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Ottawa Times (1865), 3 Jul 1875, page 3

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yplementary pagk» Store. } EPHERDâ€" | $% per week, day oi _* ery Friday at 12.00 L utting. Tousa T ureen 98. RKANGEMENT. 127 Moderate nspection wed by Monirea) tiune o Otinwe Lume, yils, uBs BAMK c Druggist, LHOUSIE TRREET h * .'u;nrt\&h! T8 and CT RTAIX®, T HoUSE W Adrrg riin phak STEEET, ry a whichâ€"mly umâ€" ils. &A W A, and Jeweller esser employed. Lag rur\rl'\"-n- stylo, musd QISis * ovar Mann‘y iioeased stam p e ST&RRp Cuurt adme "rot J oi of Mails. buyers Yoo.q semson CO. This wellâ€"known medicine is no imposé ton,‘ but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever; and although a Eoverfnl remedy, they contain nothing urtiui to the constitution. In all cases ot Nervous and Spinal Affecâ€" ‘ions, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Paipitation of the fl.l& Hysterics and Whites, those Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antiâ€" immony, or anything hurtful to the consti MOAES, YORK, SOLE PROPRLETO®, ‘;T%m,;.z:mu for postage, Enclosâ€" ed io p & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., 4. oral agents for the M""‘L“ sure a bottle, containing over 50,pills, by tbagy . i amil. s â€" '.O‘ort;hbvdlm It affords me pleasure toâ€"recommend a remedy which is r.'ly{:d in cases for which it is intended, when so many adâ€" vertised are worse than useloss. i am, Sir, yours truly, 2. L. EABLE, Jr., M. D. St. Joux, N. B., January, 1868. Full directions in the punfil:lot around each package, which should carefully &or Interval and External Use. Warranied a~URE and perfect CU®z& T kinds of Piles, Leprosy, Scrofuim, Tetier Cr Rongâ€" worm, Saitâ€"kbeuw , and all diseases of the skiv. Une Botue warranted to cure als cases of Piles , From une to three BotUes in all cases of Humors. This remedy has been f@ithfwly tested unu found to be an almmost iniallible cure fr the ubove nan. ed diseases. Ilts success hus been so universal that the gwxbtor uaraniees a cure I» those wDO use hmuuctxu.ur in case of failure to xmmwm. Hince it was first introduced he hes mn-l lnnflhoâ€"nh ot u-u-omu’ proving its efficacy e cure The Pue and H lire is quilrely fls e umor cure vexola in its com postLtON, n‘:“nuu‘dmupfln& safety in ail câ€"%es. e is no danger of ii «riving the humor in, as 1t cures on the surface, and the patient‘s bhealth continuaiiy imâ€" ‘‘Price $1 per.Bothe. " Boid by ail Druggis per: » ts, _ Dee. lith 1874. duty lowe o you o express my gratitude for the great benedit I hlvod‘rlvedh? Laking »Nor. tou‘s C waumile Pills.* 1 appiled to your gent Mr. i+ <; Berkeley, for the abuve Pilis, for winu in twe ‘~mach, lll.o-‘:h:hlmbudourw- ¢ .o for a D mn-ny «very wnz M“n' b::n’.ll‘bi any bece{dtal all. After taking two of your was quite resiored to hy usual state Of . Please fio‘hh publicily â€"lor the benefit of those who may thus be afflicted â€"L Sir, yours truly, HxxuYy AL& P A.88, L__hg lh.omhowhm ot NowTtux‘s CaÂ¥o‘ tution. preserved. Ma. James [. Fricows, Manufacturin Chemistâ€"Sir: For several months pul'f have used your Compound Syrup in the the treatment of incipient phthisis, ehronic bronchitis, and oLKor aftections of the chest, and 1 have no hesitation in