y Morning Paper r NesA cï¬ ues N6 â€" w Preat n 0 sach additional word. o# # iPr and Prigag,} tt a*, !2} conts per line. ivertisements, suck #% RINTJSG AND 4 otam.w. ,.rn-r-â€"â€""a XFPAXY, fl“m ies 4 z,'..n?nâ€"nn‘gi the KX 3 and CH a M 8 a UL®Ey LVongnai (uhmer e A 8 a P A MA K.3 , Buarrister advertisements in ts per line; encb : mat recent!; cooo pM mw;a’: ts for any definite term anflmh!‘!d o #. ..A:OM “ ® mArerge y res ; oo EEKLY TIMEB,»â€"® Sam, Cumber, i Business s'l.‘hlm v FRIDAY MORNING fl Sate &# , *AM“c CGooâ€"Laag‘t »2t% V diee, VHEmW & RTISING PRA aitiefeLL» Sarmuters, A808," [ y nowe | Capt H.W. Suzruzuo UOdGaLL, * e | . Ridoeas ‘ Sttvat oppirite #+ / aArticles Los. : Articles Fo % Coiiie tolpaks / ,.uulâ€"-il'“"';g" ;‘!‘u-’-â€"_f * PUBLIC G EMENT DAILY T sus, Uflcoin Ar. i of Suppor‘s B m. to 4 p. m.. _ % A‘““w‘ im i nmflw ER M A BR 27 sician # free of C LLARD, Physicias, the Connty of Ota®®. HK ®» b Km*0®, [ <smm_mmacmmsa in CC NP Wevearpoliinrite the att M a ROIL, . Adveocnts, Huil and | carefull, ir Tetraa‘s, N & ; pairatomiied § 200 20000 Freach Cathedth Sb n P Teeg 21 a . an ; ~us Wants, “ Money Wanted f . excseding 4 words 3 )nt ‘mS. _Frenco Calthod.Ml, fass* $1CPE: adeg . in 9":'.:..".‘5‘,*& BBA e, or :24 cents per MUE~ BALLIFE, _ . . «=4 ?:I:*l,.“hg“ '9‘4 SL0re Trawa A U, Notaz gz reading matter, 13 Architess. Offce Hideaaâ€"st., Oitaws. days aterms. tontt _ Juew® J. the Daily Times 4 U [ MORMERT® T 4) per a€0UMe †ng the yearâ€" 'w ng .;-acb 1] kss all, i " DOxI®%tOo® BUu(norNx Â¥s sad after THURSDAY, the 12th the Steamer * Jeasie Cassols" will Apimer (Sundays excepted) at 7:30 x, sonnecting with Steamers of the br Deuxr Rivieres and interme~ w go L Es aLB }h& Wine and Spirit ‘ Merch ints & Grune > ul Fx and a Half )ctavs Piinos made 4* patronage of the public is respect U-‘ FOURWARDING & RAILWAY CcOMPANY. 1 Rren Lonion: Eaglin i, Piino Forte iter an d Repairer, begs loare to inform Miitisens of Uttawa an i vicinity, that Aved commence i the abovs business, “npm to do all kin is of repairs ie most reasonable terms, and having =‘&r the pact 15 veurs bo{h in Eag lke the United stites, at all branched above, feels contident of bâ€"iug 1ble n.’n‘inl satisfaction may be loft at Messrs. Orme & P!luic Store. Sowks Street. or at his “-.Jul'y 26 BOYAL MAIL LINE BE CORNWALL MANUFACTURING }:: have pleasure in intimating restoration of their works omwall, which are now in full opera ?¢-°‘ large quantitids of White _ WNeJ Blankets, and Heavy Medium BBANDIES$, GINS; U 43 and the ist Brands of PORT S TSRRY, &¢. HeGILL STRRST,. MoNPREAL $3, 1873. 3038 rmmoved to their Now Promises ists will fAind this a delightfu) £ Tr p. â€"Steamer Queen Victoria leaves :7I. m., passengers arriving in Monâ€" ‘-A Train leavres Bonaventure Station ujnuu- axcepted), at 7 o‘clock to ne with Steamer Prigce of Waes atfllfl_ at difereat ladlings. From a to Greavilie br Railway, to join the t Queen V.ctoâ€"ic[dinner}, acriving atâ€" ‘tt® 1 88 Canadiin. These Blaukets are Alargely of Shoddy and Cotton Waste, *small percentaze of pure Wool, and th alightly in appearance, closely b _the Cornwail Blankets, and evening (wWhich are made 0: pure Wool) can :‘--uor. § ? public are cautioned agarinst this ipted deception, and respectfully ed that the name of the CorXWALL Macturime Coxraxt is pr.nted on the *A of every Blanket made by them. trawall, Sept. 11, 1811 â€" 3V7l im yOL VI NO 3085 THE SPLENDID STEAMERS HCTORLL PaL\CE OF WALES, ontebello for () tawa on Mondays * a45:3) a.m. . Retufuing leaves Utt* * regret. however, having again to ® attention of the public to the ance of the disreputable practice of _'l"hll}gh Blaukets and seliing T‘AILRYC . wess daily from the cTice god for Towas {imber or to the Agent o« ae whal. _ * *Canadian Manufacture" have Warmth or wear, but can be sold 8r price than the cornwall Blanâ€" HaNGE OF TIME. ALEX A *‘ ‘% ; AY HIIM & 60. CAVTION. 