it * Â¥ a Â¥34 4 1 1@ 4 % 44 »#4 51 1 id * nished less than $44,00Â¥),000, or y #7.1 per cent. of this sum, while the agtiâ€" * culilural, mining and other i i * which are taxed for the benefit * manufacturing monopoliste i ‘in crude or natural® products of the " earth, the remaining $57(,500,000." adquirement 0 sii, Total, $204,546,050. The study of these returns would conâ€" vey some useful lessons to the more rubsd protectonists of this country, who are all the time informing us that the protective policy of the United States is simtes l0 lhe extent they enter int these exports, and the ‘value of eact are thus summarized :â€" The annexed table gives a comâ€" parative statement of the erport of breaustutls, which, as will be seen, shows «> considerable increase over the preâ€" yjous year :â€" _ â€" indian corn TOotai............ $119,861,190 $137,716,144 The leading products of the Western Seates, to the ortent thav antar int W heat Total of he principal manufactured articles exporteu and â€" their _ value :â€"Sewingâ€" machines, $1,;70,401 ; agricultural imple® ments, $5,l40+498 , sauimg vessels, $695,â€" 236 ; furniture, 1,846,Â¥10 ; steamâ€"engines, #1,14>,009 ; machinery, $4,153,258 ; arms, 35,015, 430 ; edged tols, $375,333 ; hoots and shoes, $+445,135 ; leather, $4,9735,475 ; pianos, $236,075 ; pertumery, $308,585 ; printingâ€"presses and type, $228,847; cables and cordage, $136,504 ; cotton manufac tures, $3,59U,7V7 ; manufactures of wool,‘ er being onlilied lo Pve expression to his pousicai convickons at the poll. â€" The obâ€" jection i0 Lhe law us it stands, at any rate to laberai thinkers, w that the condition i unposes as prerequisite to taking adâ€" vaniage ol is provisions is one which is not i»ely to be tuinkiecRby the greai buik ol the class for whose benefit it was The New York World of a recent date opniains an interesting review of the exâ€" port trade of the United States for the year 1874. The following is a summary Thk kEXFPUVLRTI TkLaDE OF THE UNITkLD STATES. Breadstufls priviiege, Commlilis Wihicli, us We uay lhe W is ce neus, OW eriD many Wwii be wilung to make the necesâ€" | Tux Westuryster Reviesw. New York : sary sacrilce in oruer to rauk. amongst Reprin:«ed by the.‘{laotw\labouhb- the " tree anu independent" we Tt lishing Company (41 Barclay utroot.é, 2o The Westminster Review for April, 187 presume l0 sa) Lere wm‘ doubu«l‘uo has iyed. Contents as 10H o a lew, bul we iear only a tew. The 1. The Afri Slave Trade. new . iraunchise is theretore to â€" all 11. Pliny‘s Letsers. mlenls and purpuses an eight hundred 111. The " Natural" Philosophy of Hisâ€" vouar one; anu, indeed, it might haye | tOTY: _ â€" eake in is1 been as wou umu Lhkt byure been siateu l‘\-' },J?f_g“‘!?..‘_m-l‘..h« shment of secret of alBu above the 400 wi ckein MCrliswhs 0| Lhe new income franchise 1€L, a Laan Imust ve in receipt of an in vilue oi al l@@st $4UW per aunuim over wret of its ggantic strides in the emeut of population and the esâ€" ment of manufectures. The doâ€" exports of the year amounted in to $#63,403,973. Of this amount $06,/XA)1U0 was represented | by ad stiver, which metals hoid an lhe puoneerâ€"U. 1. Davis. Ferced sawieâ€"A. B. McDo: liouseboid â€" Furnitureâ€"A UTlTiaWA, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1375. P CAMPECLLL and #sAliiaes i dio w# 4RBPSH AnRIVALS mogne Neasages at cqually low prices. Uromkiuss ncos, *« «s I botee selectes go Ruire Chetee to sedecsed iimam« And yet, the World pom-on':: " the protected industries pices rimé amd 10b Heies W tAeS, Thik INCOME FRANCHISE. wilily Lhe Like ol Laes new [ranchise ptiOL IPOID laxsiior 0 be enluilieu l0 a y paragraph «appeared i he is assesse OF K. cerlauny an exiension of the bul il can bardiy be called :s which was he great exceptior it by Mir. Maithew C. Cameron* ) parlly