EÂ¥ Amm, Duge COOkLTOR NOA, 4.00s »clice, FleA® ‘ -wt.d Inseots on Piazts, Moths in Far or Scab on Sheep 0 Goats ; also f on Cattle, &¢., &c., in less than Ton Minuies i _ Beld in Packetsâ€"25 cts. per Packet ; or 8iz Packets for One Doiilar, z3cte 4 The Powder is wartanted free from all bas * amell, and will k ep in any Climwate. It may : be spread anywhere without risk as it is qu.te # hermwless to Cate or Dogs, as they will not 4 ont it, Directions for use on each Packet. The above discovery has gained for Proâ€" f tessor Harman a Silver Prize wodal at the | Interâ€"Colonial Exiibition of Victoria, Aus traiin, of beside s numerous Testimoniais m‘ Kavanagh, Grocer. . ; Jobn Tes Pot Ridesnâ€" #,; =~locombe & Sterens, Sign ot the Suga A Â¥irst or Second Cirss MALE 8CHOOL TRACHER sor Behool Bection No. ). Navan. JORN DUGG, _, _ SAMUEL BATBWELL, * HWICHAZEL KInx®xy, Â¥Vuntod, a Male Female Teacher hoiding a secevnd class -;.lr.. for Benool Bec ~.0Q'¢Hlflb1'. Apply by letter to PALEICK CA RROL L, Dated sat the Viilege of Pakemnbkars this Hi4th cay of Merember, A. D. 187. DANIEL HI!!*1RD, â€" m!Y()l'.\ . FFva # uheit mwu:.uimonw. weudty (it any) by ; AMberwise the hua(:--n--u Dickson will, atter ~n~ onute, be distributed without regard "Ail persons tedebted to the sald Samae! bâ€" apo rmquested to make ionmeias pyment to the untersizgn«d. to sand by past, pre paid, to, or lears wilh bwl’«tm'au. Last Will and T ecammeut ddm.k Samo«â€"l Dt kseon particulars of their c & stateme ru‘“ awouunts. and ‘\.“:’t-n wl lh.-l: €J PENPLIC OF THE BRITISH PRO %OINORK" AMS sJCA. qguemmnmzm I beg most respectially to acquaint the public of the British North American Proâ€" vinses that in May last 1 caused the business ut 80 Haildon Lane New York, for the smle of Rolioway‘s Pills and Ohno;th'uchm ‘.“l.:vpndby Ham Brown, new decessea, to be closed. These Medicine»> were, I regreat to say, from what hbas lately come to my kno@ledge, made up of such ver» erdinary lagredients as to render them almos! worthless, and therefore calculated to damage Te whe c who do not wish to be deceived by bayingâ€"sparious medicinesa, which are now Hkely to emanate from the States or «lseâ€" where, but to possess themselres of the genu> ies Holloway‘s Pills and Qintmwent will de well to see that each pot and box bears the postngo), one of the books of instractions which are affized to the same. 1 promise to e«xamine it, and send a reply, stating whether Uhe Medicines are genuine or not, so that i( apurions he may sapply to the person tror whom he purchased them to have his money Chemists add Droggists who desire to ob inin the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesmle prices in quantitles of not less than £30 worth (for which remittance -.u-uunv.u)â€"mh:.a.,m, and 342. per dozes bores of or pots of Olinimens, nett, withoot discount. lhn':l‘uuohq groak mm'no{x.owfl ."no-.lao:nhfl DMickson, late of uenc p of enbtam, in the Connty of ï¬m. deceased, who died cn 0# #wrim sy of December, A i}, 1871, ate on or befors tas TRRMIN ~DESTROYER, Which is known to be Par Rupartat 1e anything over gyot Wisâ€" coverea Â¥Fer killing Rats, Milose, Insect» Pooltry u_- Cookron hea, Jia<k (have®t ht Fleas Use! inany ofthe above cases and you will And it a real bleasing. CHARLES MARTIN. 30 Victoria square, Montreal. _ Bole Agent for Canada ard the (United ï¬ummma and addrtess oï¬ the in the United States, or clsewhe ¢, which may bheve :upplied them, so as to on= Bbi+ me, for the protection of the public, to institate proceedings against such evilâ€"doors, and I engage to remanerate very hancsomely «ay person who may give me ssm h informaâ€" Wen, the informant‘s name mnevor being diâ€" P RHEUKATISY * AK m i SOUT. effective cure of Rhoamaiism. Gout, wander Ing pains, stiffness in the limbs or joints, spmin« andnumbness. One trial will estab= fls .. DB. MRKNBAUNWS Rhsamatism and Gout Remedy is well known en the comâ€"inent of Kurope for its speedy an« U83, Orferd street, (late 144, Strand), London, W C., Sept. 1, 1871 39 am After having suffered enormonsaly during a whole month from a rery obstinate Rheumaâ€" n,-“e.p&d-bmh bed for a wholoe week without being able to movre, despite all the efforts of one of the leading physiciens of this city, a triend gave me a boitle of "Dr. Birnbsaum‘s Rheamatismn and Gout Remedy.* Having applied this mmedy only twice, 1 felt at once such arelied that it was possible tor me to get u> immeâ€" =}~-""""l feund mysel tecovered, P. BOURDEAU, { &.o“:’b-’lodutw ‘F 1871 s Mowersm:t, Oct. 2, 1871 Racumattsm, I ..-::-m lnh:-“ » ‘t Hbheomatium ant Gout Remeoy," which a I would ask, as a great faveur, that shoald it come to the knowledgo of any person that aparious medicines are being made or sold in my name, he be pleasedto send me all the :“nbc-edmm"unm. is to say, the name and add:ess of the wendor who is selling the spurious mediâ€" Bbhould any person have reason to believe that be has been decetred by baying spariouns imitations of these Maedicines, be will do w«ll to sead me, in a letter, to the address at foot (which he oun de at a cost of sizx cents in Mend, in whem I had conAdence,iecommended me; and I must my that I cannot speak too Nighly of its wonderful effects, as the pain eeased aftet a few applications, and the awe!