Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), October 17, 1812, p. 1

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vol ii kingston upper canada zett shrriffs sale jituhrj dijlriuix jj y vim of three fev- to wit 3 ljcral writs of fieri ja tfxifiitdout flu majeltys courtof kings bench at the fuits of laurence herchmcr and john lvrby if the town of kiujrfton merchants and nicholas harman of the townlhip of adolphuilown efqmre aainft thelaijs ud tenements of james gerolomy cfthetowillip of marylwgh yeoman to m duccitvl i have leued and taken in ex ecution as belonging to th laid jaittes ce- folomy the wvll half of lot number feven- fcen in the full cone mm of the tovvtvflitpnf muryfbnroh containing by admcafuremcit one hundred acres be the fame more or left rogctbc irtfh a log honfc thftcon ertvkd 1 do hereby gise mittce that the above men tioned lt of land with the building and appurtenances thereunto hcloujjiajr will be loldaiid adjudqed to the highcl bidder it rrv i ifia- in the town of ktnjrftoi on tlie fcventeenth day of ma cli itexti at the hir often of the clock in the fwioo n at win h time and place the condition of talc will he maje known charles stuart shcrrl and every perfoior pcifon- h vit chirm flfttte above dfcribed lot of land and pterin fej by nissrtjajfc or other riglil or iucum- innee are hereby advtrlifcd to rive notice tothrfiid sheiilf at his oltiee in the town ofkirton pixvioiiito the lie thereof y 07v agjj ifr li12 24 fjfijfha i 12 rvi 0 t v ftwfj j o fkri 1001 fluid autot hb msjeftys court of rfrgt b inli u the foit of thomaa maryland of the uirtl of kirtrtlon riquire agairtrt the lands huiuneinct ttf a find eiadflvuv of tljc bvofttp of frerickfburgh yroman to mt jftseii b i have fcied and taken in eacedi- jion as belonging t the fcid afiinel bad few lot nuenfoef twentyfour in the fevenlh paccifioti f the townih of lobnroujxh containing by adnicafuicrmrnt two iiundted ice i- tlw ffww wore kis i do here by give atiiv that the above mentioned kutbad will be fold and adjudged fa ihj khtil bidder at my nfste ii the tmvn of eingftoii on the tweutyfevenlh day of jan uary next at the hour of ten of the clock in the forenoon at which time and place the conditions of falc will be made known charles stuart sheriff and every perfm or pevfons rnvioe clonus wtwabwc defer ibed lot uf land by rnort- pcur other right or incumbrance arc htic- bvaivmifed td give notice to the faid sher- w at his office in the town cf kiogftou pre- wtfltk fale thereof skrjfs office 9 jlfijf t s 1 i 7 saturday october f 1s12 no 4 4 i b wz gw y notice ttobelet and pofteffian given the fccnrnl x dry of april next from three to fif- inn years as may be agreed upon a vau he farm in the firft coiiccfltoin addition- il fiederickfburgh tlure are one hundred teres of improvement a good meadow and orchard on iia good frame barn and houfe the preiniics are well fit ua ted and calculated for a farmer merehant or inn keeper by en hrging the honfe for further particulars apply to the proprietor and fubferiber at the houfe of mr florence donnovan in frrdeiicklbargh or to charles stuart ffq hkiogftow michael coyle w 1s12 zffrf tobe let and immediate pofiefiion given that plcafantlv lituaed and commodious houfe neirihe town of kinfton lately the property of sir john juhnlon there aie uached to the houfe about twenty acres of excellent land a good garden and liable dl s a few town lots to fell or leafe application to be made to alexander m donncll or john fergufon both of king- son kingston i ph june 8 1 2 3 1 ff land for sale the following valuable lots of land i ihe townlii of fieiierickfbnrgh are wei tor fak by kite fubferiber viz 1 m ncmber li j the firll conceffion ttoria j number twentyfive in the fourth rtchard tartwright whitney hasjuft received a frefh