iu Lhe LOcal Leyisiz eiueimbereu Lusi Lus icater made con in the Oity t every kind, $141,000000 as, 31,258,20U3 ; Lard, 19 3,404,189 ; Tallow, 6,890, ne priviege of vyoung, or, al wouid uave L¢en beiter to e as Lial which conferred €s0 Lk dAUL J4uucriilscimeuits. lJo@ oi a common labour 71,873,484 25, 00 U00 orandies, Bum. ti gels eiecied lor Soullh 0 ieadâ€"was periectly esling Duuseil With Auuginan s . {ranclhise an to haÂ¥ve iowerea an iucome the eiec which would b¢ soinés uot corrected. The iveyed the impression w a voue ubuder the ve s0 assessed. . i10OW 1ly lui&L OarDiDs & levousad & Co. a, 21 i09e. werth 36e a vote, and it he & Al MAQ, 14‘ SE We m * se > /l ‘jlzg. ; increase unchise, he is $26,904,013 velian i Lewn i pays laxes 8 JUW,UUL ide. . de 65e Jve Biitiod MeDonald ur WO Li 31;@&0-&*-, the report is a very ag and encouraging one. | There are five fishâ€"hatc establish: mmw-Wm.m the Dominion, and it is proposed to bui several udditional ones. show $238,863, The total value of the Nova Scotia fish eries for T5, i wus $6,652,301.59, while the quantities r:;wu-ud b‘y‘& sum aro v or instance, ters alone m‘:’nm 5,6!'.":%': ecans, and of cod fish 340,046 owt. New Brunswick fishories ielded $2,686,798.91.| And here again i)l-wn Tnfl to the extent of 2,180,504 cans, and preserved salmon lm cans. Quebec fisheries, yielded 661.20, of which codfish was the heaviest item. \OUntario figheries yieclded a comparâ€" uvely small sumâ€"only $446,267.50, of -hing\vhigolhhnnd trout were ‘the most important, â€" Prince Edward Island returns @omesuic suppil. > ihe produce oi britsh Territories is not :accounte] for in these returus. I From the fishery reterns iug;.nthu matiers are still implvn-q.' ‘The money value of the fisheries in 1873 amounted to $10,754,908, while in 1874 it was $11,681,â€" 886, an increase of nearly a millon of dolâ€" lars. These figyres refer only to fish proâ€" duced for exportation, and it is calculsted that ten per cerft. should be wided for domestic suppiy. â€"The produce of Britsh Â¥ etc,, etc. f *ï¬ per:iud- reprinted by the Leonâ€" ard seott Publishing Co., (41 Barclay street, N. Y.) are as follows: The London Quarterly, Ediuburgh, Westminster, and British Quarterly Heviac, «nd Black wood‘s Magazine. Price, four dollars a year for any ong, or only fiftsen dollars for all, and the postage is propaid by the publishers. _ $ $ __A lurge space is devoted to the notices of coutemporary literature, in which are eo?oyr'md all the best recent works. on theology, philosophy, politics, sociology, * Merchants‘ Shippin ux Iï¬m " ad vrocates tiogmn;enmpoc and com How did Queen Elizabeth take pills ? Savage Life" is a review of Bancroft‘s * Native Races of the Pacific States of North America," which consists of . a nriesofpicmmofnvwelifo among all the tribes living on the Western seaboard, between the Arctic Ocean and the Carribâ€" bean Sea. It describes the food, fashions, manmers, and customs of all these people, some of which are very arnusing. notice, " Our Position in India‘ seems to be are the re organization of the native army, the treatment of t‘l.n native feudatory close;j.lmlogy treated . of by. _ï¬. in on Socul d showhere, Reirson the porace ht political world ; ‘to try to explain historiâ€" cal phenomena by the processes assumed to prevail in the developement of the orâ€" ganic world ; in other words, to show that tholamwol:ich have been tnoo:.'m the evolution of organic species traced "Pliny‘s Letters" is another volume of the translations of the Ancient Classics, which the Mesers. Blackwood are pubâ€" lish:ng for the Benefit of the unlearned. 