kV ~' ' BisWeekly " "PEND(MTf WAUKECINWEKY Justice of the Puce of Village Had RutUlai loo TOO- It Proved $atai. INJURY CAUSE). DROPSY. At Me~ Tmle Was Internai Rev- enue Collector From This Distrit-Aged 55. Eeur>' Deifer . justicpof Skie Pence OfLbrt-ll township and one ôf caIli>'. lied aitkils home ait 3 oeloci P'rias, ;Çovember 2. Death vs.lIrecti>' lue Se draps>' but It desviops tintthIke Iropslcal conui- tien vas the consummnatlen of an ac- cient vich lb. enceunteretj eome- lima &go vkionlbe aleppel on a nal tint penetratel bisa t0e. Tbhesllght taler>'iI net beal an exPeetel il voul andIpoison kiegan to sprosi tkroughout hi&a systein wbIhlei ventuli>' eveiopel Into drap- a>'. Mr. Dobler vas about 50 yesre af age sud leaves a vite, thece are ne children. He baslilvel is Liberty-. ville about dine yesrs havIng couse tr- Se maie kis resîdence when h.e vas appintel Internai revenue col- 1e-tocrarm thia district. ell beid tIsaS Positien for tome time but en acvount ot fafilng ketb s year or no ago ke gave It Up sud ince. hat lime bas contnuel bis residence In bIb. efl>!IllIe ad vams quiSe active iu po- ilitcal nattera. so- s couple of >ears aga ho became a candidate fer justice oftbli pete. and vas elected. He vas aerving t the ine of kils death. Te romaina ver. aien to Lancete. Pa, fer, banal. ishioe kavlag beesformel>'a In t it>'. FARIES' OSS ENACES PLANT F GRAYSLAKE PAPER Presence of Five Oeputy Sher- if fs Said to Have Averted Troublesome Time. PLANT HAS NOW BEEN SOLD. Ellis Company lluys It-Edi- torial on Miik Raises Ire of Farmers of District. - Ovr I2i ,farinera 111<> îspd aî,l- tie PUb)lIcatIoln i tht, rayslak,lr,' bue la-t wFe-k of!an.iti trle citiciztng farina rî,t-,rlfor tht posilîor tîil,.- bal aS.suînvd ou th'- nîlil, sisuatiati and c - n-ta lita-ni;a;-uillar tlu thie 1. W, W., wvoul 10 lb, ofk-,- outIhe OraYFalse Tribune Nlondsay .v,îîug and but toc the preet-ilce oftfive do- p)uty akeriffs it la declsr,-aIthere veuld havg been serions trouble. Ac- corllng lu <Gryake peoplelb.>' vere lier. for Skie exPrep purpose, Ilia l8a0ceeOf theni. of "cleanlng np the 000e" mandlnidental>' gi-ng the eltor, lie Bey. C. A. Miler, a gool trenuncbng lunaeturn for vbat the>' terMel an unjutljed atýaci on them and tieir nieliade. IlePut>' lint?!Hcks af Wauiegan AUd four Otier deputles r. present snd accrdlng to a report frem Grays.. laie, lae Meula>' lgit il vas enl>' their presunce vilh averted possible vrecing efthle nevafpeprplant. An' t, ae Monda>' nght came lh. report fron, GrayM&kie ta Skie effeci. -liaS Editor Miler iba slI kilointer- te lu tise nevipaper te lie MiS Publlakiing Company,. publiakiers of lie \enaW.zi]te,"The Searchllght." William 01111s, lieB of the Searckiigt com-4 panmy. etatea that kils son, Kennetki. viii be editor of thse rsysaie Trib- une korealer snd announices SkaI be and bis compan>' look formai posses- sMen of Skie plant Moula>' atternoon. A00ordngl>', th. Ellis compan>' va. Ovuer etthle lime Si. fermers called liere In the evenlng ater baviug ar- iuflgelanu appoltmenî vltb Edilur Millet