OoYsTLR8, DINXNER, Conststiny of SBoup, Fish, Joint or Pou‘try Entrees and Hwoets from 6 to 6:30â€" charged 50cte. $ PLUEMBE®S, GA8â€"FITTERS, BELL HMHANCERS, &ec. Every description of Work in our line PROMLTILY executed, and personaily sttended to, All work guaranteed, e 1V. 8. RPATLERT â€"A@ER@CY . LUNXCH, Consisting of Soup with Joint charge 25¢te. on the abortest notice, Coples of Laws, Cirâ€" ealar and information, seut iree on applicaâ€" tHon. Darwings prepared and copled, . Charges mojerate United States Pautests particularly attended to, Beveral valumable Putent Rigkts for sale, : FPatents solicited in CanaJiaand the United Rtawse , Tâ€"«de and Timber Maerks, lodustrial Dusigne, Copy wrights, I‘ransters, &¢., register. Heszetr Roonw«. Nov. 21, 1871 In. above trses and plants will be taken up frow the Kursery as soon as the frost is out and the grouns ft for planting. All parties ordering «tock will be notified the day for delivery. Al trmes will be first class, and guaranteec [(n§00d and fresh order when delivered. For furtiier particulars call and see de. scriptive catalogue, and make your choice selection of the above trees and plants at No. o:c:u-u Street, Ottaws, or to the Tuuzs C Willington street. Cl on 8. L. WAGENEL. January 16, 1872. 181 1d&kw3m RIDEAU SIREET, Opposite the Tem Pot, ofraka. West half of Lot ‘To. 3 in the Tth Con | cession, ~Township of Huntley, One Hundred Acres, s ’ North East hilf Lot of No. 9in the l‘Otthu-'cn, Huntley, One Hundred cres. The Lands are principally timbered and will be sold cheap. Title Freâ€"hold and Terms Easy. I Thirteen varietns of CRAB APPLE TREE«â€"all have been tested in Eastern Caâ€" rads, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshbin , will stand cold climate, being abundant ano constant beamrs giving satisfaction to the purcha#er. «+ ne kind sipens first Augustâ€" The subscriber is instructed to offer for sale by private contract for a short time, and if not disposed of in that way, will be put up at Auction, ‘of which due notice will be given. j Ottawa, January 12 Gream: varicty of Rose Busves. Moss Roser of various colours. Flowering Plag:s and Shrube of all deecsiptions. . _ _ ____ _ _° COSMOPQOLITAX RESTAURANT using the Great Shoshonees Remedy & Pills, and contair ing Testimonials and Cert fcates of Cures, can be obtained by securing the Treatise, the Hand Book, or the A)manac ane \,‘Immhnywmhlh Dominionâ€" fre*. C Price op Remedy in large Pint Bottles . .$1 00 Ee MBE «<<~cccccuertrarreriens . d Fon SALE, FRUIT THEES AND EVERGREENS bes early apple knowa; while othâ€" r varle. ties grow nearly as large es the Fameâ€"use Some keep till June. Good for cooking. eating and preservring Dwart Apple Trees All kince of Summer, Fall and Winter Stand ard apple Trees. A great variety of Plumb, Poar anud Châ€"rmy YTrees _ Large variety of early, hardy native Grape Vines, and also the al’d ’l.lu of foreign grapes: Black, and White Currant Bushes , Black berty, Raspberry, Strawberry Plants, Koglish Goosâ€"~â€" berry and Quince Bushes ; asparmgus and Pie Plant Roots Mountain Asb, Weeping Willow, Norway »pruce and arbor Vise. LANDS FOR SALE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HUNTLEY. Siwply Lecanse the numerous valuable active mâ€"dicinal vexetable ingredients, (some o which we will meation, such as the Extracts of Wild Cherry Bark, Potophyslium, Juniper, Quassie, Smartweed, Dandelion, Hyâ€"s«yamus, Compound ‘l‘~\0.l Colocyath, Jaiap, Soco, tin= Alses, Capeicum, &c , &c,) which enter Into the composition of the combined mediâ€" cine, are asuch and so h«rmoniousiy classided and compounded, that it is made the most scarcbing curative in the known world, and monot help but act on the system in a very mtistactory and desirable manoer. No matâ€" ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it will find the spot and astonish you by the rapid manner in which you are wetored to petfect health and full vigor. _ ; ‘This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positively be reâ€" lied upoun to make a permanent cure of all diseases of the T sroat, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys Digestive Orgaus, &c., &¢., as weil as Scrofula tke rarious Skin Diseases, Humors, and all diseases arising from Impurity of the Biood, txcâ€"pting the Third Stage of Commumption Further information, with full directions io LEWI*+JJSEPHUS, of the Great Tribe of shoskone«s, British Colombia, is working the most marvellous and astonishing Oure: the World has ever beard of. _ Never in the annaals of Canawtian Medical History has sac} #uce as attended the introguction of a; medicize beretofore. * ® r f ~~â€"â€"_ YÂ¥ casa{e Ci di¢t, & sold in Boxes at 131d4., 28. 94 , 48. 64,, 11s vy+*2le, «ach. % Prepared only by o UEACH AND BAaARNICOTT, Bridport, Dorse* w and sold by all l-h Vendors. W# oÂ¥ 21. 1871 8667 im . That the uazat Snvspoxtses KexeDt aso PILLA, af the eéminnt indian Medicine Man, Doctor CalLED * i HK POOR MAAXNX‘S FRLIEX D, is confidently revommended to the Public as «n unfailing remedy for wounds of every de* vtiption ; a certain remedy for ulcverated sore lege, burns, scalds bruises, chilblains, scorbutic eruptions, and pimples in the face sore and inflamea evyes, sore heads, sore breasts mies, a¢ , &c. C o s s Suld in pots, 13id., 2s. fl.,r. 64., 11s., and %%¢. each ; and his y ul PILULE® A N TL SCROPAULK OR ALTER ATIVE PILLS, rwusirmed by sizty years‘ experience to be ons olthe L. st alterative mxdicine« ever comâ€" pounded for p :ritying the blood and m Natur« in he: cperations.. They form & and superior tamily aperient, that may be twskon at all times without configement or a» Mnvember 16, 1BTJ *AÂ¥ADA ANi Proclaim the Glad Tidings _ CELEBRATED OINTMENT, Otfaws, Dee 7, 1871 BBEAKFAST, Ready from 9 to 10:30â€"Charge, 25cts. OTICE. R. ROBEKRTS*S Roche & Kelly, Rideau Street. diet Apply to at all bours, cCHOP®, T. 0. COURSOLLES, J;MES8 NORRIS. ‘ 18397 A. ROWE, Jaxes Kerur Auctioneer. 