â€" Nag mppenred within a few dayse, British Govrerament stamp on which is on grared the words «Holloway‘s Pills and Ointâ€" meant, and that the address on the label is 533, Oxterd street, London, where only they are manutactared, and in no other part of the werld. The retail prices are on the labels in British currency, and noet in dollars and cents Ubrough any part of the British Provinces, or the United States, sithâ€"r to sell or to tak» erders tor my Fills and Ointment, and as ! have reason to believe that atteinptse will very probmubly be made to deceire the pablic in shis way by persons calling upon medicinâ€" vendors, inlsely represâ€"nting that they ar aoting for me, and with my knowledge and consent, I deem it advisable to pat the pabli .:‘M against any such deceptions. I earnestly entreat all those who may read this advertisement that they be plaased. in the pablie interest, to communicate the parport of the mme to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their money by purâ€" eshasing worthless imitations of the genuine BHolioway‘s »llis and Ointment. Ottaws, Nov. 8, 1871 PAghtowdh Day of Jemary, 4. D. 137 UPORTANY H0¥°1CBL. No repraesentative of mine will erer travel Mentreal, Oct, 10 10871 1800y. Ataws, Boe 18 1471 AUFIOL! OiaUTIOS®s !| : UTICE O CRA&DITORS AXp OTHEES ABTED, WiATEBD Becietary ‘I teas urer, 1 49 3 : L A\â€"“’No 18l10wky2m your orders at once. Best of terms to those To durces AUruce MITH, Prescott, Adsvress BCH 8 or London, Ontario. Price, in paper covers, 50 cents. bample copy sent postpeid for 50 cents. Ottaws, Nov. 14. 1871 l820tt ‘tâ€" K Kiagportk ~" * * 94 "~‘ s HAVNXETT P HILL, * Bolicitor, “oun.“. His Church, being saved, was at once thro#n opâ€"n to the howeless, and his peopie, living mostly in the unburned olstrict, turned o-lhtg:'ztom relibhf of their unjortunate fel.ow # D#, Holding 3,000 people, his church became at night a vast loâ€"ging house, and by day an mmeâ€"nso eating bouse for the refugees. _ ! he profits on this Boeok wil} bs devotcd to th« r=«lief of th= aufferers by the fire . lilnstrated by a Gmul:'l‘:l’;dn. 1i¢r 19 inchesâ€"giving the arcs, and Ceaigned to show the Burnt District. The Work contains a .:in of Ssudd Engravings, burnin g of some of the great mw The Author is a resident of Chiâ€" cago, witnessed the passed tbrough the terrible scenes describe¢, and has givâ€"n to the world a graphic and trutbful uarrative of the greatest calmmcity that has velalien any psople since Rome burned. EVERYBODY WILL BUY IT. The only Complete Book out! Contains 144 ‘vh saALEL,â€"Two Choics Lots, with com b fortable Wâ€"oden Cottage, erected thereâ€" on, in Rochesterville. For particulars and erms apply on the premises to W G CHAPâ€" LOSSES AND SUFFERINGS, BENEVOâ€" LENCE OF THE NATIONS, &e. Rr a Cnicago Clergymn. Also, an account of the Fircs in other States aad Towns, with a N. B.â€"â€"Farme.s from the County of Carleâ€" tou can enter the mill yard by Broad Btreet, opposite Brewery gate. handlure flek °K LHIL 180561 BUILDING AND bRIDGE TIMBER. BELL HANCERS, &c. Ev:} description of Work in our line PROMPTLY executed, and personally attended to. ®f Plain and Ornamental Engraver, Corner of Sparks and Kigin Streots, over James Hope & Co.‘s, Ottawa Visiting Cards ergraved and printed on the shoitest notice Oitawa, Nov 8, 1811 1818stf Ottawa. W MoKart Wns« t0% him since his _ He hot ip and mm.::-osmmd't.b: RIDBAU 8TREET, Near Division Sooart Office A large stock of the above will be kept conâ€" stantly on hand to suit purchasers. Roturas bis sincors thanks to the public of Ottawa, for the liberal patronage bestowed on Freight and Uartage Agency R¥éyâ€"ing shippers from all tarther trouble PLANED LU MB ER “f HRIGMT & CLEMOW, Barrusters and n-r-n-l.u. Aolicators in Chanser3, Convepazcer:, Notaries Public, £0, A0,forthe Pre vinees â€" Qurarieanad Quebes. OMlce over Duric‘s Book Store, Bparkts Areet _ All work guaranteed, RIDEAU STREET, Owo-iu the Tea Pot, JTTawWA. Herar Roons. Jaxes Keauryr, Nov. 21, 181. * 1830â€"3m The Great Fire in Chicago, Roche & Kelly, PLUMBERS, CASFITTERS, vegetable ingredients, (some of which we will mention, such as the Extracts uin Smnringed, Dandviion, Hreecyeaems, Quassia, Hmartweed, Hyoscyamus, mw-wmm cine, are such and so harmoniousiy classided and compounded, that it is made the most -uhl.huu..t:o system in a h t eudieg, i witl Bno" the‘ apo¢ A0d astouich you by the rapid manner in which you are restored to perfect health and full vigor. Tlhldznh’l-unl-b to take, Te tyon io maaks a permgnent ‘vore o alt to cure db--dtho‘hn:t,u-p.lm.mn Digestive Organs, &c., &0., as well as Rcrofuls the various Skin Dhnnl.ll-uz.nd all Mmhul.'