililMMeet. * Henny L. WaI and faslsaN a tie v roîl of are s yJujge ! sme .3înotr VmaalttOIo-........... mia M.Aice Davis otewrdo aeaiLgetnm Th'iere viii Se a meetinsg o! tisa direct- iiaotatioas-........ ... Miss Mary B. Davis o! tise ina jurta. Tisa abject o! lire or. sf isaLak Conu lcer o!Agn- Piua ois- . Mii Bance Knsiailentartuiniâteut la 10 liquldaîe tise dabi or@ tf theLake ouatyBoardor Ari- Pano Sit) .........dueMionBltise Rfuruttueuorthenmi tiseinpte rochihil cuture at ornes o!tise Seertary neai letaition-........ . iclava Avertit eiêe diuis 8 cns Fridai, lob, 18 ut Il a. m, runai Sati-"aihella lai.raBaerve se sats mates. Cash, UPH R ND THERE., Vlae bord mesti e ssion. j ~PICKED UP ER AFul board premant. n Minutes of Jan. rd read sud on LOCal items ol'lnterest to Libertyville Readers. ,motionIo!fI>uBois and Kclrn vere 4 pprovad. Tisa foilowW illbua e e C.m. &Alt. P. W. W. TI MR TAULS. Bear lu mmnd the uid Mai" 'Cou- repdrted ou tavorably by finance TOCNCAO.ventio ut Union church Tbursduay entdus sd warrante ordered dravu a.mCICAa.. ...l a...id >lanibaai on the respective funds. ludaortis9:91 629 4:U9 Tihe revivali neetingti beid during N. Kaber ..... I. u \ . lu 6 0..Lwf 75 Wamrutona:soaietishe preent va<k t tise liesbyteisraf H. LBorm'n............... eAn Londout 6:55:0 7:16 12.M 21 rcis by 1ev ueo. iBuck, of Ltocke- . ........ 1)4 Everàtu M" &.é 41 éLUfllBet, bave beau voit attended tir j .seaAS D8=1ed &80 7:66L9.81112:80 666pead er,................... .......o Sbemervilla i84 lm rLu lsé am &09Buck je a fluent aud ready seaer . 'oacw............ a M. ianlan .... 1'isorla>L UL 4454m 4l80tmpressing bis ilearera by bim earnest- W. Ds-?...... ............. ' Faon CIHICAGO. nasm and devotion Wto ise cause for H. GlS>!..... ............... 15 P.M. .M. PM. IL. whib bcW. »Ulrid . e............ ........s> LanP .B&lm -*66. *.29) @& .m vSe cs a abors. He iln a malt WholP.lt s7k............ ......... , Lv.uniPsa.ut. or l L4:20 .uktlrusa............... .........s> lv 14xe L i telles rapidly, expressing himsey ciia?- X»ilMY ............................. 75 Mersd LSU 22 &41Il 1'27 ILiiiy aud ampisatically, We vs tMr. . bad ....o...................ia l o a l m 5 L U : L U L U si B u c k t h e s u c c e s b i s a b i l t y d e g e r v e n M . F r e s h u un . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . rW .v4.4:116U L *8U ML U i n tise e v n g listie fe ld . M o v e d b y S ise rm al l a ni D u B o u a % sa t 9M bt.4255 Thse Bev. Dr. C. E Mandeville, Pie- for Jaunary of 348t.34 ba allovad end uusiirrva I LU42 LSoe sidlng Eidler o1 the North Chicago, placed on filIe. Carried. rZdeaodlY. s dainotea unday onu. itrict viii iold hiaesecond Quarlerîy Moved by DuBois and Rein tisat bill Waue Do mark apiissrs trains arm daits e. uoz-1k ± o f A. L. Burgator Decembar ha takeu espt uDs. Cneec t *tttk nStra romi tabla and placad on Ile. Carried. IiUNDAY TRtAINS. atternoon. Be viii preaci S aturdai Village Treaurrs report for montis Lv.Libortyvilis.4:55V.. Ar. Rondont 65.fl. evening t 7:30. Thera vill ha a Love of January vas rend and ou motion of Lv.Ubrtvile.Llio&AaD. Il .am as ndumrKlsaiSJ A 03 ein and DuBois waa accapted and Lv.Cisiao& LUSm. Ar. Uhrtvrus6Saa. .edo l. tp ia d mouay tuOhcaLPi. m. Ar.LibrtyYilIle r30p mtise public service vill hagln, at vhich on bsand Jan. lut 3M70.38. Beacived No.I. 9sndfl~lEOl&~Ou~ viiDr. Mandevlle viii presicis ollowe<à t»'front lcensea dnring months 347. ~o>~o,~îî. ure. ait;arris-tise administration of the Sacraemsnt of Puld oui dnring month 314.09, leavlng to IZ lDOU Ea;EeetlSDUil tise Lord& Supper. At 7:301 p. ni tise balance lis bande of traaanrar of 350.7#8. ILI hisauefilt Iit rrve.iD nlagoaiLioensa committee snbniltod 1:4 . a. pistor. Rev. Johnu Lae, viii preaci ons ordinance No. 95, whicis on motion of Tran N.U ssiben tiel' ut n fmtise folloving eulJect: Chirst thse Gallovay and Sherman va pLad ail a.