fin Ssturday' aflernoon. Wile explanalions are mal. Siat th e eeLi.g ua aver>' kaieoue mmgMa- «.Tr w . - I . '-1 '1~~ - Siestie l ihfrd Wh .fbo . M C.A. Iii evulgav.seogrgs - n o EI IN Mldred Oreli, th e13Yar old girl Tunibuneie.eu lira 0fn bl orth d i- udodto ____Tentki StIréatSJ4rth Chicago, and Who Tr kl nS« n p r-M,-Klè fNrhCis Nt uay@mg vsen@g.pRODUCERS WHO REFUSBLD OF.cased te POloodepartmnenta or Bt aantbrba~d ad1 Kl FElO $ PRt NOIbI.ro. cille.,tu conduct a sesrch pjts' o.T i tiaebs o kieL uiet àvrilot owuiip FEMr.U PRCA SLG for her. wu gtveuae hearing ln courity H A. he bl a. ielb tonvoeHnhd'lam C6Ufethe M.ii 0. e ugrat u iesr . E T ACET 2.6 court Iudgg P. L. Per*ons ths Moro. MACHINE DROPS 100 FEET. 1r.KleysBiht kesdh r s ~fand One H "- vice 58 Ski M. 2. enuoki lu blbetyvlhlo - ~Ing and ve, foltid te be a dependent-bsnd ermaid tW ao, la ou t i n t h l'The. M c. &.W <lk R W R O M R D C R . chid. Sie vA 00comaitted te Sth ePar' i' ay Sm ith»and Guy M ilis, Test .. ugu a t 50, v12 m mred t l a f- S XTEoMNnA U &etwe bouhu kes tien NORTH SHORE -DAIRY WILL pAy Ridge Scheel fer girls and the co- i Ma ine Have ClSe1 1.0gg 0 93 .d.l f ITE E Ser.wl b li st e nu C ,orgacsplg la H252T R USI IO nitrument PaPe"ota re turned ovc osMaile in Fait to Lake. the full *So*ledge anld consent of bee.1 Opertives EDoclare on.m the 90MSkie Y . .a. ogi Cnvonl 700E I 1fU RI a i.B ryof mt>rapNbaio ! - iband, the returned te the 1flllnois ixenTo hv Skegwl hyaedigi oncio ie u fSi buycut Wakg.No. .61Training Sebool for nurses at Ch[- 'th the training 0 0 o he co~<!untry The fear Of s m ile trike thro g but The girl a a BWY from er hom " ThrilIt a ' e sent hrough t .ho bodies c gSv eiske wshexteopet oe n Leav thttIt. and ie trecbeathe front. thi district ad the indications bat ln North Chicago bout a week ago . cefgc oiosIismriag liteorse inétraiingtecmpot ona u egan. v6 pay 13 or 14 cents aquart fo mii aukegan tassili residing on Sout!io o .dretdtWarýd thee lako .1Thent e wssto rel asiter"sid, Mthe at ffeai u roUg e * 4 day evening viii b. addreoesd by ssverai ha. been allayed for 1Sthe présent et Jacksonatreet. This Ivoman gave h-r about oppoufte 1leieviderO sro, o th asud- thte a thees th ae t alSatt i on la hre fiet lia able speaker. suiong tbem are experi- t f t.adta tteedo htLi« aa ttotefaet lal enced Y. M. C. A varker. Atorney B. ]osat. Aau1the resait of scompromia.se uflieut nney Se returo home but they obeerved a hydroaIrpI:eno b«I lime ber h,>eband vas te have pro- lion of the klnd in tSbe wrM, teu 0l. Mtilier, 1ev. C. fi. Zabel of Armes, dreached lu Chicago flrday aftruooa. iistead Of tdolng Ibis the girl vent SUinq in the air, appaently In dittra, vided a bomne for thern. Keiley, skie vre foreed to admît thatSthe »Ut» and ln hich boîkithebmimleiproducers and te Ev&austen vbre shê inally vas and thon thow aaw ltfait, 1ke a crIp- os, vent te 3t_ Elmo, il, vith lb' syreil error" detalled lu Satur4.rt's oth1ae @viib.uokiloreai nen v he d fbttigpat iedd1Se-pied bird,Ilte t akre. intention of prepariug their home. Sun as an "ePrror" pure snd i~ btekh ip la of Harry A. Wbeeler, food Oother Casses are Uti. More thrilla wore thon addsd te the Occaslonally during a period of fiê -it te & 7 Tb@ ohiset of thee meting Suntjay even- administrator for flllnois, vho acted The caseeoft àYy sud Lester Pail- Incident when twe soapianes from thei montiîs abe gays she received letteri s ele udyeuig f ei WDtbteUeeWPt-»Oass arbitrstur, Waniegan dairymen sm. diock, alleged' to bo dépendent, was Cruat Lakes aaetto îe50lfe erbsad hnSi etr e It u le $700000 py roiî bal h take s offrug for tkie good cause ofBueNaa tUnwMmnùmbe abn.Teth etrtrte$70f py Ihit sý th Y. M. C. A. but raier te nive thenoune todasy Shat Urey wifl bea1fo oontnued eNov. 17 aS aine o'cloclt. hurrying ote .nid of thelr stricken aelopped suideuly' sud ber lhusbnd, .Jhectaalover for lth rd tise. ýý poopiO af Libertyvile th informationute supply mliri at12 cents a quart for à1ne prent. ame éudeavoriug te lmak- neîghbor. ohe ouil, let for parla unkiiowu. Anvil .hemeney laiets ram lb.e "V * eoallerning t51. van sd eouenranug kie the nonth of November. A nev rate &orne arrangeuomta te ieep tb. chil- Later developmenta showed it was $Ince Skat lime skiebas been Informed IIntu vbleh Skie ntoney bal bIeoeUê46I»& arase campigu next,.veeok. Tuere vil ma Y be Iard for December. dren raîber titan lbve themn sent the Lawreuce-Levis bydroairplano Ibat he bas been ldierupsCes o 'pyigOte k.M«0 ho spécial monuait ie iiî o nd Undpr the old agreement the 1 s- y. hich bal met vitb au accident sud She bas endeavored. seegaya, Su gelSthe $8,00repreeentel a scis every ios'iies ahyugsdo tling plants lu Chicago vere paylng The case of MairlBenson, alleged te lu which at the turne ver. tva air'- hlm te prépare a homie for thei, but other *Ordo. tint t* huid hee$&q0e tabauld b. présetsehra b out his$342 per 100 potils, or about $232 bedpnetwa etndlecuembthovomeaeli.rlui aîl. ky smaebody* Skie suspicion bains getcause. for a 68-pound eau. Under.tthe nevw the boy's fatber wa noS in court. An Skie ppll. .omebody employaitln the. _________ agreement. vhleh holds god for No- attachaient va iaeue-d foc him, re- oelu the machine ver,:luthei ocea or l he Mea«It prc ofrd > hedîr' amlturnable ferltwtb. Those AIflockeIC or A9 f111 - prc feredca t hedi. nanly!JAY SMITHl, expert avat 1 te vork fetiut" it lîîjutenveug CO L SIU TIN $252 BRA I'. can.J -abur",easng C» L ST A INFor me peculîar reason the mili GUY K. MILLS, rnachanic; EBon- 'fro ettit NO M U IN producerrs always have dejuanded hat' ville, Imd. 9aa AHler. la wvi n milIng: NO S RJUSIN Waukegan dire pymoefor the The accident vas due le the break- BE 0ME CiTZE S' eaffIl e cotalning lb. M LIB RT VLL bttlga: ta ei h hiao ÀACTION ing of a&turnhuckrle sud ln lb. crash _ _Iowtn il&. Under te old gOeemen(>()Ke machine vas bally damage but th. VERV FEW PETITIONS HIAVE On. hundred $10 billé. ganbethlg pant ienginosud other important parts ot SIEN FILIEO lIRE SINCE THE - As a rresait ofthedu-V-wY p h.ler eau. The mli producer did« r. Skie craft were unlamagel. PASSAgE0OF DRAPT