stating that it ranks foremost amongst the remedies used in those diseases. Being an excellent nervous tonic, it exâ€" erts a direct iniluence on the nervous system, and through it it invigorates the KIL® P11 L8. A.n-ukv-n"ynumu,uhuulnouvm. She most uuquailtied tetimuniais to its viFues trom jersous ui tLe highest characier and e ?duuu. Physic au» of the irst respectabilâ€" Wy recom mend it as a m: st effectual pFrepaLALUL tor the extinetion of pmua, It is uu.onlitho best remedy ever known ilor Bruises, Ouie, BHurps, a0., but tos Uiyseutery or Cholera, of any sort oi Bowei complaint it is a remedy unâ€" *urpmsed for efficiency, and rapidits of 4c.jJon. lu the yreut cities of Inaia, and Other hot 6ll» all. m -&“.':""""m(: as woit 26° 10° yaporaie o as Liver plaibte, n m“‘“m Cougus «n w , Asthma, m-uw dirhew m:..fl braus boow..z most abuodant and convincing muny to be an inevitable nue itciife . ouls 44 | It is nsed Internaliy and Â¥xthenaiis +A com piainlts, as well as for { ;xi Litver Compiaiot», » d other Aindred dixordors B l‘ k For Cougus «»«‘ wias, Canker, Asthma, and 4 reary: A t R&bsumaLc diftcu ties, it hus beon wwoflh&fll C ue shis most abuodint dnc cunvincing testimony to be |‘ «d amimevitable nuediciie. .. ... . ; | lua WB 14 im &‘ m‘w. A to |I a" Y DaAVIS a HON, Sole Lave Jauuary 14 1975. \ ie Agents "1 have been @fficted with rheuma‘ism for the last ten years, and have tried many remeies without any relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Uil, and since then bad no atteck of it 1 would reâ€" commend it to all,"â€"J. h. Earl, Hotel Keeper, West, Shefford, P. Q., writes, " l have been troubled with liver complaint for several years, and have tried di&rcnt medicines with little or no benefit until 1 tried D:. Thomas‘ Eclectric Ou, which gave me immediate relief, and 1 would say that ! have used it since with the best effect. _ No one should be without it 1 have tried it on my horses in cases of cuts, wound-io’ew., and think it is equally as good horses as for man."â€" A. _ Maybee, _ Merchant, Warkworth, writes, "i have sold some hundreds of bottles of Eclectric Oil, and it is pro nounced by the public, ‘one of the E-t medicipes they have ever used;‘ it has done wonders in healing and relieving pain, sore throat, &e., and is worthy of the greatest confidence."â€"Joseph Rusan, Township Percy, writes : "1 was persua ded to try Thomas‘ Eclectric Onl for a lame knee which troubled me for three or {our years, and | never found anything like it for curing lameness. It is & VL public benefit." A. Mr. Hamilton, Warkworth, writes : " For weeks, 1 was troubled with s swellod ankle, which annoyed me very / much. Mr. Maybee, of this place, induced, me to try Klectric Oil, and before one bottle was used | was cured. lthnmt‘ remarkable medicine. Sold by all, medicine dealers, price 25 sents. _ & N. THOMAS, Pleips, N. Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto, U Sole agents for the Domun.on. Nots.â€"Eclectricâ€"Selected and Etec naed. BERKELEY, Sept. 1800.â€"Gentiemen, 1 feel it a Wuat Trugy Say or It! A Faw Faots #or tus Prorus.