CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Feb 1918, p. 1

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d r Lake( *~Qu ' s BgeWeekly WAUKEGANI KE OGDIiTY. fl~ Tau tBDÂY', ER-UA.RY 1 4,1918. ONETOEIGHT. *1.5OPE~YI&R AT CAW ui< 0F EXOMANé AN6 11la $AM -rTo.- ECOt4ORTAULL ..WUKEANMAN ASSISTS. L A140ObdARK A HA* CIIAME op COMPAsiy POOL TA@LE. AtN ENEMS 4 - meeoelin talmhaude d at tc *cgu bm ebold b. bold 0no i ve"BIl»«WI t.*mesivol by pou& oçIcgeworort.e Noeu.rban Arum te lis l<ctaism DwietofaiIflIoaký adw 'cglea4m cg lb, 09 malow Dmm @Me, I" e, . Peurll bmum'l ec l e uatulele of à. ulule Vat. t*0 reglets..au4tion, Il ".Pre eBungalow" la1the mare e- .won etated. conusion oohd mil a the lmthe bIc noregimatin oechmngebold. salad a lof to de of Gcrmam wio ju wicilhimbeau apemed iy the hâdI*1Sb out De nomurmillstlom papess 142d lnftabhiila which aSU the mm ci'mub tcimresa t f1W&ukgman md .chsecouny a' would Dot lbv e 10 rer except tour comPenles, le 00ow qur HOLDS FEIUJIMEEflNG teed lu berraka ln the nortiomt mes» tieo«e ccamp. Tic 50W, amuge TParent-T.acher Association held building la locaîmi at Souh Service Ite F.bru".rmeetig lu th. grammar end Tbird avenue. iiihool on iuda, elternoom, the attend. TheDo n e wonjUg0 vms memd anc. belalge.é ,-PmhIie Bungaow" by Corp. V. . ITb*. Pr-9ra.prvsd la prOOouecci Çilnkenveder. of Co. A 843d ints au,@ccm, Under the direction of Mise. lu,. A semit aguhmbeu laedonStoolton, tic fourti gadepuplîs drae the building. The intri t e e-* ad. 14 ameel amd Grat0l oiî. the GOrmau chianlge h»bas o taled in lgt green drame. end veimut @haîte i . e a aa<kng 1 Ameledby ie. Sulti. tbe ecilîdren md resi roc.. It ln o»e of the lest gaeaE-f ae dauce, "Catton mramgidexciiange buiiings ai Plcthge i a u*4 iq*dïoUgamni Instructive addreee Lieu. F.A. ue11bas bsie cf on "Amnia.Speech," plaelon the re- exeisoago. H nmIse y ahnpomb it f glleb o cilidrem Ocidmfth of Aurore.Ogden A. M Mic théI i.cpe.o. a a@cOme of Diton. Oeerge Cabou etfWuakq, _____ -. W., . . artbov, Cueetervhfle, Divard C lmie.. Rocktori and Ar~ i lier WsuscOhloeue. PvtwLcygmeid N29 etOSHiamd purk Co. 1D. Dow i bu ouge t thomm pny po tailý pftsuae, ------- et ici Lake ine beu ris«e et lubet- i mt b0.M lime *.Wed- liaI dut>'. Aeay. were romd Je al lRoma Cath Pet.;ma o cBetI>') adiE. orflu- elle chureî Rumid. euet. Il, 9a omber of'Ce,ý. to ~p r, TheinaItluctlinswere iged by t*edat..' a »evo4dy J*V %,tAZebblmItoi>G. W. Ifundelln. Persous homne. under 21 and 0,cr 60 yeure of mg, AUl the bore la Ce. D r«etfltvd ir délicate vomon and perens engaged reuatiîoo violer cage lut Thu a hm brd labor are exempt trom fast- AU compaule et lie sud omx E, RA and C, arem v ontof 'ue 'hoec bllged ta f ast unier ibis madme.gaerai 1mw of the churci,» lie lu- _______________ etru,tioei .ad, "amre reetr te tueD fflinmi!l l te deyan md t a colla. tics mot te exceed 10 aunem or the C# T IPL I ourt, par t taumrîaymiCu INT ITO IU drimila the morntng, sucb as ac - Ticoe oamuexempted fitrout 70118ouav-r knov lisa I A.nela kvOf festliin mi pumetce roue Other Ega %dlomecf aita W*leet etto act of mortificallea suc ncbsa . à iii OYciY la oi WU. Ing tram nc lcatlng lqüors aid @Mi 19a umee atm lou ogcstev.ilueo wordly péeustr«.,' la a u»Va! labIle. 