6 Mc i1 l‘l«h:m Capt. R. 3. Nic#oru RYANT IY3 1872 W arv i.AÂ¥ KA%3, ¥§% RU4S and the H. W. 34182 04®eD. B x cO W EP, Cl 2032 im it 1 NUR!AL sChHoorn 66 MA k INEROARA!DCN CORCOTAINg UVIA~ wa, to-.udby residents of. the city, or inhahitants af tha Oitawa Wallas will ha inhabitants of the Ottawa Valley, will be thankfully received by C.ROGER, Lord & Kelley, The Nermal School Committee is pre pared to receive offers from parties having Importers of China, Glass, Earthâ€" | enware, Cutlery and Fancy P Goon. WHULESALE AND RETAIL, 63 3USSEX | _ Street, and Lower Town Market, [Original puki)g':lw" hand, and (Jri ways on any qfltity of goods to ’:nit purchasers packed by a competent pecker. . â€" _ |Crockery and (Glassware for hire at very low rates. To dispose of suitable for Lamp Fitting,, Lamps repaired on the shortest netice. #ay~ ‘{:vods sent to any distance. Be:ag the sole agents of Mr. JOHN MuUUNEY, of Prescott, manufacturer of Earthenwwre, wo are prepared to supply trade with i _ Milk Pans, Liquor Jars, |__ Molasses Jugs, Buiter Crocks, f ; _ Preserve Jars, Spittoons, Drain Pipes, Stove Pipe Tubes, Chimney Tops and every size in Flower Pots made from designs by the best gardâ€" eners in the Dominx.n prices that will ensure ready sale. _ _ _ _ _ ____ saNGINZ .RS%, CONTRACTORS & CORâ€" = PORATIONS To THELR NEW F Patent Dredge Plant, N. FAULLNER‘S, York Street foet in any soil with Unfond t We gtanl Iprermmentrhe, Qanadine amenaes ?..E? n::a'&:"'nal'.h Io Werlyeced io any pars i Simpdang w. SIMON® & Co.. All of the newest designs for this season purchased previous to the advancein Engiand, and which for exent, bemuty of design aad good value, will surâ€" pu:iny_thl_u_-moxod_ in this oity. _ _ _ ____ FOR SALE Ha im that wilt tal ho# sns U toarie soent marl in MEXT with a ful! and complete,assortment of f -.-‘«-E-’ ourselves entirely to HOUSE FURNINUING we will thas be enabled to give aal .n.ntlna to the wants of our friends, and m to‘ give ir satisfaction to all who may far us with catire.rders on oo cssn om 4 AiTes ,'.’4'{,'\':.'...«,_..â€.0.,...‘,..._._ to forty ree Cyds Troew uhy doraaatet Tok aoke Full Asssortment of House Furnishings Carpets, Kaa‘14, 1374 Proslai n th3 .Glal Tidinazs Th at the +asat »,~emowses Keweor aso Prurs, f the emin=at indian Medicine Man, Docto:r LKEWIN J »s@rHUS, of the Great Tribe «: boshoa~~4, Britich Columbia, is workine h« in~st marv=â€"llous and astonishing Cure he World oas ever beerd of. _ Never in tb mnnals of Cana fiso Medical History has su« «uocâ€"ss attended the latn»tuction ot * aedicine beretof re. W H Y ? mpiy because toe AuMmerous valuable active aâ€"dicinal vegetable ingredients, (some of vhich we wil} mention, such as the Extracts f Wild Cherry Bark, Po tophylium, Juniper, Juaszia, Smartweed, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Jompound Extract or Colocyunth, Jaiap, 80co, wine Aloes, Capsicum, &¢., &¢,) which enter uto the composition of the combined mediâ€" ins, are such and so hirmonmiously classitled ind compounded, that it is made the most searc!. ng curative in the known world, and mons. help but act on the system in a very smtistactory and desirable manner. No matâ€" ter what youdl-m-yh.udm standing, it will find the spot and you by the rapid manner in which you am â€"estored to petfect h.-l‘hl-lhllv_h!" Â¥ the various Skin Diseases, Hamors, and al} liseases arising from Impurity of the Biood, »xcepting the Third Stage of Consumption Furthor information, with full directions fo: using the Groat Shoshonees Remedy & Pilis ind containing [estimontals and Cert foates bf Uurses, can be ubtained by securing the UOttawa, Uct 24, 1872 ()ttawa, Oc% 22, 187 2. ‘This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, ind is warranted, and may positively be reâ€" lod upon to make a permsnent cure of all liseases of the Toroat, Langs, Liver, Kidneys Digestive Organs, &c. &c., as 'oll.lct:lllh {reatise, the Hand Bouk, or th : A ‘manae and Jireulars from any respeâ€"table _ gyistin the Dominionâ€" free. © Price of Remedy in large Pint _ ties. .