1868f aa 1 STEAKS 1830 3m | ___ P. PENNOCK, Ju Otitnus, Net. 11, 1374. Notice is hereby given, th«â€"t an application will be made to the Partiament of Can=da at it» next Session for an Act to Incorporats th« Canada Pacific Rulway cCompany, for th« :pau of constructiug and working a rail way Lake Nipissing or some other point in the Province of Ontario connecting with the railway +ystem of Canada, to Fort Gary or Winnipeg in the Provinace of Manit=ba, thence Westeriy through such pass of the Rocky Mountsains in Canadian tersitory as may be found practicable to Bute Iniet or some other point on the sea oarg of the Pacific Ocern in the Provinee of British Columbia (with power to extend to Victoria or some other point in Vancouver lsland, if found advisabl>) ; teg=â€" ther with branch lines from near Winnipg River to the Lake o| the Wosds, and itcm KFort Garty or Winu:peg aforveatd to Pâ€"mbina or such other point or place on the bound ry of the Province of Manitoba, as may connect with the railway system of the United #ta «8. ALFRED WADDINXWTON, December 20d, 1871. ship Iately subsisting between u\:,' the un dompod{ THOMAS HUNTON, WILLLAM bHUULBRED and FREDEXICK HOUGH TUuNXN HUNTUN, as Wholes:le: and Retail Dry Goods Merchants, at the City of Otta wa, in the Couuty of Carleton, under the names, style and firm of «L. HUNTON 8qguvuLBRED & CU." was on the first day of November, instant, dissolved by mutual conâ€"ent, so far as regards the same William Shoolbred, who on that day reâ€" tired from the concern ; and that all deb is due and owing to or by the late lirm, will be received and paid by the said Thomas Hunton and Frederick Houghton Hunton: As witness our hands this first day November, A.U. 1871. THOS. HUNTON, > W M. sauouukpb FRED. H. HUNTOK. Canada Pacific Railway. The will be handsomely illustrat ed, mim spared to make it wel come in every fac.ily as a most entertain ing and instructive piper ~a The Hearthstone gives more and better reading matter, for a smaller sum, than any other paper in the world. 1t is supeâ€" rior, in every point, to the most popular of the Americin weekly p?ou, while they are 50 per cent dearer . ompare them, and you will at once send in your snbscrip Witness Alexander Dumas, Erck mann Chatrian, &c. The present features of the paperâ€"Uhe Gardeners® Column. Household Column, Epitome of Latest News, Reviews of New murhfl Reports, Wit and Huamour, Intellijence, Literary Notes, Hearthstone Sphink, &¢., &¢., &0.â€"will be continued ; and in addition A CHILLDRENX‘S QRNER will be added, in which will be Nuldido‘lqw story byukov. Charles Eâ€"-h'. & Chaplain to Her Majesty, entitled "The Water Babiles." * A Ten Dollars Engraving for Two Dollar s and a year‘s subscription to the best paper in America thrown in free. T CXTMAS I1871. .;::.¢ _ The abore will be on exhibition at their Btalls fro.m sages, &¢., &¢, vat B dfsiace ol 4 Arodihat Aduskin: 4 iraâ€"asiRelAbt nds Fand esc 'ga““n'zh :z m::‘:t::"“:.‘:;: j r:: hctric Oil eured me of Bronchitis in Oae t , \ï¬â€œÂ« k.;' Doalers .'lldmfl l:;e :oul.tx‘l;y; advance shee "We have never sold a medicine as J‘.?'fl(:m::g?p, @The AMMCUT | ; ;yep such complete satis‘action as this. Casual, papemw on _ _ It is compos=d of Six of the Best Oils that SCENES IX THE LONDON STREETS. | 1re known, < Is as good to take as for extâ€"roal The celebrated ~American â€" humorist | 98¢, and is believed to be immeasurabiy supeâ€" MARK TWAIN will contribute origin=l / ciot to abything ever mide. . Will save you -huh-h And in addiuon to our long list | ®uCh suflwiing and maay dollars of expense, ‘N iterary names we shall have i ll'li.ult!';_\' un': or more dealers in every plac . n apipy, .e | Prico 25 cents, The new American poet Joaquin Miller, | _ /.. ~., ; uy s N. TilOMAS, Pbelps N Y, Also, 20 head of splendid Western Cat« tle, and 50 head of firstâ€"class Sheep the whole of which were broought at great exâ€" pense from the West. 2 P. 8.â€"Theii Po.k Stall will be found comâ€" plete, with a «hoics selection of Porks, Hams Bacon, Spices, Rounds and Rollsd Beef, Sau» Having been rehbuilt and furnished in first « lass style, and with good Sampls Room#, will be openâ€"d by the sutscriber on for the accommeodation of the travelling public The abore Hotel, s> favorably known, i» ing sitoated in the imm» diate vicisity of the P«râ€" lament Buildings, Banks and other Public Offices, will be vonducted in the best style which the wants of the public require, The There is also Commodious Yard Room and Btabling attached, with good attenadanc~. WILLIAYMÂ¥ POWLEY, Propriâ€"tor. Ottaws, Dec 11, 1871 1842y begto announce that they are, as usual, preâ€" pared to supply their customers with the choicest Meats of all kinc«, having purchased for the approaching festivities the following table will be supplied with all the _ ~ Delicacies of the Season, SATCHELL BROS, The Governor General of Canadsa, Covering $30,000 worth ‘of Watches, _ Noutreal (Uct Tth, 1871 Â¥ewing Machines and Parlor Orgins Moxt and the BAR with the cholcest brands of WEDNXESDAY UNTILSATURDAY NEXT A new story by Miss Bradaon, entitled COLONEL BERRYON‘8s ENTANXGLEMINT and equal in interest to the previous works of this great auth ress. _ The St. James‘ Hotel, will contain, for 1872, the following new features in addition to those found in it at present, rendering it the BEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA published by special permission of the au thor, and uuum for this journal. _ _ Sample numbers sent free on applici *ion, with club terms A New Story by Victor Hugo relitive to the Prussian invasion and the Commune, entitled s ~â€" $10 ENGRAVING CIVEN 4W1A The â€" Hearthstone ! ©:« ie new SHMCT, | Â¥ % | “." American ’;:;me.)