CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Aug 1917, p. 1

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* TVL IND ps Big ýWeekrly ,WSeulCuaiyCouIuhe WAUKGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXV.-N«ý81. Married ~nMe iea f f idav#t Tgth wIth WIfe - TWILVNP4 LIBERVLE , fLr TAXE OUNTY,ý Another oWM rasdmtof 1Labo coua. ty paaaad say aturdir layeeng foi- Maroh il, 1844. Bu ýe Wut vItla hlm paubts ta i& n .et i R"U"selL4 >Scney pwhers-htewU auctd aia, lto a w idur N. andaàa hird ar8ty. Thore a haveheu!a ée m laas - ~~~~Western Lah outwb-aêle HEAV'<PEnALTry-PIIOtED. latter ikv it Mv. 't" lvIlle. lu _1altroamth1 e laaoig id o Mr& C. Sumermky or, ii~ftt SerIous Offen s-i 0,000 Rmsoo A n fflr . viilabaiu Fine or Prison, lu the,. É cucba aa~lu For s martle junn n daim oxemp- Mr, Melville lsys breother kl tion - by r0souOn f dePeMdnti .thredren. attIdavltm mueti ho lied wvltheb l ______W__ ad exemption board. one by the heus-7 band, another b>'»e vite and je third by the band of a familly and a UH t..U realdeut of the district or solauLy. Thé tbird affIdavit Io the M olsL portant, retabulrlg oeof the etiol, 1 l u f AI. est Cath>,.6mble. The penalty for talliug t e site the facto la ivo YOaM jAY ' ln prison «a sfins Mt to e xes PIe nature of the. affidavits are such tbat ai>' pirson yul think Iples Fab'Tni Wi.zn i beor. clslmlag uxom<tlouunlensa aFhkoas wf la lagslly satilséltu lL AU affila. 5fJfh>,joW atier bt m .p. vite muet bhori la lefore a nI& tir>' public and fled with the exam P. Into a DeepIfoe., tion hourd. The facts as mated lu the affldavît, ara then subjectod loaua investigation b>' the board members. TEN TH DROWININ& NOFYMAR and If round ta Rie nuirue Ibis ftctIm» recorded aud the entira, matter piae- ed In the bandaeofthie 'Ioderai au- Body Is Reccveied in NFftyf The buabanda affidavit muitgive Mlhlt05.bit Lit.Wa.s Ex. ., the nome et' the vite anad obldren. If; tinot at the lime. there are an>'; mua, state lIesauru- Zog .f the buban. the tuome hoe 'ecelve.s other tan tram, bis vi la- The deacia coU b>'- crovning la bors, thlàe liome eut bis vite Inde- Lake co uniy t"i sesjou ftsobed ate pendnt of hisecielabore and tejtal of ton on Sunda>', via. Wnsk, income of 5i7 of bis childen. . the- aigRt ysu OUd sonet Mr. aid The vitea affidavit muai$ata te M lucomr, ah. esiota other lieu that Mau. Charleos Týs oinbise hmliteslU' derlved frona ber buaada labor, the Grayslaka. The acident happes«t licorne of ber ebldr An ad othar about 2 oockle.thé onaom .TbI; tacto, tReisasme as tatai by ber Ina- ~ rmr<a~m seu band. The attidavit 0ftilheIbird part>' tm ar, bat anl efforts at rosuseltation binlimg. To male tic affMdvt te w.« in tala. Thé hor's fatar lu third paty pmut have, ai 'lulte eapoyed ai the Amm its oua knowledgs 0f th hssband and the Vifs; ha muontiaov thuir incarneThe famly bas lie tai u Ggymlake whether ihs vIfs bas a esparsie lia- MMil yaar ad la vry vali 1mev. corne, vbether the ebildren have au>' fi bat vicnlt. mesana0f support trom, trust tunds. WIti a plariate, of '", me s1%. lu mtet mitsilaelleW't.e$tata defli.msbyvsltmigl h Wav niteS'theftacts ftroms ausaiae0 O s bW ut*lk knovlelgs, Ho mas utv0ieur 10v theao"aeit baPPueul Thi Mas - lé hoseo