CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Mar 1922, p. 8

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k-1 over 17 destrng g0enmu so--8. subject to, the wl o1 te oep tions, $125 monthly. write for free liât of the Republican caucus;, to be held or positions now open. Raymond Ter» Saturday, March 18, 1922. ry (former Civil ServIce examiner) As to My fitness for thi office. ,can say that 1 have had several yed FOR SALE-Reed gondola baby bg experience on road work, having work- gy, lrory with dark blue liaisig; lso ed under the County Superintendent a ht weter heat radiator, 70 feet rad- of HIghways and the present Co:nis- atIon.Tlephone 134-W. 11-tf stoner of Highnrays of Libertyville FOR SALE-_One grade Holltein bull, Township, and If nominated and elect- aloseven cows, heavy springers. ed ot this office I will do my best to Chas. H. Ptersen. 1-tdeav o o e ydollaa1pnd FOR ISALE-Reed baby carriage, lu on the roade show good results. good condition;, cheap. Phone Lb- 10-2t IRVING HELFER. eutyvile 148-M. . 11.1t LIBERTYVILLE TOWNSHIP TAX FOR SALE--110 huff Or*ington Pul- ADJUDICATION NOTICE Hera Nuen GTeni 11t Public notice in hereby given that STRIGH SAARY$3600 er eekthe Subscriber, 44m tùratrix of the end expenses to man or woman with ated the County Court of lake u rig Io Introduce Poultry Mixture. Eu- ty tatr hro ob odna riekaZ Mfg. Co., East St..Louwi11. 1l the CourteIthereo to holdenait FOR SALE--Four colts; 1 four yealrs County, on the first Monday of May old; two 3 years old, and one 2 year2son hav ng latmsaaint said eto old. Folly Farm, LibertYvilbe. , .112 are notified and requested to present FOR RENT-Funihed rooms, In flat the samne to sale1 Court for adjudica- aocated In business district. Inquire tion. ELIZABETH FAUST. Indeendnt ffic. i-trAr1ministratrir radrenentofice 11tf Waukegan, Illinois. Feb. 27, 1922 TH E INDEPENDENT always puts 9 10 & 11. Libertyvifl first. Lyell H. Morris, Attorney. A. m. Gib>bons of dSharon, Wis., wras in Libertyville Tuesday visiting his sister. Mrs. J. R. Mack. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OFP THE Tr A C r IBRTY-. A Democratic caucustobnmeegn- didates fror the several offices named belowr, for the Township of 1Aberty- v" "" " ll h l®d "'.th® Town Hall', Liberty,ileI lli*oi, on iSaturdaY, March 18,1i922, at two o'clock P. m. These nominees, to bl voted on at an election to be held en Tuesday, April 4, 192-2erk On serisor; one Town Clek n . eor; neCommise ner of Hi1ghways; one Justice of the Peace three years, to fill vacancy; one irustee of !Schools for three years; one Trustee of Schools for two years, to MI1 vacancy. Commitee. x Ox O X O 0x 0 ýO XO x 0 x 0 . THE NDEP NENapa.rthe e0 o Lake- county.0 oßt U • o-Date rie Sbo lu The State Every Job,Unconditionally SPECIAL .OFFER DUring M"e OWiY With Every Fisk Red Top Emory Stockel visited his paren«s Sunday. Herman Berlin'visited at the red BerIn homesevieral days tant week. Miss List Weidner hms returned from a Plit ln M iwuke dies ^id nmeeting at Palatinle Thurs- AlIce Sturm spent Bulnday at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sturm. . athonaterthe Palatne hSpal Thur day of lust week. Mise Della Berlin and her cousin, Miss Cora, elin tid at the home Harry Sturma went to Chicago last Thursday mornIcg. 