JTaARY the Fost tm a8LE8 in seas Of 108 ExX dX . y k .‘J"’:: 1006 16 PLAN ED LU MBER _ of all descriptions. BUILDING AND bLRIDGE TIMBER. THE STEAMER " FAI@Y" l preaiirstre.o omm cvs!lukï¬l __ 1060tf Price of Remedy in Pint Bottles: .$1 00 m’ch......'.-.'..............‘l 23 Will leare with Mails. Passengers and Freight for Mentreal toâ€"day, ist May, at 7 p. m. are such and so h y classiried warching curative in the. known world, and wonot help but act on the system in a very wtistactory and desirable manuer.© No matâ€" tnr what your allment may be, or of how long sunding, it will find the spot and astonish you by the rapid manrner in which you sare rwstored to perfect health and full vigor. This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positively be reâ€" lied upen to make a permanent cure of all ~dlho'l\r:~b?l,bhor,fldmu Digestive k as woll as Rcrofula ~“°E‘Dh-nl. Humors, and all dimame arising from Impurity of the Blood, wï¬ohhd Btage of Consumption. information, with full directions for using the Great Shoshonees Remedy & Pills, and containing Testimonials and Cert ficates Uures, can be obtained by securing the Treatise, the Hand Book, or the Almanac and i.u_b_lhn_-nywmluhtho medicinal vegetable ingredients, (some of which we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wild Cherry Bark, Podophylium, Juniper, Quassia, Smartweed, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extract or Colocynth, Jalap, Soco, tine Aloes, Capefcum,&c., £¢,) which entar Into the composition of the combined mediâ€" the World has over heard of. Never in th« annale of Canadian Medical ry has suct suocess attended the uction_ of ar j sunpiy because the numerous valuaibi« Â¥. B.â€"Farme.s from the County of Carlâ€"â€" ton can enter the mill yard by Broad strâ€"et, orppuits Browert grte Oct. 26, 1871 1805tt 1872 That the Gazar Suosmontes Kewsoy aso Picus, of the eminent Indian Medicine Man, Doctor LEW!IS JOSEPHUNS, of the Great Tribs of shoshonses, British Columbia, is workios SHINGLES X. XX, XXX. SELATINEâ€"The purest preparation of this nutritious agent extant is Morâ€" Medallists and Jurors at all the great Exâ€" 31, ï¬% gï¬lummv?ow’ Alarge stock of the above will be kept conâ€" stantly on hand to suit purchasers. PEPTIW FOOUD for Invalids and Infants wbb. putritious and palat«ble. in {1b. and 1â€"1b. tins. All the ab ve are carefully packel and shipped to erders, which must be piya~le Nm mng'n'y‘ C EHEO. MORSON & soON and Jurors at all the great Ex Morson‘s Effectual Remedics with care and despatch. a M“mmd Prociaim the Glad Tidings PEPEYINXEâ€"The popular and essional medicine for indigestion Pn:o'lono.\’s Perauxs, the active principle of the gutric juaice. in Powder, Lozenges, order a and a large stock of C es _ t. HOUSEKEEPING UTENSILS and other articles, and the very best. CUUKING STOVEs 2leul for the farmer, city resident, lum ; Tinwareâ€"as usual, wholesale and reâ€" The Steamer VOL VI NO 1968 sHaUDIEZ#E STEAX MILLS, MBST s=PRING ARRIVAL!! L'!:ar IRON BEDSTEADS, 2t., . §ft., 36. 6in., Aft. and 4ft. 6in. H. ngowu Co., 6. Ottama, March 4, 1372, 1914 frequently small doses will produce this beneficial result. Many of the Uhlorodgnes of commerce are not oi unitorm® strength, this h«s induced Mosson & Sow to compound their preâ€" Worksâ€"Hornsey and Homerton. UTTawWA RIVER NaVvIGATION s COMPANY. BOLE MANUFACTURERs «QUEEN VICTORIA.‘ by Chemists and Drugzite roughout the world. â€" W H Y : Bird Nests, JOHN ROCHESTER & Co KOTICE ant New Heticingg Well Seasoned, Butte 2litters; Brea. Plattors, 182 * Dunham‘s Patest Hydro Carbonsated Sounding Board." j o So long and favorably known in Canada, and in ~doing so would respectfully request the inspection of a stock of those magniâ€" ficent instruments now in In uu'm:uenï¬on to the above improveâ€" ment pleasure in announcing that they have been app inted agents for the WINDE FUL IMPROVEMENT OUR SHOW ROOM. The merits of the Dunham Piauos are: Ist. Its durabfity has become a proverb. Z2nd. In workmanship it cannot be: surâ€" passed, if equallei. \ § __8rd. In Solidity, Power, Purity and Equality of Tone it has no compeer. _ _ 4th. It can be sold after years of use for nearly, if not quite its original cost. â€" §th. It is warranted in the most satis~ factory manner. . Pamphlets containing a description ‘of the above improvement can be had at our establishment. D M PW Messrs. Orme & Son are also agents for the following Pianos, viz: McCAMMON & CO., A large assortment of which we keep conâ€" «tuitly on mand. . _ .! . [ ;_ MASON & HAMLIN, Also the celebrated most agreeable Preparation for the Toilet. For l.uumu'm C')n)lexldh::d rend cring the Skin hite, Clear, ged from Dryness, it is ed. It will w& remove ail Redacs, Roughness, Tan, Frec mples, and ciber imâ€" m:dons. For Chapped Hands, Chilblain®, Frost Jre sur; as«cd. p aad 8 it cannot be d [ on c P ga s 11444405 .. & ~nant ~Aniaintcaaingt SE C brated Victoria Carbolic Pre u:ï¬;. La bora tory and Works, Victoria lhpl:nl da S treet Toronto, Ont. ‘l'lotoflnwl‘.