vol ii kingston upper canada sheriffs sale midland jdjfrit 1 tv v rue rf three fcv to wit mjctqi writs of jrcri fit eias isdot oflira maj citys court of kings bench at tlic fuits of laurence herclirrier ami john khby of die town of ktngfton merchant and nicholas hacrmau of the tnwnfhm of ajolpluiftorn efquire ajrainffc the lands and torments of james ocrolomy of the town rtiip of maryfbtjnfh yeoman to me directed i have feizcd and tiren in ex ecution as belonging to the faul amcj ge- rolomy the well half of lot wtftutfr feven- tren in tlie firil conceflicn of the town hi in of maryftwrgh containing by admeafuremctt one hundred acres be thr fame more or f oyrci her wiili a log houfe thereon erected i do hertby fjive notice that the above men tioned lot of land with the building and appurtenances thereunto belonging will be fold and adjudged to the highd bidder at my office in the town of kmgftor tm the fcenteenth day of maich next at the hour often of the clock in the forenoon x which time and nlace the c6nditioh offale will be mode known charles stuart sheriff and every perfon or perform hiving ctairua n the above jefcribed lot of land and prerni- lki jw ttmy itjisv iv rvhrr ivm iwrrrs brance are hereby acivntilcd to give notice to thexriid sheriff at his office in the town of kinffftoih previonsto the iale thereof skrijfs ofit 2 sm siprit i s i 2 24 siieriits salk imlvui i p y virtue of a writ f bwhtz ji3 fieri facias htiicj out of his msjesys court of kings bi nh at the full of thcmas mavk of the tiwn of kinpftnn lmqutve again it t lie lands ami tenement of afiml brdfhawj of the townfinp of frderickworghj ytortan to mc isirrrted i have leicd and taken in execu tion as beongirg to thje faid atruel bad- ftav lot number twrnty-iou- in the fevesttfa coiiceffion nf the tovfttlfjip of lo boron gb contain jt by admeafuremrul two hundr d acre be the fame move ox cls do here by give n lice that the above rnerti6urd lot of land will foe fold and adjudged t- the wchf bidder at my office in the town of kijgllon on the iwrntvftventn day of jan uary next at the hoar of ten of the clock in toe foienoon at which time and place the cumliuisof fale will be made known charles stuart sbeif and every perfou or perfon having claims onthc abovr defcribed lot of land by nvort- ppcor other riftht o incumbrance arc here- ft pv advert ild to give notice to the faid sher- j at his otiire in the town of kingdun pie- b fir rviw skrtfs qfct 19- aly si salukoav september 19 in v i j 27 n oucco to be let and poflflion given the fecond day of april next from three o ftf- tern years as may be agreed upon vihut- bfefrm ia the firft conceifion addition al ficdenekiburgh there are one hundred acre of improvement a good madow and orchard or it a gtmd frame barn and houfe fopreuuib are well lituated and calcnlatei for a farmer merchant or inn keeper by en- xmm the bottfe for fmther puruculara acply to the pioprietor and jnbietibe- at tht houfe of mr florence donnovan in rrrderickfbargh or to charles stnart efa ia lungfu michael coy le jplj 1s12 trjd to be let and immediate pofftfiloa gven that pleafantly lituatcd and commodiour houfe near the town of king ft 00 lately the property of sir john johidoti there are attached to the hoofc about twenty acres of excellent ird a good garden and fbhle dll e a few town lots to fell or leafe application to be made to alexander mc donnell or john fcrgufon both of king- jsqthn 15- june ti2 3 land for sale the following valuable lotfl of land ii lit- 1 nvnfliip of ficdericklburh aic m for fale by th- fubferiber viz jotkntribcr fix ia the firll cnceffion w11ti1nv bcr fvcntyfive in the fourth vuhd cartwright b freh goods whitney has juft received a frcft fupply of goods slmiwgst which are tea coffee loaf and mufcovadp sugar spirits shrub peppermint cordial port wine riifins muftard fig blue starch indigo nikne almonds sntiif chewing and smoakihg tobacco pepper ahfpice ginger lineed oil superfine black blue and bottle green broad cloths do black blue and rmvd fine do cafihneres stoeken- nett brunfivick and fancy cords a vaiirty of fafhionable veilings lviiable for both fum- nir and winter linen ihirting cottons red ivhite green yellow black and blue flanneu table cloths bwpricm and fnper- fine calic s fmniture do ginghams brown hollands silk twilt colordand white threads mens leather gloves la dies leather kid silk and cambric do silk ncit sucvcs cotton do wildboves calimancoes rnftella ludies leather kid and morocco shoes do white and colored beaver bonnets d common do men3 beaver knapt and felt hats canton um- v r vf wbf friif ctnn siihwu bandanna and fancy ink haftdker chiefs cotton pocket do black and olive velveteens black and fiate colorm pfekce velvets biack fancy corduroys nankeen jeans black crmbrick plain and figured white do looking glaftcs ghtfs crock ery wine men and womens black and colorm worlled hole do do white cot- t6n do bedtiekm flriocd cottons snf- penders ofniibmghs chamhrays bine cot tons lenoes imperial ncts robe tat- terns colord cambrics mihonett cotton cheek black crape ribbons velvet bind ings black and white laces afiorred color ilk cords alfo a general aflbrtmcnt of hard ware rmongft which are elegant tea trays plated ciurtt stands do table and tea spoons knives and forks c c all of which will be fold very low for ready pay only kingston i8f augujl 1812 3 a groceries for sale cheap a the cheapest by the subfcribcr rum nutmcgs sllrnb cloves peppermint cordial peppermint lozcrtgcs loaf and mufcovadoconfeftionates green tea barley sugar coffee tobacco chocolate scotch bmdt root ground gin- rappee do ger scgardi by the dozen allfpice or hundred barley bottled mallard oatmca wafliing and shaving rice siap ww- johnson kings ton augujl i 7 1 s 1 2 38 s bartlet