ngston vol ii kingston upper canada j ette tuesday august is 1812 no 3 sheriffs sale the following mulltn lyflrifi t y vii tne of three fcv- r k yv rr pi to wit jf owl writ dtjiriju- j u u iv k toedononhmhiuvsconfofkinls are cffered for fale at the printing p jruy s 1011101 jwg 3 bench at the fails of laurence hwehmer and john kirby of the twn of king too merchants and nicholas hanrman of the townfhip of adolpljuflown efqnire againft the lands and tenements of jrvnes cfrnlomy of thetownfliip of mayfburgh yeoman t irsc directed i have jeied and taken in ex ecution as bclongfnp to the faid jame ge- rolomy the well halfhf lot number feven- ven in the firfl conctfuon of the townfhip of mary fourth containing by admeafuremet one hundred acres be the fame more or lefs fnjrethcr wirl a log hoofo thereon erected i do hereby jive notice that the above men tioned lot of land with the building and rpprtennces threunto belonging vill lc fold nd adjudged to ilie hfefaejl bidder n my office in tlic town of klngftoiij on the feventeenrti day of march next at the hour often of the clock in ttin forenoon at which time and place the conditions of fale will be niade known charles stuart smf and every perfnn or periods hiving rlajmg ntlienh- fofcnbrd fcrt ul iyml al premi se by niortnje or other rilit f incum- 1rance rre hereby advert ifed to pive notice to the fum sheriff st his office in the town 0 previous to the fnle thrreof skiffs n apr 1 s 1 2 24 sb eriffs sale tftvid dfifisti 1 1 t virtue of a writ of o d j xj fieri ffkfafy lffiic4 outef his majeftys gourt of kings bench at the fait of thonvis maiklaud if the tnwii of itingftrm eftuirc agaiuft the lands and tenements of aflncl ttralfhaw of the toffftfltip of fredetickfbrphjrompn to rre tfreftcd i have fued pnd taken in exeeu- fjon as litcnginjr to the faid afhael kiad- ftav lot number twentyfoot in the feventh cocifrion of hz townfiip of lohorongh containiif by enmcafurcmnt two hundred mv be the hrrx moie or lefs i do here by give nitc that the above mentioned lot of lind will be fold and adjudged to the liehill bidder at my office in the tvn of kingftoii on the twentvfevirnth day of jan tory next at the hour of ten of the clock in thlotennon t which time and pi ice the auditions of f lc will be made known charles stuart sheriff and every nerfon or pcffoifc having cluims fntheabnc defcrihed lot oflnnd by mort- fpg or other right or incumbrance arc betf jy advprtifed to give notice to hit laid siht- jwj at h nbec fi the t nvn of kingftoo re- fiousto 1 he fate theror shrtfsofuc gth may itl 27 frefh goods b whitney has juft received cot- ton skirling cotton chambray ging ham black cambrick laces cotton checks men beaver gloves women white cotton hole do- black worfted do men white cotton do white and colord threads brown hollands drab ijrunfwick curd blew ribd caflimere olnabiughs rflmal handkerchief alio rum pep- permint cordial brown sugar snuff and tobacco pepper 5c ailfpice ivory comb pocket ondpenknives ladies hair combs superfine and low pried broad cloths el- low nankeen mens cotton gloves bar shaving soap sngifeffj 1 8a may i p 1 2 zj partncrfirip dijfolteed notice isherebv given that the part- nerlhip of gumming ham ulqnu ibis dav diftolved by mutual con- lent l jtcfe indebted to fald concern icrhcrc or at their store in lmefl town jfettqutftsd to make immediate paymetit to john cumming who is duly aiuhoiized 10 fectvt the fmc and thofc in lebted to their ore at hamilton will alfo avail thcnfclvca f hig notice to fettle faid debts with mr jf ruttnn who is alfo authorized by wmto receive the fame all cluma upon th above mentioned con- te arc tqutfted to b- fent in as foon as blc office kingston rieafjres ct reafon juvenile msgazinej beattiefi minflie ready rtckonrr the grave a poem sltakeftteai en poems vill rge ciirate cmimon seufe new mirror ivlafons self knowledg montgomerys poema rebgions c tf rence sp tr afiiry piiicl arrhmeuc murrays spelling book do grmma letters to a voting gentleman chrillum m nitor economy of hu nan life addifons works mtarbiufps view of herefiefl jilfc cf jiifeph a ih tyivhfl scalotis in lngland ira and ifabella a w noiel chamber of george 3d porncyn fiench sclingbouk french vcbularv chida spellingbook worlds d if played portents evidences of the chndian re ligion bibles teftament watt plalmrt and hymns pfabets american cookery childrens books caechifm cac and a variety nffmall trft nfefttl and en- tt taming tor children new goodst the fubfrriber has juft received from montreal a new and exteullvc aflorc- rnnt of goods gro- dry cencs winch are the following articles york stripe blue nankeen yellow do chiefs hyfon green tea cotton silk do loaf and mulcovado thread cotton lace among spirits wine brandy vinecrar sugar coffee chocolate pepper allficc ginger fig blue starch india cottons printed do sewing silks nuns thread colord do bmbttte ruftia and imitation sheeting browi holland ladies falhionable beaver bonnets linen cotton cam common do brie mens fur hats leno and book muf- mens and youths linn wool do silk 5 cotton shawlswilloxvdo shambray jockey cap silk nnd cotton vcl- morocco slippers vet black mode black luiefliinp fafliionablc veiling curdurov thickletc lean leather do cottn and worfled ilofe beaver glove cutlery hardware glars crockery and tin ware neiv goods he fubferiber has juft received from montreal a new fupply of groceries among which are the following nrtklts port wine green tea t opirits plnjj tobacco shrub railing peppermint cordial almonds loaf sugar pig blue m ufcovado do indigo tc frc