-gd Blood, P uncher lafrmeation, Tik futk divachtent To > Urest Bbothonees He ite, using the Great Remedy & Pills, and containing Testimonials and Cert fcates of Cures, can be obtained by securing the M,sumn.u,umuâ€"-’:.‘: Cirenilars from wm Price of Remedy in large Bottles . . Hlb:‘h...................... 25 sHINGLES X. XX, XXX. That the Gzazar Suoszousss kzutor aso Puis, of the eminent indian Medicine Maa, Doctor LEWIS JOSEPHUHS, of the Great Tribe of Shoshonees, British Columbia, is working the World has exer heard of. Never in the annals of Canadian Medical History has suc} success attended ‘the introduction of af medicize beretofore. 1,000 Mistory of the Great Fires of the Past, Agents can sell 50 to 100 a day. Bend J18 RISTORY AND INCIDEZ*TS Ottawa, May 17, 1871 Rough Lumber Well Seasoned, Chaudlere, Oct. 26, 1871 Special rates for furniture. e e W. L JOI!&‘)N. Otinwa, Oct. 12, 1871 lï¬. Prociaim the Glad Tidings HAUCIEZ#E sTEANX MILL*, PRACTICAL TAILOR &4. ANADA CEXTRAL RAILWAY . LEXA®XDER RAMIAY, of all descriptions. NANUFACTUZLRS OF JOHN ROCHESTER & Co. AGOEXTS WARTED :metnuuyum P ersons of foreign birth are entitled to the venefit of the Homestead Law, on declaring their intention to become citizens of the United States, and muy avail themselves of this provision immediately after their arrival. NHend for the new edition of descriptive pamphiet, with new maps, mailed free everyâ€" Grassing Lands on the line of the road, in the Btate of Nebraska, in the Great Piatte Valley, now for sale, for cash or long credit. Mmln in a mild ‘:nhed.eu{ raising, unsurpassed by any in the United Prices from $3 to $10 per acre. lmahwm-a,m,ooo Actes of Government Land between Omaba l Euommfl 18 LIFE ; PUOLYERMUMAUYKERP8 PATEXT ‘â€" GaALVANIC â€" OCHAINâ€"BANDS, ’ BELTS AND PE-KIT BATTERIES i 'Milghly l-pt:“n:. hmdo:a ..?n:l;: ' tromoly eficacious in a ...7"..".'5'..... form on shock or unplessant sensation being ex~ [..""'"';..m old Tasee whodany Movsing lcoofllc .p.-u. reâ€"animationg méul '1;..; On the Line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A land grant of s 12,000,000 ACRES of the BEST FARMIEG and MINERAL LANDS in AMERICA. WONDERFUL CURE OF LUNG DISEASE Brooxuir»x, April 5th, 1870. J O Chamberlain, Res3. This is to certity that my wife was very low with Long Dissase. The Doctor bad given her up. He said. her lungs were tubercled, and medicine could not ui the ‘Gromt ‘$h0tb00000â€"liandy. " "At the ::t:tlud days fiows wore two her symptorms were decidedly better â€" She continued to improve so mmpidly that by the time she had takou on« bottle she was able to sit up. By the contionâ€" ance of the remedy she was perfectly restored .! publish the facts on may for the b neft of those similarly afflicted. T. 0. BROWX Episcopal Methodist Miciater. *# Dated the 9th day of March, 1866. I cmclmm&M#.g.b p ' , SIR RENBRY HOLLAND, Bart., M. P 'n. U . R. 8. | + BIB WX. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. & 8. | | EDWP. H. SIRYERING, M. D., MRCGS t tl} J. RANALD MARTIN, F. R. C.8" ; ULÂ¥FERMAURER3 SYSTEM is also ap | constitutions enteebled ty whalever cause, Medicines and their deleterious| consequences are thus entirely dispensed with, ‘The daily Increasing number of cures effect=d by PULYEAMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALYANâ€" I0 SY8TEM is so extensive and varied, that t Lorcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a aniversal remody. N. B.â€"The following testimony from the elite of the English medieal faculty has been recetved " We, the undersigned, have much pleaâ€" # aure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pouveaâ€" # wiow®a‘s recent improvementsin his Voltalc * Batteries and Walyranio Appliancss tor " Medical Purposes are of great importance to # Scientific Medicine, and that be is entitled " to the consideration and support of every # one disposed to further the advancement of # real and useful progress, _ ous to my iliness and bave been so ove» JOHN SILYER, Bworn before me at SmithAeld this 6th day wf t6g ut & D HERPK _ _2 _ _ :. _ . _ _ Thase facts lranl to the good souss ol every | sufferer to avail himself of this scientific aad | eurative progress, to which the iaventor bas : devoted a lifeâ€"time of study and labour, a: an : bottles, when, satisfaction, I foun M_lnlngvo::’qnfl had I:oo:nr;l.i do * de Medicine, Paris, Royal College o Physislany, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" y of Viemnsa, and its curative virtues are con» fArmed by thousands of private testimonials of curesefected. (See pamphlet gratis). of Northumberland for about a year, withoot receiving any benefit, in fact I contiun=d gotâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was adâ€" vised to try the Great Shoshonees Remedy. 1 bought a bottle and took it and when it was about Anished I began to feel a little betier. I continued to use it until I had taken thre« PULYERBMACHER‘S YXEDICOâ€"GALYVANâ€" | 11.80, .......!.