‘x; +/â€". Propared by & N. TilOMAS, Phelps N Y, | great humorist *» ind NXORTHAGU@ & LYMAN, Newcastle Rev. Dr. Norman Mcâ€" | a I *J Iflhï¬w’d nds Ont., ole Agon s for the Dominton. | C or of «Good Words, | _ Notrs â€" Eelectric â€"Nelected and Elecâ€"| SUBSCRIPTION ONLY $2 A YEAR, ROAST BEEF OF OLD ENGLAXp. otice is hereby given that the partnerâ€" WEDNESDAY, 13th DECEMXBER, IsSOLUTIONX OF PABRTNXERsHIP. s Nos. 2, 5, 7 and 9, Lowgr'l‘oni Market Ottawa, Dec. 2), 1871. | MEYCALFE STREET, OTTAW 3, Apply to Ottama, Jan 8, 1872 celebrated threeâ€"yearâ€"old thoroughâ€" bred Durham Steer "C B O LR G E"~ s8PLEXDID Splendid Prize List, THE TERRIBLE YEAXR *HE GRBEAT CANADIAN WEEKLY HIB EXCELLEZNOr GEO, E. DESBARATS®, #ATCHELL BROS. Jun. act and Cigars Ari pared to offer their friends and | bedmene‘ s mnoke nmtermtt of Sudbsane| D BALNâ€" FPIFPE VEFP O I, ‘ l‘\ R RHEC D Rr umatiste ai on th« cou ine eNeqctive cure o ing paros. «t sprain â€" a+1d ou | WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE ' Baroogkuiryy, April 5th, 1870. J 0 Chamberlaio, R«3. This is to certi that. my wife was very low with Lung Disease. <he Doctor bad giv n her up. He said her luags were tubercled, and medicine could not f belp ber. As a last resort I purchases a bottle O the Great Shosbouees Lemedy, At the | vxpiration of two days ber symptoms were decidedly better _ She contloued to improve so rapiâ€"ly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up By the contiouâ€" | ance of the remedy she was perfectliy restored i 3,000,000 Acres of Choice Farming and | Grussing Lands on the line of the road, in | | the State of Nebrasks, in the Great Piatte . Valley, now for sale, for cash or long credit. * ! _ These lands are in a mild and hcdth{- . climate, and for grain growing and " | ruising, unsurpassed by any in the United | btates. <I l Prices range from $2 to $10 per acre. Howmestâ€"ads for Actoal Settlers.â€"2,500,000 Acnms of Govern.â€"went Land between Omaba | and North Platte,open for entry as Homesteads only, P ersons of foreign hirth are entitled to the ! oeneGt ot the Homestead Law, on declaring | | thâ€"ir intention to become citizens of the . { Unlied Stites, and may avail themselves of | this provision immediately after their arrtival. l Ob Standing Courn. Cne or two boitles ew . a bad cases ot Prles anud Kiduey Troublee. I Nix to eight applications cure any case of ; â€" Excoriated Nippies or luftamed Breast. _ One . 'boulu bhas cumd Lame Back of cicht years standing. â€" Danlel Plauk, of BrookfAeld, Tioga | County, Pa, says> "I went thicty miles for a bottle of your Oil, which cfterted a Wonâ€" | dorfal Cure 0¢ a Crooked Limb by six appli / vatiors,"" . Another who has had Asthma tor | years eays ; ‘I bave Lalf of a 50 cent boutt!‘s ‘ leit, and $100 would not buy it i#f 1 cou‘d got | no more," KEutus Robinson, of Nunts, N.Y., writes "Oue amall botile of your Eelectric Oil re storvd the voice where the person bad not : l spoken above a whitsper in Five Years." â€Rev CHRISTMAS ANMD NEW YEAR‘SGIFTS uther Goods suitatle for Romem‘yt CAtaea, December 18, 1871 to health You may publi h the facts for the b n« ft of those »Imilasly affiicted. « * T C. BROWN, Episcopal Methodist Minister. Booksellers and Stationers, 39 SPARKS STREET, A MERRY CHRISTMAS HENDERSON & CG0., o DR, BIaNBAU U3 R‘» umatiâ€"te and Gout Remety is well known on th« cou inenat of Katope for its epeedy and t«Nâ€"tive cure ot Rhenmaism. Gout, wander ing paiss,. «tillness in the limbs or joints, sprain +rduumbness On trial will estabâ€" lish its efictenery. CB«1IFl ‘AURR After haviug sufered enmmimously duriog a whole month from a v<ry obstionte Rheama~ tism, which compell.d me to stay in bed for nearly a whole week without being able to move, despite all the efforts of one of the leading pbysicians« of this city, a friend gave me a bottle of "Dr, Birnobatm‘s Rheumatism and Gout Remedy.X_/Tlaving applied this rewedy only twice, I felt at once euch a relief that it was possible tor m« to get up immeâ€" diately, and ttree days after I feund mysel entirely râ€"covered. «# P. BOURDEAU, | Of the Firm Bourdean & Barbcau Usei inany of the above cases and you will find it a real blesszing. J C Cha..berlain, Reqâ€"This is to certity that about three years ago 1 became affiicted with Bâ€"onchitis, which lasted about eighteen months, I wagso afflicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult tor me to spesk, and in the night times frequently throwing the clothes off and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County of Northumberland for about a year, without receiving any benefit, in fact 1 continued getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was ad~ vised to try the Great Shoshoneer Remedy. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was about fnished I began to feel a little better. I continued to use it until I had taken three bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I fount that I was as well as ever I had been proviâ€" ous to my ilizess and have been so ever since. JOHN BILYER, Bworn before me at Smisbfeld this 6th day Nh dptth, & I 1k _: _i _ ____ ]‘ fortable Wopden Cottage, erected there» un, in Rochestepville. For particulars and erims apply on the premises to W G CHAPâ€" Â¥ .N Esg, or to HAPVXETT P HILL, { solicitor, ‘ Post O a. .M irized. + Uttawa, Nov 3 Moxta®riu, Oct. 2, 1871 My sister having bad a severe attack of Rueumatism, I procured "Dr, Rirnbaum‘s Rbeumatism and Gout Remedy," which a friend, in whom I had confdence,recommended me ; and I must say that I caoanot speak |too bighly of its wonderfual effects, as the pain ceased alter a few applications, and the swelâ€" ling â€" sappeared within a few days, WM IQKAH- Catbolic Commer ial A y J Mallory, of Wyoming, N.Y., writes: "Yoor Kohctric Oileured me of Bronchitis in Oae Week,"* â€" Dealers all over the country say ; "We have never sold a wmedicine that bu{ Hend for the new edition of duscyiptive pamphict, with new maps, mailed free every~â€" whore Addr.ss, 0. F. Day18, Land Commissioner, U.P,R.R. Co, A land grant of 12,000,000 aCRES of the BEsT FARMINXG snd MINERAL LANDS in AMERICA. «in caunot stay where it is used. It is the cheapeat Medicine «ver made, One dose cures common Sere Throat, _ One bottle bas cured Broachitis. _ Fility cents worth has cured an Thomas‘ Felectric Cil! Worth Ten Times it Weight in Gold. Do you know anything of it. Llol, it is time you di Ua‘!l and see their At Montreal, Oct. 10 1871 UWH saLb.