which will be fold very reafonable for cafil only b whitney kingston th atmuj 1 3 1 2 37 a john camming gavin m hamilton j jtuu i 1812 31 blank bills of ladiag hf m the gazette oflice vu i inr yllfo a ttp mlleaion of books hugh c thomson aftiis for mr qst george kingston may 2 9 1 8 12 2f to be let and iinrn pltafinh hour neartfee town of kingtbrn irttcly the procrty of kir john jhnfon there are attached to the houfe about twenty ncrot cxdhni hud a good gaheri and table well etc few town lota to fell or leale application to he marie to alexander m- domel oln f rgulon both of king- it kingston rth june 1 8 1 7 3 tt nd immediate poifeffion jpven tliat plcafmuv foliated and commodious land for sale the follow no valuable lor of land in the townfhip of fredericklburoh are offered for fale by the fubferiber viz lot number fi in the firfl cunceflion ndditoml lot number twcntyhvc in the fourth richard cartvvright xic 3 1 1 1 y f 1 2 dollars reward 7rereas divers have been comomit d on the farm be longing to mrs c trump lot no 24 sd concciuon of ihrtutvnlhlp of kiijofton fuch a cutting down carrying off ttnvbrr whoever will grvc informatmii of ftuh bffen her or oilenlers that they may b brought to the conviction of the iame hall have the abov reward and all pcrfons arc hereby cautioned cnmmlfeting future aggrcf cons on the above prcmiic under pain of profecution christiana trtlmp kingston j uy 24 l8l2 3 6m 0 notice r o be let nnd poftemon given the fecond x day of april ncr from three to lit teen years as may be agreed upon a valua ble farm irt the firlt noticeflion addition- al frcderickmuigh there arc riftf hundred acres of improvemeirti a good n and orchard on it a good frame barn and houfe the prcmffcs are well ittuated and calculated for a farmer merchant r inn keeper by en- laffjing the hottfe for fntthcr parriculari apply to the proprietor and fubferiber at f derfckfbarghj or to chrtrfcs siuait elo in kiiifon michael coyle jfme r rsf shf j ujl received from england a neiv assortment of cloths caflimeres ard are now offered for fale bv the fubferih ers at mr wm stoughtoss inn on the moft reafonable terms for cam broadbent wbxtelieacl s son kingston jw 151812 9 take notice all per fons indebted to the subfcnber either in note of hand or bovik ac counts are requefted to call nnd make a fet- tlement with him on or before the firii of may enfuinjr or in cafe of failure their notes and accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney and a profecution commenced againll them without further notice james perrot erne town march 25 1812 20 one or two jour yman taylors will find conllaut employ and generous wa ges by applying to the fubferiber- samuel merrill kingston 1 th june 1 s 1 2 tf webfters spellingbooks tor fale at this office historical quebec acccrdrz to democratic eptmsftts tl j plains of abmlmm arejooiiio b revifitcd by u brave yankee bovs iff crimfaiejrvitb the blood tfjlcmghtered canadians and its quebec appear to be the bone ivhieh the dos of wir ere to tend we think tbefollweing i torical account wit be read with much interej ver pap from znij rtpoflory oflrs the hiflory of quebec is inter- bftine but too lone to be detailed ir has fuftained three fieges the firftwasin 1680 a coniicierame annv marclied from new england iinucr the comrmrul of the gov ernor of that province to invefc the place by fond whilftan eng- caution those perfons who receive the king- ltou gazette from the fubferiber and arc indebted to him for the fame are inform ed that payment must be made at the end of th quarter or their papers will fofithdy lc difconiinutd simeon morey july 14181a- iuri fleet failea up flic a lawrcni to attack it bv water the armv was conducted by a party oi iro- quois inimical to the french but who abandoned their allies in the rnidfc of the dldernefs in confe- quence of which the provincial were dlfperfed and returned hbm as they could meanwhile a for was liiulfd from the fleet to make a divcrfion but they were prompt ly attacked by the french and for ced to reembark with great loft this expedition therefore totally failed the fecond was more fortunate the great lord chatham juuly alarmed at the prdgrefs the french armies were making in north a- mcrica forefaw that the northi weflern continent muit loon obey one or other of the rival powers a formidable armament for the times coiififtmg of about t men in 250 tranfnorts and con voyed by 20 men of war was ik- ted out with fo much crvpedkion tjv dxti tv river sr lw- rence in unc irqo it was com- manded by general wolfe and ad miral saunders notwithftardinr this promptitude the enemy wa prepared to meet it he firii mad an attempt to burn the fleet in thcr river by fire fhips it was well con- dueled and would probably have fucceeded if he had not let are too ibon point levi was flrft taken and carried by the encjkfh from whence the town was bombarded the french to prevent an inveft- ment had polled their principal force at montmorenci the ground was very flrong wolfe attacked them with the flour of hi troops coniifting of all his flank companies he could not howev er with the moft heroic exertions force their ilrons nolitions and was compelled to retreat to his bat- teaux leaving 15 hundred of hi men on the field this lofs to gether with the approach of win ter would have jultihed a frigid calculating general in giving up the enterprife but woffe was re- folvedto couqucr or die he did both had thii ckpeditionbcen delayed ort night or even a week longer i hd eu ct tainly failed a fome expeditions have d during the rwljlfcnj l n