---lTOOMow IC CHAINS are exceedingly effective withou: | 9:00] | 4.30, New Eiin the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, or the Humepemmemnoreameretenagsoome en n +. it t least dbrangement of the patient‘s babits as * Matter to be posted up to 939 P.M., daily occupations, in the following malsdias : package the same night. Rheumatism Female Complaints | Gourt Constipation f BJ Bcolatica Cramp | Luambago Sluggish Circalation _‘ _ \‘~ WewYork ‘1!{:,";?. ':"“:;"; »q r {anadian C Neuraigta _ Urinary Disord== 3 PME ET Ti oc fana tanaritan J EmithGeld, C Cha_beriain, Keqâ€"This is to certity that about three years ago J became affiicteod with Bronchitis, whichâ€"lusted about cighteen months, I was so affiicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult tor me to and in the night time frequently the clothes off and raising in the bed to from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County ardent Geciple of that great benefwtor of rsankind, the late lllastrlocs elactricia~ Mionzass Famaot. mond, allins James, allas C. T, Haphey , Â¥. K. C. ',::‘.7 Burrows, &¢c, &s. No Gaivanic l-bu.ru-o but those bearing the fac simile of M. Puilrermacher‘s aignature on the label. A pamphlet containing full particulars» may be had at the Drug Store of A. Coaristic, The effects of the application ot Pulverâ€" macher‘s Chaine in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"â€"the relief of pain B oonuxn'ouu BAND for D(.:uul.a Paralysis, , General bility | wm ko., 308 to 508. A “-b Bet of COMBINXED uBAlul D8,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vital energy, £5 to £1. | The public are most earnesily cautioned to ; beware of Pseudo Electric Bolts advertised by . sham Doctors, &c., for improper purposes, u‘o-v-vl‘.mby Vice Chancelâ€" | lor Malins in the sait Pulvermacher vs Ham» | oTVawW a Uttawa, Septemper 6, 1870 14 .fl UM Disord~= Head and Toothache Paralysis Liver Conmplaints _ Epilepsy Tic Doloreuz Nervovs Debility Indigestion Fanctivoal Disorders Deafness &o., &¢c. PRICE LI®T OF PULYEBMACH®EERS CHAIN BAND8 ANXD BATTERIES, B. COHAINX BANDS for Neryous Deatfness Head, Tooth, and Face Ache,and Noiz in the Head, 218. to 308. a‘oï¬cmdmhml, 108. 64. to ‘ Â¥. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciatica, Rheumatic, | P Neuraigia, and Gouty Pains, Local Paraâ€" | O¢*** Agents, * in maint rern. merie | j f m;cu--un&mummu?.â€" B 0 BANDS Writer‘s (,‘u-p,z Trembling, Nervousness, &¢, 3122 to 308 8,000,000 Acres of Oboice Farming and YBEAP FaAlb«¢t â€" #uss nouMEs lt Â¥ Â¥Full particulars may be had from the Sole A. CHRISTIE 4& C#., DRUGGIST®, Cure otf Bronchitis of ‘by an official report ot the Aca J. L PULYVERMACHER, Land Commissioner, U.P.R.R. Co, at this Office, Omaha, Neb. Ottawa, Oct. 26, 1871 200 Regent Street, London, W Galranic Egtabiishment, J M WELLINXGTON,) P of 1455 lawky and | T MJ â€"0@> _: «AWA. TIM ES Man Servant and bis wife without encumâ€" branceâ€"former as Groom and Gardener, latter as Laundress,. Apply to L T M COLARK, © ____ Royal Insurance Company TO BE LET, _ pPosT _ oQoITrPIOE, OTTAaWA. | MONEY ORDERS _ _ s | Ou Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, dwuu Ireland, Newfoundland ‘and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this Also Postage stamps, and Pos rnymdupom‘hnh Patent Knifo Cleanâ€" ng machines, 1 Rubber and BaF Leather Kanife Boards. Kaives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to new ofllx Packets, 34. each ; .“.J-. 64., 1s., 2s. 64., and 42. each. 1@ Jall ant examina bofore giving orâ€" ders elecwhere. a A. DUOFE. OMEABA & Co A. DUFF. Ottawa April 11, 1871 For cleaning and polishing Silver, Klectroâ€" Plate, Plate Glass, &o. Tablets, 64. each. vices ot a FIkST.CLASS CUTTER for on. TAILORLXG DEPARTMENT, wo feol conâ€" fdent of giving entire satisfaction to all whe will favor us with their patronage. _ public generaily, that having secure" the serâ€" Conts At‘ Prices to dety cï¬p::ciou. R@J* Deposits will be received atthis Office. Interest allowed at the rate of Four per cent per annum, and Depesits can be withdrawn at any time. Five per cent will beâ€"allowed &n Special Deposits in rtrms of $100, for the withdrawal of which, three months notice will paid nnregistered matter can be sent 1871. win1ter arraxogzkxuexr. 1871. Card2, be required. NEW SPRING 60469;â€" O‘MEBARA & CC Linets, Together with a large assortment of Reap: M ape Crorams, consisting of Bleck aud Blaos Clotha, Doesaking, . A BMALL FURNISHED HOUSE, Apply 10:39 Ottawas, Nov 15, 1871 °TT 252 % In solid blocksâ€"1d., 24., 44,, and 19. oach, 6,.10 We would beg to call the attention of tt 44A ASTED, **, NewYork closs every Monday at 8 P.M + Canadian Line, close every Friday at 1109 A.M. A Supplementary Bag ln:(_h‘lgehn Bteamor will be closed all3.10 p.