0 00 00 00 00 0 00 0 00 00000o 9 M ILLYSSC H 0L o °000000000°00000°00°.0°0°°0°0 ° M. and Mrs. Robert Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kane spent Staday with their parent, Mr. and Mrs. H.L Mille. Mrs. Lewis Mille was the guest of ber sisters; Ruth and Elizabeth Rock.- enai tthe Mothers' and Daugh. ter aqet t Deerfield-Shields high school Saturday evening.' M. Woodin has been 1ll the past week. . Mrs. Jennie Hayes Is sufblering from a severe attack of bronchitis. Mise KnIght han been a visito>r at the Cash Edson home the past week. Mrs. C. J. Msm Mrs. Fred Towner and Mass Knight p>et Tuesday in Chicago. Members of the Ladies' Aid Society of Prairie View were were gueta of Mrs. JM mon. Thursday afternoon. 'itebhol moueh.orffebrnary end- ed last Monday Those perfect ln at- tendance viere Elles Mason Harry Ma- son and Earl ßgesobing. They were rewarded with a half hoMday. Ethel Hickman has had perfect les- sono Dgo spelling for the past three monthis. .Harry ,Maon also had *er- feet In spellng during Flebruary. We ar esorry to report that Frances Towner has been 11l the past week. . Herrdan MilHs Je remodeIng his res- idende on the old home place. ANOTH ER ARGUMENT IN ÉAVOR OF BUYING IN TH E COMMUNITY Money- sent oult of tOW4 for me. chandise that should be pu ,hased at home does not come back i and we and the zown suffer for the' thoughtless set of those -who fatten the big city merchante at the expenseóf or commonwealth. If the trade of ths community was kept at. home ,our .town woûld be mtore prosperous. The money we have eamged would be ln circulation, and wpuld, In the couvrs, iqf bus$nee4 come back to us perhapý severá tmes ln the oòurse of a year; but tatent out of tôvh t does not come back. 1,t le gone fôfever. 1 IIL, MIE LOWER ERVE UNDERYHE MAGNIFY• & DAVIS ING OLASS is PmNCED på eirann YAMMIA.GNED JOINT. PINCHED)NERVESCANNOT ion of Deformities, TRANSKIT HEALTHFUL ronice Diseases- IMPULSES. CIROPRAC- 6 to 8., unslays TICADJUSTING RE.- Appintment. MOVES TNE PRESSURE,. wcastle Hotel THE UPPER NMV 3 LL E, ILL. A- fr or 0 w March 1 Sunday Dr.'oy Williams and fatmily e of ex- ---- - ---- *m- aLoi! fnd ol Dilwen, r ert in spaell-. 199 Cntinntaoradg.oWasiugto, W mp ethery La e rD. s aLiert tr, anyarrespedig smetim O ITU RYingths w ekMrs. . 10-St etiDuty, ard ct h W0« WOod WOman SayS herStocke ad frIY rfeturned hoJmes ear fe Pnltheursda ahiln cdnPlantinn eW orn Ayuut' Teonyan, EartDAlbiert, Ver WLkàn.FOR ALAb sxrouos n Oa.Apliiit utb«use WM RSlej) fVe d3 Unt l irs. ee ning ath Gertspening ant Fr iday hn hicagoathe h omke of M. 6, 1858t in Naha, roie h o*t. n Vlad alsynaie and orthy DVeaale re. i veacesof1ey i ' and , jus hir e inf elr40 1r * tThrsay a rdagherMr. .r. Ro ynn.lliamrnend fame wasf to Doriandei o alf oia o en efc ie r: ra 8es aanc ul serd Tisp p iti soul firt aiuSmenfewdays ap ae fChcg pn h aesaead.I sah rwdIngattesna.