'The, were written at a ï¬mvhcn:: UGreck language was becoming ve e ionable in l}ome} when nlo;.:ee 3 style was the aim of writers, ant pedaritry reigned supreme. Some of the customs of the city, and of country life at the pgriod, ue«{eucribed ; also, there is an acâ€" sount of the opinions ‘ concerning the Christians of those early days, and the stato of religious opinion. "The ‘Natural‘ I&flooqhy of History.‘ "It is the object of this essay to explain what is meant by the ‘natural‘ philosophy of history, and to show, b"‘ sufficiently sugyestive enumeration of instances, how 1V. ur position in Indis. | â€" > V. Recent Political Memoirs. ___ _VI. Savage Life: the Western Tribes of .\ug't.h America. VIl. Merchant blnptm; Legislation. Contemporary Literature. " lhe African Slave Trade." England has taken upon herself the riqhtto stop the slave tracde whenever she can do so "without infringing the rights of other nmum.nndl:i article is w‘u‘u with the object of rousing her to gnbrour- tion in behalf of the natives of Central Africa,who are such fearful sulferers Irom‘ that traffic. be fully ten times that value of foreign manâ€" ufaetures, the product of, foreign skilled labgur, wos imported during the same period. This is the sort of wealth the Protectionists desire to confer upon the people of Canada. . Increase Lhis year . it is remarkable that ,the wouth and the West, which really furnish the wealth of the Union, and ex: port together vastly more value than the Northern and Middle Statesâ€"in fact, furnish twoâ€"thirds of the exportsâ€"are free trwlers in privciple. _ We bave said it is remarkable that they favour free trwde : it would be more appropriate to say that it woul1l be remarkable if they did not, for the same returns which show that last year $44,000,0(U of manuâ€" factured goods were .-x;-ortmr, also show, in spite of the high protective tarifl, that stapie weaith of the country, are taxed almost beyond endurance to fill the pockets of greedy manufacturing monopo. lists. Thus, the planters of the South have paid for the protective â€" poiicy of the Feieral Government of the Union during last year to the tune of six millions of doilars, that being the reduction in the value of their exports of cotton as com. pared with 1874, with the prospect that the reductionr will not only continue but increase this year _ [t is remarkable that the sSouth and the West, which really necossanes of lite increases in the same ratioâ€"indeed in a far greater ratio. _ The farmers of the United States, the result of whose labours form the staple wealth of the country, are taxed consequence necessaries man N NNare m. _ This is where the anoraaly of proâ€" wing to enrich a people by protection comes apparent. . Protection gives a THE MAcAZLN:NS nekillod O Es the or ign goods, chwfl}' the ghly skilled and rétmun abour is oOs t actiy in projp e than â€"proj oraaly of p hasin ipor the of comjp« @c uC a drawingâ€"room car, the 0 of m e in iepnagie smoking ; a fre y ti ci just ~ to m ie Anamiane in sn oo odour of smoke, arid calmly remarked aloud thuï¬umï¬b,dnmncm car; nndrt-hoy 'ouuh th.m-mgb,‘ the % car forward, was v sive to her. ‘The gentlemen n-:nqod the obnoxious \nub.m looked extremely serious. about it and had a word or two with the gonduector when that fhinctionary entered. . He mildly requested to step into another car, but she was com: fortably seated and declined to moye, By and :{ozhor gontiomen > the would beâ€" smoker as i President," and when at last some one let drop the mystic. word " Grant," the Brazil old, oversecsâ€"fke qutdoor work, milks three cows, ate. Her exertions have also placed a deal mute grandson in an asylura, and she pays most his bills. A lady travelling from New York to Boston, a snort time ago, took her seat in anada will stand third or fourth on the linohhichmhamhmtï¬- of the world. At present she ‘st flï¬hordx_?.' Mrs. Ruth Pagé, of Burlington, Maine, is a smart l:.lf'hdy mom {e‘u old, sh« supports a husâ€" and and an‘ inva‘id daughter, and takes "1".’ boarders, oi@ty Angl oi(h‘y‘l!im years Canada will stand third or fourth on the 5 to British Colurmibia. If the same of progress is malintained for a fow 3 far the largest share belonged to Nove Scotia. New ‘Brunswick had the next largest, and Qt¢bec the third. *In the course.of the year 490 new v mea suring 190,756"tikis, were regi Of these, 175 belotiged to Nova Scotia, 99 to Nn'Bm:wiciI: 73 to Quebec, 88 to Prince Edward Island, 50 to Ontario, and in 1874 it had‘‘risen to 6,930 vessels, measuring 1,158,363 : tons. Of this, ‘by the to the list of Canadian steamers, while the number lost or broken up.was 24, Only, two lives were lost during ‘ the â€"#eaâ€" son ‘n connection with the loss of these steame The number of casualties to “*B“'::_M_d“ï¬nl the : calender OW TA W ‘The m“w" ical observations under the care of essor Kingston were con: tinued durit:f“theélycn ‘at 313:0 chief station:, and | with, upon whole, satisfactory rfzulb. i Acco the rog:t of the chairman of the Board of Steam tln,goï¬m for the year ending 31st December last, it appears that 1:3!8 certificates of oon‘n‘g tency were issued to engineers. steamers in-poo:ied lv;)on 595, of which 280: were dle, and 315 sore Dun:!ï¬n f year pï¬i new -tumbo.:"m' ded" to the list of Canadian steamers whils / %m}.fld in that of 'ï¬"ï¬&m‘é&':ï¬" 7x'slo:nm &ugi'f,' Hled at from 11} oe;':_u to 19% cents pe_mlon, \ f lighte an were 55 lights ‘and six steam whistles. ‘In the Nova Scotiaone, 94 lights and 'Ih; whistles ; in that of Prince Edward, 1 _ As usual, the report for 1874 on Marine and Fisheries contains a large amount of iln%orwn and interesting :fun:shon It embraces a great variety subjects, as may hoe-if;beli-vgdwhenitin borne in mind that the total amount expended on the various branches of the public service administered by this depaftiwent amountâ€" ullwtyflu&olel;l‘y a million of dollars, while the number omau in the out side service of this was 1311)) A consierable number of light houses were built during the year, and some others improved onrtboir building, : or in flIl: completion of their light apparatus. the Sntario Divi-ionh& 102 liJM hoyuses ‘ and buoon-; that below Mon treal, incluiling the River and Gulf of St. Lawrence, there were, at the close of navigation, 113 lights, 8 lightâ€"ships, 7 steam fog ‘whistles, 8 fog camnons, 67 buoys, 55 Beacons, and 8 provision deâ€" mp; maintained in all at a cost of $113,â€" Mr, Disraeli consented to take up the budget in the evening session. â€" The con: sideration of the Irish Peace Preservation Act which has been nine days under de: buowuun-muw in committee and congluded. bill was passed. in comâ€" mittee with im{:oruqi amendnients by which the penalty for unlawful possession of muhredmed,mdthoï¬gbtton.’.‘g, houses for such, restricted as to time. House has yet to take final action on the bill. was again o o0 hn s (Gladstone) would avail himself of his privileges as a private member. procedure on the part of the head of Her &nj«q'p 0@@?2" _If such a tone fore had such a statement been made. as that relative to passing the Government measures. ’l‘bdr%:.hmounblo gontle man threatened to keep the House sitting until a number of unspecified bills were passed. Was that a becoming method of Mrt. Gladstone said he regretted the tone of Mr. Diataeli‘s ~remarks.. | The House was entitled to respectful treatâ€" ment even from the Premier. Never beâ€" Mr. Disracli replied that there was no immediate prospect of reeuming the deâ€" bate which was unexpectedly terminated on Tuesday. He intended when attention was called to the presence of strangers that a division ohotJd be taken to decide whether the galleries shall be cleared, The Government was charged with wuun{ ‘ time over the question of privilegï¬bu 1 the l)pï¬(:ï¬il-ial to the Irish