bae y ilshelei le hoPoo- uompartivsly abalbv &long *bu ~~'o<te ohm. bu a short distaceout if te n bacom éie e, 'sver>'ail, a. n- Ihi fir 181aduit siaUlludrelglng bas Issudoue The bu»an re Wevla the wassss- l3e ai« ofrh tb tlm lordU«pso" M m ter did Bout kw- 09 To la exemol m the pousde thsb the as ala a former o ai M t iM bis tact or dina* rsails thai Ihe> labo1 thel oottau esai pp vore loe stelia danger point. PIe> bafrthOeil ditriet loard. No clalme wavue aWsiaabout n he saalaiow va- fer oceuputiom a mpUion vilihé tr,* «ft elehOte »d ai hoard bers. Waahlmgtou. July 23-OuI>' @thle buti unI et atimu, vhei sud- suffering trou permanet dlsahilliias dandy b.oepped inta ieep vaber, ean hope tu Is exempted tront the and ssii. draft for plymicai uniitaaus.Hie playmste dld sailu lnbs pover Thase Instrucions, uiderlued. to cave bus but coud net réoch for vere seut te the .upie*on boarda anougb. Thai he OurfmzModiOlder toda>'. jPpia. Mbo t yli re tbey hmaora- Tbe proveut msubaf'u office an-j rivedtittle itvctirn lad souai for uouuced bhurvatlou or bospital the tblrd aid Rai tise. camps pn<£aatly vi111Re establisbcd Grazailiag bois ver. secured and wit ,h cotounen« t, rund into the aearch for the body tarted. in-. shape thonsesufferlng frena moral>'aIl>'Oeeof the boYs lu dltlng loctea temporary dlsaahllties. 1 tRae body and broughi It te the sur- (loueraI Crovder aise ruled tbat face. Dr. Palmer wum uummouod aid thare vlî le n* clama exemptiens for 616 ail lu hie power to revive thbu u> occupations. lut itfe vas exflot. The 2body vas The ruling vas on a mqerY fromn removed to lb. Siraig ulderakiig the coal production committee of oUtabllabmeut vhere thec luquesi viii tRie Counciliof National Defeuse wetheru ierA a a aclosam yul hb RI4ë DCA E exeptd. itoccupatloual claimes RO M SILJ D wlli bfe declded ludividuali> ffttPT May Draft Ail ,600000 <QIVEN DIJI E BUT t ici possible al] o! the 9.600,000 or more men reglstered may lao culled CA N T 4U T for ezamînablen vitblu lb. non Yser C N « 'U ' or tvo, as tRie var deprtmesita leWashlgton, JuRy 2-It la atot un- authorlzod te draft addlIUoDal men îavfuî tcd give avay lfiquor ta men in ai wnil ta fil! the gapm Lu the diifted uulforma accordlug to lultrprltion srmy. 1, of the lsv hy Assistant United Slalom Only two lucrernts ef 600,A00 are Atorney RsIph (Xiten. vho toda>' expected te Rio dravu, 'lut amalaer refused la prosecute personeaor- hatches te replace tbose. illIud 'or restei for "tretine" soldiers. -He wouuded may reacl a large total. cied tle lav vblcb la: "h 1h11!l ho Marriage ns>' exemIt à mai tromunulavful ta sel «uy-Inoxcatig il- tbe draft, even thougb marrlad afler qu.or, Inciudig besr, ale or winç, te reglstr4.ton. accordiug to animuof- ai>' membar of the miliar>' forces ficiaI Interpretation of bRe regulations vblle lnu aaaform.- - 4y Pravoat Marsbai (louerai Crovrd-Ï or today. 'Report. vere rscelved b>- the aber. The regulatious exempt men vibRi Ire office lent Saturday arttrnon déi:eudènt vives, vithout regard ta that tRer. vas a cray Vortn a the. Urne of the marrisse. The pro- Gurnea. An Invastigation aboyaI tOi mâribalgeneral Relevea h there vasDo u nta ta herupori. The 6bouîd rosit ltheh.local boards taof oman vIe siarsi tas repM 'wuva decide vhetb.r a niaià Ias rnarrIad atiag.a libife'quear. but la sald to te saee pa co urltàa,.bave boas tfe r am lisaie, IMU ZD4Â, AUGUST 2,1917. AREIS S1Iw Fred McViety, Won Known Farr, Vim et.ired' Man's Angor. THRS WOUNDS IN BODY. -W.u oa, o»Uathe7.