#., in which only sys CFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A.M., TO 7 P.4. For Money Ordicr aad Savings Bank business from 10 a m to 4 p m, CLOSE Neckties, Pants, 50 "FPARKS SThAcl. 'l!' JVST ITKMPORT &D Also, a largoe assprtment of Post Ofic*, . Nov. 27 1871 Prints, ARNRRIVAL and DEPARTUBE of MAIL An immense Stock of Casimeres, t LEA W A. P. . 4.30 4130 Cotteons 10 ce $ N .+ Shirte. Haadkerchiefs, Collars, &ke,, &¢. English and Osgoode, Russoll, &0......... ... .. coce commsccne sessnsess cennes eeser 2 Lowr) Ottawas, by Land, Buckingham, Camberâ€" 1 ad, L‘Orignal‘ Greonvillo, &0.......â€"..0000sw004«s» March, Huntloy, CAIP, £&G. ... .,.0000» sessesees sevecsess sesseress Chelwa, WakeSeld, Korth WakeAeld, and intermeâ€" 3&“ Ofices, Daily ; and River Desert and i’w-z mediate Offices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Templeton, Tuesdays, Tharsdays, and Satardays......... ¢ &o.; and Wostorm, U.5...... cceeeesen esieensensecseses 3 Fort Gaurry, and other plases in the Province of Manitoba,close here daily, to be despatched in closed mails from Windsor, Ont., via St. Panol and Pemâ€" bina; every Tuesday, Thursday, and SBaturdayâ€" Ordinary Dominion rates of postage....... ........... United States, PB OFGODSDATG ..s. dee. senee c eves cce sesec en se Kempty 4le, Merrickville, Ozford Mills, per 8t. L. & O.R. North Gower, Kars, &0,, por St. L. & 0. Railway......... Aylimer _ and Hull, by BHRGD..»»ss0«s ssssssees sessom â€" essnsenss Bristol, Clarendon, and Oaslow, by Aylmer, &6.......... Brockvi‘le, Perth, and Smith‘s Falls, per Canada CoRtTRL RAIIWBRY ...0, 0 »»0ss000 eosecsscee uen sescensccses The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway. Korth of Car}etbn Piace J anction, and Places on C,. 0. R.R.â€"Bell‘s Corners, Richmond, &0...... Easternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, Lko., bJ RAIlWBJ ......00, sssec0000 seeszn00e oo oomwes gnoses Dress Goods Drawes, PQsT OFFICE SAVINGS BANK 1821 3 Under _irt» TL .& I L . 1805 2 BRITISH MAILS, will be ‘forwarded Kast and West in Supplementary Toronto, Hamilton, London, | In every style and price. I Intending purchasers can, by inspecting : our stock, have as good a selection a. in any l Other ertablishment in the Dominion. > '“WM price lists sent on applicaâ€" 30. â€"3 [ J. L. OBME & 808, | â€" asnee $8, Sparks Streot. ticulars, apply to Mr tarington, Port Hope until tb‘x'o’uu_u. mmu.,.zog:! the above on the 1st September next. High testimonials and refer, nces can be given both in Ottawa and elsewhere, KFor further parâ€" College School, Port Hope, intends openiag Have now in Stock and constantly arriving a splendid selection of 30..&4†and other firstâ€"class Pianos, which are prepared to sell at the cowsst prices and on the wost ADYaxragzots terms Cabinet Organs and Molodeons ¢ Faornished or Unfurnished. ‘The lowest rent la the city. ‘This establishment is too well known to require any comments .:Ion its merits. Upwards of 200 Merchantsand others dine daily in the Restaurant. ‘The Proprietor is only ‘reli ing it on account of assum. ing the Suport of mml-n- Iubq,l, United States, . & s 87 CUINEPPE K GTliSRLLT (Kickering and Steinway Pianos, R. B/â€"The Bar can be readily let for $200 pear month. Hontreal, March 3, 1871. 1 Most sincerely yours, CRAb. H. MOUKRIDGE, cumbent of 8t. Johns i hurch, Madoc, Ont. P,. 8.â€"â€"Â¥ou have my full permission to use this letter ineny way you see fit, or refer any onB to me who withes mï¬nohf;m;ï¬u. Estimates and all other information given, apply to Â¥ «* CAPITAL " 8STOVE BEPOT, 35 sussexâ€"st, Otte H. IIADOW;.'&OQ. _ ns saauce. | HOTEL ‘RESTfAURANT AKD BR {# ‘ _‘ " TM,CLABK, 8 «â€" Royal Insurance Co. Ottawa KMay 4, 1871 16576 Womgnpndtolt up the sbove in Churcher, Dwellings, &¢., in the latest imâ€" proved modern style, Orders from the city or any part of Canada solicit«d. Read the following :; on‘ joss*. . Phanon, Ock, 20th, 170. I must also express the great pleasure I had in noticing the kindness and attention which Mr. Meadows (and also his workmen) shewed in everything connected with the work. Hoping that this virtueo will in every case bring its m_mnd_, & 6. MEADOWS & Co , Ortawa. Dairs Sins,â€"â€"It gives me much pleasure to bo.ble;lnb_l-m that the Hot Air For. nace which you lately put up in the Church of Bt, John the Baptiste, in this village, has We fiud that the church is heated in a very sbhort tim«, end that it does not require as much wood to krep it going as it did the stove. Thke heat d‘ffuses itself rapialy over the :‘fl baildisg, and no one part is colder or than an ciher, but there is a nice glow o(bzidl. over. Remembering the trouble ’“k'l. â€"mneâ€"d to have with mhg plz, «moking chimueys, &c., we ua farmace as a deddo:' lugxury, I cu&mhl-k no church eught to be without one, when it can be procured so easily and so ckelply as ours was from you, N B â€"Private pupils will be taken in the given great Satistaction> to ~myself and the members of my congregation, We had it going lately on one very windy day, but we bad no trouble with it whatever, in the way of smoke, or any other inconveniences, which often take place with beating apparatus, when 61 the wind is high, Mr E A HARINGTO®N (Worcester Co RIVATE CLAS8SICAL SCHOOL. THE COSMOPOLITAN, «B +406 sebee aeescabse ons eesec cce FOR BALE OR TO LET, FOR A TERM OF YEARS. MESSRS. ORME & SON, 9€ all FURKLOE®. &X MONTREAL, HABRLNGTON (Worcester Colle hu_A_-hto_gt&uhr of Tria Apply to" G. P. BAKER, Pastmastet. liOl'Iil TO LET, AT the Cbhangiers near Mr. Buildwin‘s Office, 4 small and comfort: ble housesâ€"Btone and I remain, . bout hom$§8 so $10 a 10,00 10.00 11,.30 D08 ron DeLLYER Y 10 00 secessees seesee000 senee0e0 1736tf _ ‘Torbolton, Dec. 5, 1871. 