$1 00 ,h‘“"b.............. ««e« 25 ANY INFORMATION concerning Otta ) hi o# the Blocks of Land Aug 27, 1872. Ottawa, Sept 7, 1872 XORMAL SCHOOL PURPosES, $8004Bi¢) AYJ CJ. TraWA CARPsT HOUSE. «elay as posiible in the o indersigned, City Hall. By order of the Committee. H. J. BORTHWICK, ock of not less than e 1. LÂ¥A Ducks‘ Cotton Tents, _ Bags and Blankets. OTECA W A. Curtaingand Ourtain Materials Coruices and Cornpice Poles, D‘néor_Uild_otl)n, TTAWA PA _ AND PRESENT! ‘our Acres ited at NOTICE Engineers and Shipbuilders, i* Works, mm-l:o‘ LORO & KELLEY, Manufacturers Agents, 63 Sussex Street, Uttawa. bors beg to call the attention of iting to be deposited with posiible in the office of ~ Lo Srron‘t Tuexs Orrics,. Convener. â€" _ Th 1960â€"ly, JOHN L BROWN & sUN, _ en outside wrapper of box, and private t *# ernoent stimp sitrched to ja > lex. Obtain only «Brown‘« Brouchia! Trochs, and do aot taks any of ths Wori iess Imitz/ion: that m uy by affored @Troouss," so cailed, sâ€"id by the ounce, are o:oot imitation aud oothing like BROWN‘8 BRONCiLLAL TROCHES which are sold ouly in boxzes with fae â€"nmuie of the proprietor®, The proprietors ot Johusou‘s Aunodyne Liniment, Parson‘s Purgative Pills, aud Sheridan‘s Cavairy Condition Powders, have published a readable and instructive pamd phict, which may be had free at the sto res 8SORE THROAT, COUGH, CULD, and similar troubles, if saffered 'omo‘r«l result in serious Puimonary, Bronchial, and Asthmatic affeciions, oftentimes incurable. BROWN‘S BRONCHIAL TROCHES are componnded so as to reach directly th seat of the jimcame and givs almost instan Two Questio®s Easicvr Axswexeo.â€"Why should men wear beards? Because they are a great protection to the throat and lungs, and add much to their personal appearance. Why should we use " Byron‘s Puimonic Wafers?"" Because when used for coughs, colds, tickling in the throat, hoarseness, &o., they act like a charm. Ministers and Lawyers use them, physiâ€" cians recoromend them, and singers and public speakers say thay are the vo7 best medicine in existence for the cure of sv complaints, Sold by all medicine deal« at 25 cents per box. This cars to putting portant as @#ecurity t« to be sure of obtiining Bromchia) Proches. Ruout ax»p Wroxe.â€"lt is wrong to jest with your wife upon a subject in which thereâ€"is danger of wounding her feelings, and it is wrong to speak of great virtues in another man‘s wife, to remind your own of fault; but it is not wrong after tr{ing the "Canatiin Pain Destroyer‘‘ and feel ing its wonderful effects, to recommend it to your neighbers for the cure of rheumaâ€" tism, neumlii:\. cramps, cholic, &c., it has no equal or sale by Diuggists and country deers. Prica 25 cts. per bottle. @rear Conorrio®s Meoicisaâ€"As a conaditi medicine for horses â€""Dariey‘s Condition Pow ders aad Arabian Heave Remedy." has ao oqua [ts effects in this respest are astonishing ; many horees that were supposed to be broken dow! and aimost worthless have, by the use of a o1 rnh‘u. been restored to a hnhh{ an ound condition, all traces of the disease havinp m-oo-w removed, and have been s¢id for from to $75 more than they would pre viously have brought; when you want s horse medicine get "Dariey‘s Oniluon Pow dors and Arubian Heave Remedy." We know you will be perfectly satisfied with the result. Rememben the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each ‘paokage. Northrop & Lyor.‘ Newcastle, ou..‘rrop:io;on.’ .s Canade. . thld by all medicine desiors mas. Wimsuew‘s Soorkise Syaue is th« preâ€" scription of on » of the bost Female Phy: iciane and Nursos in tho United States, and has beer ased for thirty yoars with nevor falling safesy aud sucrcas by mnilliâ€"ns of mothers 10. children, freim. the toebic infaut of one wigk loto the wiuit. 1t corrects acidity «£ th ‘mach, relieves ind colic, regulates t i rels, and pives rest, bealith and comfoit t other and child. We believs it the er: and surest remedy in the world, in all case x D sentory and Diurrhma in childrer #Aâ€"ther +t artses from teeching, or from an; othor caosa Fall cirections for using wili woompauy each bottle. None «enuine unies sae facâ€"stmiue of COBTIS & PERKINS is cr the outside wrapper, Soid by all medictt ¢ fomleca, :8 ceuts a bottle, ‘Office, 215 Fulto > strcos, No « York, and 93 Ozford Street, Loz r0n _ Be snre and call for _ * Mus WINSLOW3 300TiHING SYRUP rlaviog tm« tac simile f "Ouartis & Pork bo 20 the on s‘de #+@ppor _ All others ars ns No toilet table sheulJd ~s out COCUâ€"G LYCEWNE, C per bottle dandruf COCOâ€"GLYCERINE â€" Someâ€" THIBTY YRAAA EXPERIENCE OF AaD vuLD NURSK M .ve yout a @cÂ¥ere wrench ur sprain? fi‘ you theomatism in any form _ Have you st» aeâ€"k, o« baniches caused by shcumitic paine? f1 so, Jonuson‘s Anodya« Liviment is a speci ho rom dy and Je also the best pain killet 1o the world thing new for the hair COUOOâ€"H.YCRRINE ucurish the hair . _ THREE SCHOOL TEACHER$â€"One with Model School Diploms, th::dot 1wo :th Elemen w‘- the z‘mtm m herse ramirad ta _ Gentliemen‘s Buffslo, Bear, Kacoon and Wolf Coats and Robes, _ B&y~ Remember the place, Sign of the RED HAT, 33, Rideau Street Uttawa, Oor 22 1872. 