Peace râ€" ‘ 'm.l;.r; was the n.lodob-tmoflon. l.rhh“ menh were justifi in C and the Govornannt was oqu:lï¬l;m.d in wishing to have it < passed. . Diaâ€" raeli wï¬m called t? order for d!i)pcmu ing from the subjectof inquiry put e Marquis of Hartington. mfl. mumo:{tnd -h&odlmu. ullovaix;g for a fair bppm it would be possible to prorogue ment in July. The Government was deâ€" termined to pass all its measures evenif it became necessary to ask the Queen not to prorogue the session till all of ; them hed received the Royal sanction The Government intended the discussion of } the budget on Tuesday morning. _ _ REPORT ON MARINE AND FISHâ€" ERLES. The Rights of the Press and the Irish Peace Preservation Act. ~ L Loxnox, l'v(.h.xâ€"‘-:n the }ii)ul‘d(klnmt:!: toâ€"night, the quis of Hartington ask: when the debate on Jrivuï¬. of the House would be resumed and the budget discqussed he Londdon World says . "The friends + pt_ the â€" Anglo Ametfican" Company are comlorting themseives for their defeat in Canada by virulent abuse.of the Dominion Losislature im some of the sqâ€"called finâ€" | ancial organs. The statesmen of the Doâ€" ainion, we are told, have, by stamping 0 :t a pernicious monopoly, lowered themâ€" « Ives to the level of the Government of | liouduras. _ Â¥e victis. ‘The unhlgpy compauy has to pay, on May 15th, | $)35,430 worth of shares to the crafty 1p««ulators who sold them two yGars ago for £1,000,00U, a concession which is now | absolutely worthless. The cable of 1865, which was broken three years ago is, we are informed, to| remain unmended for another year, though why two new cables slLould have been laid, instead of repairâ€" ing this old one, we cannot conceive @xâ€" cept on the -uigailionï¬ntit is so C that it cannot be picked up,. If be so the stockholders will have . to v;xi;:d its value, in addition to the £1,000,000 paid ftor the Newfoundland concéssion, and the £2,000,000 worth of bonlx.hlm( which were issued on the strength} of i purchase." it THE IN PERIAL PARLIAMENT. TH L the only cccupants of ABLE MONOPOLY THE TIMES : OTYAWA, SATURDAY MAY 8 ment & is shown to be 48 while ntle mx)mudly 1,39097-2:3&.11»@ thiDg | Smithsy 48 ‘Smyths, Smité, and Schmidts, woLs | making a > total of 1,438, which reâ€"multiâ€" xX of | plieuâ€"by ts in, the comforting _ Her | product of: â€" * gREY PQOTroON FROM sIX CRNPS colaps‘ ND UPWARDS, From Gooderham and Worts Célobrated HIGH WINES, ~PROOF "ANDâ€" RYE _ PSE eerses. Dress Goods, Silk, Ribbon s and Tweed, > ‘by which their right may be lafringed Ask for LRA ECPERRINS‘ Sauce. 2 man o Li C LUT "pon the WP* mnd labo sh ' names of Loa dr!’orrlnlhnv;.h:nY-h > o wnd P. give notice that they have m&" Mewmgondenu th. ?ï¬n Towr sarh Bs h m?«l??i“_-".!!&"_ ~Ag " 8TAROH, RICB, RAISINS, OUBRAYTs, NUTS, ClGAKS, PAlLsS “" i“l'll, & large Lot of ABK © JBR LKA & PEBRRINB BAVOA 14»s arid to nbo that t ana es ult lt d oiN Maltottots s CAUTION AGAINST/FRAUD Detebrntea Doukstt Alrin kh 4 Worcestershire Sauce 1 tor LNA & PERRINS‘ .w. v‘.w&g%““ rj&, l6 and for y bnad ccrne aod tnted, ho toindenint Call and see, at J. K BEMULE, Lmporter, «¢., 5881 Fotor Bt Montroal, i 74. Cambosite dorommplerKuignton®t . s } 6 ©\sBES. i'.(?!uedlfl, Baukess, 56 Kings m n winias The shcceis of this t detin rlediCondiment naying calde?® ~~A common "J to calculate the populaâ€" tion of a city is ;wbnt is known as the «"Smith process." .It is claimed that in the United States there is one Smith to every 540 p;&o;;i‘;l:e,s;. touuDlnc shows an. lying motber fu:;;' in th;. o:l;m l:xlh. i0h is, n to while ie en roun u98 Pooiniial making a ~ total of l,“:’whioh reâ€"multiâ€" plieuâ€"by M%omm in, the comforting product of: 4 + the heartiest manner ; but it mxflg luug)unwnm to Jean Lesillia. occupation was gone ; he had. spoiled in a moment of his means, of earn. ing , his . du? bread for himself and his Md"t:’o an tlt; poo;) feul?kv sank hild,dm ¢ u nd weeping like a c o °£,o:d ,-W.