-amas4mtone' fia ibte hl& - trou a abolgun LU tRie bande ofPfai Lelman, a blred min, emPlOyed ou thi place. 1.hmaaz lusuRi lus ingsoaagbt b> Depuy* hsrff HOMor <Ske and olisas th 1e village, vbo are tr>lug t e tracs, O! blm, for'Rie dlsap- lacared e the saotng. .Thea voundsocf McClety vere ose severe ibat As feti the enly place b. couRd bf properi>' csr.d for voufd Rie laua hospîbaf. mo ho vas rusbedi te Cblcago, vhea . e lubeing cared fer, bslng eakamB I on a train Ibis more- bid Mot Gel Up. ît..ulan d16 nat gat Up tRie moru- fig fer breaiisint oblis employer vet te bMs rooila and roused blrn. Ha1 camae dovu Bir4si, tlai aid vsled directly from 13e bouse. He tbaiddova the road and shortly uItOrWar< MeViet>' trted afier hlm. Nes oerto inta and ad: "Wlsrs are you golng?' - "l'Min g o etovu,'* aald Lebman. ««Yer.e t goIgS ta feave us vitRa tbe bsy ready tinRie brought lu. are Yen?" asici MeMiet>'. AIl île tipie he vas valing loir- ard Lebmau. vbe asld: "Don't corne qucla clsear, or Ili shoot you,-- rais- lig lais Aàashaeaid IL Mcflhsi listerthonght ho veaud Camwg*it1%a ibretn uhaohei u 191hng t»tvrd elman. The latter râlasithe gui aid tlrod. 'l'beabat tool i faect jfi Mevtetegr ara andten saeplurIelta ru»t oy- *rd Lehmai telake thae gCi tront hilm. L*habuas. efore lia employer cVUli«et lntalm rsi &ain aMd tse WM toak effeci fi McVlsty hep oMi &1-o -rne petrated bis nemi. ne f011 to the grouail and Lebuan. le- listIng lbe bcd illed is iampoyer, teried off througb the voods on a ras.L lir. UlcYlat>', bsaring the shetg, rue cet Mv ber balaid prons Oft l*0 = - »0<l cuflsia doctor a&l thoi notfflul eint, Elerli Ilmar oeoke.o, Ie, vlisMci gamer-. hariulta the tarains larclet toAlmHe bs adisappaaroi as If the earlb l" aU vahovi hm. The Ilciet>' tarute tour rnlles omtb of Wauconda au thc famlly la veil inowvia i tevillage. Pdi on taoda>'laimlad alor 4p, animus tovard bis employer aid bad vorked for him for smre tîme. LOCKED UP IN COUNTY JAIL Waukcgan, Jul>' &S. Vuea Lebuai, aged 34, chargod vith havlng abat is employer, Fred MaTait>, a farmer living about four miom SOuth of Waucouda, and Who vas souiet al aYJdy F16>'b> an arm- -cd pose, f ed b>- Deputy Sheriff Ho. mer Cooi o! Waocouda, vas taken lute custody about 6:30 0-eleck lu tle evcnlnz. Ho had f1e6 te La're Zurich &fier tRieshootlcag. Realdets Of tRai village vIa bad heard et the uhoo0tlng affair neifliedtRie deput>' aherif aid beRastened tber. and made bRe arreut. Lebinan vau taien Rack te Wau- couda sud Sheriff Grifflu sumrnoned. The prisoner vie brOugbt te Wauks- gami aid Iodged lu tihe cont>'jli, vhere he la eaf tlng the prsllmlnary hearung vbich vIRl h ein Refore Po- lice Magsiraie Waltber 'Paylor Ibis aflericn or taaalght. MIerlif Griffin assorti tRiai a charge Of "assuli vih latent ta courait murder" yl lahopreferred <Contiem npag n e. LAIR FOIRST GETS OFFR -FR01 ROAB MOKIROY rOoad "bllr-ul Lake for- estl t o le reeorfacei aid maie a Ivaluabla Dort of 1themliari, rosi along the uortb ahore, according ta an agrement reobed Thursd ia> u t, hoiveoM the ILe Foreat aldernien a"l rilton 1. Budd, preehdant cf thu O«à bora eeecie railva>-, vblcb ba& leen lbretened vils revocation o! franchise for faluare te nmae r.