jnforms hts friends and the public that he hnjuft received liquors and groccries and a general aflbrtment of dry goods adapted to the feafon crockery hardware c which he will fell wholefale or retail at his ufual low prices for pay down either cafh or any kind of produce kingstmh siwjt 26 1812 39 b whitney has juft received 20 hoftflieads ftrong well flavored jamaica spitits 4ho heads mnleovado suar 2 liogfficad lorf do 1 pine ell teueriffe wine which will be fold low for call alfo 2 crates aflbrtcd croikii y kingston 1 1 lh sept 1 8 1 2 4 t ci a vie into the inclofiire of the fubhn- bcr about hrtc weeks fincc an old sheep and two lambv the owner can hiv htm atin by proving property and ayjchrk john sa official details of the armt general order head- o uartcrs camptianl of lake erie 1 5 mites s ik port talbot aug 1 1 1 8 1 2 6 oclock p the troops will hold themielves in rcadinels and will embark in the boats at 12 oclock this night- it is majorgeneral brocks pofit- ive orders that none of the boats go ahead of that in which is the headquarters where a light will be fhewn during the night the officers commanding the different boats will immediately in- fpect the arms and ammunition of the men and fee that they are con- ftantly kept in a hate for immedi ate fervicc as the troops are now to pais through a part of t c country which in known to have been viiitcd by the enemys pat- f43 ifm with 1 gumromai and thirty men will mount as a picket upon the landing of the boats and a sentry will be furn- iflicd for each boat who muft be regularly relieved to take charge of the boat and bipoiiire a pa- trow from the picket will be lent out on landing to the diftance of a mile from the encampment by order of the major- general j b glegg major a 1 c crneral ordfr hraduartrrs 1 iis aug 12 18 1 1 j pointe aux p it is majorgeneral brocks in tention fliould the wind continue fair to proceed charing the night officers commanding- boats will therefore pay attention to the or der of failing as directed ycfterday the grcatell care and attention will be requifitc to prevent the boats from ieparating cr failing behind a great part of the bank of the lakft where the boats will this day pais is much more dan gerous and difficult of accels than any we have pafled the boats will therefore not land excepting in the mod extreme neceflity and then rrreat care muft be taken to choofe the bell places for beaching the troops being in the neigh borhood of the enemy every pre caution muft be taken to guard a- gainft furprize by order of the majdrgcnerai j b glegg major a d c general order headquarters amhtrfhurg augujl 1 4 l8l2 majorgeneral brock announ ces his arrival to the troops quar tered in the weftern diitrict and directs officers in command will immediately tranfmit returns of their refpective corps the majorgeneral congratu lates the troops on the evacuation of the country by the enemy he is perfuaded that nothing but the fpirit manifefted by thole who have remained doing duty and the judicious meafures adopted by colonel proctor have compelled him to fo difgraccful a retreat colonel elliot and major mckee and the officers of the indian de- thanks for their judiei as r-m- ment of the indians and for lie example of gallantry whi h they have uniformly fhewn before t enemy jhe majorgeneral cannot a- void expreftmg his furprize at the nume us defertions which have occurred from the ranks of the militia to which circumftiree the long ftay of the enemy on this fide of the river muft iri a great meas ure be afcribed he is willing to believe that their conduct pro ceeded from in anxiety to get in their hnrvefts and not from any predilection for the principles or government of the united states he requcits officers commanding corps to tranfmit to him the ranles of fuch militiamen who have re- m mained faithful to their oath and duty in order that immediate meafures may be taken to dif- cnur iiier urrcrrl- di hhc enemy being flill in the neighbor hood the whole phyfical force or the country will i e employed tr drive him to fuch a diftance as will infure its tranquillity offi cers commanding militia corps are rcfponfible that every individual bound to embody himfelf accord ing to law does immediately re pair to his ftation in default of which he will be treated as a de- ferter and fubjectcd to ail the pen alties of the new militia law captains muir tallon cham bers 41ft regiment capt- glegg 49th regiment captain mockler royal newfoundland regiment and captain dixon royal engin eers are appointed to the rank o majots fo ioj g as the local fervice on which they arc employed con tinues ill brigade tlie troops in the weftern dtfirict w ill be formed in to three brigades the ift under lieut general st george to con- tivl oi dctftdmmctits xti ttoth pi newfoundland regiment and of the kent 1 ft and ad regiments o eflex militk ad brigade the fecond brig ade under the command of major chambers confifting of fifty men of the 41ft regiment and the whole of the detachments of the york lincoln oxford and nor folk militia 3d brigade the third brigade under the command of major tal lon will confitt of the remainder of the 41ft regiment colonel proctor will have the charge of the whole line under the orders of the mrjorgeneral james givins efq late captain of the 5th regiment is appointed provincial aiddecamp with the rank of major in the militia by order of the majorgeneral j b glegg major a d c cfkeral order headouartcrs port amherjt burgh ag 1 5 ist the troops will be in readinefs to embark at mckccs point at 3 oclock tomorrow morning col- elliot will proceed during the night with the indians to the eaf- tern more ot the river rouge and m kiugiton lath sept 1812 4 317 partment are entitled to his bed upon his communicating with the