àl. f orPrflstmot.u • ike 399 ent ient 0ang. for ma-t a live u tseen lid 0tW« s10,00 Rodenr uer.of C as aFihertyn-pte ek uarhome, entetiafninn mees aed fITUredfra ieinBae k .l trse orea iatinDetgade. rervoity.F.M.Had-pe ya. eav e d t cmpaign a t il t fl of L rtyy m Mrs Waltr Taylr of aukegn Óecen se 1, 13; atstihethormeedoedMWl.iam. AabentUths AnD Wanto delverfie, usng mek WIle a M era onaed y8, two ,monhs llhavte r c TaSl enT urdhevenin.amen te&Mr. an Thuryas. Lx. - 1à ød imange bo n@eth stte Sand & Gravel Co., ¿183 West for FORal advisetxtaing.fiWhenanridng MtSOâsleeofie dys nfl sTheutmeUrwa Found Sturda at M CiagoAmehe homn åtseko M.3 ýt.abk r0,eshm. er alsen Washae adDrob Dlil e ingt14OnfSt., Chicago. 10-2t Ive fulleaiculats4Mn3firstler hen dys son fieoda Mtek wmith a a oMe& t t wo ee çWIues by as»ed wsaMarW eDora10B led o aMyfrblgprotml W r .10o ;bln e M sbere. isplicanm us b e esa s deaoe r Ciaof Heghts.alpher a e fCiao ptteU( ý tae in11 c& t 'l Them as ofe lucholathursday rnR .4LE-0even-ie fo akdr.n ale M co m hc$M ir t ruo- '% irg d a medicino e for him U r.T e adk gi hrlst ishayae r e d P s . Ly S tory, wnoetas beea fn ey t the agW tef orhe as oti rmedn a Fr id ae asi s Sihe o eaatn e roin et. Chwr y I ps, __-I _erty-tins UnAsgp a nt o IA t nc e ýa g ad ua t lly qfworet @CIL he tro o at t M lehaser homia e-f l o t e e of her son, is now onL e eac herse b betigb en. yille U -bo I i-. 104t- jadmeet all e q, ull paetsof tU ad iÏ ma ald ans e of weid thMssHa he. ernM aldo rl-tegm. W ltr alo r. C.gub" bo i,1A.e M UIded rkinrtnh"beeahanshi a'"mostedeivr finioneshedasc«.Weasoaie ambns . hifrom sep. Heset near. tienry atPr bail te Th rursday t. M.enafdaYr s. e k vnauh band and .pisn 1ne d meber 1til h ime on· his new orc.f• WATEHotBlst r1 f e ave our t anagern po r at in ritedaysalmot cnstatlyand e M. an Mrs ChalesGoesille enidauhtervisied te forme's aster ofW deth.Misses hswwkow, e Ms.. amesE. Lrki and-hsose heturrrWtaGeooF..obets. a. D «WM nse . InterM-g .;#amdof n gdso%,tred he cold haet a rned tenl Tng udYessundc ayims.BMn.VandDusenha.few xdays las t leam R mo aroffnl Jme J. nderg ent toont Chic a ey ndills, Ill. 10-I Wetfeyou quadty u. -isis a iestopor arTybeae. amlte oswer, MarChale s e 3 âe. M ain gt ac BW Wudv b-æn' Saturda TnyWsonenedy Wshnguns'ii t and r¢eiri irtlf bt etan m, one sggete 9tatwe try aerieranddaghtrsandMr ornt hre àtrneoe atleno chiWen othe d &AugMter . of hi ofir t Mis Mrae t aki.a beCic ORSL -Pttesbc a cob0-2 W olfa Ifetne-Nie AL.Np icatm E, eyr f auea.h e Ca Mrg eogr gro eedn ewner w.ith hisvu daugåter, wit hu a cold., 10.4t porlee ak ui t a e etelulinChcaU 0.f 11- iémntm de somleicaefor ntbte Thle ingrl DetS«dY l e trom.Lyin t oic . MhsbeýeYI fl 1tymadFis R u arkn vateshatool laste Crt »Io I Mt. etaH nwa ble t rseturhno MissthEmma i nbrener ofe ark1' hai "Cle n es"ogn, at theOn1 Mr. tena n "ofa1sa goo m m edg1 t nc ,' rk b"ang da IDleethtchrpr M ig e en Su n a ithhe onts ols ridayvenig wasisnted ymMia Luhneihbonas i theMrs. WllimTynan d daught ler n....,2taOTICEt CAlRDqi t OF TH s ad t;ouiç save d y boy's if e e v. ndMr.ealre ee d u ccs uh 1oe rih n i eB&ewt sflo . s.C.A.Womrinbspn t usdyW itgÉilbea h ae onyNtond r.HemnSh1de n o. 'empse ýiiiaMr.oandBMrs. WelaiamtSauer-andusonna and, men UMM ug m s. he n ryTonan. WaNBkeahotdaut onday, March r anexres andheir eep app ly rit 0 0 0 0 0os0 0 0st0n0l0,0and0 Victr faucnda epnt udy a TylL. dM. Crband Mr. A.B. on day afteoon mheh 13th he Mr arie s onya was asnfom 20t, fr te 9 a . . R e pam'forthe indnaitann ad o ex fl e ig e ird e oUd Te Vnd trEaue om vn1et Rn'. Charles J.eDickeye conductiedIatschoolelast Wenesay K , I f spoqay of frendlandànI fors L O N G G R 0ofV E eCares therschberger a-'l nd y Johso Bn have beenquitewil lu p as brefte, rea tthoIm e a :3, an Voam D.adsGeorgepentto he caeek-end 111. 