30 6 j _The highest cash price paid for" Raw Furs. s Mur{m&hod Teachers required to teach both ‘Tâ€"Enfumfr‘m Apply to JOHN WILLILAMS, Secretary Treasurer, East Templeton, 30021 Uttawa County, P.Q !1\0 ENGLISHH FAMILLES RESIDENT . ABROAD. " You cannot imagine with what pleasure [ look forward to my number of the "GHaPHIC" every week. itteils me just as much news of whityi U F et anly moked at with piewats oo tes neris oo are not wich. en its arrival, ulmnu:s‘u'.udturgwnwunu ast by turning over and over. ""“‘....ï¬ï¬_‘“... "‘"u;.’m......“"'.!m‘ can including and all extra numâ€" wee, Soaat gouth "X merive." Ste e 900 thin paper wen Soaat wouth X merise. ie o 90 tan paper Gibraitar, WAMTED. @[SN OF TiE Australia, Brasil, Canaia, Cape of Good Hope, COCOQ (H.YUERLINE removes Ladies Ladies Ladies Ladies Ladies July 18, 147%. SPECIAL NOTICES aita, Mexico, Monte Video, India, Japan, OTTAWA TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 2 This Jcily is highly recommendod to ladics as a most agreeable preparation for the totlet. For beautifying the complexion and render ing the skin soft, white, clear, ar d free from d:yness, it is uasrivalied. It will quickiy remove all redness, roughness, tan, freckles, pimples and other impertections. _ Kor chapâ€" ped hands, chillblains, frost bites and sore lips, it caunot be surpassed _ Brice 26 wents. Sole proprietors and manufacturers of the gerebrated Victoria Carbolic Preparatious. Labority and Works, Victoria H«ll, Malinda btr=et, Toronto, Ont. A This toilet soap Eo-ou‘- all the woll known antiseptic disinfocting properties of carbe‘ * is agreeably soented, has a health the skin, prevents irritaâ€" ® Yacts of perspiration, and y «sed by families. Choâ€" ‘.3, stmAilpox ... i ftâ€"ver patients should bâ€" wasi.ed with this »â€"ap ; and its use by persons liable to e trou will materially prevent the spread oi diseuse, Price 15 cents per tablet. The following genuine preparations are sold by all druggists. Be sure and ask to: he Victoria Preparations, aud see that you get the m, * VICTORIA CHBMICA! €0. _ ___ VICTORILA _ Carbolated _ Glycerne VICTORiA Carbolic Toilet Soap. This Salve is a rapid cure for all skin dis. easos, cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, sores, ulcers, ringworm, tetter, ecsema, scald head, scuryy, abscesses, boils, pimples, &c. It ~ossesses all the cleansing and healing *« of earbolic acid, which has been found icians everywhere to possess eurative not discovered in any othuxhulb ation. Price 25 conts. This Gargle is the most reliable and effica. cilous remedy in all cases of sore throat, hoarseness, diptheria, bronchitis, irritation of the bronchial tubes so common in this changeable â€" climate. _ Asthma, _ offensive breath, ulcerated gums and all diseases ot the mouth. â€" For public speakers and singers it ts jinvaluable, The ingfAdlents. entering into this gargle are used by all physicians, and for the cure of the above disorders are now, undoubtedly, the most popular in the materia medica. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic: Gargary Sma This Disinfectant is a sure preventative of typhus and typhoid fevers, cholera, smallâ€" pox and all infectious diseases, It will prevent contagion in cattle. It is also invaluable for disin{ecting water closets, drains, cesspools, stables, slaughter houses, &¢., and for destroying nauseous efluvia from whatever cause arising. . It will drive away mosquitoes, moths, files, cockroaches, &c. Meat, fish, &¢., caun ve preserved from putrification by its use. Carbolic acid was selected by Her Majosty‘s Royal Commis« sioners, in prefcrence to all other products, as the best disimnfectant for the prevention of infectious discases. Price 25 cents. f VICTORILA . & Carbolic Disinfectant Victoria Sharpening and Polishâ€" ing Paste. This preparation is unequalled in its rapis dity for sharpening and polishing cutlery. Table and pocket knives, rasors, surgical instruments, shoemakcrs‘ knives, plane bits, and chisels, &c, Nothing has ever been discovered which has sprung l_n:xopu-rity‘ more quickly or become of so m value in every household and werkshop for general usefuiness. Price 25 cents. N. B.