Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), December 1, 1812, p. 1

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vol ii kingston upper canada far the kingston gazette r 7 1 ork and rlour tuesday december i 1s12 no 52 vxi3 pvs ps esldenfs message f braces the moft hockinc butcher- neights and diltances land sur- it ins been lately wggefted that as ma ny of tliofe young fnen from the country who are here attending military duty have ftill a confidrrable portion of their time ulj- ttiployed fomc plan ought to be deviled which would enable them to devote a part of it to the improvement of their mind the following propofai is therefore fub- fliitted to their confederation and to the con- fideration of all thole who have any infbi- oce with them or any inurclt in theii im jrovement that one of the rooms in the public cbolhoufe hall be exclufively appropriated to the life of the young militia men fern uvcountry this hall be furnifhed with flcik benches a ftove and fori free f all cxpenfe here they hdl be in it runted ic- cotcw as the oat e of the i ogreis which ibey have made may admit m reading en- lilh enguih grammar writing bookkeeping geography and in prac tical mathematicsj with their moft ufeful ap- flicatioistothe netuuraticu of surfaces and solid h keying fr terms of admittance as regular at tendance as ciieumflauces will pofftbly ailuvt and vigorous ardent appficaitao ohould it l happen that anv of thofe no are dtfpofed to accept of this offer may ot from the calamities of the time be in actuation to provide themfelves with boks aidother neceffartes for fchool jet not this difcourage them all of this dcferiptiyn hall- uith 0eafure be furnilhed with pens writingpaper flutes ichool books e void of all ekarg as not more than fifty pylons can be admit ed at once the prefer- jw will confequcntly be given to ttwfe who m apply h g f tbfi ftifni making this propofai big 4mvc further to add hat if la atn nj 6- ihcr ctrc umlhu es permit nc cur nor laboi nor reatonuble rxpcnlc lhall be ipart 1 on thfir part to carry the plan into complete tff the advantage- to be derived from pich a collide if ably conducted are believed to he neither few twr inconiiderable it will afford to thble who engage in it with ardor a conftant fource of rational amufcmerlt which will in come degree alleviate the toil and remove the limofhtfttfs of a laborious fervice j it will by directing the atten tion in a proper channel prcwrit them ium tontrdclin habits of idlenefs and dufipatioh illicit when once confirmed are with inch difficulty eradicated it will by irnprov- irig their underttandings artd enlarging the fphcre of their active powers enable them tri act their part in after life with move honor ind advantage btli to them lei ves and to their friends i above all it will tend to lay uch a foundation of ufeful knowledge and txcitefuch a taile for rational enquiry a can fcarcely fail to render them both more hap py in themfeives and moie ufeful members of foclety prblic school kingston 1 loth nov t8i2 y s c ohn emery begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingilon and its vicinity that he has opened fot fale at the houie of mr mdonells a variety of groceries fall mi winter goods which he will diipoie of on moderate terms for calh government or niagara aflbciation bills only november 30 lst 2 52 strayed from kingfton on the loth inft ifmall fond oks hw dock two white feet fore feet hod whoever will return aid hoife to the fubferiber hall be handiomclv rewarded daniel fraser lieut mil j 2 jl nov 1 s 1 2 i so bartlet groceries nforms his friends and the publichat he has ju ft received liquors and wd a general affortmentof dry goods 3 ted to the fed on crockery hurdzvarc civ hichhe w i w or retail at his ual loxv pees for pay down either cafh y kind of produce tttanted for the ufeofhifi majeftyfl vv troops rationed at kingilon and its dependencies five hundred barrels of porv vive hundred barrels of flour to be delivered i s the month of decern- m her january february and march next with the ufuad guaranteed all petforis willing to fnmifi the whole or aoy part o the above are dehred to fend in their propofals to ihi othce on or before the 10th of november next and to late at what poft they would