0.2 Dely e t' un ted recentils s andbut de aof Sa 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 e. Mm. 0 al er elne visMtorChFrlye ThsodiinofHrl Wlimsag pece aerona h ihMr.Jmsm.sel O S -A er ne -oo u blvdhubn adfthr t AeIc o eemlye r . -B ebre n agtr n remain But hame . ed h as, itre- a twofetbe a tif Tef|bi lomtl Mss. ra I berk labuFa si f hn n alrvkOIE ohimpr Kruefti0 0 0c0 0h0 0h0 0.0"0a0g0od0w0th aumeddhometfrom therhospetal.wpieces.ficereTEmany and beautiful, andt .13n ppevrsof Tgkof.The fabel ad- MdM.UGergReA Y HIfLLber Mrs. A. M.gte iffn y w1hh as bheen pthai d okattbute of thls in xmpay RuBhLarCAN sTWN CAUCU lst en J.B i n geso,Cdele n ive Stk Aad r Peadernchrge in rthUn itle . O000in 0000 00 Detutrpolyfrsoetieiasgnecaace f h dcaed ubi otc s eeb àentataAea10l9t..a40ted fgodwrkhreofr SttsHi- so, blelinois ms tael mitoEmmthe Amenerican hospital in Chicago. Th serr vusat gonthe gr e cn- acswl ehkytteTw.alsle rmfu onn easod Qogaph. AlredLaske rceied iss apsm tok fur f te puilsforTe payent. e hope het ay re duced by LIbty.11eiLoge No.n42a t ietvle nio auda.FR SL i-om l oenwig rm10 o10 onsec. 11 i Unit ed tt ist r adm HLi-ese ëtz. end Bedh errese, a- ur tousson.A . . .M.,omw.c r.Eilanth l8t iay o M arc n.d. ,atodfam ouOn AstnEAreCn..TeOpOne23 W2 hererile.Re ole n d he U besok odad ge ets t hc g .Wlo cGelf aura -ws a embr.2 p th no intio ofth fo- lngbarnt acke ho useNaton- dence monnde e iad milseat a a m-fe ï o Tes ievethgr re an d Mm's alk Roast r i d i e dths aed p tsan hEUd h ri o o tu o io e o o o o o ohie fo o 0Mm. One upervsr. orda i iaiBnableurce.AugutRadioir,IAby- lve 100in e.ogaphyaandM Te fith, IsithSev e r and seighth II.CORNER Š 0 On rTon Clrkvile HFnrank••t ,n re loiway CoeemusseiNER Oseke of te fithgrde ecivd00 Vco o c d, pn gaa t Mr.L . Rhode l, o n of the B. Chic ago 0 One h 1th te a ssesorn ws asn rm 2tfon9a .utl ýs.frtekn nitoeadeP d e itrsae iishd a f te xamna ooteahstremad aJusnes trp 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 al00 Oe o mmisut siner o Hihwas.POR LE Mar uis hea of 120 ymiAt th soicitaiondpfan y fo my edrgt rs h v Ervey bsy haresestors a ebbrenldeithe tohnio h atbe urday. 1 the At nuber of our peome &are:sick with VoneaScholT ael efotheeears.e and 192.tVery finechOice. Re- riends.Ihe e lesade be oea - -latf asdin1eai okSaundaywere P Mainn ies opi AneraMks Glacodys Pn owsk o Wuke laripe neSooolTrsteMfriwoyeas lenedan fMaoWhaHr r cnddatffr he f - aM the softbuilnPrs r.Je etIndduherset vrSndywt rprn J Ion Wtof altie ist d Mrhe oui ll ancy). veierty egt rs aese n Wedneresay in- EstherlDeitsospenteSunday at the Rev. Mumford snent Tuesday-inhChi-1 ye F ars (to fillevcntcdy). 