(}nlm Preparations are a old by all Druggists. #ure and ask I‘ortso Vicrorn PrErizAiTIO®s, and see that you get Sole Provnrietors shnd Manufactarers of the Cele This Jeity is bigh\y recommended to La dics as a Th‘s Tom:t Soar all "::nn.m uun?uc and dhln)eem &p«t of Carbolic Acid, 1s agreeably acen a healthy action on the akin, prevents lrfluuo\:flovfl the effects of ion, and should regnlquy gd by frnilies. Uholers, Bnflgrx and Fever Patients should be washed with t Soap: and its use by liable to infection will materially prevent Eoynul of disease. Price 15cents per Tavlet Abscesses, B o ‘¢, Pimples, &c. It possess ceansing and Lnï¬ virtues of Carboli which has been fo by Physiciana eve to possass curative qualities not discavere: This Garoeur is the most reliable and cMesicions &‘«Iy in all cases of Sore ‘Throat, lloarscness, m«l& Bronchitis, Irritation of the Bronchial Ta so common in this changeable climate, Asthma, Ofensive Breath, Ulcerated Gums, and all discases of the Mouth. For Public Speakers and Singers It is iavaluable. The incredicnts enâ€" -’hw this Gargle are used by all Physicians, = or the care of the above diorders are now, y, the most popular in the AMaicric Medica Vrice 25 cents. This Distxrecraxt is a sure proventive of ‘l'mhul and Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, and «i) inâ€" wm It will rnreut Contsgion in It is also tnvailuable orsltmbmfcctg;g W.nur Closets, Drains, Cesspoois, ables, Slanghterâ€" &c., and for destro;ing nauscou« tgluvia tever aunnmlng. It vill dmve away toes, Moths, Flies, Cockroaches, &¢. Meat, Fish,&c., can be preserved !romrulrch\cnnn by its nse, Carbolic Acid was sélected by Her Majeaty‘s Royal Commissioners, in preference to all other w&. as the beet Disicfectant for the prevenâ€" of infectious discases, Price 25 conts. m'A!JI is a n'wde'n for all Skin Diseases, Wonnds, Bruises, Bnn-.&rea Ulcers, Ring world, 'rcurr‘ Eczoma, Scald Hoead, Scaryy, Abscesses, D o t‘l’lmplen. &c. It possesses all the sleansing anmd healing virtues of Carbolic Acid. This ARATION is ed in its rapidity hflmlng and PDW‘IHN'_V, Table and Pocketâ€"Knives, Razors, Surgical Instrument s.Shoeâ€" makers‘ Knives, Plane Bits and Chisels, &¢ . Nothâ€" alu ever been discovered wlich has #sprung popularity more quickly, jr become of o much value in every household and worksh op for g3meral usefulness. Price 25cents. . CARTAGE AGENCY. The undersigned begs to imnform the blic that his oflice has this day been ï¬MUVED to the rear of the GENERa L OFFICES of the Uomwï¬.‘on Wellington Street, where orders for the collection and delivery of Goods will meet with prompt and careful attention.: Payment for &%‘ and Cariage will now be received at Company‘s Oflice, on Wellington Strec t. A. J, TAYLOR, _ Cartage Agent. Ottawa, 5th Feb., 187: St, Lawrence & Otiawa khRai‘way $30 Ottawa, January 20. 1872 er chemical preparation. Price 25 cen EW AND DUNHAM PIANO® and ESTEY & CO.‘5S ORGANS§ J, L. ORME & SUN, â€" ____ 8 Sparks Street. ;ANZCE BY SIDE DOOR p WEEK and expenses paid. e wast an agent inevery county. «* First come, first served .‘ One agent made $170 in 11 days :Mn. :m:u lyrvor'in Co. ‘est, Toronto, Ont.. or &&n&m Lane, New York. a} EMERSON, and HOOD, §&yp TDt ry whore 1 in any Will open this evening the following new style Costumes for the above event : THURSDBAY . EVENING, APRIL 2%m. T. Hunton, Son & Co., CALICU BALL Including Newest DOLLY VARDEN and all shades of Plain Colors. T. HUNTON, SON & CU., 34 Sparks Stroet. Ottaws, April 23, 1872. T 1Case Fancy Prints THOMA® EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC OLL. Side, Back and Heoad, Cougbs, Colds, Bore Throat, Sprains, Bruisws, Cramps in the su\mwh.l Cholera l..lm Dysentery, Bowe1 _ Comp! Burns, Scalds, l‘rod.