LAW. lioe la the abortage et WM$,W Lin@ NuS DotEon IWfnl T ed 82-75 per eau. Thi avs. pcelIUV* Voters in COu MUSt For an hour sud a balfSthe tva men ____men employed in th. on« c Who Wuixd Fit b Big ly refusel, local latries offoring $2.U V oon t had be al honhtearfrMANY ADMIT TE s areMbelng lewtaist fe-h lms bto pu a h e toive. onn sslld«ng out Se a-rTEM gnmt liereau Th Nolb ion.Dsly-b Maobtu - s morIng gIldetlain gln t h enaHAVE VOLD CtRCUIT C1RERK IO1m5ve sUnuil bthtef la>flU fs te arglmontfthelng plant a Skie ein vhMotivezjutuaitn &ieu Skiea cit-bd matet ki nootatlnaNOT GENERA iY KNOWN. final adjustmnents te perfect IL Tbey BROCKWAY THAT FRAffi F ilnve0vs tlfhiW The ceai situation ina Libertyvillie las vîti lb.producit, oetout dables * 'O'wbere one Cf Sthe 1 mmsUi ailaS h. reaut ure asruiugholin bak 5 folevfesabout 100fet Up lu the air DRAFT MAS IMAO EFFECT. laitn Skie unoney. aecoritog to nett alsu the rselth sarieoinghle auy tet llte lesd. Joint A:p adm nGiven on, wvlen sometbng gave vay-a tural- basa~l.sai aor aig teo aIriewpplct Orforcal hite ftho e p el ie ot fr l ifota Bo i-' teru etpaprtim ak i dealers, Durlug the Interview tihe supPly mlk for the North Shore ~Confl 1 BthCoun- buckle an the stering.apliiatus ase iutheir desire 1e avoir! lh. draft Up en the pretent flime no s* Datry 1 ~~~~~ ~ ~Ilater Investigationu shoel-aul il hundreds et allens lu waukeg"an sd hv e aebttedtW» FrazenCo I. p a ki reseutht Sm. s bare mii l for s tan 82.7 ar eu.sul fsVt «Idid net taire Smith long to reallue Ihal Lakte county are refralning from, tait-baeonmde utki l frita bho nesapplitio fraw al. oit fW he- .prolUcer seStdte Even though Laie CeunI>' votL re hlieand kils meekanician vere "lu lur eg ut their naturaisation paPers tli 6 e hw SiSSi Skihai^ buow ud aiethsaioun Laie the Word wv a edthrug Tiieday, by an overvielming major. luquir>' of Circuit Cleri Ub. Bo kgil tp elcl h oeib thOwwhOwOud mirethe itutio Lae cunt eary flda evnin orltIvshoved Iheir deir. te avait In a moment hoboiadlest1contrai of Way is18 e eeffeettliaIie"n1r. ietpsib lo al te li on. vase kisd b>' puttiug i'evecal toruiin their hbe th o hemselve, ar the Joint goverumpn' lhe machine and it 'nosed ln" on the been a marial failing off durianth. esiisllefrSiscmelIa e th e fftlemreut Shat boit been effectedi ebeziement of a»Y cu00 tR meut tkireby eausîuig a shortage sud in Chlragr, vbereby t.e prie. of $218 and staSe appropriation for the illd- letI Bide. making a qulcIt desçent alsu eeiwei ntenme fthtbsba 1oeelotetè drciug Skie minuWvo Cau bu>' but a stal wae te prévoht forChilcago kottul lng ofgond roada along She nurtki the crash vhlch follovel vben theo ve$s e ekrt a lu skierkere0f statiasbwunloaedoners s»«0$ amantera t ug wtot hp lnsteI ucr h bdhlshore aud tbrough Skie country dis. plane struck the vater stoved aos, al nu'daya vhen net a single pétition sbere. »s&Y tbat If conossivatlon will hopracticed out fuirIkie $2.75 price calledi e1A, rica. th. culminailton of lb. prolect la the hottom- of the boat lu vhIcki la Iled. Alil of thepayaatesesuuiqes sud the pubI1:2 romau ine lcd lu regard tI_ Bcummnd, head of the Nortihbas nos yeî heen atseured-tstillI.s ' Ske tvaminusal. The boat ffuel with 1The condition la *qut. lu Conlragt i-m ariaer bond anid Ithere flite P te tkie siuation, 5h.