‘ll“y. touched ‘ by smï¬ exhibitions of feeling, and ‘a subâ€" soription . was _ taken \ up, . which, after all amounted to only one day‘s. receipts,. What was he, then, to do? It required uJ'ur?uhudhbour to train a new lot of and Jean Lesillia had not the nieans. b(hon he had â€"done so he was a ‘single man ;. now he: was married and the father of several Ioung dhildren. Bdtumodnq-piokw,sn during the , ast winter worked as a chiffonnier to support his family.‘ |But the life did not suit him, and ‘chagrin and the severity of the season soon brought him to his ve. . He died in "his© modest gcmt,,im 12: :Passage Bainto Marie, and the children he had so ‘o'l‘hu‘ IurnQd" i are now objects of UsoCKHRIAS WINKB, LIqUURs, PRoVIâ€"; i®* B1QN8, KTOC., KTU., " A man has just died here who had his hours of glory, and whose fame has reached the uttermost parte of the earth, He was the colleague of the man who breaks paving stones with his fist, and of the man who swallows a swordâ€"a salimâ€" banbue, or 'uqler, known as " the man with the flJe“._’ Jean Lesillia, Thomme }mpuru,m a decided character. For‘ :‘mny years. he oxhbla’:dhu kearned eas _ throughout ?t,‘ making | them do a| number m | feats. Among other things he them into oazadn,mm g them mnch ‘like soldiers, then turned them into horses and made therh (raw a tiny chariot across l._hble. _ It was cealy wonderful to see the seeming inte..:«». + of these insects. Unedthihoflm.'puca&ufl through tP 10e at Fair, whmtxu ) \«dâ€" up "and" him by the cal. > +~>«» * Jean Lesillia had ordered his . ) their box, and held it in his han«.. “.snimf the dog \at his leg made hi turn in haste, and in This fright he dropped his ‘box‘ of ‘loks. "l‘heir ntt:hr:l do;mfï¬n:t mn.d:d thg J a or safety, at 5.“'3 nmpont thcir.?huur ye ‘the ‘dog a vigorous kick, which sent him howling away, »lt was not until he saw the d running that he comprehended the Im:i nmnm.‘mtmoo:apmhmdbdfll_el is of his pets.| The crowd began to hugr in the heartiest manner ; but it was no k Alph. J. Steers &‘Co., Whohnn.lou;.‘ * anmbeh Block W oleaun suont, L"A & PERRINY‘ Tr4 CGoods, [Puris Corrapqndeence New Xork Times,} RUSSELL HOUSE BLOCOK; ©OomMMIssION MERCHANTS, Mb THE MAN WITH THE FLEAS advances made on conngnm K i {ryo A ' (Upposite: | Suppers., tridge.) A spuri OTTaAWaA, ON‘T. ©Gracers. RATTEY â€"DEALARS Inâ€" â€"W HOLBSA Lisâ€" BPR READ! it al) 3 uh ershie Hauce" tor uhoon 1: conTRACTORS & BUmubEers. * o8TIU â€" c opaned a Stonc -e&ï¬â€˜ "w'.‘%‘f midtoae ospectralty" ail kings of S§Rtt! Ai home ir evening Wr;ï¬ FOR ALL Insolvent:;Act "of "1875, ) pyowitoraae winsor, * * ingne TrcesiDolmg»ralsod Nt EiWAE URARAN en .g.,bï¬â€˜.:f"“"l wALp! ( / 4 â€" Ottawa, Boou from T .b.l t 4 C ï¬m-m%m%w «= OR TO RENT. u"‘ oo cllareaines, 7 [bsnodâ€"â€" | Paitirg Rrgon yeuntoy ® ovar | ;fo an soup on ansran, The | wa . King and Nelson Sts. | , f f j:_?r“, m. 1\::1/‘1\:1:4 yeul M 'm:;....'...‘.i; .ï¬ :Iï¬:nkz&.l': m=; f md®AIUbs published an ‘ars 17; | : 200 ‘K ParA of abo Li prestatiunid sen e ts dree Prien ns | 1 OW §6d a hedc a No t iR P Mif C f Insolvent Act "of "1875 Seaaee ENi cmlnctnrts o0 ret | most seunmote ul yorim en o stt on h ) ur Prasld Xhere are Numerous ITmitagions on, the ol ts NoXE is ‘crf‘Uhy® ) ‘A Com worthâ€"Rebding!â€"A Dismond worth ‘Bécffigh®" us vg‘:mg. ‘ui.l h C mg“"‘“aw TT pa Sochanuts,â€" ie N ‘PEESW sod#HIlbs publisHed on the 1 oc i radpom mid Padey op the 1t “;llz-anuhm7ln‘i Baltreatie MBT in elsewhereJ>li.0 # | : Uninay Ufeok6Â¥y, Glassware, Rarthonware, ‘ m 4C 'lnl?:&.-,su'mm. a9d a -::ï¬.: ‘Gout" 484 ROF B9498 Ab â€"Boarding housécand Hotels ame. ha\ A usiovinn uki Atssuzl brabais woe m ied onang J"'“""f;m:.m he boek c Hededic:c« 'f‘h 1" !m.