‘zlh, ko., &o. k 1 HE ANADIAN PA1N DESTROY EB Has now buen before the public for a lengtt of time aud wherever used is well liked, uever failioy in a single instance u. give perâ€" manent reli6f when timely used, ard we have nevor sknown a single case of disatisfaction where the directions have been properly folâ€" THE ©CHRISTINE" C‘Jsrm es THE* PRINCESS ROYAL" COSTUME, THE © LESMERALDA" COS1UME, AND COSTUME DE RIGUEUR. _ IN â€" PIQUE BAPTISTE _ _ AND OTHER MATERIALS. Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. «* Pain cannot stay where it is used." It is the CHEAPEST MEDiCINE EVEK 4ADE, ~One dose cures common sor» that or im bottle has cured Bronchitis, Fifty cents‘ «orth bes cured an old Standing Cough It ositrvely cures Catarrh, Astbma, and Croup, "ifty ounts‘ worth bas cured Crick in the Buck, and the aasme quantity Lame Back of â€"««ght years‘ standin . It cures Swelled Neck, "umors, RKbumatisam, Neuralgia, Contraction t the Masc! s, Stff Joint», Bpin«l Difficulâ€" i s, and Pain and ~ereness in any part, oo atter whh «e it may be nor from what cause it may aris+, it always does you good Ewenty fiv~ cents‘ wortn has cured ‘bad cases A Chronic and Blowty Dysentery, One temâ€" «poâ€"nful cures colic in 15 minutes. It will ur: any case of Pil»» tha it i= impossible to » «. _ Six or eight application« i= warranten to ure any case of Excoriated Nipples or Inâ€" Aamed Brâ€"ast. For Bruiss, if applied often 1nd bouns up, there is never the slightest iisculoration to the skin. It stops the pain of a Burn as soon as applied, Oares Fro«ted F.â€"et, Boils, Wa:ts, and Corns, and Wounds of eveiy desctiption on man or beast. s N. THOMAS, Phelps, N Y And XORTHROP & LY 4AN, Newcastle, On:., Bole Agents tor the Dominion. _ _ Aca family Remedy it is well and tavourably kuewn relieving thousands from pain in the We spoeak trom »xperience in this matter having teuted it thoroughly, and therefore uue »~hbo are suffering from any of the com~ Inints for whico it is recommenaed may de. pend upoi its being a Sovereign Remedy. Tle Cunndian Paiu Destroyer nevet tefte.© ive 1 omediate râ€"het, All medicine deslers sceyp it; Physicians < rmler and use it ; a d no family wil} be without it after unce trying it, Pric, ouly tweutyâ€"Av «onts per bottle,; NORTHBROP & LYMAN. Bold in Ott wa by H F Mocarthy, Joseph Skianer, Jba Roberts, J P Fwatherston, Geo Mortimer, and 11 medicine dealers. wwed, but on, the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in the highest tomms of Its virtues and magical effects, _‘ The astoms®ngz «thcacy of the Canadiao Pain Destroyer, in curing the Disvages for which it is recowmmented, and its wouderfu: gsuccess in subduing the torturing pains 0: Rhenmatism, and in relieving Nervous Affecâ€" lous, entitle it to a bigt rank in the list or Remedica tor these complaints. Orders rre coming trom M«dicine Deslers in all parta of thâ€" cu« . toy for forth«r supplies, and each test tifyin. as to the universal satisfaction 1 (On SATURDAY, the Fourth of May next, the undersigned will ï¬'to to Judge of the said Court for a di ge under the said Acts .~ By No aivewap 9e Aiiee JOHN BUTTERFIELD, L‘Orignal, 8th February, 1872 1934td United Counties of Prescott and Russell. In the maiter of JAMES BORDEN, an Insolvent. > 1¥» 8. C&ANADA, Province of Ontario, ~LECrRICITY. Note.â€"Eclectricâ€"Belected and electiized. NsSULVENT ACTS OF 1864 and 1869. ANAD‘ANPAIN PESTROYER imâ€"ngumnmafm & »?gym ln-t.n‘-z;n;aï¬: o gi& | Nette P ) iculous ".‘r D . :-.ul}uwur:z.;“. -ï¬ Order, 1\ Rrown, and leaves the hate ) ,., ies se ons tRERrEg"" .. In the County Court of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. OTTAWA MONOAY. MAY . 18. 18;2. TUESDAY, APRIL 9th, Dolly Varden and May Queen. NEW MILLINERYV, NO. 36 RIDEAU s'n;mb 'ï¬DADWU? STREET, CHAUDIER®, Wholesale and Retail Grocers Wine and spirit Merchants. P. Baskerville & Brothers, We are now prepared to offer to the Farming Community and to the trade inducements that has not been given heretofore by any one in our line of business â€"being now tmportâ€" ing the chief part of our Stock, such as TEAS, WINES and BRANDIES, enables us to reduce prices further. . We claim already to have brought the enormouns profits heretufore existing to a moderate rate, and trust in future to contluue so. ... _ * Td a ie L WWe Ne sB es ces e ols old e iA cb es OE ce R has ___We will M'mï¬oâ€";;o;; sell the same articles cheaper, such as TEA», 8UGARS, TOBACCOS and GENERAL GBOOIBIEB‘ alsoâ€" WINES and all imported Liquors. Canadian Spirits, of the best description, always on hand at prices as low :s small lots can be laid down. We care not for competition, all