4,80 TEACHER wanted for School Section No, 1, Torbolton. rlcrplrto the Trustees, Fitzroy Harbor Jni-bvzh the c Province of Ontarig, mwhu, certain other & Will mentioned Iyir of Ottawa atoreraid, E:.. for the beneft necessary oradvit Jnumuz in the county of Grenville and potiq veily s p in d adpeary 4.4 hy the sertain oiber likds and tesrasean in taok iht 1:m mentioned iiï¬gbuu"f‘â€":n' the . dity of Ottawa atoreraid, such o*her purâ€" E_nubnhh:fl'oltho suid estate as may necessary or visable. CLARKE & MOONEY, { L 1 _ _ Attorneys for Applicants and sold by all Medicine Yendors. up\â€"za,nfl. change of dict, : Prepared oniy by BEACHK & PILULA®, ANTI SCROPHULA or ALTERâ€" ATIYE PILLS. confirmed by sizty years‘ ex to be one of the best alterative -dmm comâ€" pounded for puritying the blood and assisting Nature in her operations, ‘They form‘s mili and superior tamily operient, that may be MESSRS. GABRIELS is confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every de» tic eraptions, and pimples in | the .l:'oo,' sore se lolaaet t ert To on omm C C. ..‘;‘_‘4‘; _pots, 13id, 24 91, 4s 6d, 118#, ana Pointo HOTICE | warranted to remain white anc MESSRS. |ï¬rnutho Tooth itsclf. This { beautitul preparation restores GABRIEL‘3 | front Teetb,and can be casily lwd. Sufficlent to siop six teeth Price 58. GABRIEL‘S "THE, POOR MANS! FRIEND, [PAR T S IMPORIANT TO RESIDENUS ABROAD Parties at a distance may hbave Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Mesrts. Gabricl‘s ne@ system, on sending parâ€" ticulars ofthrir cases, with a remittance of Ten Shillings, when the apparatus for taking a model 0: the mooth will be forwarded with all necersary instructions, . â€" â€" . _ gire immediate relief, All Medicine Dealors keep it. h{:lch- order and use it ; and no family wili be without it after once trying it Price only Twentyâ€"fve Cents per bottle. NORTHRUP & LYMAXN. Bold in Ottawa by H F McCarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, John RBoberts, J P Featherston, George MESS8RS, GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a moderate cost, Artifiâ€" cial Teeth supplied by. other dentists which hay not proved satisfactory to the wearer, A CHRISTIE & Co., The astonishing efficacy of the Cenadian Pain Destroyer, in curing ths Discases for which it is recommended. and it« wonderia: success in subduing the torturin: p.izs 0o: Rhneutnatism, and in relieving Nervo:: \g.<â€" lons, entitle it to a high rank in thâ€" ii~c : Remedies for these complaints, Ori=s :r> coming from Medicine Deulers in all part» 0t the country for further supplies, anod cach tos: tifying as to the universal sstisfaction i Has now been before the public for a lengtt Oof tim> and: wherever ‘used is well likeq, neve: fuiling in a singleinstance to give perâ€" manoelit roliéft when timely used, and we havo never known a single case of disstistaciiâ€"n where the directions have been properly iciâ€" lowed, but on the contrary, all are delightco with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects. We spesk from experience in this matier having tested it thoroughly, and therefor hose whoare suffering from any of the comâ€" laints for which it is recommenaed may 40. pend upon its being a Sovereign Bemedy. Bidfl Back and llo;;, Ooux‘l:.:.m(}olt;lo,'{b‘mc Cramps in the romnch, Ubeters Morbus Dysontery, Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thousands frow pain in the Ottawa, Nov., 1, 1871 May 11871 Prescott, Nor 21, 1871 CHOOL NOTICE. ODUuNTALGIQUE ELIXIR. This celebrated Mouth W ash is most refreshing, it strengtheus MEStRS { t.llllo’g;lmn, eradicet«s tartar and ujurions secretion, sweatens ABRIELS the breath, and for clo'uulng Ar= tificial tecth is Invaluahle . _( Price bs Fall directions for use enclosed in each box The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to TE "ANADIAN PA1N DESTROYER November 30, 1870 AKADIAX PAINX DESTROYEKR L. RuBEn TS CELEBRATED OINTMENT, all times without confinement or [ O8STEOâ€"ENAMEL sSTOPPING for cleansing and improving the Toeth, imparts a natursal redness to the gums, and gives brilliancy to the Enamel: Price 1s. 64. prepared from a recipe as used by Her Majesty ; gives the Teceth a pearlâ€"like whiteness, and imparts a delicions fraâ€" grance to the breath. Price 1s, CORALITE TOOTH PASTE WHITE GUrTA PERCHA Enamel!, for stopping decayed ‘fTeeth, rendcrs the Tooth sound and useful for mastication, no matter how far decayed. FPrice 1s. 64. ROYAaL DENTIFIOE +OFâ€"THE:â€" WORLD| Agents for Ottawa, , and all Medicine 16 6m 15277 41 4 41 0 **____®"__ Courrier d Outaouais. § * _ Minerve, Montreal. * &# _ Semaine Agricole. 