â€"There are but few pre parations of medicines which have withâ€" stood the impartial judgment o( the peo ple for any great length of time. OUne o these is D)r. Thomas‘ Elecine Uil. head the following and be convinced : â€"Thos. Robinson, Farmbam Centre, PAQ, wrties, For full particulars, obtain free, ol the ort, a pampliiet, or refer to advertise tighest prause. . i\ ever beioce been given such univer not be --~pulled. scommend it, ane «un horses to ke wdâ€"it may be your horee‘s life. and see that the si is on each packag Toronto, UNE, pI Homsss Navegs.â€"Tho lives of thousands of horses Lave been saved durtng the past year, and the credit is due to * Darley‘s Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy." _ This preparation is being extensively used, and exacts from all Be highest praise. Nothing of the kind has ever beioce been half as successful, or given such universal satisfaction , it can not be ejualled. We can contidently scommend it, and would advise all who «*n borses to keep a supply of it on wdâ€"it may be the means of saving your horse‘s life. Remember the name, and see that the sigusture of Hurd & Co., is on each package. Northrup & Lyman, Toronto, Unt., propriectors for Canada. Sold by all medical dealers Haworawoios (or Piczs) are permanentâ€" ty cured by Mathieu‘s Pile Qintment, or m mey refunded. Price $1 per Yot, or six p ota for $5.. Nold wholesale and retail b the Wingate Chemical Company, lonuec{, and retail by all druggists, or will be forâ€" warded to any address on receipt of price bJ Dr. E. Mathieu, 198 Notre Dame street, «lontreal. 142 ArO Fais: Movssty.â€"For people to allow diso~â€" _ to become seatad upon them rather . _ consult a physician, or to suffer as mrany do for years with the different kinds of piles, without going at once to the l mg. mat for Fowle‘s Pile and Humo: ~â€"e, WO OPX + : which is an infailible ou:e JOB MOSES FEMALE PILL® ~ kix Diszases, of whatever nature, are eampletely â€" eradicated bzmt.ho use of roufe'. Vile and iiumour Cure; its effect is roarvellous for Serofula, Salt Rheum, Ru g Wc:? and even Leprosy ; it has pro ed itself an almost never fsiling cure, (See special not.««.) i33 FILE AND HUMOR CURE, )‘Mces to ‘vt in the Vicwria Chambers, ply to R. C. W. MoCuaig. 3760 Dr. Larie‘s Testimoniais, P A 1N BUSINESS NOTICES FO W LE People‘s Tea Store, 36 Rideau street 1 K 1 1. L E R MILL MACHINERY OF EVERY DE: TION DR ho ty GENRE \L Au{lv, sfir‘rgg. v,amncun. AGENCIESâ€"Cameron Special amnru-J ::.Mae orking Machines; American !:v Co‘y , Trenton, N.J.; Hend for Cireulars and Catalogues OFFICE AND WAREHOUBE_.. . ... sn es see s es en ae be n ne on d Oct. 17 1874 5 70 SPARKS STRESET, OTTAWA. ~ Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in lron and Wood Working Machinery. Plumbing, Gas and Steaim Fitting, Tinsttithsâ€"and B,\l'un. WATER owmn'rl:/\.\l-rmxlw=m drstâ€"diase workmen | Partioul«r attantion 1# our FLX CU RICS t o arte o ENGINES AND BOILBRS, NB‘W A COOKINC â€" STOVE. K. W. BO0 D !& B. A. Late Scholar and Prizeman of l(muon.(hlmm ;(E.Mwy uate in Honors in Classtos tm + Â¥25 59,., io diaioCamentany sefrtzmations Masier T. E. HEKVO 53 n M Mathematioal % MON®. (:\)RN'b. $&o Uluv‘o,mlu of fllm“m Master. 4; w. Gha in un or e Sotad d%mm%bmhw J wW. F. HARRISON, Â¥eq» Music Manter. * . Aaladtag 3 t 6 ABRY : . . "Phis Mc Fana d ns ares ;l’_.'..YL .n.(?_llm.._.._ .“.