we require is a trial given to our goods, The economist will profit by calling to us. $@"Our motto is light pzofits, Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. & P BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS $ us SmithAeld. J 0 Cha aberiaio, EReqâ€"This is to certity thâ€"t about three years ago J became affiicte with Bronchitis, which lastâ€"d adout eightee» mouths. I was so filicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult tor me to -p-q:,l:d in the night time frequentl» thro the clothes off and raising in the be to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County of Northumberlana for about a year, without receiving any benvrfit, in fact I continu«d get ting worse all the time. At last I was ad‘ vised to try the Great Shoshouncer Remedy. i bougbt a bottle and took it and when it wa» about fnisbed I b1m to feel a little better I continued to use it until I had taken thre« bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I foum that I was as well as ever I had been previ ous to my !liness. and have been so eve ~ You may publi«h th ou <h the facts for the b: nefiu of mn:Lrlyafllewd. T 0. BROWN, S Episcopal Metnodist Minister. . SE JOHN SILYER. Bworn before me at Smithficld this 6th day of Aptit, & D 1810,â€" : cc_ 0c 0 > of the Great Shoshonees Remedy. At the expiration of two days her symptoms were decidedly better _ She continued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken onâ€" bottle she was able to sit up By the continu ance of the remedy she was perfectly restoreo Caulifiowers, Clover, WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE Brookir®, April 5th, 1870 J 0 Chambâ€"rilain, Bte. This is to certi that my wife was veryiow with Lung Disease. The Doctor had giv+â€"n her up. He said her lungs were tubercled, and meaicine could not help her. As a last resort I purchased a bottle &A I£0 FLOWER SEEDY, a large ASSORTMENT. (From Ewing Bros., of Montreal.) ._.~.~~*~@* > AOHRISTIE & CU,, Druggists‘ Supplies in Stock and made to , 387 & 391 NUTRE DAME STREET, ! Ottawa, April 12 HN L â€"1947â€"3m. CHARLES â€"ALEXIANZER AND $0X$, 7 HANUFACI'URRRS‘OF 8‘3:8';;:‘-"0:; Bo-Bon-. Crystal Motte Papers +Fringed, Mottoes, Horus of Pleaty. W HOL ESALE STEAM CONFECT RRY_ y In Bonnets, all the Latest Novelties, â€" _ IMNM PLUMBES, | ttawa, Apru 22, 1872. & g PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE MARRLIAGE CAKE ORNAMENTS Wreaths, Loaves, Fancy Boxes of English, EEDS, SEEDS. Just receive1, a fresh Stock of . GABRDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, :‘ rich and varied assortment, including some new and beautiful designs in Fancy hers. . § 7 FRENCH and ENGLISH FLOWERS in endless variety. e Special attention is directed to new styles § llan, McKinnons & McMoran Cure of Bronchitis. ESTABLISHED IX 18342 SHOW ROOM OPENING. creen ang t reney ky /‘ ~<@11k Mantles. Croe 1871, Vu.: IN THE : LATEST â€" STYLES. AMONG THE HATS WILL BE FOUND THE J M WELLINGTON, J P â€"â€"ALSQOâ€" 1imothy, Mangel Wurtzel, Parsley, Parsnip$§, P + Pumpkins, Radish Tom@u’au, Allan, McKinnons & McMocran, s 20 SPARKS STREET. A very large stock of fWRET; [ .. .. 8 oc SC" Ottawa. 1947â€"3m. mï¬i good man. 19328 WILL SHEW ON GUuwWwaN‘s HALL ON THE 2ler MAY, pass a Byâ€"law tor the opening & Public Road follows > "Commencing w‘:;n- Lots g:-.:l' and 1'1'?:- ï¬:{ 8:;1&(?::5:.:3 Pebrie ons dart Aatonre uid remn onl m sns in pnae pfpenate ue thet go.limh_ld:wlbywmh- &mhu easterly direction across Lots Nos, 15, 12, 11, in said third Concession. o tepag & Beanes. l&unw. this day of uiA.D- Contributions will ived b: of the ladies mmï¬wggx’wmu' * Otfawa, April 22, 1872." 12. Gloucester, in the County of Carleton, will proceed d HONDAY aS Thnd day of Tane IW ina mCondlona in the C dA Yosbia? i8 1 The Municipal Council of the Township of Gou!