- pairs. Thp lnprolvemseî vWii "M IIE §OT U. S. FL4IN FRC Tbe LAeW si ga o of the Red Cross bIl aa 9 i og aitbhetovi il WdselIl <e.s Martin wbo ha@ finlmbadlis+ el sud qualfil dfor inàtrne$or losnt4resrg iad charge 0f êU<4 li orber Instrulilon the amombers *a n garil bandage@ sud fracture#4 Two douat6ob~~ receled, on@ a cenil for $#19 f fi latba Cheever vil ber eédM nation', the other trom J. W. #4 gand avote of ti ipthak a ~ . th aie donors. The nez# i sU~il hbebeld ai the towo bail sti nln yalternon eômmsfo"gIgl a'olock. Mi@. Eva Martin aeha*a&Mho1vImh to lake up the urgficul worik 5téS41l apair of shears and siiver hallS A ki n .s~ bu beau purcbased from spa .0 paswbieh will bc bers in tb. ne.? future-, ire. hMartin wîth the Young ladiesanet Uo'ldaIR veug, LOCAL .F BojSENDS The Local Dcat,'Soard for district No. 1. Lake Catioty'. DiUNOl, bave flnlsed thel r prsllmil yVrl and bave the lista compilai] for thé draftlng. Notices were sent out Weadv and todas and aIl noticeswlfll o. ut Il tomorrow The fiot as eoupfled contaIns 65l4 exaulons will be con- ductadin tbMËlr1oover Triiggs & Tayioa' store 9 iclgAug. 6. c on. ,tlnulng te 8aturh,.Am ue 11 lias quota tt bu ln thisdistrict As 327 men. rëô.oinx are. imlmbers and samsetram Liberty lafi bis O§Mi Cali, the Ilrs umber bolng the Llabillty No. and the second la thes Serlul or red lnk No. 20-1572-Peeton, W. Dougl 82-2166-kora, lIguda 46-1287-Zegur, Codel4$uewood 50- 17-Goldsnberg. bikm la. 51-1546-Brunadrett. Bad War 66-1986-Philipe. Wu, Aleanaader 78-2181-Waers, L.Ro EL 108- 140- essyer, Ibo"r 140- 46-Il doeas.bmgt"s 144-1955--Ccl Omisaula 152- 117-Jeasen, Abrt & A. lie- 76-4Isatley, LuvMs 167-1549-Dcurldas sbe 173- 97Vabrl.lyjus« 174- 988-4iumtafoIN, Udg 176- 966-Bseearl. Céislem M. 188150-HalkB rme~ 192-2124-Dabiqulsî, Morses l98-2850-Wlléa on, BvardLsButo 200-2182-Grebbel Ch" ya. 215- 982-0ould Icrnkil 257-16TO--lelkà, George 266-2119-Cowles, Lawrence 274-1211-Proctor, Mrlus Caton 277-1574-Pester, Barry Alfred 28à- 56-I>owden, RHurbari Charios 286-1956-Uattapan, Sanie 291-1580-Scbeeilel, Thîomas 292- 54-Ciarleora, Berger 328-2108-Andrewm., Adrian 1R. 34- 970-lirown, Erneat Harold 355-1543-Butta, William 367-2116-Bennett. Dean C. 368- 128-Lltweiler, Itaipb. 374-1981-Menegazzo, Gilovanni 886-2167-liyers, Jeee Il 395-1551-Boiet, Abert 402-1595-Hoenes, Julius Jomspb 405- 108-Fut, Cliford 408-1585-Smart, .Alfred (Claire 410-1221--Strand, Pbllip E. 415-2109-Bowznan, Charle C. 418- 51-Brookhinzen, Richard 466- 122-Keilffcr, Charles Poster 496- 974-DutdleCarsu BWianc 517-1284-Waldo. Abner Wooton 524- 121--Kennedy. Fruitl 9. 54112O5-Morrls. Mm. Hovard 5&252- Lawrence, Osop C. 548-2189-8es", Samuel F. 568-2158-Mublke, Oren 13. 569- 180-Lovell, Clarence B. 572-1996--ýSage, iBarry 6.7- 168-Young, Richard E. 589-1995-Krumnrev. Auguiil 591-2147-Ksllner, Boy B. . 