- _Heue es apuid Wl MeuP EXAMINERS® ; Tur Ruv. GAVIN LANG. I Tur Rey. J. A. LOBLEY, M. A. "ue Rev, R W. NORMAN, M. A. MASTERS ; PRINCIP 4 L : . T. C. FAWCETT, K8Q., M. i. Late Senior Fcholar and Exn{bitioner of Trinity; Hall, Cambridge, Graduate in Mathama R. B. ANGUS, » JAME8 JACK, R8q. JOH M Mo w "r. nExsON, Ga o We daRAY s A. T. PAT C. u. BRYDGET s HENRY LY KAQ. MR JUST U. A. DRUMMOND, kmq. e, MackENEIE . o. hi Ra HoN. I» 8. HUNTINGTON, M. P. N. J. MCGILLIVRAY, 8Q." T. Â¥. TA TL JOSEPH HICKS >N, Exq N. .n EiACER ESO x @iru I« hereby given to our patrons and the publi have decid« d to continue a Hranch Office in stone building, reeently occupied by Messra. W u13 ,__ °° UCrFICE, unrder the managem poluted General uonurl- the Ottawa Branch FOR ALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. esnt o ererpienie oo Prre poee n ie mt on ty sick cham ber or nursery. amy re ‘..:-.d-go.:“.râ€"“ueut.llo.:-.â€"n. ‘ and a half cents !:'1“ Or“:l.'._-.,‘!:m ._cnlol.c.-'- Real Estate Exchange, Sparks Stroot. WILLHAM aNut®s, 0 4805 0) 4 ung 10 snvxi;fwn‘ prreaws Viceâ€"President. Ins peotor, Ottawa Branchâ€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€"â€" â€" 38 Sparks Street CLUFF & MILL, GENERAL AGENTS. EOe _ SPECIAL NOTICE. moset extensively patronized in t °_ CANADA â€" Agricultural Insurance Co‘y. )PENED +N OFFIOCK SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, MACHINERY DEPOT, All the Novelties liloves, &c. Fancy 1 BEG ,TO CALL THE ATTRNTION OF "THE PUBLIC.TO AN Immense Stock for Spring and _ Summer, Ot§ â€"wa. Aoril fth 1876 moy T“"fll&!l’im, Fancy Coatings, Worsted Cootings (ttawa, May 2 1376, MONTREAL PROPRIETARY SCHOOL ery Complete Tinsmiths and Workers in Galvanized Iron, and Cornice Work, 101 Rideau Street, Ottawa, (opposite Dalhousie St.) The ‘"Summer Queen" vickâ€"PREsIbexts ; PETEk KEDPATH, ESQ q | aB COL. A. C. D,L KAR'WP'[: WILLIAM aNuUs, Fancy Ovo;-;;;'tinggl Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting OEPOT â€" â€" â€" â€" Desmaraisand A dam. OF THE BZBT CANAIIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MAKE JIUBT OPENED TN |MY NEW PREMI8SES, No. 10, Corner of Sussex and Rideau Streots, French, in ie riong oo ooo oi oo o nc ies wer READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING B L Y TH & K EBE BR , Atings, Vestings, ~ Ven 1 Cootings, Cnsl;g:mres. T y Overâ€"coatings, Doeskins, Also, a Large and Choice Assortment of Gentlemens‘ FPurnishine Go sSPECIAL NOTICE. PRAOTICAL § â€" PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FPITTER, | SPARKS:8TREET â€" Few! ard DOOR WEST.OF,BANK stuert, and for STYLE ana qUALITY in Scarfa, Ties, Windsors, Hosiery, UnderclotKing, Braces, White Dress Shirts, Oxford and LZyphyr Shirts, Rogatta, Flannel, Harvard and Twoed Shirts. ~ My stock of trons and the pubiic genérally in the Ottawa district, that this Com o m Hranch @fMce in this Cliy and '!.'!‘.“'.‘_'!’_E!'.g!l.‘ ind senjondions Improved COAL OIL dales 14 1 /= zs nrons U srREEE, B4 SUSSEXâ€"ST. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. CAPIIAL, â€" _ $1,000,000. English, â€" Scotch â€" and â€" Canadian Twgeds, EXECUTED EXPEDITIOUSLY BÂ¥ Zite Assuraunce. Muwmbers, #&r. ad KEusoba Bot Aif rut Furnace. D seusst ,_fi. -râ€"'-i.