â€" se ce oo mc t ainns o opt noext, at ten o‘ciook, as a Court of Revision. _ _ ’l\HE LA pIES Fruits and Ornamental ‘Trees, Shrubs, Foani ror sauk. LOT NO. 1, 4ra €ON. NORTH GOWER f 22% Acres of Good Land WITHIN ONE MILE OF RICHMOND, About 60 Acres Under Cultivation. . ‘{&nh. .hr- umm but vfll be sold for .. eeoee LpRE bath Delpnte Sronred by Mortemse Ottawa, April 19 1872 Rooms, Rideau Street, on THURSDAY, May 9, &12. The following vu"iotiu offruits and or:flfmo:a trees, consisting of apple trees, stand a dwarf‘s, fameuse. St. Lawrence, red astrachans, Poumme grise, golden russetts, &0., crab apple, a fine lot of strawberry plants &o. The goods from x'm- Nursery have bou':omd and fouraood:uwor E’knnl“ 'l"o‘t“-'.;oe-_h. ws.lo at mw-l’,’ iblic that owning to an accident to the Boat on the yES~d c then to m. place at the same £ W Bm Eul. N UTICE. Grape Vines, &c., &c. From the well known Nurseries of R. J. DONNELLY, ESQ., N, Y.. Phant prrge oo se on B q n hh i pgp ied r Ottawa, May 2, 1871 WANTKD. SHOP FOREMAN OF JO&ERS. The subscriber has been instructed to inform the Goulburn, A pril 10th, 1872 SI. JAMES CBURCH, HULL _ ; Intend Holding DANCY: FAIR yOURT OF REVISNION. Ottawa, May 8th, 1872 |REE SALE POSTPONED â€" | Until TUESDAY, MAY 14 1872 NNUAL SALE THREE FOLLOWING DAYS. to HLVGH ARMSTRQ . 187% %" y obedl / +4 god or OoP s _ Thnts on of the Township of received by any Auctioneer. Auct gne Sio Armstrong Miss E Bell Henry â€"H Blanch Miss J _ * Bloom W m Bowman Jno Boulton D‘ Arcy Booth L Breid Alex Brown W G # Bmceu;:f Miss Kate Bryan Henry 4 Brock W m Bruce David Brownlee David Brown Mrs Jno Burpee Henry Burns Miss 8 Bush Miss J Burnham S Burpee R C Byers Thos * Calehan Patrick Carr Mis Susan J Cameron Miss C CantonGeo B Carroll. M * Case H A a Caldwell Mrâ€" S «+ Carleton Henry R Chambers Mrs A Clark \X‘m â€" Clarke Allen Clarke Jno â€" Clarke J B Clarke Peter Clark Messrs J & A Clark Dr Robert * &“wrer“"“"w‘“ y n .. â€"_. Coleburn Miss Mary L Cook Jno « Cook & Waddell Cowan Jno > Courier Mrs Crane S N Incfose Nam o 00 * Crow J B Bloan Jas Dawson sr, Jas : mith S B Dawson Fred & Smith W J Davidson Andrew Smith Wim Dawson Miss Elien _ Sparks Geo Daviss W . =~â€" gouthwell Jno Davis Wm Stevenson W H Devireux Mrs B Snl!lvm Miss C Deliven C T s"l ;_"‘ Miss Mary Dickenson M C T Thos Dilion Mrs T T Thompson Thos Dunn Oscar Thompson J 8 Dyke Robt wessay Mrs A1 Edmonds Miss Emma AThompson D Edwards K H ',{;IF' Jno Edmonds A M # ickery Miss E. Evans Thos . ~ Tgm‘"†Wim H Farley Miss Annie Towers Thos A P gfwgee Lur:fd Mrs Tt Vandopo ite n rs Thos . pu Foley M C ; Wm Jno Forbions & Bon __ Waterson Martbha Fripp MisiS B Garland Geddis Jno 5 Genty & Co, Messrs (Genie Robt Goodwin Miss M Gookey Alex ‘ Gorden R > Gow Geo T j Goodwin Mrs Alex Grant W m + Grimes F Grant Miss Bell Green A H Green Patrick (]araham Jas A 8B Hawthorne T * Hammon Jas h Hammersly Wm Hanrahan Miss Ellen Hall Lewis Harriott Hugh R Heaney Mï¬s E l!}omldsex ; § oglns grï¬-:elu "u:irs J j ane Irwin Geo * Jones Mrs J E Julian Thos H ; Keegan J W . The Commissioners Aminto‘d for the construocâ€" tion of the Intercolonial Rai '8 hereby give Public Notic : that they are prepared to receive tenders for Tnok-l_uln,md B-fluti-., or about 63+ miles of the hmfl rom the Post Ro.gnu Troisâ€" Pistoles, to the Eig! ?â€"six&nd a half mile Post at the Metis Riverâ€"Tenders to be for the whole distance. _Specifications and forms of Tender can be Sp.oeiï¬cadg anddft:{.mn of._Tender .:.6: be obtained at the office ttmâ€" wa. and at the OfMfices of momï¬mu. an Insoiven. t Notice is hereby given that the above named In=â€" Mn in aafes maminte 81 150 8 ujority in number of the credifors of the fussivent, nfme.;ï¬nc threeâ€"fourths in value of his liabilities ubject to be computed in ascertaining such sn tionb:d if no opposition or objection to sai of g(-ltion. and discharge be made to me . writing by a Creditor or Ondlwum.l?inmmj * cial days after ths last publication of this notice _ Notice is hmbb,‘ï¬lmdnt the Court for revising the Assessment of flu%'o'uhip of Huntley for lslï¬iu be holden in the Town Hall, on Moxpay, the 6th day of May next at the hour of ten o‘clock, a.m. ' Persons interested therein 3“ lwuhd toauh:l. o ENTON, Cler Huntiey, 10th April, 1872. 11w38 .. Sisision, Doorgs Chaphas,. Patld 1. \ e g % Fraser md%mu(rmvld Tylee, Plainâ€" tiffs ; vs. Martin Sparrow, Defendant. Upon resdiz the writ of attachment issued in this cause, the affidavit of service thereof, andâ€"the reâ€" turn of the Sheriff of the County 6f Carleton,: under Tenders will also be received, at the same time and place, for 250 tons of Railway Spikes, asccording to sample to be seen at tiie above Uffices. Tenders to state _price '&er ton of 2. 240 lbs,, delivered at the Grand Trunk Railway Station at River du lflnn‘..lz equal quantities, in the months of July, August. Beptember next. | h > * Tt gAlï¬ï¬ &3 Bhrbums _ â€" A. W )Qct.%. In the matt= of W. A. CHAMBERLAIN, Conparfing and dischares secordale to 1to torms oath E:&mx?a.‘;.a';m“.w."