â€"Iwo Uboice Lots, w th com HEAP FAKLM rEkes nOMEs â€" O RiSK. On the Line of the UNXION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Cure ot Bronchitis. 16E SOGx CE THE BOOK 30 Victoria »quare, Montreal, Awont for Canata ard the Unitsd Tartanâ€"wood Goods %, t8t* 18:1 M«AUISY AND GOUP. J M WELLINGTON,) P CHARLES MARTINX Omuha, Neb. l Martuas â€"Of all designs in Italian and Amer UE BOOK gan Marble and Marbel:ised Slate, Grates, lon( 39, Sparks str0ct | * Whmmesta and Headstones of Secttish Granite, | | Marble and Sandistons, Gates and Rallings for â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . residences aBd GTAYV® i#1l0ts, RoOt Cresting, DOOr SmithAe!ld. t Directions for use on each Packet. | . Maxcricroayâ€"Gravel lane Houndsditcb, City of London, Enogland l The above ‘discovery bas gained for Proâ€" | fessor Harmau a Silver Prize Wedal at the | Interâ€"Colonial .E1ahmibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" | tralia, of 1866 besides numerous Testimonials, | agents for O¢tawaâ€"Joseph Kavanagh, Groce1, | Wellingtonâ€"st. ; John Hill, Tea Pot. Rideau. 'u,; rlocombe & Stevens, Sign ol the Sugar Loaf, corner of Cumberlandâ€"st.; for New | Kdinburgh, J. W. Proctor & Co.; ior Aylmer, Mr, N. K. Cormier ; the Wholesale Agents for the Canadian Provinces, are J. Bmith & Co,, No. 1 Western Buildings, Montreal, May 22, 187 1671 iv | â€" 9.30 ’ The Pewderis warraoted free from ail bad | smell, and will k.ep in any Climate. It may be spread any where without risk, as it is qu‘ite * barmlees to Cats or Dogs, as they will not ! Matter to be posted up to. 9 30 P.M., will be forwarded East and West in Supplementary ' package the same night. ~ f ' ' For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugs, Cockrom ‘hes, Black Beeties, Fleas | on Dogs, Blight.and insects on Plants, Moths | in Fur â€", Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goats ; also | on Cattle, &¢., &c¢., in less than Ten Minutes. | â€" Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cts. per Packet ; or Siz | Fa kets for One Dollar, Â¥5ote. CIHL o uU . 1AiAWa TIMES ;)"'wa."- , Window GOratings 'S'.'.hou' Dootrs, l’l". kings, and onq.gdpdu of Bullders Chimney Cans, Draino Vent Linings, Flower Vases, Fizre lrlct:‘gi';c COlay, &0 , «o Masons Mailets, Agene; of Patent N« odie Luabriâ€" entior. T G BOMERYVILLE, Travelling Agent, RIDEAU STREET, E8TABLISHE D 1860 WM. M, 8OMERYILLE,Successorto W. M*, FARLANE. On Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britain and [reland, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this office. Also Postage Stamps, and Pos * POST OFFICE sSAVINGS BANK R&J* Deposits will be received atthis Office. Interest allowed at the rate of Four j cent per annum, and Depasits can be withdrawn at any time. CFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A.M., TO 7 P.M. & paid unregistered matter can be sent. Cards, eat it Which is known to be Â¥Far Fuperior to anything ever yet Dis« covered « PROF HERMAN‘S ders elacwhere. NEW SPRING G608))â€" We would beg to call the attention of h« public generally, that baving secured the serâ€" vices ot a FIKRSTâ€"CLASSâ€"CUTTER for oc TAILORING DEPARTMENT, we feel conâ€" fAdent of giving entire satisfaction to all who will favor us with their patronage. . A. DUFF. Ottawsa April 11, 1871 Black and Blas Cloths, Doeskins, At Prices to dety Competition. ______ Also, a large assortment of Hoslery, GCMEARA & CC Lineus, BEA sceeruclu Together with a large assortment of Ready Mapse Craramme, consisting of 1872. wixreEr arraxgmuzxr. 1872. 000 UA vexeverer! cexyerere 9: 00 Post Offic», Ottawa, Jan. 27, 1872 T .emceries MPORTAYXT SOTICK. VERMIN DESTRONYER, TTAW a MARBELE WORLKS, Via NewYork close evrery Monday at 8 P.M. + Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 11.0) A.M. C A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at 13.30 p.w. in which only For Money Order and Bavings Bank business from 10 a m to 4 p m POS®ST â€" QOFPEITCE, OTTUCTAW A. CLO#S E& Neckties, 50 SPARKS STRAET, OTTA W A. JV8T IMPORT ED, 18%.10 9.00 United States, via Ogdensburg ..............»....»............. ALOD sersesmss 12.10 . | ... Kemptr 1le, Merrickville, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & 0.R. 11.00 .cs j l C T _ . INors thower, Ksth Bs., pH L. L. & 0. Relinay.........|__ * |:~ â€"= Jall and examinse before givring orâ€" 12 10 900 IIalifax, N.S., and St. John. N.B Prints, ARRRKRIVAL and DEPARTUTUIEES of MATLRL An immense Stock of WEWL Yâ€"DIS0OYERED Casimeres, ssss«»»». March, Huntloy, Carp, &0. ... #30) Ayimer and Hull, DY BHAGO...ccucc. ccsersccerercese . arever 4:39 Rardley and Unslow, by AyIMOF, &O..........00» seuee . + f Lowr: Ottawa, by Land, Buckingham, Cumberâ€" “.I z 1s ad, L‘Orignal® Greavilie, &o' e ......l‘l'o-;loton. Tues lays, Thursdays, and Saturdays....... 4 30) New Edinburgh Cottons â€"â€"AT Handkerchiefs, Collars, &¢,, &¢. Eoglish and Osgoode, Russell, &0.................. The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway. North of Carleton Place Junction, â€"â€"Bristol, C. CeRtMEY PRCRORIMUL HEU.ccsssrerses is css sreers crorirens Chelsea, WakeAcld, North Wakefeld, and intormoâ€" ) | diate Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and imor-§ mediate Offices, Mondays, Wodnesdays and Fridays ) | Beli‘s Cormers, Richmond, per Canada Central Peorth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carloton Place, Canada DORKKIEE MAteLEWIkY. .cuch ccenseuss errserave es rvrs severe s neve Fort Garry, and other places in the Province of Manitoba,close here daily, to be despatched in closad mails trom Windsor, Ont., via St. Paul and Pom bina; every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdayâ€" Ordinary Dominion rates of pos‘age....... ......... . Westernâ€"Kingsten, Toronto, Hamilton, London,;' 8,00 11 00 &o.; and Wosternm, U . 