1k. lbheue off Jlublisifins M nle 0.008 POWMaof, m ' m per miauleàare omsma iy it tae more tisa 0,000 baiesea - liit10preue loabsouetaCtton te dom*a" mI Iltic voedm thli ,.» baMel fu,pafofr aIl the -pagme W m LOm W th va in. tqu1 e qup le peopoeh, at la »tut: novturmlmg ullsS~.a emeni PP.L FuriSSALL oE- ieulstIu 51111b»a iMe of r. iOsmari 27. pool Amlalslai ffld eimetilla ole 'aa feynl luomatli tbb siânàbo el q* tw %tIbov t cm wlSus -mi VI! e atrma nommouary. 1srctec1crelite esi . .1e,11mami- t 'loi.oe4r at Ii 'Mme TIIELYKUJCOERt Tr es wiRi Tmi-IuVE.S M A A GIRUDE SAW FROM TAB»LE KtIrE'bUT ARIE CAUO11. TOBACCO .TM"FIL SLUG. AS RESUL'IOPF USCOVUERY THEV PLAWf14ED ESAPE 7MEV ARE NOW LOC IC!D IN 0EL8 ktieugi tlie>' dlima, geltfar Itt Ilair plans, the tact romains liat tceN tinm pulomers la lie -countr jan à tgv ulgils uo bai plaamod a Wi e.h 1v- UT ud bm uI for ltheciune dteoocry by UblaffGrlM f lm0f idilaissaie. timglhl have bappetici. am ele vial lie priobnsdi i n e t a au benipl Ita rosi 1rooTek a iliver plted huit. end ih apair d« chiure aihm s birbe Italie .ddostie M tic- ail t" lm*ite'Mdmiinufao"und , ruii ma N1- Tlay bhm ymfomtsallo celeo jelis MeRfroon t*basse ui4l t-iwa piiltUliS'lam vdatWcpe .r - 1inàe dlame e, i. 651.*ai, e1 gemWl oeo l la de" Iài dWEi oem SOM£ HELDI, SOIE -'NOT. MION PROSU@JTE MIEN ANU THE COUNSEI. PLAN& l'ESINOM. F FECTIVENE OP'0FWaIT.. e e i I o f t s I s I I Rilr lu ea&Il slomnily ahhie bande upeelsci, hil. hcd bowsd and hiee ye ocifd Deecon lIard' nemsals of 1h. Voliva faction tul Zîdn City, on FrIdysS> eumned thec %mutuel position of prayng for the judg.. the oppoelng attorney ' and the Jury ln a CM as.uW11101 ho, was mn mmoisut torery.t Me prayed liat TI4EY b11e hena 1h. truc lghi and thal thic>'net v avumc 1h."te"Ir, th. unjust tac- lics that had mreiciobher im- lier hoarfne wheroln mnn ho hai dered @moite cigae li Zen Cy imd hai ben pnemcubed. 'Tic opposition couldn't prevent hlm tron praylng-for 1h51 la THRIR 9"ono sut,"' PRAVINO, and If bh.y bncd te proecnt &MY->' body elsi f romt delnglie caeu cr0.,lhiaeJustý* ecart otion, lb - 0 ldn'llockh adI, te cm>' the lemet 1etic>' lit lIard prey and iho proyed tehile h.artd cotenti 'The l.,tceutlg part le liai ail hie prayere vieslnheb~fdcfthi capoltion M. and hile eau ue a.sodne usis e le AlIghly fWor iieinoatuo.-TMEY di @vo t lmmnte mm ewtIdir eu *0 rU1- l l um7..thedi.- tpu4outiln s aecame ýWa Partiel vI.lsry-.iOdy part etUuim acre founi gult>' v..uqi thOn addanli itcgieyi> HAdeaolcci. Thc jury dfflei- ad lheien th 11w almtonthet 1h.