‘.mw l,nfli}v m in mt Pn +i ES s No Insolvent Act of 1869. April 6th Forders h ' mAmrihl-‘. seabsou‘® io * ors for headi i?uquly uuan=gt ml:oqmru!( printed. nes t + it n cus ESA RL ory . Weligher .. _ GBNERAL |BoOKBDNDN® bstis. | BPaARKS »IrRksT,‘Oftawa,.,"".. Wuling, Perforating, . Numboring Account ‘Book "Mahuficturer, HureoL. In the mattér of D. 8. BAL arbour, ... .. . ) (a uo insowadgsy » fre notified to meet at my office S ta es one wote e Assigneeâ€"as: to disposal of outsianding book l.:'.l h don 1 l"'l‘rt. one up‘in Firs! tow Compings done up‘l CORNER OF DaLHOUSIE Srika_kr. k190g or Faku Prodeon RIDEAU AND CUMBERLAND â€" 8Ts. part FLOUR AND FEED SToORE. ALEX. ‘~TAYLOR, BOOKBI NDE R, Chemist‘& Druggist, January i. 1%76,,. , A soleoted stock uwmonhuzwuut'nn Te‘ ""“‘%"““‘w‘fï¬." d for all &#@~ The highest price will be pai ABT ‘f%'s_\rcuauwus@., Mess ie e d t e e 2t 1 . FLOUR AND FARM. PRODUCE ‘ EL L l»v.zu son : mate ar fom ile ; $3 per week d4ay r“ _ _bo eqpltal.. We .. oatl: valymbie ! : Clothes in ~ PL w h "i 38 U C JAMES ASHFIELD, Dru« Store. ; . «T. SHEPHERD,:: New Parl ji e 2 © UNLERS STAMPED Ztgal Hlotices, HAYVY & OATS ‘m. M. BEATT Apply to on M BEATL Oit J1 Mathewmar‘\ New ldlnp; W e0t, botwees onnnm.. -n; ad‘l $ lour & Feed. Htainp, Cutting. ; Boolkbindets. enio)~ PaAPRBBRRULER, AND : â€" t pngrle niey. t RIDEAU STREET, Zruggists. . CAUTIQN. ; 7;; ; a.,. MORTIM ER, averare®ne1 "®*/ * urall,. froe.; : Ad drous n‘;i%niï¬ in First Class style, and 06. f :lu'n_- ‘Moderate. ,OTTA W A. m&&& ) wl ) FOR SALE. n,ggmhmm* inspect before pirdfiaatiy is now opén‘ â€" AGUJJ U G Goops. but the best kept in stock GV! At T Sqrepu® L A3RUON A 4 {" Btone:" > >Doaler tn! Stesi¢Shett and ‘Boor, Fianoforte . loolf %m 4n i+ i7 tnig $a50 : MONTH and e x " ... | BIOO BS S oeie; gm‘:’ofl. Ladâ€" ‘ style, and U4 B.B. ‘McFinnon & Go. e io us L. TY r?fl, 9 Ton;;léa-l'du *@ord unting â€"\vuun-, worth ie T.4 1â€"Nghae ] mz{i:bc Gifte, (6,500 1 mm'umm‘ to +b | M I ?“;r‘l é‘ï¬ï¬"u& h Twelive mt tA hok ol dog aos ons d ten oo will be sent to c::‘m.:.m.n_ 08, March 29, 1876 Mt le ‘m“','““ a Tmngwbdm‘ ... IHREE.,) S .. IHREE . NALUABLE _ FARMS!. D «* "ORâ€"TO RENT ha oC n d +Ch dhW foould Wcy o dioume ols .. wis Wiks Aipmaliile is.s deloald.. M + Thione mogt in ï¬:‘i’: qrdering them. All ;"-". 1 ‘1:.( ‘~., A" wb d l“ D'ma ha 0. . ‘OrwiCKE ?‘ Exoelklor Bullding, corner Rac s and i1b i9010 â€"â€"â€" °| 0 B SOLD OR RENTED, Three Gold A 25 each. T-nffw $5,000j€E Two P:izes $1,000 Five Prizes.2500. t t 3000 ced C AFETETTT : .'\ m« .uIN vaiQAbly aipby,) | {) â€" To beistributed th L. D. SINES 179rd Regyâ€" Aupril 6 T078, 4 W cA â€" a $20 to $300 each. _ _ | _‘ F‘s:'b*a Gifts, lfla IJ.'nckoo’ 'n.n'i’mq to 2e ho reound io relleraiy tohes % $1} Six ‘Tickets g Tweive . ; Twentyâ€"five Tickets, §2). a full list of prizes, a deâ€" t hes to ies Hutalbarinst iIl be sent to any one ordering them«. All :66 SPARKSST,, : Matioch 12, 1876, * GIFT ETERPRISE, To be drawn Monday, June 7. 1875, two #s NpmB HMATS! HATS! HATS! SIGNOF THEREDHAT, ENCLISH . AND ‘AMERICAN: HATS 1 LATEST NoyELTY 'rnl H, HODGES, 18 An garly aal)‘ solicited. |Statters & Furriers.) . «BRemedies. ENGLISH RUBBER COATS. Gift Enterprises. $ 60,0 0 0. 0 0 ! Fiiteon Cases No. 88, RIDEAU STREET, nol °7| F OR ~°I 8 7 5. d chand VIL § T Et R. «th«f ANew Braided White Wire Di «/ readily e inee Lnedies, AbMoX WATERPROOF All New Styles ach in Oask@t gEach in Cash with Silverâ€"mounted Harâ€" Â¥US8ICN NHE NEW DEVLIN‘S. ko _ 211 C * t e k c uo 4 1A $3 x4 ¢ \J tr"orh"' * uts ~~IRGHANT'8 Im-m ns e o in ie and takes this onnortuniiv afitMkinhkit .M TTTT 24008 this t in tho pusle for past Mtvure t sten ts uen Waednosday, May ‘bth, T Mabani11, wr4 The Victoriaâ€"Stables *4 pusayeses most setisotory manner.a efectalty mase of miirs .. BROWNLEE & 00. NOTICE ‘OF REMOVAL: May 8, 1856, wolleneben: t onnnpserienet Ottawa, Foou®, 1878 TV A The Subscriber intends removing on »Vory sR Roomer pavie ehaien | { Aie ~sABARIIEE * CONBUMPTIOM, "Po‘i."