-- hth itb tenmntiatiintizn ts h amctcandirenm M Jnt # !s under my own management, and is the most popular and this city for the last twelve years . A. ECLESON. FICEâ€"PRINOIP 4A L ; P. B. FERGUS O N, ANDREW ALLAN, ESQ N. m ExCER, ESQ, . President achinery. CoUNCIL ; OTTAW A. Mc Honors, &0 | GEORGE STEPHEN, E8Q. ns EDW ARD A. G0KE: a JAMERS A. BMT1H, .‘31‘-_!-1-1 with CAEAPNES®, excell any yot T0 SPARKBâ€"8T., OTTAW A. menns mm az on on d mm es bay iA 209 $ Coo Canetnatit 0. ar Hetciam sioon "of 1945 J. T‘ MKASON . &‘ (30.. JOH N_ MoL NAN, B ie Rergest MB a4uel JA RAMRa + Broad Clo â€" Venetin?;:’ Tricot, V elveteous where they have v "JL‘ AND THR TmBg, oOprawa, SatuRDaY, suivy 5 1875 gdoi L O N D O N â€"H O U S E. _ HANEY & FORGCIE, â€" od nev aening. ce ie it in gee d in m ttoee, Sauere 600 e pe en werves STRIPED AND CHECKED JAPANESE SILKB, â€"â€"A ‘Large Consignment ofâ€" T# T oane NEW LINEN COSTUMES, FROM Cw. ) â€"The Choicest Lot ofâ€" | FRENCH FLOWERSâ€" & FEATHERS CORNER OF SLaATER AND SALLY STRENTS. smafi?s"‘éfmrfi'iffi:fikmmmn For the newest styles in Ladies‘ Hats, | . For the latest styles in Linen Costumes, For the cheapets stock of Parasols, | For the largest assortment "of ‘Sleeveless : Jacâ€" ckets t uvort ody 1 y Theso Paperhangings are imported: direct from the best" Manutatiting Retablish: ments inpoEnglud, France, and Uhited ‘ States.: Great care has been taken in their selection with r:gu-d to ‘colour;‘‘‘‘The ‘groutid tones are soft and pleasing to the eye, especially those torned"with lflvimloq but above all, are free from the mineral poisons that mary of the ‘tawdryâ€"coloured of the day are surcharged with. The Subscriber‘s long experience as & it, and being thoroughly scquainted with the ‘chemical compound of the ‘p ts used in fmk poog ulfinm 0e io Tmreteriens (to eeuth:" Te Poliie we wi nous so f Ar invited to enmh':. S"?OGI of WALL PAPER before surchasing w Bel &.00.‘5 cologealyd oc ho o. m «The Hardmen." go h P6A m -m"m ??1-3':‘..'.' e t e e feaertart. doonly mperarmeris farge anh ects done tanbe n To) cannot be resisted, and ausure the zw To select from, all of which we are selling at the lowest prices in the city, ith poir so deleterigus to health. The Public are respectfully o prinonryae tas (oin en reune en w resent Slock is duponed of ts ogece win or Som it e fants apaanktt W A LLâ€"â€"PAPER. panaiain o 1 oo O e ~o uced P a woaach 25 20 10 10 BRANDIES, PORT AND SHERRY . WINE, ‘GINâ€" _ PORTER, &0 in Sooteh, Enpilsh, and Cangiian Tweeds, .. Meltons, Fancy Vestings, Diagonals Wort of ___ England Broadcloths &c.. &c. &c.,. S o rin:g 0@ o 0o ds . OTTAWA ; MARBLE "AND GRANITE WORKS Which he is prepared to ma e ptu the latestâ€"and nlost fasblonable stÂ¥ie». Their Excellencies tha Earl an‘l Countess of Dutfferin D. 8. NLEINNON & co 002 THOS. PATTERSON ESTABLISHED 18344. Hogtheads Fine Old BRANDY, Purveyor to Hin Exceliency I-:‘!:.n-bh General, Farl Duiferin. Direct Importations from the ,Producers In Francs, Eng!and, Holland and Spain, ~ W INCLUDING THOSE DEDICATED .BY THE nmrm J 08BÂ¥A ~~DIK BL EB Y, 1 ‘ n tucl on 4 taat‘s WN. MoKAY Warerooms next to Daniois‘ Hotel â€" â€" CHOICE AND BEAUTIFUL 838, SPARKS STREET, MLLINERY DEPARTMENT :\ _Pâ€"‘K&~»FPA&YLOR, Proprietor. ""0 0 dMWarble WHorks. On®7" " meqqurcini) Jail. Di DE AGENT FOR MALLOOCR &‘ADAM8, ARNPRIOR. 