>' are quit. certain Shoare Dam- .and asked If ho wu ecessry foc the votera -0f ,Cook, vater qulckl>' but becauae of the ns-{ ta that vbich exister!aliorty after. g-ml rtçtdl h v itbanap s it i n e u byeab u, uetailnpaette> cuî ai> heato.tare ot the construction of the ma-I the United States enterel Ilie vorle etis'eml the> vîlobeintpoiton arai uiki Il _________________ aSSter of 18laitllein tt wring ou]as teyneed f5,and hryile u Cu-.e - aetlï-- Voters of Cook county vili go in chines there ls litSle danger of the var. At thtit time there va a vild auyboiy vould embesxle trein 11109 orern a te nedI, ibryvle ',opoils un Naîeînbec 5, aud decibs cf sulgastefiasa wyll neo enfier acoal ahartage, Du not . vhtko o fo ie' avrIh ron e nd thgpas re sîfti c eUei ecraihle an lie part of al classes lu tht, way Ihat ha. afectel 06.ne tri-he torpunit a supi>laverviithoe L Uiop- end~ ofstetplnes re sffic caerofalinans iueîading large numbers of 1daIs lu charge o etlb.saiDn,, enticely hle nsed for go e monthm. ociier! S AIEnt'S es "e.-. I . thp.n Lake rount>' viii gp.tii,, cunpactuient linvkiich tb. men ait - Germaus sudpAli rs. 10 le a S t Is stoae i istn efform a al:s* wbat la necessarY ansunatif>' sur doaler!W < d roads-if tiî r oposition IF, ýfl lhwa r hrfrw ite thencetIet alpecra thelP Inen thaion ho magl. ntiel sea ide o a befoe Yaur RuPPlY is exiiaumtpd ana i ST coued Cook counly voter. ilhon th,,hoat f1141.1 suy ad Sthe tva ncSt e>' al d eclateltheiroitention Tuhon nofieleut e alnmbt *.. ie bc bertvîeuneas r u. tuoi sAI IIA E i entbin ngLk - t WI hvýfound Sheinselvea walit deeP In va-i Of the United Statei. orous prosecul-n wvii ho tartol. tia The sitution inLmber G' til li oS o A A H A E s, àvailed *obbg er they kmev tbey vert lunuogreat 1 Bat theco vers scores, probakil'tbe Canerai Ceurt Maril ihttesiuto nLbryvlet o That such s condition 01 affaira danger. big malarit>-. Who dld ual Sake IntoIfa thle gullty Party la locatel, tM Se akie>' wouai l-'ule Sa b.treatl ca Teater Owners Deý -1 Mll lvasedelegateteatgo averSuetheonsidération the tact Sathl tkiuon means i. vIiii fae a geeral o * tbem ale theywouTd litre t ho treata.. voter ln LakeCounty'. It ban been migtmutt eosiptoteM ul-snaavricrtmw Thyare limimlng tieselontu oe an"cl'e ThY Ar ReUy W auppoaed liy th- maJorit>' Ihat th,- rigkit aide of the ving ln order teSa ~rseurTtahe îpol a a uralse mi-ni, aeer a lourt laait» twa> tous5 sate a les Su oha nud Acoept Stavote ut Lkehecraft as itlayhl eson star Sh>' yul . ahi, a cure or Skievoteor al thcon nwunit'aadéc Side vtr hb îtk.rmilgin Brn>' vuld be ralsel tram voIunîsff it desirs%, puding the O. K 09 t sO M ENT SHWS. SkieaSet.'tlockes forr Skie nle. sol tbat Skiey' vuîld neoS eau> moe.Pretident. trade, ifSkie Consumer@ vili aider vbastNO ORE TEN CEN'SOW . theseboaut lie kig aaller thelo