â€"Spec. | attention paid to Colleoâ€" tions in the County of Ottawa, P. Q., and in the County of Carleton, Ontario. Cases att â€"nded to in both of the above Counties. Astronomy and Geology, compared by Lord Ormathwaite. Scottish Theology and Theologians, by James Walker, D. D. Broadus on Preparation and Delivery of Farmons. Brooks‘ 500 Plans of Sermons. Business Success, by John Macdonald. Florence Marryats‘ Novels, English edition. Little Foiks, volume [JI, m Doterndlwby Elisa E. Pollard. of Aker, by R. D. Blackmore. No. 39, Sparks 8t. possessing virtues of its own. Scientifi¢ physicians know that medicines may be formed of several inâ€" gedients in cer min txed proportions of greater power, and produciog effects which could never re sult from the use of any oneof them, or in ifferent combinations, ‘Thus in the pt?u-’wl of this Oil a chemical ch \nr takes place, forming a compound which could not by any possivility be -g trom -“'.‘r,.a' ents, Cther ingradisnte, and & or any o different from anything ever before -.I“'Eu" which produces the most mha:-u-. and having a wider r.m..c.l'.wlm a0y me ol Ie volnilly npulles sousequant u-u:ug or 7 by evaporation. Wherever applied you get th There are but ftew preparations of medicine which have withstood the ï¬m&ut'uljnhul. ot the peoâ€" ple for any great length of time. Une of these is Tnomas‘ Ecurc rac un., purely a preparation of six of some of the best (ils that are known. each one benetit of 'oTiif t:. ; whereas with ;ï¬'u'u"u_; tions nearly tl aloohol is lost in wap and â€u.u ':-m the smils quantity of Viis uy m. 8. N. THOMAS, Pheips. N.Y. And !OR‘HImP & LX lu}lom:lo. Ont., Sote Agents tor the Dominion. Noteâ€"Eelectricâ€" : e ected and Electrised Th: following Valuable Firm, the pro perty of JULN McaMMuOND, Seq., Jr., viz:â€"The south h«if ot Lot * N" Conces sion "A, ‘ Kideau Front, Nepean, containâ€" ing over One liumired Acres, of »hich 10C are cleared, and in good cultivation. A grod Frame House (24 x 30,) lately erectâ€" ed, io?:unt with outbzildin, For further parti ulars upd;. to JOHN MoAMMUND, Jr., . Un the Premises. _Nepean, Sept 27, 1872 2usT FUS§y®RAED BvOUs To LELT in U own, â€" in a private family, wi seren minutes walk of Pu(..: Apply X this offies, VICTORIA CARBOLIG HENDEASON & C0‘$ Ortama, Nov 1%, 1312 / ALUABLs FARM FOR SALE, Adv EW vilCo 10c ate BOUORDD Four Miles from Ottawa SA L V E1. JU LLBN, : of Quabec and Ontario, ilX STREET, HULL Barrister, &e., &e., Alse, Stove Pipe Elbows, T Pipes, Dumb Stoves. Gallows Pipes, and an endless quaati‘y of Tinware, Lamps, Chimneys, Coal Oil, Oil Cans, any size, always on hand. Will execute all oj-den which we may be favoured with for putting up Stove Pipes. Furnaces, &c., &6,, &o. Fee to it in time. We have on hln'dpthe o‘eloll)aruu:io FllfNK ELBOW all in ono‘ piece â€" Call and see it. â€" | C. P. DORIoNn. CHFAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, For Cash. STC This fine collection, now ‘ all the rage," contains among its Gems, [which fill 250 large music ptgeouh German Hearts, Aquarellen, 1001 Nights, Manhatten, Mo blatter, Artist Life, Love and Plsa Burgersinn, Blue Danube, Marriage Belis, Bonbons, Wine, gouum.l and song,wimd many other popular tzes. | f GEMS OF STRAUSS!! Pizzicato, New Annen, Tritech Tratich, and other f’olku,!with & joodly numt or of first rate Quadrilles, Galops, Mazirkas, &o. Price, in BOFdI. $2 50; Cloth, $3, Sent post paid for retail price. The nreat new Church Music Book, ‘ ° THE STANDARD still " waves," and is on the point of being introduced to a multitude of singing schools now to eobmence. The authors are L. U. Emerson, of Boston, and H. R. Palmer, of Chicago, neither of whom will be satisfied with less than twice the ordiâ€" mary circulation of Church Music Books. Do not fail to send $1.25, for which, for the present, speci copies