‘;:%ua;a plsint.i:ni, ldoorderth.tnmnhud the Creditors of the said : Defendant shall be held before me at 1 on o siep tofy * AI.D'.'m"f Montsoal, nm: & t to: Saw °‘nm f my Chambers, in the City of Ottawa on the ?‘m;r&x'hr'r'h DAy ‘:?‘-â€a‘n'." XTD. i8re, at e : purpose of appoin! &n A.‘m th?:t:&ro ndpol!ocu of the above named D;lgd-nt. gmd at Chambers, this :l'wellt.lrl Day of A A.D. D. O‘CONNO CHR. ARMSTRONG, %’l’i(’lnktw. LDH'B B? C. C. Ottawa, April 15, 1872.â€" | 1947â€"2b. wa, and at the Offices of the ï¬?fllï¬ nee!1 Dalhousie, Newcastle and Amherst. __Bealed tenders marked * Tenders," and addrossed 8: fl;he'c%nt'giuimnl si;ll be receivod “'1‘3‘&' ce in o‘clock noon, on DA Y, the 11th J une, 1872 ersons capable o(luin‘lm foundations to f {uild' Mr. Haycock‘ ascorâ€" ta'.i: tarn:?(’ S:om by lnl;m&“-hr- signed A. GAGNIER, 180tf Owotib Russell House. January 15, 1872 yy Ants> IMMEDIATELY. § 10 CARPENTERS AND 6 LABORERS. NTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869 NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869 IST OF LETIERS remdining in the | Ottawa Post Office, April 30, 1872 > UNICIPALITY OF HUNTLEY. And Amendments Thereto. further notiee 10 Custome PpMiDP ME T; 1o, 1879. G P BAKER, Postmaster R. A. Caruronart, . Wm m.l- Kirby J T wh W m Lee Thos > JP ey Miss E Surtie es as Marley Mr well Ed n J R Miss 8 Miss M Miller Ben Millward Miss H Mooting Richd Neil Sam Nevan Miss M Neville P o’girleu Danie! Ormsby Charlie O‘Regan Jno Payne Mis G Parsons Thos Périor Miss Nancy Perry J 8 Putnam F Pritchard Miss A Prince Hon Albert Sim peon Allen J Bloan Jas Smith 8 B Smith W J Smith Wm Sparks Geo gouthwell Jno Stevenson W H soiiminatis wain F mpson Thos 11:§::mon J 8 wessay Mrs Annie Rdddingion Mrs P r8 mummm. Ragzers Jno Wiï¬ins;?n’ Mr Wayte Melinda Ross Miss Annie Rowland W m Robinson J Rumwt"u J Soott J 1 ug;t’l‘hon MP Shipman Mrs A B M Simpson Miss C _ White J J Witmagt Willard Mro M M | wmm Jl}o J er um&_gpm Messrs Wayte Melinda wmn Martin Watson Miss Rosetta Yunyad m Watson 3 Welch Henry McCorhney W Mc d W J McGo Miss M McGee Jno g‘lc(}ulre MIEM F reggor r ug(iulm J W flcK\bbon 11,1. i c%flnney McKinlay J McLaren McLaughlin G C Mc lin McMehon Poiltp c ’ï¬eï¬ Nt o iiis Charies on American Invoices Commissyoners. Orpt® 1xp Srereu.â€"In every branch of oulâ€" tivationâ€"whether in the field, the orchard, the vineyard or the garden, there must be order and system to insure successful results, and this truth is firmly established by actual experi¢nce. Another great truth has also been established by the same means, which is : That as a preâ€" ventative medicine, or a medicine for the oure of colds, coughs, rheumatism, and summe complaints, the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," i the mostreliable. For sale by all Druggist Cavalry Condition Powders, have pa a readable and instructive pam. phlet, which may be had free at the stores. The \Iptoprlm ot Johnson‘s Anodyne Linime: on‘s Purgative Pills, and bottle. packages, been restored to a healthy and sound condition, all traces of the disease luvins seen completely removed, and ‘have been sol for from &0 to $75 more than they would pre viously have brought; when you want & hborse medicine n‘ot "Darley‘s Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy." We know you will be perfectly satisfed with the result. Rememben the name, and see that the signature ol Hurd & Co. is on each patkage. Northrop & Lyna.‘ Newcastle, Ont., I"PM or Canade. fHold by all medicine dealers. Grrar Coxprrio® Mrprormmm.â€"As a «ondit medicine for horses "Darley‘s Condifion Pow ders and Arabian Heave Remedy" has mo equal Its offects in this respect are astonishing ; many horses that were supposed to be broken down and almost worthless have, by the use of a fow BROWN‘S BRONCHIAL TROCHES are compounded so as to reach directly the .‘l.l‘ e;)f the direase and give almost instant relief. ‘The Troches are offered with the fulleet confidence in their efficacy ; they have been thoroughly tested and maintain the good reputation they bhave justly acquired _ For Public Bpoakers, Singers, Military Officers, and those who overtax the voice. they are useful in relieving an Jrritated ‘Throat, and will render articulation easy. Being an article of ttue merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test 0t many years, each year finds tham in new localities in various parts of the world, and the Troches are universally pronounced better than other articles. SORE THKOAT, COUGH, COLD, and similar troubles, if saffered to progress result