prefer delivering the fame 4 c deputy commiffiiry generals office t kingston th oaober 1 8 i 2 fnjh beef ttakted for the ufe of his tvtajeivs troops tattooed at kingfton 600 pounds or thereabouts of frefh beef daily i from the ill of no- vember to the 24th february any pei funs huirt tb fnrnifri the whole or any part of tlie above are deftred to fend in their tropfils to this olhce on or before the 29th inftrmt deputy vommiffjry gcnerdls 0ice ftllocv citizens of the senate and houfe of jreprertativcs on our preient meeting it is my fir ft duty to invite your atten tion to the providential favors iviiich our country has experien ced in the unuial degree of health difperifed to its inhabitants and the tich aburidanee with which the earth has rewarded the labors be llowed upon it in tlie fuccessful cultivation of other branches of induftry and in the progrefs of general iitiprovemeht favorable to the national prosperity there is juft occalion alio for our mutual congratulations and tliahkfulnefs witlithefe blefllnsfs are neceffarily minolcd tlie pfefiire idfiitudes incidental to the ftate of war into which the united states have been forced by the perfeverance or a ies ordefenceleis families nor can it be pretended that they are not anfwerable for the attrocities per petrated fin ce the favages are em ployed with a knowledge and e- ven with menancesthat their fury coultl not be controuled such is the ipecracle which the deputed authorities of a nation boaftinz lis religion and morality have not been reltrained from prefentin to an enlightened ape the rhistbrt- une at detroit was not however without a confoling eflech it was followed by fignat proofs that the national fpirit fifes according to the pfefure ori it the lofs of an important poft andthelrave men that fur- rendeed with h intpircd every where new ardour and determination in the state arid dilbicts leaft remote it was no foonerkn wru than every citizen wij ready to ny witn arms to protect his tsnrihern a2iinlt the blood of nrecaution and fcfecaft that a 1 v 1 45 bofilefabte forte fltould be placed iwffjiit in the mtchkan territory with a hvtsxtcn stb october lr12 v i i i hther to jmiit ihan to cicne ha- cmbadcd annpplc force from the state of kentucky jn h u 1 r b 1 wititney has juft received a fuh fiipply of goods cojjtg of groceries ii tea ottvc lbtt and ijmwn sturaf spir- its teneiilfc a id port wine pepper all- lpice indigoj tobacco snnif sait petre shrub peppermint cordial whiiky iron and steel vinegar l general view to its ieetitlty and in the event of war to iuch opcra- lions in tile urfpcrmoit ciinada is woulct intercept the noltile miiu- ence of great britain over the fav- obtain the coinniand of the ages englilh and india goods blue black and greyfupcrfine broad clotk firie and low pritl do various colirti gafli- rreres black and oive velvets lrvn hol lands threads nett webb braces silk handkerchiefs white red flannel white and blue lndii cottons white shirting cot- toits itriped do printed cvocj furniture do irilh linen cotton check black muf- lin cottdfejy and kerchief- fcarlet comfort ers tipe bobbing cotton 8hwls wo mens hlack vvorfted hwlc do white cotton do spider nett sleeves vcltin writing paper ladies boots sewing silk filk and worfted twill roie c blenktts iad white and colored beaver bonnets black brown and grey common do ladies fdk kid and leather gloves beducking oina- burghs stockinett bronfwiek cord pa tent do morocco slippers ladies comb pocket osifo a general affortmeut of hardware kingston i6tb nooemher 1812 50 land for sale the following valuable lots of land in the townihip of frederickfburh are offered for fale by the iubicriber viz lot number fix in the lirtl concefgon additional lot number twentyfive in the fourth concelhon richard cartwright dec 3 181 x 3 nqtice is hereby gien to all mafon- ic societies that elijah ketchum a member of st johns lodge in haldimand u c is fnfpended that lodge until he can clear an allegation again fl him of having behaved in 3 very dilvelpcclfnl manner to- wards a worthy family in this province by order or the w m of st johns lodge john peters sesy 5w3 jake on which thltt part of cilril- ma borders d rriaihtaii co-opef- siting relations with fucli forces as inlelit be moft