4A large Lnt of Qohttaien‘s FURNISHING GOOvs. McKAY‘S Has re "ettud and is ppening out a large s1o0k (f 1 , APAXKXs ‘StRERT, oTTAWA. Kaxilies‘ Uolare, Dry Goods. vabinet=â€":Organs, â€"Organettes imsic Books, etc., f ySEuntberets, | ESTABLISHED :1800 ) 4o to CHAS. BRYSON‘S £SBY FBACLNG, suitab e for the variou ic Mall Paper. Crocerics, &t, No. £6, Rideaun 8t. Ottawa. V. , OTTaWaA, 1871 inhivde l Rikod safe oustody. of theigoods for‘the security, of the revenue onlys . v.(zel > | . Should the Collector of Custonis require ”Wfl“, such Warebousean= claimed and seized goods, the charges far oflgur’:fb. cu:l;:.:ut o look nep h Seoam the regeuer refocrana fil mignl building from: their own locks on the u‘:n’o mmuvm;.., Ved ARTICLE VTIIL No fréé‘"dr duty »phid goods | shall .be stored . in ’”"m“fl Warehouse ; : and all bonded:goods, when exportation, sha shall consist of an entire building, or â€"not in tost the CMeLORY Igyt will prevent all &6 w . mwmlomtwm* tition of stahy thanl sathe attorady but all ~ B w"?».‘flm.w building occcupied as udooror%l‘ of the most solid and securs deésgription possible in or shall be liable as in Other ‘ Oakes ‘for f&h‘gm ”‘hM seob |4 giiher uen a & Cuad t c be werured °' .0 I by Customs locks, 'p’n'v*‘%g the Depart~ m;t&iw{m; bndtrt is will no;f;:rho- vee 60c to building m'mbn 2‘: ooks of Vfihmu'.;(‘[-w'l.â€"w“â€" ARTICLE IV; At: mm there mmfi% shall be used Em%mfig’ % sbhprflfnrflwflpurponyd- hwwflrrhm‘d;%m‘u#.d ;z r125 . Warchouses ;of Class 8. j ARTICLE Vi AWarehouse of Class 8 shall in every dase.â€"Gonkist:â€"of an enting building and:shall beâ€"usedcsolely. for the: storage of bonded merchandize, or of un _ The rates of for labour in godnlnw.nho-.d this clags,, subject : to i owner or «of the x ‘the mprmw the Waurehouse who will col leot .all amounts ; dug.â€"for} storage and therefrom, unless. permission " to the‘ coti> ie e ptans n s en witihe specifying the Loous hnd the‘thime ie io aoon io o tpon an &p nfl&m&&g to> nhke ht hre m potaea, and in such dase the godds shall be lewibly rad mm cotm Ara hnd weoipait io es e aag Applicatons for, Warthouses. of, Class A. | IX. ./ Application i <he antaplishment of a Watghonse of thistlass ARTICLE 111.E on on "of mommdmhfi'?%ot* COustoms is satisfied that the public inâ€" unfi:nn%hw .'u".’:i."" the P % e owner or occupant bommfwflu‘ ‘Collector, and on fmn‘lfl‘tl t.bob’oon-I dmomh-hhmrpmm(bumr‘ Will assign a nuimber ¥‘ Warehouse, * ARTICL n tablsizzent of Wakihousce of ‘Oleas ) on egannet s ies mm en mamare bolou‘-oofin&.‘fl in the m# .,..', houses ot ’M‘ Xi8 @900106C ery warehouse of Cl Comeat rroring ate ae Psn noos and shall be to all dar safe "keeping. |of‘ Wi therein, ‘provided. in | caseâ€"of; wane~ house Of any other clées..}«.. | bluow on and add the same to aWflo@_-.oficl‘:fl Kb‘zfi'&?%%“'w‘“ qopeee e e n tb Sipdes an Oouiteiin Class 5â€"â€"Warchouses for ‘vefining SugdtP th accordance with the OrdéF in Gouneil reâ€" orlierr. i nacooarinte at mindmaposes: graniing the, application, 4o. the Commis: vion, 40. the Commis: c wch“l; the examination fias beenmade, Ster mt t:'mwww‘:} -p’;m% '}hb own report as io. the necessity « anding t nil otivcl Fram booding dpon capabilities for the the suhject, / ~Class 5, Warehous 1))«xclusively for the manufacture.