will be sent. Price $1.50. | OLIVER DITSON & Co.; Bostor. ; Professorsâ€" French, Monsieur Ami ; gormn, (Rev.) M. Kaapke ; Drawing, Mr. orster. | Application to be made to the Lady Prinâ€" dpa[ on the premiges, or to theâ€"Fecretary or Chairman or any of the Committee of Torrance ; W Torrance ; W. % ; G. P. Baker ; J, B. Lewis ; G. &A. Wicksteed ; W. R. Wright ; A. C. Kelty | e Ruirom 4th SEPTEMBER, 1872. Lady Principalâ€"Miss Fouu«r, Asssstant Twl;g-â€"liu Hart Davies, Miss Sinclair, Miss Forster, Miss Humphrys. Assignee in this maiter. Creditors are uested to tile their elaims before me within one month. , â€" J. A. ARCHAMBAULT, YY â€" five mu&- walk from Sappers‘ Bridge, rooms with or without board. mfl-, Drawer G, Post Office. Oitawa, Sept. 21, 1872. 20804 In the matter of JOHN ROLLS, of Ssherâ€" brooke, an Insolvent. . 1, the undersi J. A. ARCA4AMâ€" BAULT, of the ’E‘owu of Sherbrooke, Official Assi@nee, have been appointed Church of England Ladies School, of the Group of Books, Roberts‘ Block, Htideau Street, Ottawa, would respectfully cill the attention of Merchants, Bankeis, and the public geugrally, to his extensive Stock of Day Books, Ledgers, Cash Books and Journails made up from the best class of paper, and at prices as low, if not lower than at any other house in the Dominion ; wholesale or retail, Account Books adapted to every variety of business ; if not in stock, ruled and bound to pattern, on the shortest notice. Bookâ€"birdin®executed in any style from the plainest and cheapest to the most ele gant. * perforating or numbering careâ€" MT:% promptly attended to, and at most reasonable rates. , Papor ruieti to any p ttern. Maps mounted. | Aï¬ud-u.-u on the very ahortest notice. Ottawe, June 38, 1872 MORTIMER, A. Bookbindar, Paperâ€"rtier and Aecount BOok: Marpulactiires, at the Sigh ANTED yV l e in s ~ONTINUED BRLLLIANT SUCC#SS OR * DITSON‘S & Co.‘s Ottawa, Aug 17, 1872 AVET,. 3. . l.-ll\l'l', \Jl-ll'lllll-li AV07, M. pllard, Soouhry' W. R. Wright, Trea: ror. | Committeeâ€"Messrs J. D. Slater ; J. A. NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. Shorbrooke, l1th Sept , 1872 _ #WT3H 200 We..ington Gtroot, _ OTTAW A. Otgawa, September 11, 1872 VRE DILOU | & US,, BURVUE. L CBHAS. H. DITSON & Co., New York McDONALD AND MONGENAIS Ottawa, Aug. 30, 1872. A Number of Pr ctical Tinsmiths EQUAL TO BRANDY.* VES, STOVES, §$1.25. 2051 3m 20. 1872. This splendid Hair Dye is the BEST IN THE WORLD. The only True and Perâ€" fect Dye. Harmiess, Re{inble and Instan taneous; no disappointment ; no ridiculous tints or unpleasant oder. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes and washes. Pro duces inwuepureLy a superb Black or Nataâ€" ral Brown, and leaves the hair Cizax, Sort and Breavrirut. The genuine w w. A. BATCHELOR‘S. Scld by all druggici* Factory, 16 Bond Street, New York. CARTAGE AGENCY. The undersigned begs to inform the blic that his office has t.hud'z beer (inae maoont oo Patnans on Street, where orders for th'o collection anc ELK MONTH O gusranteed sure to Agents every E-] where selling our new seven strand WHITE WIRE ROPE CLOTHES LINES. Sells r.adily at every house. Samples free. First come. firet served. Addre s t and Car:age will now be recsiveo m (bmpun;'.u'.()flho, on Wellingtor Strect. R A. J. TAYLOR, _ 8St, Lawreuce & Gitawa Baiiwa Ottaws, 5th Feb., 1872. c3 P P.8. ENTEANCRBY SIDE DOOR Through the very lares encouragement receive rom the citizen= and public h{:nnht has caused us . to ;ufl:nt our stock. is Spring‘s Imporâ€" tation has been bought with much care and in the best markets. \@â€"ticular attention has been giver wgo-)dl suitable for city business andfamily trade A heavy stock of Tea, also Coffee of the best qnlilz and ground daily on the premises. A large stoc rquare of the best bragdl And qualily ALWays of on d:'u'I.Athno“ bel:t‘lf K.' M:iml‘:h Mn-? prices to defy competition. MoDONELL & MON@ENAIS China Warechouse No. 66, Sussex Street. BATCUELOR’S HAIR DYE SAW LOG CUT FOR SALE The cut of over One Thousand iamber lands lying * en bloc" W b.v# an average iaal of -&- -i: and which a large quintity of logs boom timber may be obt...zed, and the cut secured for .ur-dt.hrgoorlnâ€yumbo sold .cheap fueu:“rAMon“l:‘nm “(l;7ï¬ inst, l.l'ul: made : bie F a Ottawa, after R date, &.lru ‘m'eï¬ Post T e® Untasre Ofttawa tOct llch i Authorized discouat ou Aameri~ voices, until further uotice 11 per ~+ B. 8 M. BOUCiiET\ ! NUTICE is herbby given that applic st:or XC will ba made to the Legislature of «> _ The timber from o8 those Iands being of course ree from duty, 1Hiotf _ UNIONS, LASTINGS AND SERGES. Ottawa, January 25, 1872, _ 1879441 _ HUDSON RIVER WIRE CO., 76 Kinf Street Weâ€"t, Toronto, Ont (Ocstober 3 1872. 