8...... .....ccrs seversessmcerres l | Easternâ€"Quebec, Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, dhts, BJ RULVERKY scertecrs cerresers ersovirce bs sevece rescee (OMEARA & CO Drawes, Under irt M\ .& I L S . MONEY ORDELS BRITISH MAILS Tweeds <c, + *~ ‘ 1; hereby given that applicy/on wifl be made to the Legislaturs o1 the Province ol Ontario, at its next Sssion, for an Act to enable the Corporation of the City of Oitaws to coastruct Water Works, for the purpose of supplying the inbatvitants of the said cits with water; and to confer upon the said Corporation, or upon vommissioners to be appointed for that purpose, all powers ngces sary for effsctuating that ohject. * w. P. LETT, GOity Clerk. Clty Hall, mOototfl 21.1871.¢ The heat d ffuses itself rapialy over the whole building, and no one part is colder or otter than an other, but there is‘a nice glow of hest @all over. Râ€"membering the trouble that we usâ€"d to have with leaking pipes, smoking chimneys, &c., we look upon the farmace as a decid.d luzury, Icertainly think uo church ought to be without one,. when it can be procured so rasily and so cheaply as ours was from you, $ Farnished or Unfurnished. ‘Thelowestront ta the City. This establishment is too well known to require any commentés upon its merits. Upwards of 200 Merchants and others dine daily in the Restaurant, The Proprietor is only relinquishing it on accounnt of assumâ€" ing the Superintendence of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States, Address GUISEPPE M. GIARNELLLI, N. B.â€"The Bar cano be readily let for $200 par month, ; Montreal, March 3, 1871. 1 AUCTiIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘S$ AGENT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, month. Estimates and all other information given, apply to i eerinmens HOTEL â€" RESTAURANT AND BAR ' Moet aincerely yours, CRAb. H. MOUKRIDGE, cumbent of St. Jobhns < hurch, : Madoc, Ont. P. 8.â€"Â¥ou have my fuli permissiv n to use this letter inany way you see fit, or refer any one to me who wishes further information. We are prepared to fit up the «bove lni Churcher, Dwellings, &¢., in the latest imâ€" proved modern style, _ Orders from the city' or any part of Canada solicit«d. Read the following : | I must also express the great pleasure I had in noticiog the kindness and attention which Mr. Meadows (and also his workmen) oho:ed in everything connected with the work. We find that the church is heated in a very sbhort time, and that it does not require as much wood to keep it going as it did the stove. f Hoping that this virtue will in every case bring its wn rewâ€"rd, 1 remain. Deas tiss, â€"It gives mo .auch pleasure to be able to inform you thatthe Hot Air Forâ€" nece which you lately put up in the Church of 8t. John the Baptiste, in this village, has given great satistaction to myseif nnv‘ the members of my congregation, We had it going letely on one very windy day, but we bad no trouble with it what=ver, in the way of smoke, or any other inconveniences, which often take place with heating apparatus, when the wind is high. H. MEADOW3 & Co, Ortawa. W . * Ottawa Kay 4, 1871 No. 48, Rideau streor, Ottawa. THE *COSMOPOLITAN, IN MONTHEAL, J M Currier, Esq, M P, _ J M Grant, E#q, M D, ‘M P R W Scott, Keq, M P P, Mr She.if Powel!, Edward Grificn, Eeq Edward McGillivray, Esq, meesra O T Bate & Co, Thomes Huanton, Esq, Messrs Fingland & Draper Alexander Workman, Keq P A Egleson. 8 n‘r, Keq OTLC®S REFEREXCES _ _ Hon James Skead, Seâ€"nator, Ottawa FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A TERM OF YEARS. OT AIR FPURNACE#®. RARE CHANCE: ns ~ uou-u- TO LET, aT ‘ the Chaudiere near Mr. ï¬ Baldwin‘s Office, 4 small and comforta ble housesâ€"8tone and , now fnishing. Rent from $8 to $10 a «* CAPITAL " STOVE BEPOT, 35 sussexâ€"st, Ottawa, H. MEADUOWS &Co. G. P. BAKER, Pa:stéfaster, Apply to FALLE, T. M, CLARE, Manoo, Oct. 29th, 1870 Royal Insurance Co, 1657tf OUK FoR | DELLVEKY. 10,00 | 11,30 8.00 11,00 8 00 BeUU recereres sommssss=â€" 1,.30Q «cce ce08 18604 64 44 46 4.20 | &8 00 4. 20 1.30 yCP Parties at a distance may hbhave Artificial | Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by | Mesrrs. Gabricl‘s now system, on sending parâ€" | ticulars ofthâ€"ir cages, with a remittance of i, I‘cn Shillings, when the apparatus for taking a model o the mouth will be forwarded with all necersary instructions, . | May 11871 | Side, Back and Hoad, Coughs, Colds, Sore _ Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the | Btomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, | Bowel Oomphintlï¬ Burns, | Bcalds, Frost Bites, | &c., &¢. | _ THEK CANADIAN PAiN DESTROYER | . Has now been befere the public for a lengtk | of time and wherever used is well liked, never failing in a single instance to give perâ€" l manent reiiéf when timely used, and we have | never known a single case of disatisfaction Wwhere the directions have been properly folâ€" 10wed, but on the contr«ry, all are delightwa with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects, For School Section No, 2 in the Town ship of Gloucester. Apply to WILLIAM COWAN, ) â€" GEORGE FENTOA, }Trustees. JAMES STANLEY. @loucester, Jan. 12th, 1872 _ snll Is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at its next Session for an Act to enuble the Executors and Trustees of and under the Last Will and Testament of Jamese Mooney, late of the city of Ottawas, in the Province of Ontario, Potter, deceased, to sell the lands and tenemen‘s in the said Will mentioned, lying and being in the village ot Jobknstown, in the county of Grenville and Province of Ontario, and to apply the proâ€" ceeds thereof to repairing and improving the certain other lands and tenements in the said Wil®@mentioned lying and being in the city of Ottawa atoresaid, and to such other purâ€" poses for the ben« fit of the said cetate as may be necessary or advisable. _ MPORTEXRS® & WHOLESALE DEALERS "HAEACHER WANTEV and sold by all Medicine Vendors. Beptember 28, 1871. & CORaALITE TOOTH PASTE * ‘for cleansirg and improving MESEHS. i the Teeth, imparts a natursl 1 reduss to the gums, and gives GABRIEL‘S | brilliancy to the Enamel Price \ 1s. 64. [ROYAL DENTIFICE prepared from a rocipe as used MESSRS. | by Her Majesty ; gives the Tecth a pearlâ€"like whiteness, GABRIEL‘S | and imparts a d«licious fraâ€" ! grance to the breath. Price 18. 