~~~~~ u.digemrtla :etirlSentaa 180voting aya. a. m No m aivs Chess îta p m.Mo ed by Galloway and Shserman a5!l'ii isrmsamllê alia.m.Deeflld A ilelgis load of ivanty Young peo- tisaitisab Wauconda, Darringlon asd l2:2a-IL . ple of tise It0 G T aiarted oni for Waukegaii Telephoue Company haviisg Lake BlffTneiday evening, inteud- taken no alpe for tba complation of Village Coffee. atd thair line tsrongh Lihertyville, thut lngteatn installation of olheleris of tisir permit bc annnled. Cariesi. Pn ..................... C. B. AverillthIe siaaitisai place. Thse coui- eiin ina yF .Lvi 1rs ai1 LBot. ieon of the roade prevented tiseir get- and Fletcher Clark, praying tisait ia C.l.Sarsa. aauloallovar. ting furtiser tisan a couple oi miles hacgraniasi a franchsise ta areci iand Cleri . ................... W. C. i bonn mainan a toleplsone lina ta Liberty- Treasurer....................Mà. B. Colisi trramtisa village, howvva, but the villa vu rend. Noved biy DaBols and .olice Magstrate.............. W. Y. Davis ride va noua tise lais anjoyasi andi ail Ken tisai potion ha granted. Mur.n ...................... M. Pnresisisandaclaresi that tisy aiud au excellant Movesi by licoragor snd DuBois ________________________ ure. Tlree oft tieir number Vero tisai ond.iaamca No. 96 ba paisasi. ai L1BEBTYVILLZ LODGIX Ne. 499 P. & procipîtatasijuta a SInOv haut bY tise v~~eby Gallûvai sand Reinte àA. m. 3 laCOmmunRutIO" 2nd & 'th pitehing of thse allgis, wviicivas fun adjouru. Carriad. .11marays. R.Wb W bULY . lnbrto or ail but tise yoisigIimen5lu question. W. C. SivNOoNa, Clark. il. L Un. U50.To uhe ivo parties visom iissy mat No.ga arii. f P on tise rons d vio appriseil tbem au Old Malds Convention- L e W ojsýliovr~s 0tiste impassible condition of thse Tise ladien of Lakeside Cemetery As- - ýro 1 e iti; W 5 tisorongistareasd tise impossibiity of saciation Invita tise general public te A. P. STPLIs. Clrk. thair gtting ta Lake bluff they ta-a attend au "Olsi Mids Convention," - graieful, reafiing tisai tisai taried vhich viii occur aitishe Union cisurols Gu ngeof Deertieli, vas ln tovu bock isulle tooS w o avoisi a ýo un- Thursday andi Friday eveninga, Fais. Lane,17 and t8. A convention oft"oli ou buiness Tiedai. plaisant experiaisce malda" vill surely prove iuterestlug Old alda Coventon % Unonin tise extremansd It you appreciate OlsiMuis Covenion t Uiontise Ind Iriostu nature, ha on baud. cisurcls nexi Tlssîriday aud Frlday HELLO EVERYB-ODYI onYeu l augi until jour aides ase nigsis Tise program us arrangad appeari . - , ., 1. . etyvllI. To Have Telepiiole. berewitis: O ut 1 Alil these are necessary to conduct a lai business. We have the cash to nh.i our goods and the neti to make prices tow enoug reduce our winter stock. You Can Furnish The Outiet, And by so doing get prie on Suits, Ove rcoats,Caj blankets, Gloves, Mittens, S and in fact ail winter goocist should induce you to purchase' us everythirig in that Une may need for some time to cod YOURS FOR BUSINEUS, M. B. COLBY & Coi DEALEASI EEYTIO ibertyville, --li specia1 aue. For FebrumI Heavy Yard Wlde Muelin ................. 4 71c fine sea island mualin ............... >I iOc Lonudale bleached muslin ............O9M Ladies' ribbed veutu, sprina weight ..... o 25c Swiss embroldered handkerchiefu. 25c and 35e boys' walsts, light and dark eolora, 91 15c ladies' seamiess fast black houe ......li 20c children's seamieus fleece lined houe.. M~ 20c Men's fast black soce, double heels and-toeà JC Men's good, full size overshlirts ..........e 2 Sc ladies' f leeced drawers No 8 only...... I 75Sc and$I.OO boys' ail wool knee pente.. ~.Afi Winter Uloods At CosLe. Li bertyvilIle, The Fair, - - - Illn GRAND CLUB OFFERo For a short time, we wili soli And The Week ly 1Inter O0 BOTH ONE VEAR, For OnIy $1-7,5 Cash li.Ae4i CRQ~ER. Nerve,