conveniently em- plnyrd nivnft other parts brfizfe dief general liitll was charrrcd with this proviiional leryice bavins under ins command a body or troops cbmpolbd of regulars arid volunteers from the state of ohio havinff reached his citiiutlori a tcr his knowledge of the war and poffeffing difcrctionary authority to act ofienllvcly he palled into the neighboring territory of the cne my with a profpect of eaiy and vic torious progress the expedition neverthelefs terminated unfortu nately not only in a retreat to the town and fort of detroit but in the furrender of both and of the gallant corps commanded by that officer the caufes of this painful reverfe will be inveftigated by a military tribunal a diiunguifhing feature in trie operations which preceeded and followed this adverfe event is the uie made by our enemy of the mer- cileis lavages u der their influence whilft the benevolent policy of the united states invariably recom mended peace and promoted civili zation among that wretched por tion of the human race and was making exertions to difluadc them from taking either lide in the war the enemy has not fcrupled to call to his aid their ruthleis ferocity armed with the horrors of thole inftruments of carnageand torture which are known to fparc neit t haldimand 20th augujl 1812 ae nor lex in this outrage ashualt the laws of honorable war and a- gainft the feelings iacred to huma nity the britifh commanders can- f th- unite not rcfort to a oiea of retaliation command the militia for the public cfehce 1 r f- jj t v r v- 1 rtl 1c guars under tne commana ot nng hdiir gcncal hartifon vho poffcftes the entire confidence of his fellow f ldicrs amorjr whom aie citizens fome of them volunteer in the ranks not lefs dilhuguiified by their practical fubooi than by their peif mal mer- its- the greater portion of this force i proceeding on its dellination towards the michigan territory having fucceeded in re- lieving an impotrant frontier poltj and in leveral incidental operations againft holtilc tribes of favages itridtred indifrlenfible by tli fiibfervi rtbv jnto ivliili ittf ndlcefl ducd by theentmy aftduftion the more briiel as it could not fail to lmofe a necelli- ty ot precautionaiy ievrities agaiult ihjfe who yielded to it at fecerlt date n attack was made on a pod of die enemy near niagara by a de tachment of the regdar and other forces under the command of major general van- renuvaer of the milida f the late dfnew- york the attack it appears was ordered in compliance with the ardour of the troops who executed it with diftingtiifhed gallantry and were for a tire victorious but not re ceiving the expecxed fipport they were com pelled to yield tu reinfocements of britifh regulars and lavages our lofs has been cdnliderable and i- to be lamented that of the enemy lefs afrertained will be the mote felt as it includes among the killed the commanding general who was alfo governor of the province and was fullained by veter an troops from unexperienced hlditis hi mult daily irriprdve in the duties cf the field our expectation of gaining the com of the lake by the invafion of canada from detroit having been dilappointed meafurca were inftarttly taken to provide on them a naval force fupetior to that of the enemy from the talent and activity of the officer charged with this object every thing that cad be done nay be expected should the pre- fent leifon not admit of complete fuccefs the progrefs made will mfme for the next a naval aicendanrv where it is hernial to our permanent peace with and control over the lavages among the incidents relating to the meafure of war 1 am conil rained to advert to the rcfutu of thegovemois of maftichd- fetts and connecticut to furnilh the requir ed detachment icf militia towards ihc de- fence 1 f tlu maiatime fiontier te reftifal was founded on a novel and imf rtunate cxpoiiuou of the provifjons ct the conftiruudn reatinff 10 the mibtra th corrcuuiidivikics which will bo laid before vnueoutaiti tm rcquilltt inrorrccton on the j j iubic6l it obvious thai if ihe authority ited states- 10 call into icivi e and 7bfcr spellingbooks for jul 0 at this office aaiiift men in arms lor it cz- at a hat the public fefeiy mav have ho oh v

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