64. eat aairkl [\gm'm GUrTA PERCHA uk Enamel, for stopping decayed MESSRS, 1 ‘Teeth, renders the Tooth sound and useful for mastication, no CABNIEL‘ | matter how far decayed. Price { 18. 64. , * _( OSTEOâ€"ENAMEL STOPPING warranted to rewain white anc. MESSRS. | firm us the Tooth itsclf. This { beautitul preparation restores GABRIEL‘S | front ‘Leetb, and can be casily : {usdd. Sufficient to. stop six teeth Price 58. : GABRIEL‘S > confirmed by sixty years‘ experience to be one of the best alterative medicines ever comâ€" pounded for puritying the blood and assisting Nature in her operations. They form a mil 1 and superior‘ tamily operient, that may be taken at all times without confiuewent or change of dict, *3 is confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wouunds of every deâ€" scription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore legs, burus, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbu. tic eruptions, and pimples in the face, sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts, piles, &¢., ac. j § % IMPORTANIE TO RESIDENTS ABROAD MESSRS, GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a moderate cost, Art‘fiâ€" cial Tecth supplied by other dentists which Lay not proved satisfactory to the wearor, ~ A CHRISTIE & Co., #~ Druggists, f Agents for Ottawa, The astonishing ethcacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing the Discases for which it is recommended, and its wonderfui success in subduing the torturing pains of Rueumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affec. ions, entitle it tr a bigb raok in the list o1 Remedies tor these complaints, Orders ete coming from Medicine Deslers in ali parta of the country for further supplies, and each test titying as to the universal satisfaction i gives. 2z The Canadian Pain Destroyer never tails to give immediate relief, All Medicine Dealers keep it. Physicians order and use it ; and no family wili be without it after once trying it Price only Twontyâ€"five Cents per bottle. NORTHRUP & LYMAN. Sold in Ottawa by H F McOarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, John Roberts, J P Featierston, George Mortimer, W M Massey, and all Medicine Doalers, "THE POOR MANS FRIEND, _ Bold in pots, 13id, 2s 94, 4s 6d, 11s, and 228 each ; and his PILULE®, ANTI SCROPHULZE or ALTERâ€" ATIVE PILLS. Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thousands from pair in the m qo meeremmenteetieee N WBeaton mm ies l( [PAR TS â€"OFâ€"THEâ€" We speak from experience in this matier having tested it thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from any of the com~ laints for which it is recommenaed may de. pend upon its being a Sovereign Remedy. B $b % [ ODUNTALGIQUE ELIXIR. l This celebrated Mouth Wash is s most refreshing, it strengthens MKESâ€" RS {. the gums, ?tltfl(’}lte'l tartar and 1, | all injmions sâ€"cretion, sweatens ABRIEL‘S the breath, and for clex,uuing ar= tificial toeth is invaluable Price 51â€" Full cirections fur use enclosed in each box Presco‘t, Nor 21, 1871 Prepared oniy by November 30, 1870 ANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER UBLIC NOTICE R. RuBE:xTS ‘M. FOoOTE & COMPANY CELEBRATED OINTMENT, TFEA® aAND WINE3, ¢ LOSPITAL STRKET BEACH & HARXICOTT, Bridport, Dorset, England PBedicat+. CLARKE & MOONEY, Attorneys for Applicants MONTREAL 15277 39 6m 41 6 <_ The Mayor wiil atm nd to busia +s con» vected "\:h his office at the C.ty Halil «reoty day from ‘tun o‘clock till «leveâ€"n a m. W. P. LEUT, # City Qlerk. juy Hall, Ottawe, Jan. 16, 1871. 18TaH Is Bureby given that application will be madg@‘ to the Parliament of Canada, at its next"Session, foran Act to amend the Acts incorporating the Canadr Central Railway Comany, giving power to such Campany to cons.ruict its line by the most direct route to such points as may be selected for cross? ing French River, Dagsmher 26, 1871. °* 1861 Homo#sopathiec Puysiciso, murgeon & A«. coucher.‘ Rseidence â€"Albert street. . Oiict hours fro u 9 ts 1J a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m. RK&" Special atteniin givon is dis se and diz~lacem uts of the iterus. 1751 1N Contracts made tor advertising in eithe, or all of the above papers. Ottawa, Oct. 21. 1871. 1801t1 Parmies intending to make applicati>n to Parliament for Private Bills, either for granting exclusive privileges, or conferring corporate powers for commercial or other purposes of profit, or for doing anything tending to efftect the rights or property of other parties, are hereby notified that they are required by the 51st and following Rules ot the House of Commons (which are published in full in the Cunada Gazelie), to give TWO MONTHS‘ NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinctly specifyâ€" ing its nature and object), in the Cunada Gazette, and also in a nem}npor published in the County or Union of Counties affeoctâ€" ed, sending copies of the first and last of such notices to the Private Bill Office. l KKS & GEMMLLL, Harmstors, Attorneys, 4 soticiters, Conveyancers &to, Oficeâ€"lmn the Court House, Oitawa. _ Rosert Lrzs. doall _ JuoE» J. GE®K®LL, ‘ 1CHOLAS BPARK®, Barrister and Attor i @ ceyâ€"stâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyâ€" ancer, &o. Ofceâ€"Lang‘t Buildings, Elginâ€"st., opposite the Post Office, Ottawa. 48Â¥y Tix s OBo, W ilington Str.el, #&Agent for the Ottaw1 Times. a+ 44 Eming ‘ml‘ «4 " â€" Courrier d OQutaougis. EDWAND T. DAR"AmLL, Batristet Soliciter Attorney and Nutary Public, Clerk otthe Poace and Couunty Attorney, forthe United Counties of Prescott and Russell. Oficeâ€"ln the BILLILAGBES, Jr., Architect. UBcoâ€" ‘5. Boli‘s Block, Sappors‘ Bridge. Rerenexors.