â€"or refinin‘v</sirgar, T Class 6. Sufferance Ware:» ; / I-W Applications for establishnicit of Bonde AR ICLE 11. / For a Warehouse !of the second or third; class, the owner shall make in writing to the Colles / tor of the Port, des &bo&.umhu,‘ the location : and: capo ity of -.b‘lj and stating. the , purpose for | which building is to be: M‘,.;mor the ""‘fl:.‘&' merchandi1e . by, or cons| to himself . exclusively or for the . general storage of; merchandise in bond, 4 [ bbirvzslo 10U18 ‘The Collector will. thereupon examine or direct the Surveyor or ~other proper officer of Cus in whom;, he can ‘ré> pose confi to examine.and ; in in t the stong and saughronieg :’mlnhh‘imd. . €105 19278 Class 8. ‘Warehouses > cconpied for general storage of WM’?} se foipants n ieffre e M t and as gme, M tofm ‘b'm EU '4', men olsc in 6 W * Imâ€" Nmd ’W“‘m”&*‘:&‘g"’ y goods immm;l’xrfw, to thein, “mm' ~ocsupied for the HIS: sKCELLENCY .THE ,ADMINIGâ€"~ TRA TOR INICOUNOGIT; !9!* * N the recommendation of ‘ths Hon: 9 orable ‘the Minister=of under the provizions of the 6. tion of the Aot passed ‘in the Session of the Parliament of Canada,â€"he in the, Blet of. Her ).l:joag'. ign, i “N!ald intituled ; :*AniAct t ( .h:s the :Customs," : His y by. and with the advice of:the Queen‘s Privy and the same are hkereby adopted and es tablished, M'gwq.’g.; 5 pvg ‘ . ... REGULATIONE: ARTICLE: L. ..MWarehouses for "thé No o °o o P RurIgt NTAE Afroen & LHTY Council for Oanaaw ht omm plauabd to nqq..'wm Rire, raaiin PW ce ARTICLE.V. A., Warshouse of Classâ€" 2 ARTICLE "X1.â€"Warehouses :of: this Gourrmnc¢cut Zlotices‘ GoOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Moxpay, 14th day of Juney 1875) of and J 6 the W line o the rromge Foger tie 6 wl n ordered thereto tely be removed uht in woe migil! glFl 1 1 @vES "oug BAdti . CC vaiige f the the Honour ns 74 oR 10o, and Province of Ontani 'g:;d‘;t:l!: HIB yEXCELLENCY . THE, | ADMIXNIS 1-"1"*‘mmu‘£‘:¢‘fl en _0 mb WM., AsHIMSWO! C . 520 ~~/ ~ «»y/ pClerkâ€"Privy Qut Port of and a Warehou ort, and under mm& tho:Port of ~Ottawaâ€"the same to take “fi-hfifld)%m §@8) 30 ata Clurk, Privy Council. HIS EXCELLENCY THE ghikins TRATOR IN COUNON"" *~ C the recommendation of th6 Honourâ€" oc 3&”@‘{."”.' puled e'uz specting, the , Cusions," His Ex 4 gfi,’"&gfi' "‘.*«’ifi pirts ?‘“'. Cimeaieo y ihnan mintinet &%%w To and I i nN the recommendation of the Honourâ€" *iable â€" the Minister :of Dun: and "-hflhvmb-c(thfib 54th suctions â€" M,â€"o‘h Bession of the Parliament of Canadae, in the tared 61 nod intituied : / An Aet respoot 4 1:&‘10-&-,’? His and the sadvice »of 7 f Council for Canads, : has been order, and it is heroby ‘that the Town of Pembroke, in the of Renâ€" frow, and Province of Ontaric, be and the : _ ARTICLE XIV. The ‘Oollector of Cusâ€" puyprhrb Bb dn d o ote re ud oh en arme HJS -15‘;?"""“ C AAJ mmm @ “'1““ s 'W;%}“fi "be paid over by the Collector w the Receiver Gederal, cane or on some reâ€"established after renewed ation hi 373 eqp ic petlc} rene application â€"_All moneys received from propri Warehouses &s provided in art" 12, ahad doatiided Tudh Warshoue ofs ouly be 1 Dbister o ammrg | ing the proprietor‘s applicat! ‘part of any qusrterly pauyment made by %fi%fim:mz & u y 12q & _ The Minister of! Custome flmo.tormnublb"bunhqfiusfi onntinuauce of tre Yight to@ bonded is in avy i)rfll- estab As & Soldnd Worsiooe, and wheh tous dis and if Mw ‘in‘the premises r.nd ntem lated it mu Nnbmfltud'e for 1.