fo tbey noed for Ske lime be. eg e S trilna ----- goolf ofs bte b apoS ithe sforvihkie oimmedlately ataptied. - ubjeet te militai>' lut>'as. cltiaes Offiloora aIliestation ver . * efforts have beeu made by msain, goT he ssgnrlasraec e- When the goverament and state The lungMr.Et9tue aine vast thasey at a. len.. A. sooe« n ebulbe ut la lite ma.' albm in.oetaniorqoa n Ifr e luinWsuifan as. a reuait Of tb. appropriaSel an equal amnunt for nteh> M.Enlg~ss flea. ie da e ta ete droit1Msud eofote Mokitatalter b. Ik l"O~ moe ea r uotaud mhyhulaftreWl - ai vuich requiro Pennies for th. construction ut a rn ro Clhi-Lavrence-Levis Company, and b. lent Si ntdSae tre edats n tSi i.> te lvs- 5h.oleies, apenniusonfeSkie>' bal ettc.e u-anythece vas an lium.dflate fallng treni "thse eu-eloguelbwd dc À bassinent. Pnisfrsape c ago tetahlb.WisconsinstaSe lin., t no time startlug the emorgone>' Paver 1 "* But nov PORtm5ter Oral>' tears vas don, viti the provision titboat tSathSki ilof Skie heIpla ilooMluteÉame 1110M. frot leaittg a ~ir flS S Ther. are a eluss i rpeople vbo eau îjsere inay' b. a sîsrtage of escent C< -îLk ôanls i al eso rie aeglelel I.z.saýihp. T'kbIjscondition bais eistel netmerol>'asu@"ithlaobe*lbg. affrI la pu% ln severai Sons for future Postage stampsaus vw sel u' that anpriteane uits ire o ',aga, e sono.aril aln îaide entaever since. .Havei1411 mît Ns t « 'e - un. witue Ikere le anatiser cimesovbeare movie thealer muaevlng.t te a oiae aedi n eu-Ibr eb.aM.ou, ndt ve ar. l ahe.adandtemen__ThaotIS laSkie draft iav sud neli., Thotthlieofenerviii b. ibo l.penleulug on asasiar>' and cam oui>' ceppIposage stmnarel"ulie0 4e odoethr ftescuitwr oe hr, e vnsa ng sise wkildi kiuacauWie ft a' S .1evenitiall>' Iff s set 10 bu>' et titeilar ' y w llow, bibiestca,.penny var ;:.anpy . lb. f hersqulrol te bautit th. rail. I vas b>' heur experlence, sud pgll 511111W off ln lb. number of Petitions tkiUr daltfront lie facttbhl tbe »M wMsurn e ranch p ofial as e larer Te1-a oi etot Provided speelfcallySkiaS lie road astride their baI>'wr.ciel machine, la ne doutit accerliug te r lit roci- Meu isaithnau tSkieusoti 5m113 16 ani consumes profiaslse he Ibrer ltee Tbnî movle n eutoex. muet 1ho buItin l an unkroki ein- Th&e euh. left aile of lie boat proper way. He says ttrat a numben tof a51105bill unubor c et is 101111;11111111 buyer sud muet b. proteeda. veli ettnc aa u eUOgfr-luIats tia t hle section in Cooi Smty and lb. left vlug ila magel as a r.- have bhauthalai enougis te sdmit te .u lbwipi vbevmu litIl* mit theb. e k<can bu>' soveri menti. Place nos' bave lb. il enat, the0 uld net be builetunleues eitcion suit of tbe accident snd revaisu w hmi ba i ontItnibssl> .sot s ll lalU sapi'abal s a olks as.t-.ihe18 -ce nt he li cent Movlie, doe-lla aftecount>' vas bmIlS aS the sans. homaie at once. The macine rla nmtat th" doapera s. long s.aIbM'.ieug Urn te rasme.II cusemr isI hoaki ssoilb.taepoding on the prione, te kie ciaerged tine. Thug, If the vote',ofet lterlulb.thebbg lent near Skie cil>'bali- ' ~ agr btti> ssb rf. ¶~mote».rlo s u~ vgauRw e gid ta u t ôisal iocal as th. regular jlaimion.aie or Coak ceunI>' vèe.to roecbougae. crippledtlkel 10>'rosI>'for a ItoSkie onu>.bo> eisessukasnSU d4sIseare isum n ough tauproseci The Wauiegan ne e leatres fuidSthe propositiau then Skie velum of te lfilgbîvt u eloor 0-. ____0___mi!