â€"H Asims, £sq, A«cnitect, Philaâ€" deiphia ; Thos Fuller, Esq, Architect, Aibuny Dr J A Grant, M P.,.Ottawa ; Thos Heyrolds, E8y Managing Virector 0. & St. L. K. K. 149. : CHRISTIE, Commission Mershant as i b. General Agent. Sole agent for KRead a Highwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" chine Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, &o., for sals. Orrion : No. 8, Sparks Sireet, near the RKusse!l! ouse, Ottawa city, C. W . l{ . HAYCOCHK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"l.aw, Soliâ€" e citorâ€"inâ€"Charcory, Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Pstert Right Soliciior. Offficeâ€"1m wediately opposite Russell House, Elginâ€"st. 43ut Court House, L‘urignal. All Petitions for Private Bills must be presentel within the first three weeks ol the Session. ALFRED TODD, Chf. Clk. Committees and Private Bills, 1. of Commons,. Ottawi, 7 Decem‘ber, 1871. 1841.1a m MISTLE & voâ€", us4d4 Surveyors, Lane ... Agent>, D aughitsimen, &c. Ofice, opposite the Ontaric denk, sparkeâ€"st. Ottawa. Vaiuator: tor Trust «nd Loan Vo. W. &. Tararus. K&. Lake. Provincial Land urveyor and Draughtsmau, comuiâ€"sioncd tor the Piovinces of laebuc ind Quatacdto &# BB. ROBILLARD, Physician, Bnrmfl. Accoucheur, Oficein Mr. Hearn‘s & Store, Kaset enda of Supper‘s Bridge. Ofice hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. K Vorner James and kingâ€"sts., uppositethe "ourt i ouse and Pablic Ofices, 51. JaTHARLNec, var. f . 40 UGMTON, Pro?flmx, (Late of itoughton‘s Dining S&ioou., KÂ¥ A sprscious sampleâ€"room for commercial raveoliers. BaÂ¥y 'l"flk 6 QUKLA M HAKSTAURANRT, B,. KAVANAGH, Proprestor , Corne: of Metcaife and Wellingtonâ€"streets, 0pâ€" positec the maru eutranceto the Q@overnment Build: ings. * the‘QqUXEN"somprises alitherequisitesfct a Arstâ€"clase hostao ant. Tho House has beenrefitted and ref, tnished tnroughout. The BAK contzint aechoicest Brandsir Wines and Ligu ‘ts, and overy slicacy ofthe soas. a wili be found onthetuvbie. The copmietcr‘s best offorts will be directed to he comâ€" clof his guests ana patrons. BE ysiors, 4ame eto., 4*;}f iiOlGROVI & TA LLON, Barristers, .Â¥ & Bolinitors, &o. Offceâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, 1ideauâ€"streot, Ottawa. WILLam Mogerove. _ 3668tt . Gzores Tampo® N. B.â€"Special sttention miven to the tre1ment of aisoases ol tie KY K and EAK. At night can be soen at ais residence, Merray strect. I)R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist Office Bparksâ€"street, Cent: al Ottawa. B4atf laving now changed hazis, and beon "‘ked u; for a tirs â€".class uUNCUBIN d AK an4 8 ALUVN wili ve sulled and carriod on under tos managzemest ol F EV a N3.ieto proprigior ol the 3T. JamkB uc &L. DM:O altsutive o Oasiness. Uoou Winss and uiquors w icranied. QO¢ tawa, Kelrtery 14, i67, € DB. NcDOUGALL, Offce, Rideau Streect, oppousite Fese therton s Drug Store â€" Regide § * THE COMMERCIAL HMHOoUSsE E A. MARA, Architecs. Officecâ€"Aumond‘s @ Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawas. 9027 qy gserove & Ta i108, Barristers, .Y & Bolinitors, &0. Offceâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, \; TEKTZREAU, Notery Public forthe Pro 1@ e viuce of Quebec, Hull, near the Poes Hice. $40tT (‘)l_lABLES M s RCIL, Adâ€"ocate, â€" Hall. O.uce et Mr Tetiau‘s, N P ; private remiâ€" dence in rear of French Cathed:al, Hull. D _ O!CONNOR, Attorneyâ€"atâ€" Law, Solicitorâ€" «in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., Susserâ€" treot. Office, Union Buildings, OKawa. bby Business attended in Otta«s and the Dis. trict Couts of the ‘County of Ottaxa, Barrist=:8, Attorneys at Law, 8 licitois in Clancery, Convepaccers, Notaries Public and Advocet s for the Proviuces of « n‘ario and Quebec. Ofticeâ€"Corner of Suss :x and York streets . N. B.â€"Collections attended to in all parts the Provinces of Ontario and Queb c. 3687 Otawa ‘,OCTIHL BENDER#ON, [ McGill Uniâ€" vonity{ Physician, Surgeon ana Acceucheur, Burgeryâ€"That recently occupied by Dr. Malâ€" och, Duke it, Chaudiere, Ottawa. 1888y NOTAbY PUBLIC. _ Residence Hull next the Fost Office. 17337 BARRIXG TONXâ€"STRERT, HALIFAX, NOVA 8uv1lia, Established 1861. Permanent and transiont boarders sccommoda ed, ang every attention paid to their comtort. #693 JUUN HUMANXs, Proprietor. 98 pl1Cii WiCA HoUss, oricek W . W. W AaIlLD, Barristorâ€"atâ€"Law ©@ Advucate, &s., opposite che Rossoll House RIVATE BILL®. HK ++ HUOHLAL ! saLO08, AFLYRRE & MUrPBDY, 0. ARCHAMBAULT, A,. GRISO Y, Hotelts and Satsorns. AYVEKRLY AOUBSK, is it ALN B JR e , «Hriecelianeosus. sLGIN 8 TR £ BE I, Vilice. Ayime:, P.Q Minerve, Montreal. Semaine Agricole. [ Opinion Publique Les ontâ€" 34â€"6m 17232 if | SUMMER SERVICE OF TRAIN8 THE TIMES is printed and published by * Tus Ormawa Tmmzgs Priwmmxe axpo PuF w3 msmxe Compaxy, at the Office, Lot $ Number 12, Weilington Sireet, (lsf® *__ festy‘s 1 aeatre), Centre ‘Town _ g’ xm.t’. -.p:-u an a -.h'â€"- I.-â€"*"(;‘- Of his qwn manufacture, at REDUCEPR * PRICKS®, 10th Au#ust 1871 1746tf All kinds of LEATHER tor Sa‘s, Whole sale, at reasonable prices. LONG AND SHORT MOCCASINS WHOLES AL E. Your O.ders mre solicited, and will be PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO by STEAM BISCUIT BAKEERT BEST PLAOK IN CENTRAL > UANADA nd Cl es To Biscuit, Crackers, Oandies b{.' fectionery of all kinds. C : Pullman Paace Cars now Runuing on g) Day and Night Trains. y On and after MONDAY Keit, 5th JUKE, Trains will leave Montreal as under Mail Train for Toronto and Inter mediste Stations, at ....... .. Dey Express for Tororto, at. .. .. .. Night Express for Toronto, at. ... . Mixed Train or Brockvilte, at. , .. Accommodation ‘I"sin for Brock He hoprs by good workman«hip and reat sonable charges, to ensure a continuance of th» Â¥ille;KE;:+> 21« @»1>~s nak1@12s Accommodation Train for lsland Pond, stopping at all Stations, at Express for Quebec and Riviere du Loup,MBL.;+s+r+lrks **#% Â¥+*Â¥*s Mail Train for Tsland Pond, Port. land and Boston, at...... .... Night Mail for Quebec, Is‘and Pond Portland and Boston.... ... _ A Pulltoan Car will be attached Through Trainsg between Montreai and du Loup triâ€"weekly, viz :â€"From M au Loup inâ€"weekly, viz :â€"From uoulh': on Tuesdays, Thursdsys and Saturfays Tt tursing from hiviere du Loup on Moncays Wednes@ays and Fridays Plain and Ornamental Engrayer, Corner Sparke and Kigin Strects, over James Hope & Co.