>' mercI>' smokci ln the puce. once of tac clthcw percosoemm tie>' didnt oonelder the lwo à And now Alterne>' Aeaiéleelb cht cauweel fer the defemimte le trxhq t. mtol 'hhleuf hola or il ami aris preylmlgor. hlm (lmln>pSlo liatemuec bhc jury ta ove Mm ealliaaP«61 mielvlcry. laJon IDCII>' 3Pm"abelore lutte. Blebop lier. va. -triel soven moe eueos wherclnmemci adbm ehcegi vitil viciatlmg tihecil>' odlaco gan- erm« molng la publtc *lacqe. Ti@ men bad lie srnetod bt thc Sori- weetern depot and tir cases cu- llnumh e-uedto atydmlii"4rds. Anat4epallng liaI peeibi> lierro~ of tisse mmen nllied vîwtih lui. lunclion reeenly'le seod b> ' Circuil Juigi lMiards nsstralmng the Bien City autbouitlmé tram arre.llng mmn tiouai Moking l lai e pices, At. tormey Dosublen, rspreascttg tie iu- da"epemte e1 ionu aapreomu et thc bcsrlu aid cretlly vatoicl. tlienc- tire proceedhms. If lb Vas leemincl afteu lie isas »t l tahbb ouliers ba l uanMW wey vlalsed tleie tnln b87arrsebima mic mon, lie glan tihe 11ijnlopàlnt Party le te cause ticir arrsst ami prosecuton unier lie luuetic u ri. Ing, wvilciordrei themnt Atalu- terfère vili peope,imobbag ioder certa 'ceaillIon. b'Aertlugy the cues eveomore tiau 'ma offluary, lustice court casesbedaurne lie ent- cmo thoiemattée"aul i0M 6afort. told moi e oeUedct le trii. Monu ..Davis. Ilemtt lagi fih 9weré ound mot gugWi7," D M*ltl, firnu «daMiet MmbBsimg, mubte I » maagr ethticlacs #chiwuversld th bew ý . ic 'mon fourni£%furVese declred ite bave suoel l- rerevd ami liee taieM vielael11 qrifc mthil iaie mo proléoel bw e ;woM*l, biidth ile fl ýÉo pt . lw o45 ; a ts ILE IS ID INW. S. Llbsuyviba eeeod la LA*@ onylestl. e-Pli* of var bu shmIbo "4 o the.tact thal thé Wsuke*a lter purehecd onsiderabl. of theesésp m~ý et SINorth Cbiho bvai t e O . o e olli s ob happ wu M @bertyvIaitb-em le utdb Up ta lbus mîgt, Llbeutr- riAi hd2.i 500 Worh W war eaula ,. iiegovemmis bedrio *-mvry eaI 9,0àma obei perses. %l0 United 81,0..1# euan*ed unco ob.>tD100 Worth of the etaueduring* 7Wm. Tbit WeSk asie au Impetus ta tic mée, tk. poeoeWrsportlng the .mie of 8457.52 Worth o! etampe durlmg let Following ar e .ten Lake couctl taonqbadina. te the guriîttr of Wet. pier empis durian Jemiary: North Ccloea - Libertyvils. -Lako Zurich. Luka Fareet. Waukegs. Fax Lake. Round Lak. Grupslabke. Highland Park. -Tiihe l ti"e mum towne bading tla lie ttal a uniotWar Seringa Steupe sud Tivlfl hampe eald durinlm agr Nort b iimge. H84alNOMPark. Laie pous". amiLae. Nie LIerlyvIlle bu do»MOwella tie diiior tballn ls smUl, *ti.ei 9" mfou r eat ImproYsmatI r smie émal ot ho iatleind wIl, myliug lilm a tp place ln liw ee 01oS sl puebpta la telicwolova a 1be:>untl. Il a" b. liat Thuift mi i.e a etslaItevu u atevillage te gelta put dp a board fgbi for liai baou, ltoyili @Mun" sta awàecnOur ollMM a theli Met liaI ve art ln e war-'-êvar ltistb deUi. vIlltic f reonnte caroufore> fmsedifou aI