541-1205-Morris, Wm. HOuard 59"-177-Tboren, Oliver Rerman 600-2111-Beltael, Jacob 609-1214-Petges, Prant PIlq 616- .49-Dockeimsn, Loiuis Wllii, (184-9143-ru4lin. jaîmer ùft8-1961-EllBdwvil *.,,, 650-2181--éoeti, Barry !3ntilI ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEÂR IN ADVA~M41E.. Unalk to PurohaseOne, HIs oughtr -Came to Reue and NMade One for Hlm. TELL.S 0F ATROCITIES. Asserts That Red Cross la Do- ing a SWludIdWork on the Eurôpean Battie Front. Hov bis daughter tilled thie rois a! IL seconidaBta>' Romsuad Maie an American flair for film no that ho couli look frequsuily upon 014 Gb-. r>'.l ta albeing tbld b>' Joseph Haus, a justice of the puace ut Waucouds, Who lut roccuil>' r.turned vitRa bis famlly t roms France. Mr. sud lira. RasaveuttenFrance several mentIs ago to brnug bock vîth thea ibeir daughtor, Misa Yvou- ne, vbo bai litai thora vitb ber graîdmother for about ban years. Mir. Ha" bhid negloctei te taie an Amo-, ricai flair wth bintanad ho mîased the st4reanad atripes. Everyvbore bce veul Rie mv the, Iri-oor flag a! France. lie endeavoeite purclase an Amaercan flag but falled. Then bis daugblr came te tRio rescue and hâte0 Bls>' Rom dit! over a century ago, Beved a flag. Mr. Hais cher- flIes ibis flag vory maach and bas exbibted It la many of bis blonsud. Recouseofo!bis manyi>'ltaroatlug experlencea Mtr. Rias bubeauin l dornaid si many fuscioýns vhare b. bas irepeat.d hlbit ory. lie duosa soi somsteatire of r0geutlng the mai>- hsters5tlaag tines ho ba"daid of the horrible atrociies bi ltnosed. Ac- eordlng Io Mr. Imas the pDupin et Euroe face an alminflasuasoutable tank la lie reconstruction perlod ibt' vili folbov tRie par. Mauy citle., bave been no compfetoly, dostioyed, b, -sYs, Ihat lu Man>- flalssthora are no Ivo atones atanding onu eh otler. TRie Red Cross, ha usys. la pur- f ormina anoble von lbui are tu af Of ail th*, fonde uhal qui bu sourad Kir BsuasuMie be oua Iseiama dotait a mepi I & v oek te cus telsg soldiuwm. 1Ttoeis 82,<00 te salpueut famtIely Iwo veais LAST SUNDAY Thé patrietie ral>' héid ai Kenioeb Park lait SundAy aternoon ln thé inter- eset o! the DM Cross vort lu Laie Cont> vwu a great sucsses thaugRi the attend. &nsucwpu olt asgood asmiRis realy excellent prograna rneritod. enator Redue>' B. Bvlft prelded and lntroduced Mayor Addnugton of Lake Foroot. vbho gave a concise but canaprebeusive report of the vork being doue by the four patrlotîc trganizatiomn u t#city. Lake Fareet Ile ertainlv ta be congratu- laled on t.he effective wav l inb h li meeting til important brancb ot work~ Ex-lice. Deneen vas tRhe lutrodueff and bel d the engroooed Intereât ofaie audience for one and one-baif baur vRille ho delivered a naoet echolarly and com-I preliensive revlew of Anarelau hiator>' and ideale It wam a woie»rfnll.v lu- ipiring addreos and tioae wbo vers fortunate enugb ta hear Il cannot laul to have an added appreclatiou of theo master mind ai lbe speaker. Reports trom the different branches of lied Cros. vork lu Lakey cour.>' tallaved and the auuonucomaent vas made tRiai a Laie counl>' Chapior bad been tornasi to faclllate more intenive work lu thé nov uuorganised portions@oetRihe couni>'. Those branches siready orgalmsd under the Chicago Cbapter wiii bave the privi. loisof otranslernt n athe Lo.eeont>' Chapter tbti @placlng Ibi lorritor>' wbers It viii zecive credit for lie van and funds, lnstosd of those beiegt crsdied la the Chicago Chapier as berebofors. linj. lograbaansd Mrs. arumon ver, beard la several dnéesand verse eniyed as their cellivalad and hsrmonions volens.alwaya are. Au n llru.ting isît vas given by-a -preetatlve etoRi Chîcauo Council of National Dèleece. -On ile Jil.. 