‘s, Ottawa Beturns | is sincer« thanks to the public ef * Ottawa, for the libâ€"1al patronage bestowed on =%, him since his commencementin business. w COn and after MONDAY bext, the let o MAY, it is intended to run the Pulinaa Palace Cars though between Moutreal anc Sarnia. One of these maguificent coach+s wil} be attached to each Day Expmeertrain leaving Montreal for Toronto, and be run through & Sarpia, as a Drawing Room and Sleeping Car, ‘There will also be one attached w each Day Express frow. Torouto to Moutrea. f The Summer running arrargements wil come into operation about the 1st of June, of which due notice will be given. C J BLRYDGEsS, “'BIGH‘I‘ & CLEMOW, Barristers and M‘l'lbh'. Solicitors in Chaneery, Conveyancers,Notaries Public, #0, &¢,/orthe Pro vinces Ontaricand Quebes. Ofice over Durie‘s Book Store, Aparks sipsst Ottaws. W MoKar *# ment Visiting Cards ergrared and printed on the sbortest notice Ottawa, Nov 8, 1871 1815 RK@~Orders promptly attended to. . C B@~R. Carters give Railway Receipts relievâ€" Bay~ing shippers from all further trouble Bpecial rates for furniture. Freight and Cartage Agency Warianted Superior to any made in the Pro vince. N. B.â€"Farme.s from the County of Carle= ton can enter the mill yard by Broad Stroet, oppesite Brewery gate. f A large stock of the ubove will e kept copâ€" stantly on hand to suit purchasâ€"rs. to BUILDING AND LRIDGE TIMBER F. W P. O. Box 725. Montreal, March 11, 1871 SMNINGLES X: XX. XXXK. COXFECIIOKE Y E8TAaABLISHYENT l‘ll.“'. 1 PABRK 8TREET, QTTAWA. EDMOND GERMAIN, Proprietor. GRAND TRVHK RAMLWAY, Ottawa, May 17, 1871 10th August, 1871. 3ABARD TRUNDK ® J BSLISH OAK TADNEK w Ottawa, June 13 Managing Director, Montreal, April 26th, 187:. 16sn Price Chaudiere, Oct, 26, 1871 = W. £. JOHNSON, A;u‘. Ottawa, @ct. 12, 1871 1792 Rough Lumber Well Seasoned, Creat Acceleration of Speed» > Nos 36 and 38 Ridem« Street, Ottawa. PRACTICAL TAIwOR, .&86., LA N ED LU MBER ANaDA CENTBRAL EATILWAY HAUDIEKEZAEK STKAM MiLL~. LLXANUVKEKR RAMBSAY, LEATHER BELTING, OBRLSON B DANIEL MORRISON, Proprietor Lists, with references, on application FINE ENGLISH HOSE, TILLIAM®, RIDEAU STREET, Neatr Divigion ‘ourt Oï¬ :e, LAE LEATHER, &c., &¢ Â¥A>UFACTUKKER® OF of all descriptions JOUN ROTHESTER & Co. JOHN C McLAREXN, 247 St, Jamesâ€"st., , Montreal, 4 C.J. BRY DGES, Maneging Director 1871 1690t 18 * an0 Riviess â€" 600 am . 980 m â€" 29.090 ; m â€"11.00 a m 5.00 po 190 2.00 p m 180C5t 30 am 1613 } AUction SA | . mpd ,'*‘-v mornings, at . _â€"_ â€"~‘partles having goods to d ‘vo their advantage to sen r ‘h* in country places orQuebec prow ptiy attes ' JOHN MACD Auctlionser ans Generai f Forpishing, Insaranc Mils, on a proposed © years, six ti.nes per week â€"ween Morrisburg and U 1st of April next. Conveyance to be mad: -hg.dnwn by at least t A Mails to lease 1 Mundays excepted at ° Arrive at Vitawa â€" do Leavre Ottawa do Arriv:.:.lorrid:uhr‘ (hlh:' g way at the North Williamsburg, Win Wost Winchester,;: Ur pouth Gloucester and Bil Printed notices c.ntai formation as to conditie Contract miy be seen, an Tender may be obtained . ces of Morrisburg, Nort West Winchester, OUsgo« Bridge, or at the office of The Postmaster Gener: himself to accept the lo% Tenders, addressed to General, will be reooivo‘ L‘he Commissioners app struction of the Int revio public notice, that thay : aeive Tend rs for the < Buridings «t Cacouns,. 1« toles, 8t. Simon, st. Fam Bt. Luce and Alctapediac | Tanok Houses and Woo!A 8 Prots Pistoles, Bic, Rimou mncon, on FRIQAY, Na+XT, for the conveyan Is hereby givon that aj made to the Parlimament nâ€"xt Session, for an Ac(q Cunadian Pacitic Ralwa power to construct a ‘acific Ocean towards i ains, and from such selected East of ‘tne { 10owards the Pacitic Ocea seaboard of British ©Co railway system of Can so be constructed upon trom such pointis as its ern Termini, as shall proved by the Govern with power also to cons to the Sauit Ste. Marie FHembina and to all such the frontier of the Dom as may be deemed ad with power to construct struoting a bridge Marie, and to own and other passenger and fre all lakes touched by vranches. Ortawa, 26th Dec., 187‘ ‘ul Plans, Spâ€"cifcamions a: way be scen on and after thne Offise of the Chief K diviere du Lonp and Rim Tenders may be for th anmbes of these Buildi seived, marked * Toendâ€"s the Commission«â€"rs‘ Ofis w‘*olock, noon, of the 20th EKV. ED iof their past peatooage public generally, that the ed arrangzemeatrs for lu.e expense) of those larg buildings noâ€"ar the Mak Btreet, formerly occupied and knownd as the 4)4 “.' bare Iy 14 now foel cut‘h:::bm: the of one of the largest und t the Dominion, where the; attention to Auction S« ‘ommissionere‘ Offic«, _ Ottaws, Jany. 1 2th, 1 Certificates issued to preâ€"paying the passage Canada. For further Information TEMPERLE®YS, C 3 White 12 Aiso, for Engine H «use nimouski and Mâ€"~tapedi=« ln: returning thanks j fri. n ‘s and customers in #1*BE SEASONX COMN Chief Po#! Chief Post Office Inspec Througb Bily of lai Coutinent aod" in Lond: ‘.cada and in the United Milwaukie, Chicago, and M est. Real Estate, Houschold *eet Received H. K. RO @ .Ԡw + % w w * * M LC iC CCC NC mW POULTEY and GAME . sent to their bhouses re Uuoked. Parties requici Cook at their houses canâ€" Entree Dishes, &c , &c., fl:huumm The Steamers of the 1. ‘ncended "to run Weok!s Navigation of 1872, betw.« the first leaving London 0 872 London, Quabes WEEKLY CO M ©&!0TICK hi. dittinet Sostt Rioctatitatceine Ottewa, h'!ov. 12, 18171 NTERCULONIAL RAl B ULXKXL A The Italian Ottawas, Jan 2, 1872 AkD, ‘The proprietor of th QUEENKX RES AIL CONTRAUT ACDONALDY AUVC WEDNXESDAY, 1 Or Y O RK 8T n Macdon YOL. OYVS®T London St , Jnouary 16, l7ith Jan , Works OB PA A T