in serious Pulmonary, Bronchial, and Asthmatic affections, oftentimes incurable./ Obtain only «Brown‘s Bronchial Troches,‘ and do not take any of the Worthless Imitations that may be offerad . _ 110 * ©Troonss," so called, soid by the ounce, ns & poor imitation and nothing like BROW Ns BRONCRIAL TROCHES which are sold culy in boxes with facâ€"simile of the proprietors, 5 JOHN I. BROWN & SON, > en outside wrapper of box, and private GUovs ernment stamp attached to each box. _ _ ‘This car in putting mp the Troches is im portant as a security to the purchaser in ord to be sure ot obtaining the genuine Brow n Bronchial Troches. TBIRTY YRAiRS EXPERIENCE OF AN MLD NURSE mus. Wiusu w‘s Booraixe Syrur is th â€" pre« scription of on» of the best Female Phy. icians and Nurses in the United States, and has boen used for thirty y>ars with never failing safety and success by millions ot mothers and children, frem the toeble infant of one week old to the adult.. 1t corrects acidity wf the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and sives nn‘vbalth and comfort to mother and child. We believe it the best and surest remedy in the world, in all cases of ~D;sentery and Diarrh»s in chiidren whother it arises trom teething, or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the facâ€"simile of CURTIS & PERKINS is on the outsise wrapper, Sold by all medicine denlers, z6 centsa bottle. Office, 215 Fulton Street, Ne# York, and 93 Oxford Street, Lonâ€" don _ Be sure and call for COCCâ€"G@T.YCERINE nour the ha‘r The Insolvent has made an assignment of his esâ€" tate to me, and the creditors are notified to meet at Lariviere‘s Hotel,, Wendover, on TUESDAY, the drrisaodth day of onb A DJ tolz, ‘Just tecetved and‘ for #ale ‘very low, having been menirih ies dn it mt on oi Poun s Paints, Oils Gloom Puith waogd. . Hign of the Anvil, Rideau Streetâ€" XJ Christie) Barristers, citors, Conveyancers, &c. .i.'g."g"nmsn& 6 h&unn P. HILL Oblawa, Fob 20, 1872 2~"2 21910 6m the world The Court of Revision for the Township of Fite« roy, will hold its first sigting for the current year, in â€"Efllm thm 1';*-36’"» one o’u pâ€"Bâ€"; :‘ BA'm:‘AY. dï¬ â€˜\V. P.?t‘rTY.“_ . Sixteorith day of April, A. D., 1872, at Two o‘clock m. to receive statements of his affairs, and to apâ€" * . * SDORN P. sounsoy, L‘Orignal March 2, 1872. wio 2 East Hawkesbury, an Insolvent. The Insolvent made an assignment of his ut‘u&o-o.nndrendmn are notified to meet at the residence of the hnlnnkhlutlhwkeo- bury, on Tuzrsoir, the Â¥/th April, 1872, at two o‘clock, pm., to reseive statements of his affairs, and to appoint an assigneo. . __.__ _ _ _ _ > 1,300 KEGS OF CUT NAILS No toilet table should be with out CO0Oâ€"GLYCERINE, 25 cents per bottle Noticoâ€"is hereby given that the next annual Geneâ€" rb:'h‘:mt“m ‘B u.i‘: MV'I.IIA. ?l:lnn caster, County of Gï¬gny. on%‘:r-an, e 2Zith of May next, at the hour of eleven o‘clock, a.m. _ In the matter_of JOSEPH BELANGER, of Wenâ€" dover, an Insolvent. Have you‘a severs wrench or sprain ? Hur you rtheumatism in any form + Have you stif neck, or bunches caused by rhenmatic pains? If so, Jonnson‘s Anodyne Liviment is a speci. fic remed; and.is@ alsoâ€"the bast pain killer in dandruft * Prcy k Apritoiare, ~ | 00 00 winkt In the matter of OCTAVE BRAZEAN, ef MHRS WINS8SLOW*3 s0O0OTHING SYRUP Having the fac simile f "Curtis & Pork in on the outside wrapper: All others are be imitation® 4 'IOWNBBIP OF FITZROYâ€" NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, BULLDERS Hardwareâ€"Hardware Alexandria, 3th j":d'%row& Feealhy‘* L, Orignal, 10th April, 1872. NSOLYVENT ACT OF 1869. NSULVENT ACT OF 1869. CO0O (GGT.YDERINE removes Ottawa, May 9, 1872 ONTREAL & CITY OF OTTAWA ~JUNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY,. . 24 Rideau Street SIGN OÂ¥ THE ANVIL, SPEUOIAL NOTICES. AT THE OLD STAND, IE & HILL, (late Kennedy & dealere, Price, 25 cents per iPRICEâ€"3 CENTS w2 To THE PUBLIC OF CANADA. Orrice or *E» Josrrn Hiut MaxUraCtUr®c Coxrasy, OsBawa, Oxr.,, March 8, 1872 Being desirous of testing the merits of thodifl‘eumm-whohmoï¬d for sale in Canada, as to their economical use of water, we, as the manufacturers of the Gexuix® Jaxes Lerret Dovsis Tore®s, make the following challenge to the maâ€" nufacturers of axr wEEEL now made in Canada, whether it be murratons of the Jawers Lerrst Dousts Turm®s or asr otnEr raTrerN, the wheels in all ogses to be wholiy manutactured by thecompeting parties :â€" We will place in the