'Te BWPa4X h»«W Ib»asta thWh inouthla mI nad lu stil labualutos EIIMLA(IPARK. PIIESI 1SI1SERVES SILVER JUIILEE A group of old' friends and clama- matenunmre twenty-ftve or' mors, guthored Sunday withthe Vs Try Rer. James D. &NOMeU for the celebration or hie ordination ilver Jubiles. Dr. ONell la roctor of the Clauîro f the lmmacuiata Conception, Highlandf Foflowing the rcn seviesthÇ Dr. O'Neil »resided, and lDr. ]EL P.q amitb of Uvanston vau ioaqmastsr. There veres peeches and louais. and the o14 friands had a Joily Umse 10- geiher. A delegatlon of lsbt or t.n Creux lMilwajakee came dovi for tbe occasion, ainong them bolng, Dr. OHearia sud Dr. J. T. Berg etflit. Francis saminary of Ibat clty. A number or aludenta and puplia vers al». proeut. $10t000 JI3WEL ROBBERY AT hUit' LAÀ" PARK SUNI)Y Caraloina White, Grand Opera Star, Victim of Midnigtt Theft at Private Home. FINGER PRINTS TAK EN. Singer's Husband Persues the Thief and Fires at Him but He Makes Escape. WuukoganJUly Sc. A midsuanmer's nlght burglar, te wb0m botveatlher s"Ont moe n l- dow and ogportw4ty. ie .s able hatil sarly Bunday morning wlgà he mude away vih $10,00 Worth ofj jewelry belonaing te Carolinej White, grand opera singer. miss White, Who is uiigliget a- a luaPak lgland Park h. ad ehum- vnia l« Park. ashewai ber bus- band bave beeu staying ai the roota- fig bonne of Mr&. Arthur lit Peter. 6 izatins avenue, Hithland Park. j Mmlsceh opened bar engagement la Ravina Part. Foflovlng the performneS oaU day eveing île ivo retersai boua. «id uoai rtin; thw epas 13 Windows te cet the vagean19 ed by a BnoeMd sienavaweblbg Miss Wite s.5vaatmiursdbsapeust throftb a vlndov. 8h. aroumel br9 busband, Who gave.- cbaq*4 Oaln.d l puauu, but the lurirmade bis supe. but la bis hante droPPel tvo9 baadiar'chiefa. The Hlgbland Park Polica vers nontillod ad tarted a éauroh. The lewelry conalated of a- dlmmond =4d paon necklace, rings and a lanai lier.. Misn Whie olferad a revard ef $1,000 for the returu or recovswrry of the valuables. 'Two men have been sha*lowlng me for a veek," sa16 Mme. White. Fer. baps they followed me te Chiago from New York. 1 alment rai lite them as I htepped from the grill la Highland Park at miduighi SaturdaY evenlng." The burglars gained entrance ta thé bedroom by cuting a mlit ln the wlre screen door on the poroh. Not tbree feet from the vlndow miood the dressing table ln vblch the prima donna hud hlddon ber JeveRs. *lAnger Printa are akskster Deteciven arrlved atthe aSt. Pete borne ai Boon Satnday ad teok Im- pression@ of the finger prints lefti hy the thieves. Mme. white says it may h. deys before the wlll be able te appear ln concert. The Jewels taken, accordtng te a liai given te the police, are one dias- mond bar pin set wlth mpphiras and diamonds, Ivo solitaire dlamoud rings of ivo caratssacb, oua &ce1 taire dlamond ring soma 09oM 084a pearl necilate, one e rMI and da moud lavalligre, elght msuu diminest sculplta, one fsucy' enamaladmai'. watch, oine plain gold uibL Snerves tRain lin9gu;te £à int oe.