4* * T Opinion Publique eto., etc., etc. Contracts made for advertising in eithe: or all of the above papers. 10 lbs. Daily, for Season, $6. Liberal discount will be made if paid in Avance, Large y «autities supplied on more iAberal terms as per agreement, by the scason, or at any time the ice is wanteo, or $. 50 per month per cwt. All orders left at Mr. A. Christle‘s Drug *tore, Sparks Btreet;â€"AMr. G, Mortimer‘s, Druggist, Bussex Btreet ; or at the ,hga‘tbcg residence, will be strictly atâ€" JCE I ICE 1 The subscriber will furnich ICE daily to \hose requiring it for the sâ€"ason, Doub e 1pply on Saturdays for Sundays use : Maxtuks â€"@)i all dosignos in Italian and Amor ean Marble and YMaroclized Sisate, Grates, Foud ors and Aoartas. b Monuments and Headstones of Scottish Granite, Marble and Sandstone. Gates and Reilings for residences and Grave #lots, Root Cresting, Door Guards, Window Qrulmnp.hou Doors, Pipe Rings, and every ption of Builders _Ohlnn'o'y Cans, Drain Pipes, Vent Linings, Vases, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &0 , &0 Tizind, Maliets, Agency of batont Mebdis Ligts. * I G sSOMERYVILLE, Trav:lling Agent, deiphia hi Fullet, Bey, * tneon Alefag F, .. _ Liteo,, Albr: Dr ‘A‘rm.fl P..O.lovu; aoe &o;:otdo,aq Managing Director 0. & St. i.. & . K. 1%8: D RALNâ€" PIPE& DEP O T , RLDEAU STREES*, E&T ABLIS AK D 186%0. WM. M. 50 MARVILLE,Succassorto W. M« FaRLANK. Llll & GEMMILL, Bnmwn.Am‘r. Solicitors, Convey ancers, to. Ofiseâ€"In the Court House, Oitawa. Rosset Lrzs. loats â€" Joux J. GOmxrnir. ED'AID T. DARZA4LLL, Barrister Bolicitor Attorney and Nutary Public, Clerk oithe Peace and County Attornoy, forthe United Counties of Prescott and Russeoll. 0lo"oâ€".h the m en yie 2OH, HD. _ PE the Ontarie Bank gsuh- t Otts Mmmlns.- o. * s W. 8. Trusrus. V 1CHOLASSPARMKS®, Barrister and Attor. J W neyâ€"atâ€"Law, Soticitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyâ€" ancer, &o. Of§coâ€"Lang‘s Builldings, llsl;-n., opposite the Post Offce, Ottawas. 48 R m. HA %©0Cz, Attornoyâ€"atâ€"Law, Boll« e citorâ€"inâ€"Uhancery, Conveyancer, ‘my Public, and Pstent EkigzatSolicitor. _ Oficeâ€"Imâ€" wediately opposite Kussell tioure, Elginâ€"st. 43utf Provincial Lind ~urveyor and Draughtsman, commirsiou «4 ior the Provinces of quebec and Qatacio Gourt House, L‘Orignal . 187 1. %i OSKGROVE & TA LLO®N, Bartstors, 1 Bolicitors, &o. Oficeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, Rideauâ€"street, Ottawa. Wimuur1ix Moserovrz. â€" $6¢it â€" Gzores Tamuo®. N. B.â€"Speciai atrention i““ to the tre iment of aisseses oi tie KY E and LAK. Ai night can be seen at ois cesidence, Murray stroel. S Curner James and Kingâ€"sts., ppositethe Court iicuse and Public Ofices, BT. OAq‘l‘lARu- LC, 3?:!.’ P0X L . m0 » Ts (Late of doughu-: Dining Baloon.) JAE L spacious sarapieâ€"room fer commercial :~yoilers. 85Â¥y iaving now uugod hanis, an l been "‘ted l.p tor a firs â€".cless LUNCUAOQN BA*R .ad SALOY UB. McDOUGALL, Office, Rideau Street, opposite Fese therton a Draz Store: Rogido 4 â€" e CHM{LEA Ms+ RCIL, Advocate, Hc‘l. OUz.ce at Mr ‘retran‘s, N P ; private reki» donce in cear of French Cathed«al, Huil. Business attunde=d in Outauws and ue Dis trict Courts of the County of Ottawa,. w livs callod 1â€"1 catrried on â€"aijer the -nu?o-nt of B. & / AN8.late p: ~rig.or of the 81. Jauus AcorL. Strios attoul:s . <» Dusiness. 1904 Wiges +": i ulyd0rs Warrante i. Ot tewa, is}gtary 14. 1871 (® i_)u _ ONCONAOIL, Actoineyâ€"atâ€" Law,Bolicitorâ€" ein Charcery, Conveyancer, &o., Busserâ€" treoet. Ofice, Unin Euildings, Oltawa. b57 Barristors, Aitorneys at Law, Bolicitors in Chbancery, Conveyaucers, Notaries Pablic and Advocates for the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Oficeâ€"Corner of Bussex and Y ork streets . N. B.â€"Coliections attended to in all parts the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. 3687 Ottawa, Oct. 21. 1871. 18016 nOTAbY PUBLIC. _ Residence â€"â€" Hull next the beost Office. . 17237 Ottawa §3 V Ti£ COMMERCIzi HMOUSE Permauer: : ad translent boarders accommodaâ€" ed, asnd ever; sttention paid to their comfort; CHRISTAR,â€" Comaus~s wHerchnt. at i SO General Agont. Sole: »zent (or duead : m'bu andProof Whiskey , isc, Dawes‘ L Ales and Porter. Pork, FKiour, &#.,for «a)> Orrics : No, 5, Sparks Scroo!. nsar the knee i ouse, Ottawa city, C. W . :.