hands of any resâ€" pounsible party, nx t.honnn:l fl_flh_nn(fl,- each wheel. The wheels to be tested at }, }, 4, %, ii and tull gate. R U()O),mdthoputympï¬ngtbhllm to do the same, the money to be held ject to the award of the judges. The wheels to be tested in a flour mill, driving the same runs of stone, grinding the same wheat, and having the same number of square inches of opening to receive the water, the amount of water discharged to be the measure of the amount used by The judges to be nonâ€"residents of nada, and to be thoroughly well inhra in the mode of testing the power of turâ€" bine wheelsâ€"each party to choose ene judge and the two to choose the third. There are some wheels that give very good results with full head and full m age, which entirely fail under partial and partial gateage. Such wheels in our climate, where water powers are affected by both cold and drouth, are of no pracâ€" tical value. The owners of the winning wheel to imooP‘s mouey 10 g6 ioverdt onmbiioing a loser‘s money to go towards # mochniallreohbnryinan{min(b- nada named by the owner of the successâ€" ful wheel. 4 Each party to givefood and sufficient bonds, to the amount of $4,000, that the loser shall pay the entire expenses of the We claim that we are the only makers of the Gexvi®® Jaxzes Lerres Dovers Tor six® Wauezet in Canada, and that it is withâ€" out & RIYAL in the wWORLD IN PRACTMCOAL E&» SULTs. United States. The sale of no other whee ever yet introduced on this continent ¢x« ceed oneâ€"sixth this number. _ Our wheel has been thoroughly tested in Grear Brirax, and has fully maintained the reputation it has gained in Canade and the United States, as the most ecanotnionl waterâ€"wheel in practical operation @ver yet introduced. We take lunnmhlorm the pub licolb‘undp;,th&mhn and fur nished Mr. F. W. Guex, of Oshawa, Ont., Patterns, Formers, Drawings, Gun.-ï¬ mll other necessary information to our celebrated Doub&o Turbine Wm wheel, invented by James, Lefiel, known as the Lefiecl Wheel.‘ . We have -.l-oo'b‘lxlod ourselves to furnish the same facilities for manufacturing to no Oother parties in Cunada. Without the inâ€" formation we have given to Mr. Gurx, no one can successfully build our wheels, and we advise parties in Canada to purchase our wheels of no other manufacturer. Mr. Gz.u‘uhcillï¬umw.o feel sure that he will build a that More ‘han 6,000 of these wheels are _ now in ~peration im Canada and the _ We are now publishing a new 6-15 ï¬nm-whodp:h:fogoqnml pages of valuable matters, which be nntfmwdl;rpliunh. * For further information address, Cod $5 75 owl. m;%mlot!&pbu. Hi»zs axp LearH=£. The latest quotations are as follows : No. 8Octs lb. !{o.;;s:o.'gch ’:o Oshawas, Ont. N. B.â€"We desire to call attention to the following certitionte :â€" f will give pertect satisfaction. We thereâ€" :al-:c:mmum,r qndlomouown. a wheel '::f::.: Fuoreâ€"Retail prices. Double extra, 6.25 $6.75 per barrel. Extra, $6 10 $6.25 in 5' No. 1, $5.75 to 6.00 ao Uatmeal, $5.25 do Cornumeal, $3.00 to 3.50 do fore commend him to the public of Cansâ€" [Signed] JAMES LEFFEL & CO. Ottawa, March 16, 1872 1922 t Cod oil 60 cts per gallon _ wflh‘pm lzucp':'}:;u' 100lbs. m.-g:..x.& o« +o cornag lard, 10 to per 1b. mm,-:oï¬om' gonoy.lo’ï¬.ï¬ "*"%" outou, to 30 ets. per bushel. Bwedish ‘Purnips, 20.. to 2 Cariote 30e to 40c do. Parsnips 45¢. do. _ % Onions, $1.50 to $1.75 do. : Celery, 40c to 650 per dos. . Cabbages, 5o to 10¢ each. Beets 40c to 50c bushel. h Applupwhn‘r.:‘m to $4.15. RHome spun yarn, 70e to 8Uc per Ib. Home made wollen socks, 35¢ per pau. Wool 85 ots. to 45e per lb, Hay $13 to 17 per ton kye straw, $6. * Uat straw, $6 to $7 do. wmâ€"d‘uzs do Provender, l.:.ml@lh. Cracked corn, do Bran, 75 ots to 80c. CGhkam, * Buckwheat, 55to 65cts per bushel. Onts, 35¢ to 870 do Peas, 62¢ to 650° do Beans $1.50 to $1.15 Barley SOcts. to £:cte. Mwhou,cl.::zl.?‘oa 6e ing wheat, to ce Ts Haddock. 6¢ per 1b. Beef, $5.00 to $6.25 per 100 Ibs. Pn isw er Brgrmapie u...,’&u::':so‘::{ * Duh,wuowe.&uwr{h Feathers, 45¢ to 550 per RKggs 20 per dozen. Butter 20 to 25 cts pc{: Llard, 10 to 124 ots, per ib. Mess P. $15 50 to 16 25 barrel l'nrnn:k'm-, $14 00 Ndo Prime mese, $13.50, Hams smaoked, $10 00 to $11.00 per 100 lbs s E Do green, $9 50 to $10 OO _ Bacon do _ $8 &)) to $9 50 Bacon dry saited, $8 50 Cu&odwhn: §6.50 do Wheat meal, $6.25 do SrrmmorizLn, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1868. TBE MARKET. 100 lbs. $5.50 do |8 | e 11 1} 4 ( H