f up ply of goods amongst which glftf tea cffa loaf and mufcovatlo sucrsr sornts shrub peppermint cordial fort wine railing milliard fi lilue starch indigo nutfficsfi abnoud snulf chewinjr and smoakiuii tobacco pepper aufpiee ginger linieed oil snpoifme blnck bine and bottle greij brtad cloths do blaek blue and nujtm line dt caititnrics stocken- nert bitmlwvk ad fancy crds a variety of iifliionahlc veviiir8 fiiitahlt torbotii futn- mrr and winter linen fhn r jnjr cotton- red whte green yellow black and blue flair eh table cltbs lowpriecl and fupcr- fine cahc e ftn fture do cinham luown huland silk sftwitk coord and wiiite threads mcnn ieath r gloves la- tli iathrr kid sdk and cambric do silk nett slecvci c ivm do vildbore calimarcnef ricflj ladic9 leather kid and morocco shota do white and coiord beaver bonnets d v cornniah do mcos beiver kunt and feh hat- cotton urn- bnllafi uad pracls wjiitc fjnev cotton slvrwls bandanna and fancy filk haudker chiefs cttoi pncscct dr black and olive velveteerh black and late c dorm rente vvlvctsjblack v fjuy cordnny nankd n jeans bhn k cmirrrek iilain ttd ii utel wliiredo icmjkin glalles glafs crhk vcitv nr4 mul vvwrcns llack cmd color d worftcd hole do do wlte cot ton do bcdttckiig 0 iel cotiois suf- pefidera ofiudnnh- cuandray3 blue cot- torn lcnoc impciial net kobe pat- t ffls coiord cauibricr mlllotvctt cotton oheibhek crap pibbors velvet bind- wgfa blakatd white lnccsf afliirled colore fjli- cords allu a jreical bfibrtaent of hard ware arpongft whch arc legaut tea trys pnt d c ueti stcind- dn tdle and ti a smo knives and forks c all of which vill be fold very 1 i f r eatly prv onlv kirtestortj th auul 8 groceries lor sale cheap as the cheapest by th sibfcnbcr t3 um nutrtgs jx shvb cluvs ippefmint cordial pepperinint lozenges loaf and mufeoffftdbconfeqionates sugati lijuotice green tea parley sugar coftre tobaero choemlate scotch snttff iluot cc ov0uftu k ippe uo frejk beef 5 e per allfpice barley oatmeal rice segu by the dozen or hundred feotflcd mulbrd xvaihin and shaving soap ww johnson kimstm sfutfl 17 1812- 38 s bartlet informs his mends and the f he hasjuft received liquors and groceries y and a general aftortmentof dry goods adapted to the feafon crockery hardware esfr which he will fell wlioltfale or retail at his wfual low prices for pay down either cafh or any kind of produce kingston avgujl 26 1 8 1 39 b whitney- has juft received 20 hopflicada llrong well flavored jamaica spirits hogf- heids mufcvalo suj 2 higfiieads loaf di 1 pie bell tenerilte wine which will be fold low for cafli ajjo 2 crates afforted crotkrty kinestm wth srpt i 8 i 2 4 1 w anted for the ufc of his ivhicflys trnop rationed at kmgfton 600 pounds or thereabouts of frefh beef daily from the ift of no vember to the 24th february any pcrfons willing to fnrnifh ihe whole rr any put uf the above are defired to fend ia ihrir propofds to this oiuee on or before the 29th inftant 45 zepv cjmmffiry general offlcel kingston xjj otfobtr 1s12 3 b whitney flas juft received red whire yellow and ptcen flannels green baize low pnvd broad cloths and crifllmercs cuaitn irh lincns riip- cd cottons cotton stiirtiftgi india cottons womens black worllcd hle svanliown vellinrr fir ei fine calicoes alfo ivai cofte indtgo snuff tobacco allfpicc src r- kwytonth otlobcr fll2 45 notice a ti perfom indebted 10 ire ed te of jacob fi nli k bite of the towdhip of fro icickfburojh diceafcd ar- reguellc to make unrnediatf pymeiii to iv inbfciitr and all thof who lveaav c lirtl a- 1 laid cftate are rcoucivd ut v 1- it hen rj- cotihtb ruly auicntieitd oil of lebic the firft day a march next john fraijcr r jacob smith j cpohcr io is 14- 45 nati a all pei fns indebted to tlw- eftate of chilis stewat diililer late of hal- lowcll deceafrd are re in make im- medinte