etale. Il oeius li a smut maie elftb 0Mahevar beebe vue. Il eioweml W tiql liq Bmmvlag cf money l te claoeilbol th"I lietunneylmmetb. lent W M LIboulyilIs muet eave eml duemuet 1levmtnlu ar Bavingi UOmn"duricg li 1 à Pr, ee liaI iWhoun lIB a «Ment. Siglte mde témet al b.usailibaI the commumit>imebu ot dom c lfuils paltie duty. * LATEM t pronesIt.. Postmmster Aisma In- IgroWsiTic Indepomduc liaét Libsrty- ville sad Nrh Chicaga me Mcd for meoud pki.lpe ar mta esates, titi Lime ZurIc Isalng lie eeunty.t ,LAk. Zurich daubsi fin total e«We Tihit Wook. which malid i à latop the oltl "omliPb"ela tali ie.. Mr. "menn ila t"LIberlyville sieuli fot b. .oa*W idVibi aytim but frtbd lo plan aIn -* a<its mad @#as tice w* operatîea <i siiujbody la ilîi taorlng ao Lib*bsuvhle sc sa bôoi.. HOLOS ANNUAL MEETINQ »0 fit sannual metin a 0. the Central1 LaU. Connty Credîlit »dBàli Amocsa- 1100 vîli b. heuld iis i5#651gla the Commercile Cubroam& .»m ill 111b. ailsesedon ai imporutS basequse. NO FOND FUMWLLSI Tb.vteant warOi ambsuaan"@ citiclarm r- aj, w u-ý m li tou sewmwsuiw~e bmreieu 0r z owich ~iÏoy la al AEDAY 101 rT. THATIS l»TNt ANNIVERSARY 0F OfOANIZAtioN 0F LAKI co. 80 BOARD W.II.L ACT. INý CENTENNIAL MOVL VATION OR < KIETUNNIAL. lu- *SPIRU LOCAL MOVEUtNT. Mirci i1viii mark te t ins amver. eau eofai T-e 0mtl as a eUply of the ate of inoli. While no doRMt. slave bhave been taken as ye t, the1 cimnoos are t1'1e board of supervisors wiil ettîngl> comMmorate lie ocCas.- lm,. beesusu Ibis la centennial year inu DhlaoMW and the *tâte la maklng elai- crate arrangements ta observe thIe Important an4iversar1 Ticenieller vIll b. laid befare tho board et supervlsors ait teir %nouai liarci meollng, vbich canvenes onj March 1. Thc lan la ta bave the. supeisers deoeonce afternaon ar tlb. regalar session la tbe fitlng ob- servance or tie 79111 mniversary of lis' launching et tie caunty>. The plan lviii e-hobave nome pramînent speaker corne bhrm sud diliver an addrees f lting for thc occasion. Muci lnteroetUg data bule bomcol- leted about Lake counbty duriug li pastseveral mçnta hieb l@' IîS. e tumhsb e h e éilotorioe.lsocial>' fer msetu coaeehom ii tiche e- uemeuitimo ftiche M malve " u «f tie.toumation cf ua Pa rt leeMalom. Tib>' yLàke count>' avteg a fit, tig Obervell of e i.7911 «Mmivei. =y e t thec Marli Meeti aim emuMt>' a put la lie ig oeilebratiom vbhcla ta e bel tue ysMr. amDETUC 1PPRELLAYRE iï)wUPtiOL0 Ar, TION OP LAKtE OOUNTY COiRT AOAiNST PHIL aOL1SER* RECALLS, BIG SENSATION. 