%m“' I E Pan ;weatic Emulsion and| â€""=» PECTACLES “ Lsuadend * ad despatoh -â€WW GxL1A ; y 54 9f: t 984 and 3 05. bottie« Homas ,m.s__@&wi 81, 88 4 124 Southampton Row, kUggEL1. SQUARE_LoxpoN, If *T 8 2M EUT UBE OHKMIQALA AND NEw mEDLUN _‘fl“"ï¬v_‘j!.flhlwi‘: arders exeotic«) t uhnd 1 pint bouleyhd ** on rononvhiithe Sahar batray PEPB 1NEâ€"The popular and Halitexâ€"Avery Brown 4 â€"___ stos nomipsjncineâ€"=+ Morson‘s .. Effectual.. Rumedies Barolny % 53t a 06 Partingman mrugny newbpet 6 boxes, 4s 64 each, by all Chemists and I oi MAE oo eee e es .. Rinmme!‘s Violet, Rose, aceks, buyers | W."-P"".m"fk to the | their -3‘32-1» from me as ."-ï¬ Princess of Wales, 05 Etrand, 128 Btreet, house in the Domtrion wbvlnm-v e es ( = Australian Eucalyptus. _ * ‘ _ ‘ns Glycerine, Rimmel‘s Vioiet, rrugw?mw MA?l-Ogmmn:" London. "17 = a" sed by ali the World. P â€:(m Vnh. B »nt uu-ï¬"fl‘uï¬ . Water, distilied 1 m Rimniels c nelebrated for Jts u & Mudunlhryum Jm'-ma#xaï¬..:m :ï¬g_"“ Hoap, perfumed with U8T SUCUESYFUL REMEDIE® â€"| is OTiCK Prevents the Hair from Falling. Mews Dealer, P. Q. Block. i by Chemists and throughout the world. «d shipped. Orders made # sond ts 4gn W 44i Jnt ukn hy ut ABhHX M ind ime o of v-“-'i-'- 6 m.mwâ€"m& 6 ., 1 will we :L that wisi rc * " wl Wisl â€" °C . 0M« 4CB OH Adt Thin dincrow ,.-... 4 rmos®, eaily Pos. bmes oueige t k * oi Deoieiae bag for Cenadian suamere Yegintered matier dar be sent. .. ‘ POSTAGE STAMPE re nd tbhgot #cld sÂ¥ this office, im a 3 Whow tuce. A.~ a to thie Ruy Ti t "tl ddrmsct enne mousne, No# Fuik Cily . l Maih jare closeg uy a day “mwvaa 1 ltE i petornmmnracenr, 1.0id Pont aure. . o M m%"“",. J and Rup Mn * P No io Fod Opronograph, by wy "a. the Deriy il | H@p~ 36â€"SPARKES _ STRERTâ€"3q d‘i j and 63 Sussex Street, t 1 â€"â€" ~ *‘qmend Retail Jeweller, +44 ow ; s AH. mo(nu“.,.. ths :) | Albert onRing ‘é"s.-"...“"“‘.;.."'.:.‘:&g CAatchma us JEWELLE]{‘; 8595ER05e . 3 cov red by a mil TuFough mat. to 200 | Or aRBANcucrrtory." lis obtained 2t . this . at . this . ds#»1 1e mt p &L. £BHR J3 1Â¥ 3 1 *# 4.A eens d. 'lht‘ln ut:::ou n a have only one flmdufl Tord, write?‘ **Bond tric OQil I have sol +. \J,, wPite without ddq; â€" L p mmengh . jo e tmrio, sole Note,â€" rized. and nonâ€"sectarian, 4 tnuntâ€"place in the fr Lterature. ‘The low are solid make the schools whose e ralaade Chambers to furnish ol 16 o on n ol Purivas to ks cone F3 .flw N un have tailed; and [L.‘â€".‘A wony, ny, or anything _ To faif 10h MOnkES, NEW Y »MA&-II*‘ mu o 2 ‘ 4 Loral agonts bure > huitle, conts refund the : Their wines, are of the best lth'l‘lQ.u i nanang y Dr. I.& ontreal rams. . Douhe MUlas PDLM. . Eurare Anvice Oo: Bottie wartmited From ane to 1 H umorRrnoLDs . ly cured M& m mey refunded. | un! versal that c 1> thone wito use falluro to refund the : rmwulâ€" o ins on it Tpik "Cook J e Pile and inumor , ie ooat on ons salety in mil y C proves while under dis Norios ro Fim will remove their Shoes from Presto: Bell‘s Block, Ride § : tM.* r do for years of piies, without g« gist for Fowle‘s ioh 1simi Ti t1ig mvek aniuatinl spousin.lity, Pny® memiote © age * Tew Shag Fowle‘s Ple and B il:i ~uaq'ylh- : 1 pro gul ï¬mfll (See speoial it is mabe smint &0 * & vilices to ‘pl.lybl. mene th e magec Conls but gne capt mur wieln »Aue â€"prhdhe 4 unl stapte of % lor Lise stock of boots and This remedy has Dosâ€" it t i tinop Faus‘. Mopesry niplete JOR MORK® passed for E“‘W 'bu‘.-n «1x DzasEs, 0 cannot stay , it has become nllflfl:.& k Co,, in k, imsues also ior the Bal we handsc the editor iroctions in 1t y all 1 ads t by all 4+ ym ~ P A I N » Repk. «f