2bmile.sonestof tLebetylle'.m Te eo t tecuu auly ayya ti e re - bome tof eViola Hopke00at0 Fairfield. urncag o e o hehsial lm r edmrs.Geogen rlbe r aian1 te otandU phne 78--2.o e xpr c NOrkInCE hgwy, wW theChaes Laf0 retzho MeRRay Ake. ILL sster inM. Ke n y lstSulda, a rs ed Ft iut eddeer Sunday. EPULCAS. M. W ILc^COX miyco. mmtG.asn.HB.noLAesandealed inldi e stck Heny Lsee. Heman Mie Ela aui o Lae oret is-tknqte o l andr unbe tmh o en Jonad a QetnE We-111 om it e. ay11. P . nsxPo 104-Jt tokeep he ads go od onestfor lid spi ent huersde veli nigi ted her0 Gra0d0 parents Mr. and .Mrs. he tmile ollhowpingSndCia. hrt ndof ste dFred. Feddelerolast Your votie will beeappreciatedlat the jointe ago. JohlBainoisrn to Mr.and Ma.nWarenRb ,nFORimSALE-he amavnow selling the ilbe ede h onHl,efontaucur to e held at the TWn Qegphrt A Justu s krene, who Mr.s ads. Goforef heP Sforke and in oSnay, a hb oy.Ele ayre d h d y Mbr. ane d ges. OlLbtyile, Ericsono miud 1FO Slkg macine Smd, & nmery.Ha e xrt Sa0tuday.0March 18.a 200 Ibo initd Slleat e at irstndvi-ser iyan M. aln d res e R ay-ke r. e an Mrs.& . ilhv mvdvstd M., nd Mrs Fre eder Te ul mligmahn. ae 'lckp . KahbeneroKndardn td Cries D lt pe'sS nay twe Mr.and oMar. . HD.s1n2visted Rchd s A ntboch, InA st. n 0- -Tef oe23 W 2SErMENT l os *oés Hl§ther mnd Etock vidested eveing.Teell bMceeatfitUren' all ore- a s it . finsi othCiaoItrdy O AE hoc aqi eedn ndeon, iesoâ boses Mr ad rs.J.Um dn1 Mr2 pd rs., bertPreheandormiFrdtyovenet, Mach 17on-th new Wenhalbaannwafre po in he fu-ohetoVicoroDeeyerfGurne. Il. Afer beng uged b sevral o my. of Platinove thelilek en. a d r. F e Bla u nd c idn got addition of the anths aes & er- aea h ool.M.ad1n.A ak fCiao w ak a 4-- 0tfins t eoeacniaefr M r . e M r s . e r y T h n e ,M .a T - n in a k RZ e r e h vi it d it t h h m e of vi e t a k m0T.0rc e d s f r m h e B l n c e e r h o n 0 v sOed M a el vi St d pi e r tv i le r elv s T u s a . Po n e p e g u s a l . C m m s i o e oei g w a s o f L b e is.~~ -ennBed fOkPr toFak udy ac otwrsmkn the irs pay Sockel Snda, Mssne on CLarso auegnvilleRKllns. YUN9MN.WOE.vleTonhpIhaedcedt 4 meto tenw ietrc.i vrn etpoi of ft thvit rd tene 100Mt sustness Asistant Buiness the- week Number Number Number Nutmber Total a Businear above the tant deals IN WAUI conerdica Oscar A Ir. H. Duw HKelmholz Frank I wo h Av for Indice Anfon Griffith 1 et. just n $4,000.ý IN LKli Ington C indicated dedte for IN HYIU Herber frontage Mlarshms f, Indic May S feet fron South o Mansala Ernest the Emn West col Frank Eger p $:.500. Richa? Gilbert L;ncoln Sophi- and Ste IN LIB' Fred Fenner Inicate -IN EAS Char 82 feet for $2, for $1d Fran Patten Sec. 5 cash. 21 acr gave 1 IN A1 the E ation aNat Christ Candi son Ic Geo 3. Fu 28 fo RE! S Mr. and Mrs. Leciard Vanl Dusen and son, Lloyd, motored to Waukegan Last Sunday. -- Thiere wll be a pian reckigvn at the grade school by the pupils of Miss McLaughlin of BurlIngton Friday evening of this week. one of the chldren of Ray Murrie has scarlet fever, and the-.home Is un der quarantine. ited friends in Libertyville Sunday. Mr. Frances Woodworth of Milwau- kee spent the week end In Liber*y- ville. Miss Catherine Gelling of Rosecrans ls here visiting her uncle Daidl Nel- &on, and wfe. Tony Monse is confined to his home on first street, suffering with an attack of the flu. Lunig Weas and Hiacking Cough (Heaith Talk Nuimber 15). By Chat. D. Nixon. . C.. Ph. C. ýany gifferers from terrifying ung dis es that hang on and on, threat- en ng at any time to hecolpe virulent' 'ave no realization of the fact that chiropractic spinal adjustments will go directly to the seat of this trouble and reInOVee cause. 