paynnt to the fubferiber who h duly tlxlorifed to receive the rone and all uimf frhd have any claims ajjatnft the faid cilatt arc requeued to brififj riirm frwai duly autlrrriioird lhat thry may he iertled thomas y re mnwmtor fafozue ofiohtr 4 1 s i 2 45 the following rooks arc offered for falc tit ihe zrintin- office kingston battkl minilrclj ready reckoner the crave a poem vvilbrdtaac common scute new mirror mifou self knowledge montgomerys poms rehgiour coifercnce spiritual tfeafiuy praical arithmetic murray spellingbook do grammar chrillian monor economy of human life addilons works mfarlands view of herefzes afhes travels seafona in england french vocabulary childs spellingbook purteuss evidences of the chrillian re ligion bibles teltaments watts pfalms and hymn pfaltcia american cookery childrens books catechifma c aad a variety of fmnll trails ufefui and en- fccriatniofl for children lateft from europe peterfcurgh june 20 i3i2 his meetly the kmpcrnr has or- dered lhcfojlowing proclamation to bepiblifiietl proclamation of the emperor ofrujfia to his sub jccls c the french troops have paf- fed the borders of our empire a complete treacherous attack is the reward fortheobfervaree of cur alliance for the prtfervation of peace i have exhauftcd every pof- fible means confiftently with the honor of mv throne and the ad- m vantage or my people all my endeavors have been in vain the ivmpcror napoleon has been refoi- ved in his own mind to ruin ruf- fii the moll mdderate propofals on our part have remained with out anfwer this fiidden furprite has hewn in an unequivocal man ner the srounefleflheis of his na- cilic promifes which he lately re peated there remain therefore no further ileps for me to take but to have vecourfj to arms and tocnolov all the means that have ocen granted me by providence to ale force againtl force i place full confidence in the zeal of mv pec- pie and the bravery of my troops as they are threatened in the midft of their families they will defend them with their national bravery and energy providence will crown with iuccefs our juic caufe the defence of our native country the maintenance of our independence and national honor have compelled us to have recourfe to arms i will not iheath my fword fo onr as there is a finale enemv within my imperial bord ers sinned alexander t webfter3 spellingbooks for file at this office at j blank bills of lading for fae at the gazette office notice all pcifon indebted to the fuhfenher cither hy note or book account arc reqoefted to fettle the fame previous to the aoth day of oilober next as all account remaining unfrttled at that time will be pot into the handa of an attorney for coftetiih albert mcmlchael kiiigston 19 stt 1812 42 y ruffian grand army bulletin no i h q june 19 jidy tjtbift the vitnch army appears to havn divided itlelf into two corps the one following our movements and the other endeavoring to outflank us on the right ihe firft corpt of our army proceeds on its march according to the plan adopted and has already effected its junction with various divilions the ene my in reconnoitcringusjhas made attacks on leveral points but has always been repulfed with lofs lti one of thefe fkirmilhes count de- low denizen generaladjutant to his imperial majefty took feveral prifonersj among whom is count oclavius scgar on the 1 8th the corps of count witcgendcin was between wilk- omie and holtmeny the corps of lieutenantgener2l tutfckow and count sclierwaloff arc ap proaching swcnzenny general plato w has left blaloftock and is drawing towards wilcoka prince bagration continues to approach the liril corps no if h q june 21 july 3 j 1812 during thefe two days no im portant events have taken place in the army relating to its further

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