_________lit___ ltdwig rolà by nuallg theirnet bave MY>'Ono.oet postage stamps otkier ceunI>' could neto t horl lea- That 1he.mnn iIInet have a s - .~la Plata: 0»se bdarellvd i saUr e tock tisees vkia veul filltioir teni6 ere tluh-enlest evenlug, but eelvis of th. appropriation. Lake portence vhlcit vould b. eobcroldgl>' 9 DAtenu.Q -as mpg«a up ut iIII111 bmassst sud caue isdealr e lob.un- lie>'ver. real>' te ale hr. coutny nov basdonuele shoare and vasapparent hon the fact tisaît M 20 a isUDKj tG A U '&QJ ersemt vrspetiee ie abi. temasppil toos wkioaue nushie te. Manager SpoQZ Oeth51e Acaden>' 1 la up lu Cook cOnt>' te MY WvOf- bal te stand lu vatck iesi ireaciel U infti abatB If-the prenat vether previl*&11 si al: I usel 1500 Pennies leat aven, lier or noS lie nev w a al oll bis ecimai aatitatit 0FMot ae tam aM r.01aits Sreblle lis sItuation eca niderabi, sud b>' lng. lu" Mgkjng change. for mont of be put lu. Waakegan andiL'ake coun-vhie ailvas. being ruahel 10 tien. AnMW mpio ve * udloffl t 1 doioq your part In aidiug the lacal Skie Patrons.hid net inve pennies le t>' viii aait vIth coualdetable antief- sud Smithi vas lu vater up over hi#a 'r ueeado n o verY E5s9y", Om deier. b>' buying a tan or mst s lime psy, lie aldinal Cent var tax. I1ipatinthe reaIutfthe vote lu Cooks vaist. Netîber man semeola kilteM. f-SAND JsUail> laS mouit'lte kilo $Io 111114 sud thereki>'givlng hlmu nopportunîl>' dldn't bau. an>' stimps Présente! for ceunI>' next Monla>'. cilel alter tihe sccident and hoth u-îe N EW nCW f" teysr attrac tst 558MSt te cars for ail aud Prevet asahortage the tax, but vould haîe accepta c1e ke'ae el'fraoker8 A sI~ IS ber.. ~thern ballie>' been tendered. Our .,osJng Pnaies lIltgbS. PyDyPmpoi - le viib.hueceeai'yfor .acki 0f vae tapole>' vii.luo etaie postage stamps Suao Kathinne bal tihe 1JuPtngMa » 1>011pW &Il iu over>' wa aduble ourIlocal If Skie publie preters te use thein tootiacie, a&llsoughs ber mottion WU Olher Machines te RRemue. hIThre. Sectiona Tise psy ô0f 'm iS dealers and &vert su>' hardikilpa vhléki raîkier thon carry pennies." imaware et the nature cff tiq pole. la Word vas sent wthle Naval Station bas beau dYe 0!SU night b.placelupon allierw..Our local manager Muler ofthel. Eite sud b»r effort, te diacovert I bisSe aie l anse besltiartera te titie offeot: IN lTODA&Y'iSkS bas ut dealer@, acoeorling taeltse prenant coutil. Manager Suyler efthle Barrîs3on ai'o iWbat doea It teel Ilii, hon.>?' «O1ý "A nolghbbonlg arplane lla tru iI k" , tlo» s ab l e 6s 10te fr la ail Ilvo, sld, ho>' vere real>'te a,,»Pt po» sald iIKatierlue. vltisa B of ainlu lbe lautr Wsinç qefan;.imiàsrseul. IN D E p E woiKko"twithf. su d despeit, "hltd es feee i.a dun EII viiigg 1j.prt ilakt.aautai5pe. - . Ilut aa min oua Bnd hala the -