‘ A. CRISOX, © Tss Office, Wellington Strset Agent for the Olflawa Times. NA A, MAILA, Architect. Officeâ€"Aumond‘s 4@ Buildings, Rideaunâ€"st., Ottaws. _ 902y 1/ i. 6 1+>s80TH, »1CK W Ti 0808 k, \ll.'l‘l.: & Coâ€", Luzd Surveyers, Lana : â€"Agents,8 aughtsmen, &s. Ofice, opposite I TETREAU, Notary Publicforthe Pro LOT OF Hos®y, 646 W. W, WARD, Barristorâ€"atâ€"Law & Advorsre, &c., oppos:s the EKessell House THAW i MAXBLE w ob K8, _ BILLINGB, Jr.,; .. smizoci. @ Beoll‘s Blook,Sappors Sroage. e vince â€";-t_'ï¬ï¬o'b_e'i,wl'lnll, pear the ] "% »90tf 9697 APILRRE &« MCYPHY, 1k 6 QUKENX M RESTAUZSAKT, feas: M. KAVANAGEH, Propristor, iiv. »* RURAL !* $ALOOK, sLGI® TR ET R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Ofice dparksâ€"strect, Contial Ottawa. A B4utf i. ARCHAMB s ul HALIFAX, NOVA 8QUTIA, Ectablisheqa 1851. Moteis and Saloons. AVELLY HOUSE, «i . ccelUanescus. 14, 1871 (OMce, Aylmer, P. Q kAkBIXGTONâ€"8TREZT, inary 14, 1871 JOHN ROMANS, Proprietor. Loz an*. TRHO8S. ETARMER, 1CZE 187 1. 1820d1w3 34â€"6m 17 22 tf La®6. THE TIMES is printed and published bJ Tas Orrawa Tiues Prixrxe asp PW uismxo Comraxy, at the Office, L Number 12, Weilington Street, (#! Her Majesty‘s 1 meatre), Centre TOW® Ottawa. â€"JAMES BAILIFF, Managin$ LONG AND SHORTâ€"X0OCCASINS WHOLESALE Of his own n;;m at REDVCER 19th August, 1871, 17404 Your O.d rs are solicited, and will be _ PROMPILY ATTENDED TO by _ DAEIEL MOREISON, Proprieter _ Nos 36 and 38 Ridoan Streot, OHAWA _ _ Ma‘*:&a‘.flb e fectionery of all kinds. On and after MONDAY Kext, 5in JUuw Trains will leave Montreal as ..‘:‘ Mail Train for Toropto and Inter. P. 0. Bux 126. Montreal, Marâ€"b 11 SUMMER SERVICE OF TRAIng Pullman Palace Cars now Runuing on q Day and Night Trains, mediste Stations, at . ... . Dey Express for Tororto, at . . Night Express for Toronto, at. Mixed Train or Brockville, at Accommodation ‘Frain for B ViLC WHIG, Bb +s rrx »aÂ¥5r» #428 448844 % Accommodation Train for lsland Pond, stopping at all Stations, at Express for Quebec and Riviere du Mail Train for Island Pond, Port. land and Boston, at....., ..., Night Mail for Quâ€"bec, Is‘and Pond, Portland and Boston.... . lic genap.f),. " 7, â€", ‘AWwaand the traveiling lic generally, that he has opened the : tiouse as an Hotel, and in doing so haus spare no cost in fitting up the same, and bopes by & ways kee a clean, well ordered ment, -tol::"l‘sblo ::?-llod with the market can adord, the Bar with the brands of Liquors lnpmmaoumbbd bare of publi putronage, lp-cn‘l?,goz A 8 public .ewmmmmm-d‘k-uun aliow W a::z2 ted Buperior to any made in the Pro _ A Pulilman Car will Through Trains b:tween | du Loup triâ€"weekly, viz on Tuesdays, Thursd â€"ys tursing from niviere du Wednesdays an~ Fridays "Tn_ _ _ _ _ . Cremaoe wily be attached to each Day Exprees tram leaving Montreal for Toronto, and be run througe g Sarpis, as & Drewing Room and &1 Car, There wiil also be on« attached “~|I~ Fiaw We e mt Heen CWis on s 1 C on en Car, There wiil also be on« attached m D;(..lxpuu irq». Toronto to Montrea) Bommer running atrangements wil come into operation about the 1st of June, o which due potice will be given. C J BRYDGES, tur we m > s c c “‘-%ID‘ M. PARK STBEET, OTTAWA 3 KDMOND GKRMAIN, Proprietor . es undersigned would respectfully annount to the citizens of Ottawa and ut \m and after M=â€"NDAY next, : MAY, it is intndec to run the Palace Car» througb between Moj Sarnia. On» of these magnificert a. SUSSEX AND CLARENCEGIS, . MESSRS. DEMPSY & CAMERON hbas ing purchased the above «stablishment trop Mr. LARIVIERE, are now prepared to 1c, ceive Boarders at moderate ratcs, ~Their teble is always furnished with the best of Entabley and their Liqnors are of the best quality R@Z" Good Stabling on the premises, o DEMPSY & CAMEROR Tourists visiting this now celebrated wat r ing place and fashionabl« scummer retvest will find a comfortable home at DU GER‘Ss HOTEL. | Bince last sâ€"ason the Hotel has been en larged ana thorougly repaired, and is now the best House on Murray Bay. Every attend. s ance will be given to visitors, and no pains _ will be spared to make them comforte} & N.B.â€"Charges mocerate. . GKORGE DV BERGER, f COXF2C:1I,XE Y ESTABLISHYÂ¥ENXT All kinds of LEATHER tor Sa‘e, Whole e, at reasonable prices, AND DOMINION BOWLING aLi Boss®xâ€"8r , Orrawa. Ottawa, May 13, 1872 GRAND TRUKK RLWy ,| N6LISH OAaK TAKREO Montreal, April 26th, 1871 Ottawa, June 13, 1871 B .s70 PLAOE IN CENTHAL CANADA May 31, 1871. A A S Â¥HL Y , NAN A D A Ottawa, May 31, 1871 IBABDD Tibs K di GCreat Acceleration of Sperg. AKLL & aNu DOMIiNION House ~B.â€"P aATEXT AG EAUEXE. iw~ 1iâ€"‘*s, with reforenues, on application â€" LEATHER BELTING 0! FOR KURBRAY BAY WILLiAXA MeCaFFk1, FINE ENGLISH HosE LACE LEATHER, &c., #¢, ; oT T A W A. JOHX C MoLAREN, . 247 Bt, JameAst., OTEL, 1871 " U A A ncxt‘ lhe 1st ® to run the Pulite _between Montrea] «at magnificent conches will low Kxeo .c . s * BRAY DOl:l' Maneging WitÂ¥ctor ot=»=From Montreg and Saturdsy, Six LoUp ODB Han.." OF Brock 168 ) 3m 10.30 P m Moncays _ | £00 an 9$.00 an 9.00 t m MLAK 1 % 2.00 pm 5.00 PA 7.00 4 830 an 16511 €4 sG.11J 3 § M > tort of guests. i 6€ LW 6. & L. ase CA N YO 4*I «&A