2090d&wim VÂ¥ i. & IAulib LX LUVisILL DENHOLM, ENXCLAND. +UsTOMS DEP ; RUMENT Ottawa. May 11, 1873. OW S Td 4 TLAE TO CALL W&/\HF TRADE AY @/ |} c = PER MONTH Comuniést Cartage Agent. 2071 2031 |is7#. thtns Prendingmrctt fose Mad in best Pasily anr inemanonnt 1805 PAATTRRSW‘S. JAPANS and GUNPOWDERS, x Ships Niore, Tert, Lapr Lore, Mirt | Ana, CiTy or Quzseo, Crar« Kruax, | > AND CaROLINA. Very fine. Fresh ground daily and roasted on the premises. PICKLES, +) doz. 8SCO1 12"* Ren 4 BLAUOK TEAS, The finest ever offered in this mar ket, takes "three waters," used by the nobility in Britain. Sauces and Fiench Peas, variely. COFFEES, Every house should have one. The above goods are the tinest to be had in market, and a variety of others in stock, well worthy of trial, every satisfacti>n in using them. . A call solicited. For sale at ** new Tontine Savings Fund Asâ€"urance, just introjuced by the Equitable Lite Asâ€" surance Soc ety, by which an Endowment Policy is granted at ordinary Life Rater. Oï¬ioo,’ï¬:ndmg Ro m, Russell House. R. C. W, MaoCUAIG, General Agent for Eastern Ontario. Ottawa, October 5, 1872. 200 2y PARIS COFFEE POTS, submitted for trial, have, with a rare dis interestedness »cknowledged its invaluable therits and given certificates to that effect, cuph-g;:dt can be obtained on appli cation undersigned or druggis® in the Dominion. ked «"DR. BIKNBAUM‘S RHEUMATISM l.'“m Gou{"N:ll'fldl, Lumba or go, wandering and other Pains, Stiffness of Limbs, Joints or Joints, Sprains, Numbness b‘wolms, &co., &o., and is the most effec tive nl?hh Jl:m known for these diseases . or te. Caaklies MaRTIN, {l0 . $3 Victoria Square, Montreal. . sey, McCallum, Thompson and “'fhe MEDICAlL FACULll;\' of HUNTli{l particularly tiue following Melical Gentlemen : â€" {)l'l Slm.llwooi Peltier. Munro, David, Girdwood, MacDonell, Rot wot, Brosseau, Robillard, Leprohon, Bes to whom "DB. BIRNBAUM‘S RHEU MAâ€" [ISM aad GOUT REMEDY" has beep Sole Age. * frths Doa‘4ion of Canada and the Ur.‘*~! t April 3, 1».> 1i 10 10 50 100 10( ~NCIENCE HAS SPOKEN. lbs _ Do green, $10 ao Bacon do _ $9 to 12 do Bacon dry salted, $8 00 9 00 _ do Fuovzâ€"Retail prices. , Double extra, $6.75 to 7.00 par barrel}) Extra, $7.00 to $7.25 _ do No. 1, $6.15 to 7.00 ao Ed Ottawa, July 18, 1872. Jn prints, 20 to 230. Lard, 9 to 11 cts. per Ib. ‘Tallow, Oc to 00c do, Honey, 15 to 2 do. Potatoes, 35¢ per bushel. Bwedish Turniy, 606. Cariots 500. Boot,‘“_?o w’:oo;»: 100 be Mutton, To to 90 per 1 Fowls, 45 to 50 per couple} Turkeys, $1.60 to 1.15 each. on Sus to Lhe pat coupt Ducks, to e. hsdnn,â€*porl:.“ l'(pz.'nomrrdm. Butter 15 to 17 ote per ib Hides, No. 1. 9jo per Ib. ~ _ â€" cod.nuuf:r:p-'lhs Parsnips 45¢. do. Onions, $1.25. Celery, 35: to per dos. Cabbages, 10¢ to 15¢ each. Beets 20c to 253 per buskel; Apples per barrel, $3 50 to $3.15. Rome spun yarn, 9J¢ per ib. Home made woolien socks, 456 per p ut Wool 80 cts. to 9ve per lb : Hay $18 to $20 per ton. Ryo s‘traw, $6 U to 7 00 Oat straw, $8 to $9 u0 do. ore Dress:d [logs, $6 to $6.50. l eny ntorkis to $15 _ do ‘armers rdmd:-'um. £ n._--mï¬m 00 to $16.00 per (J } Oatmeal, $5.25 do Cornmeal, $3.25 to 3.50 do Cracked wheat, $7.00 to 7 50 Wheat meal, $7.00 do Provender, $1.50 per 100 lbs. Bran, 70 cte. Gram. ~ Buckwheat, 50 to b5ots per bushe UST RECEIVED, Upper _ do EFURE assuring your lite, examine the IRECT IMPORTATIONS thds. BRANDY, finest Pale Dark, genuine, T butts. SHERRY WINEB, V.P., various prices, extra value, eases SPARKLING MOSELLESY, pints and quarts," do â€"GUTNNESSES POREER, pts. and qts., per order. wing goods from the producers do GIN, John de Kuyper & Son double berried, do CLARET, various brands, a few cases of the celebrated vintage of 1864, $22 a case. No. 26, Rideau Street. Always on hand. TROS. PATTERSON‘8, Rideau Street |OKT WINE, for family use, " well known," THE MARK ET. Very fine, give them a trial. SCOTCH _ MARMALADE, fresh from the maker, try i. ALBO, 40 tw 450 1872, ©No P4RAICEâ€"3 CEN @ _MONTREAL '»)CELN' | STEAMSHMIP | <«<u@4r Â¥. CHEANGE 0> â€"«ilING. Ba#~" Passengers booked through to London, Brmingham, Manchester, Paris, Hamourg, &0. 