'l'H18 lB aSE WIliWMOM IWE£Lcm ENEMIES AOED 1NAN éTC) VIE MCV! »M ROM OFFICE. Tii Appsltalc court mt Ottimaon ieda>' mfirmoq lie - atleu cf-i# ei .Le ouaty curt lu tic fam»use em elliet Phillp O.Iieq of lIIghImad mIlek, tiec euet>' eurt moton ocuelet log of, 1. sientence et 100 imys la jai. L. TwetY-five imnurod dcllar fine- Thechcirge upon viielx Goliberl wu convlcted vwu tic sale of ligue. ullicul a lese M4d Ivill Ille cor- tain that Ooldbeig vIli move for a sew tuiai and iaI the case irlil b carricd t1 tlie Subreme court la eue< ho bosos. the rufug et tieAppellate oburt sheflow. tts Ausfal !PW vus rlht vien, ledeumaded bila Goldherg le glvem a cevere puabel mont for violation of lie liane? lava. Tic flâberg orne vswusid et thb Apgril1m etourt. Goldbergiva# louxi guilIty on f0oumts. ,Tic lui haYlng bld bo bai d iqiau oeao lrry le lav on 80 differont occausios Tic CocnI>' court juige, P. 1. e sons. eentoneed Ooldberg to t1c m imprleemment on aofetton oeunl and fined hlm o0 ie c8 »caote, lie Ib> lmnpaelng tic meut severe pumi mont ove? hnpod on a mmilmA .6. ceunI>' ton Violation cftUic tiquer lavo RscaesonsamtlorelNove.' il vas tl atcular esse bl proyed lic basis for lie mon vie et temipted t1«ver lSteWs Attorney3 G. Welei, endoavrlng telavehila reoei rou o000, matl te tie peî tonllar>' aldvilm ol? ,-, It 1, necailltiat Imm (llbem italiar o et icdeendamb,.ecarne fert 1viti tlie .culU i t9tswtbtlb Fle. lsd Pail W" é$780 mm4-tliaI I bund.rstaudlugvas liai whmm MILKSITION STILL UNCWINQED Tt* ml1 ultalou mffaly ws.alon dÎly èr hrer fuelota ssiis I b. 00mikb.lona m', Cellng it weuld b. ea s pet la... At a umhia staI Rr- Yard the other duy M0 lrbe roc"d »S o »14, andotb.r protet J»si1es. vicieiilar soe" W Me a, would liM tat ti. mflu.a-mu.10t li o«i for twist ûly ds *6fuirprie.. A rumor liaI d1 'ï b.d b. at- vime by lie toadqibgtldonDot l0 pr mort *» $807 Ver100 for .11k wms am11 d.d wbjyodcls or tbe MIII Produ os' esoeiatlom. bo -, liat rood Admieletuatou Wb.eIsr a- DISTRICT F00OD el A CQUNTY OATHI POINITERS TO-- TéELLS WAIAT PM"t UNDER1l.AW:4V FOit DEAM note tbaI u» sucidvicq bubmeie iThoro wasca "etgt<cl' glvée. Tie ruinu meeda umirof aof0fLake couaty bfod s*" larmoie ta oilmilli kwba atberwlucand grocers l Inte couitew would nt bave don@ nu. rooms lnU Lbertyvtlie Mac"« Dalry borde aes bina depleted, fan. unoan.preuumsbly onu"'o~ or@ in slaeInetaluccediepoiol ioflet road .tbe meeting vas omly~- bods Iattended y arceau,ibut Ili Parue.. WiO a&ré.UImg milk are s"Il. a umber of food s.dmli JIlrs lo o.'ly n a montb'a onder..nace aI dîfferent parts et the couuti thein contraeting fur a longer periad. I Gf .Grde nlnrdil le reparted. 1.I. C rde nIto A Company la Chicage la paimg fro. oodAdmlniotrator Wilhiat 54 ta 56 cout. pur pobnd for butterfat. 0fCIo.OblfYole Informatiom eonerâlug thie matter ~pose of the meeting. whieh ho bad a% the utileaof aru Advla. -wramtltuosu WatkIla lthie, iril National bock -Wh' gt ael a clearer io4 building. Consderabie.sein allit lawbat la ezioctedet lOn ftu béing fed toibga. jjut the wlabe tfthe:nÎ%4 "A hotrayal ol the arleuîburedau an dministraton. dairy lrte futô 1m bande .or, profs lMr. Webb gman auacuqt tory Capital, and complet.e "oof thIsing tli nmmuew-ors CW talli 'bil.imteheIl la lic welilbe silpetatiae,àfîM maumer 1l'a vilci ousof bléIadflag delry send 'het. «The sAU%$gde larme.. lu $is. eatt suo.up tic eusemzed te uà mlm swu sllilm. ne land ue d seul It, Ummou ationhe,a N. 1Wpil- 8?tJreTTruE.TuMIe? ln why -* ha"e biga ý AUWsbOtéVR . Wàb1, dblot bmshe li 46i euceolà etmgtabcere0"agomborelcm von. bol~ ~ ~~w CertainoW vaB4uB t ferdae pando uib dm 16. 