- 0h1o tate Journi. " 1 -1b. ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER, YFýAR IN ADVAAFM Frank CuI laSecodVictini ofR8obbers A t où SMANGERS OTHER. viryis Second Sensationai Qâmi- renoecf the Kind D"lg. Pust Few Days. About 10 Volc Saturtey svann Juiy 214 snather attempta hohiup ut an auhtomoilestoaliplaca abff hml. s Mlsesat of NlM Dey on tuse ri Iasdiag from Malt Q. Yte gwua. It waa about et theammepeint on Wsdfseday' svanIng. July M ,that thre a laitDay maon wsre hald op MW robbad of veluabla ttaUing about $150. The victimse ofthse fOnt holduP woe erat Lsmm, Ray WyUye a&M iliver 8. Hasien, of Hall Day. Detai lae ofthe robbery of thon mon ippasrsd ln Thuraday's Pslliy Ss. The latsmt viotimes of thé W euf b . holduapa, althffgh t13OFruele iydPM Prove victi ma badlsethey gos avu>' wsrs: Prink cuhiy,' a Weil knswg resicdent o eVrnon atownship and 1tus atomoblloatendu ofpeople vhs Weis Psssng tlihaghe. Pour ahota ivere flred, onu muaM vas Iurlad from lbhe runngu md of thie CulIy car, and anotkecMr ta vhîch a party of six pomesva rfding toward Htighwoa.d, dmbad peut the point vbere the hlgbvagms. ut In valt, ai about Otty Miles an boar and thus ascaped 13alr abots, Dý at a rnlnq lb "mes iai CUUfy bl!aduei Prairie v(lew la hie Mawell auto, Ois stand 10th âOtsbla bh e aàUP. - eti. osai of Naît Day. vima a rt digtaM aout etf Hait bla vtol- le é,aautomobile vblobvus lng vsât. TIe automoballam 14,la hlm la substane:- "Irou hud latter look Ut. ga You lad botter go backbom b a hait Mlla soit Iirsu s, Wite bobO us UP. Tbey 1v"aissook . rad aid ordred ns ob st9i v tbe on apeti 1d"eu-1 ehalqtcthtiat chott aituM, alon. hih te eela Ismr, le b MeOU rd oheha Il, pou lai hutlu cosu mee Sem fiiè V Maures h* lad better uu MODU oueau.anather era Vu machins, also going «ea. eg outid thee crcuantamcsate t00 hw, vaer of the seood car aud the bSug sald ha vas Wlin# to talma a eiaa Mo ibrovlaag on aul possible qste... about Ofty miles an boui, las taffl seing sont aas ft as ha Coud. Tbu hoe vent by tahebvaymei ut a ellp vblch eaggsied tbsm la the eaclu, ïïaof TuliT. Wholn fibi u iv did not bit up such aspsed. Hovever, ratIer -bestatingly, Cul>y Proe.ded along luntol he reuoed Politabout a aîfile usaiorf HsIý, Dat tbree imou came loto1te oaê sud demandod tRait he hait. n~e $t no attention tu thena. bowevar, &M- vhlle be vas gaing abeut twapty- miles sn bour on. of t1h. ràoi.à more darlng Ibai lbhe tlbqgaf*t> ternptod to lump litot. 3 eut AI, catch bina. Tho~ feliov laaped on i;i ruing board snd Cully touid It ne,- ceesay te give hlm a aboya ate et bina off the car. Me décaruis, ha ieVYes lbe Mai Muai hava bos lSp 0f wben he gava hlm tel obet sr cause he vent upravllng filjute dltch. Wosa Young Ma44K CUllY said thatube Mm neaaimgi, * ble Young. la tact ilety Y** , ed ilat tboy vira poUa li'l15a "à leu r 0"ae. Wben Cully g»t borna ha ttasM.. etd over bisa experimmea lIai le . lecied 10 cal! oiasnhgis vasM not ili sua*Wao*t he vent to Bd Mal Cep' buéS is clrcumsltaic.u aulUg The tsct thal a ms .hOliUp could 4 .a short tim0f ai' b (Cotfnsi - @

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