1872, @TEAM TO The fiastâ€"class Clyde built [ron steamâ€" ships of the Alian Line, (carrying the Canâ€" adian and Uni itates Mails), will be despatched from aoboe as follows :â€"For Liverpool, cailing at Loch Foyle (for Pruscian..............:â€". .«..Nov 9th, Nestorinn....... . ... .. . . .. . . . Nov 16th. Fares from Uttawa, Cabin .....$77 to $87 Stecrage........ ............$23. * Kteerage, which includes a plentifal supply of well cooked provisions, served by the ship‘s stewards. GLA§SGOW LINE. [For Glasgow direct.] Corinthian........on or about Oct 24th. 8t Patick...... .............Oot Blst Fares from Ottawaâ€"Cabin $67 00 to 00 00 Intermediate. .......... 43 0O to 47 00 Steerage. .............. 27 00 to 00 00 Return [ickets grapted at reduced rates. B@* An exrperienced Surgeon carried on each vessel. Borths not secured until Persons wisbing to send for their friends can obtain certificates at lowest rates from md, lreland or Sootlacd, .0 any railway station in Canada or the United States. (When tickets are not used the amount is returned, less a small ductio«.) The »teamships of the Allan Line come direct to the Railway Wharf at Poiui Levi (South Quebec:, the baggage is M.a through to destination| free of charge, and passengers are forw&rded on at once, thereby avoicing all incidental expenses. For through tickets and evrery informaâ€" uin apply to D. W. COWARD & Co., C _____ Agents, 17, Sparks 8t. drockville and Oftawa Railways Ureat Broad Gauge Route LEAVL SA xD PULNTâ€"2:00 a m, 600 a m, 9.1C 1 m, 1.0) p m and 3:45 p m. LKAVE BRUCKVILLE. Express at 8:30 a.m., arriving a: Ottaws at 12:50 p.m., and at Sand Pint at 12.50 p.m. r UHized Train at 2:15 pm..arr‘‘zs at Saund Point at 8:00 p.m. Chrough Citewa Express counâ€"cting at%8;:30 with (Grand Trunk Day £xpress from the Kast and West, and arriving at Oisaws at Tre‘ isb Oanada Oontral and Perth Branch make certain conmections with aliâ€"trains un B. & 0. Railway CQonnections made at Sand Point with ;-:umï¬-rm,rwu ‘ort, Freight loaded with despatch, â€"ad Ho Tran« s_ipment when in car londs, GELATLA1â€"‘he parescpreparation of this nutriâ€" rm"“frw for :m Infants, digesti Led 1 lnv and » .h:.‘m::nmu uad palatable. Sold in $â€"ib iâ€"lb tins. All the abuve are carefuily packed asd to oriers, which must be made “hm- Medallists and J urors at all the wrosat Exhibitions 31, 33, 124 southampton Huw, ;: going Rast and West. C Lxpress at 4:20 p. m., arriving at Brockvi.le at 9:.00 p. m., and at Send Potot at 8:20 p.m +« ARKRIVE Af sAND POINTâ€"1:30 pm 12:10 pm., 12;50 p m and 8:20 p m. _ LaAVB OFTL&AWA. Through We«t«.. Express at 10;00 am., at» riving ai Brockville at 1:50° p.m., and In rowaer, 11.._. es Giobuies; an OAILY ANDO WEEKLY: ._THE ONLY FRENCH PAPER IN {|Central Oanada, PU 3LISHED IN HULL, P. Q. #@"° Orrionâ€"Waurisoros Stanet, Ortawa. Particular attention paid to . . Plain and Ornamental Printing, From the smallest Car» to & throughout whe world, .. . ; NU’I‘LU&. Morson‘s Effectual Remedies BULE MANUFACTURERS : THOS. MORsON & 8ON MONDAYF, SEPTEMBER 16h, 1814 Trains will run as fouows ; "OMR KITMMLS, Liverpool Londonderry and hlasgow. Ottawa, Oct 23, 1872. On and after prookville Sopt. 14, 1871. Ottawa, Oct 19, 1872. (LKSTâ€"BRATS MANGLE FUBR sgALE, A to ea »er MRS, FORBEs,: Curner of Neison and lldul# Ottawa, vot 23, 1872. 2007 a HAKIOTE POSTER Translations made with accuracy s Chemical adt d4cf "«f ‘*6’5 riving ai Brockville at 1:50° p.m., and Mu!ï¬un_niimky Ezâ€" T:25 p m for indigestion is Muzson‘s Pursi%® the suure mipsinle se themarie d Tent® dhe cine reswres the natural funotions of peiebrily it can scarcely be considere TTE Thonyan ) rompimmce, Setne esems t mon dype» of ï¬..-. not iu-â€..-l-t Lâ€"us botties. CANADA OBNTRAL ALL AN LINE. auu Shipping Orders executed with care nl-du“ FROM QUEBEOC. 08 TO OTTAWA.* SRVICE tti 1872