0.0~ flO ceagi bmibs W ma i h 'ht leiaiow u Ii veatpeu~ u m f 99 U. B n f lis aale'emupjaly orpoltomsi ,aB escodIe 0, cibnsumsd. The potatpu e i a edo..@5ut roqfle&e.0 >a.and@ f tcpeooeeand yl 1». plaid WU t oat b.umuic s .0e nom» ier . r.Wcbb eMte d0 idou .umoe lé imopta traime. b.OD.100*W hlar1P~ port»s. wioli lrl lte A «oty food adumieumor tum&a be rapised iy a b. adssbor1 ait.gSIsvcntirne liseopnion.Lmemgutt bil te a liaipotatose vin drop'ta elicl 8'a hlesremlrel t9 à* insiel vShnlmm* monti. four mou ha 0017 Iê HAWTHIORNE SOHOIIL NQTES the pulm out cflie ba»mrLin... Bttres co 0 se8. t10 cale.1 W. have etwute"bnio aalo, alter a belpli e cect bulef vactisausonmunt ot tic coW mark ilciP teý aéreug. 1bivate tO n Seu W. bave rcodvdcarouIimprovement vhlci tftIl MW e, *t meats la vit* laJoElgitgrade. siortmgc. 400 Puiuinit*$I Dorcihlti 41; SlzliTiodore Duan;,tien 4diuveS 08111104.u110 hFMi, lle.. Soue. nd Secmi, Welter stoum. H.uuagf. We mut, wcub bard for cou Peistele 0taAdueitis Prulaywe coastul egeu. .Mr. W"bb"ela 54M Thonmibmai Nmici er. Walter Img iupei~tbemI and Hlca Amssorli. ticefoots ilag u 105W Oui ceboobuutbiudme<lpsr ut osa 50 pi6e . 8si iq csevuow ime uper isr Ii Cas iplccVlm. .~ cmwutbfl gaset ou 8M uêda à seioo aller 'Ont bal- abille M -ithc 1hpet«. dare.wvm pbemently epu#. Th inislltfeSn, and little flke bave beenbaBy making susa e élc, valctlmhs.,* 1mai SUPerVilM et 9 Tus-da y lb. MIesseEvelyn ile.,r, 1. 8 epOS P r Emma andildTitus vlstci ou. umthir cmest ri * seool. Lcne ael dealere plevmS prantualy>e letalie omtg Weeiittcot b11-4%e.11.0iD jcsraolelnfg Le vWilc clurw m MraeePrfite -and A iet5,0.e g# tncare taxes iuut. ig mdevau ox- n.uDi m7b >' l.doi yeutwday trou ca l. 28 to Ueenm«e voc j. ft 3ad 1. vilie~*!~ Tm Tic v or f lsting»se mn>ratura. 40*M O5 tuO%. &U th le supplies maccm>, verenun- baud MI ilb. e i * srcbtci d, vh" l auts for thec0817 et 9 35011 s flt0 ~ ~ fe to ie. Puy Teom b>' ion. 1.AmmeavuU h. Tiltsdocm ol mmai enxtension OIcf5W eI# c. ctfh inmc utili 10pay lie taxes. P-' calta gai SaillI. M.1 TrOsury DPat@pentofkicI aismde a aboard«. lbt dur thbt &U tareç for 1917 muest fMvhso l il ic poild b>'l. 1la uccoriance viii tour.- PiOld"O la b t. tha «W»u141 *y smeeuoo dIide. -M bu M *,M 3. luiAnmwt Sm 0mpIlnta -. *M t ls ob t lm 13mai01C eper sont orders tle11 ayl ssi toa uiowU ,î rvome ecbflectta okeep licir bo» &»»It cfOtielIl. apen for r rusu»hlMrci 81. <cebn S'c et Pm mwem %to. MD$ asadtwbt %e de v 1b e 1 e 1w png utnsg - lic imila LA LIEu ~ aIs 1: fi .4Y

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