0 A E A • J. W. ChmadkEr was a Chicago vis- Mtr. Md rs. Fred Zerson were the guests of Mr. and Mam. John Grewe of wheeinne Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnsmith mo. tored to Druce Lake gttnday. Mms. Phlip Morse and children of Gilmer cied a. the home of her Par- enag Mr. and Mrs. Fred Voelker, on Wedneeday afternocn. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Dolph entertained M. and Mr. Barry Payne and Miss Avis Payne Sunday. · Mrs. J. Goodali was a waukegan vis- Itor Saturday. Mr. and Mlri. Henry Tonne of Long Grove apent Tuesday with Mrs. E. E. Roder. Mrs. A. L. Dorfler spent several days wth her paalMmts, Mr. and Mrs. George Yore of Everett. Mr. anM Mm. G. Metzer were Chic, go visitors Saturday. . Mrm, Thomas- tussell was a Lake Forest visitor Priday. bit. and Mr&. Townsend Smith were the Sinday guets f the formegr's Par' ents Mr. and Mrs. Ira mith at Round La$r.e Mr. Myron Wells was a Waukegan vLitior Monday; Gregory Yahnke or þtbertyville vis- Ited Suinday with Umis Loretta Dorfler. Dorothy Harding was a Chicago vis. tor Saturday. Miss Evelyn Hull LbryIlle was .thie guest of Hlen usseMlSunday. Mr. mid Mr. George ManabrIdge movled to their new home on .the Iake Shore Sunday. • 3r. Angumr; Godke o fIvenhoe spent a,. fw- day wth her daughter Mrs Leland Jarett. Mr. mnd Mm. Henry Kane entertain. ed Mr. and M.rt. Geward Andrews of IakeForest SrA*y. Mrs. John Dollenmater of Lblerty- ville lasDspnding a few days withi her narEts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MitchielL. mies AVIS Payne Of Chicagd spent the week. end wth her Parenis, Mr. and Mr. H. C. Payne, The G. W. C. wml give a card party al McBride's hall Talelday eveàlng March 21. Evezyone invted. Miss Emma Fishey was the guest of Des Plainfe relatives several days last week. The Area Athletic Club will present If the spinal nerves to the lungs are under pressure it is miost reasonable to expect lack of tone, weakness and dismes Chiropractic spinal adjustments by free-- ing the nerves for their work give Nature a chance and health results. SUFFERE 15 YE "For fiftPevnyears 1 iatoI headaches, à6thma, Indigestion, ung 9weakness and a hackilng cough ' ery inactive bowels, or which I hadltou ake iurga- Et!inMsM! tivesand t rtes inauy duf- ferent me-.hods without reief. After M ta*ing several courses of chiropractic spinwa adjustments. 1 cain thankfully $ state thiat chil'uarcle, hasmade me I ma S rell In nearly all the troubles. weigh more and reet better now than i n many yeamis shall be glad to refer anyone to Ilhe chiroprac Ic method, for NM 'l firm y bel'ýve it if; the only method that ean do miy om any permanent *-IE good."-MNrs;. Dora B. Taylor. Chiro. LUN practic Research Bureau Statement STp SPLI YOUR HEALTH M ON Y -uca e an. ponmrentA for your heakth a sake by telephon- in 26IW " Drs. MION opeaalits-Corret Nervous and Ch airsf: 1 te 6 and mi Mondays by suite 10-11-4Ne LBERTVVIL VOL. x REJ a surf Guterand OWpilouO We Can Do It Prom ptl Scha lRC rdWare, o. Lake Coulty lTife Phone 34-J RtOUP'DLAKF,

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