%-\‘ L U vee Mimiatar of Corpamce Collector® of Customs‘thall advise ARTICLE ‘XIII:" No alterations can‘be made in any Bonded Warebouse without permission of the ‘Collector of Customs.; ] Ifi’m) in 45 C# "- wi a premises likely to Mhfi general security, anu, if ‘burned ‘or" plundered, immediate notice rhust be fiwfioflu ?ommluiomr,\mh Ml&db;hnof all ‘acts connected ‘therewith. GoYyERNMENT HOUSK, qmn? < o‘Monday, l4thidiyofJuge, 1978, GoVERNMENTâ€"HOUSE QTTAW A: * Monday, 1th day of June; 1876 cording to the capacity of ‘the bublding C&pACL fld&‘m M% the exact sum to, be, detern | by the The rietor of every warchouse of ChuSmG-bahllp. in like That : ?fi;&nihbm e hwiâ€"' n opefirep forcy doliare bor man ‘ARTICLE XV: ‘Bections 18, 18, 14, and prigtors of Bonded W ngaish the Uusinigs M mJ e on ving " i ; ‘notice. to ~the owners of Monday, 14th day @f June, 1875. of the d over by the Collector of Customs Collector of C W on 7&"}:: ts in advance to the Collector of General Provisions. PrsseXt : Autioe of the Tonotr= sion : E t when caught by accident in nets or other lm used for other h&'amm alive, at the risk and sost of the owner of the net â€"of apparatus, or e â€" uL ied caught ht motifient in note or Te ley to engoha it ies Psn es s .fiu;b;i‘-:l: Ewontyâ€"une in the Minth C Em areemees Lfi:w.‘@ Clork ce o uhn oR { o hk eoqunint As Abe Aolnige dn ho in Mn eee oo l the e ho ho io Township of Fitzroy. ae aaeds omaes veurcsss *.‘ B onéla o tpe Aawien 1GA id ug $ o lo-’= 3 OA 'm""' "u * T.fll': EAU, sear» v0rbigle® darf o 1009 reugeh s w t on vigw QOppotite the Pos OfMe: +. ; Bt &Jx.'.t“"ol year, in the._Drovince of Carhe »o B Cat) «n N TJ'F T rvovee "3" u‘ "May o 4: ”"’nfiu m.r & LLOENSES dnc cfesns oo oo nioiioc o on es soanted whtuie Ins sell or have in possession any Bass berwsen the fAfteonth day of May and the ""â€"~ 11. cay of Junw:~in~each vear, in the . Province of 6 (oubcenennornone.. 1 ) ~© " No nn\dl n kflfi buy> Ee pnpraate n bens ab Praoa s CX (1 0 "" No person e » sell or have in frosh water Herrings between ffteenth Ly of October y&gq“d'?g*,h“m. in Lake Trout or *Lunge‘" between #e 15th day: of October fl?u’ of d« ember in each year, in the Province of Ontarie." ROUT, BROOK it _'.'WTNE‘I‘. * R B m 31 PB helpptmarte s h wns, Snd oÂ¥,. r' i on the cars at __'__ 2o _ _ [__ 8. LAVALLEEG in ... es citzâ€"vl . 11 Ro pemon shell h foo egithy :5lp buy, of Ontarig ,,{_"._.__,._,_._._"._.. Tagiter® L0808® iss shikt 1: following REVISED FISEEA&Y REGUâ€" L A FIONH for the Province of On tario, adopted by the Governor General in Oouncil on the " No whal! fish for, cmtch, Â¥ Ti weinh Iy m ivatan n n in day of December in each year, in the Province Carleton Pince, % June, 1878. _ 1m. Punuo NOTICHE is directed to the 1> following REVISED FISEERY REGUâ€" f 1.AW . McRADH, Gâ€"0m Mathewman‘s Blook, Wellinzton 84 \ 4 vice of the Queen‘s Privy aneay en ¢o-.l..“$fi&Ҥm . ‘:-duu im‘fiyfl‘lmmâ€" the same to take effect trom the First day <of July next. By Ofder of the M\ sestions of the Act the Session nents 42 mss uie use # » l-JE and intituied Kzl: An Act mp.:;- ..:fl‘}'“.“'“d the Queen‘s l;l‘l'] " No person shall fish for, catch, kill, buy, 1875. Coal. hoiden in the lMait of the said Townsbip, turasy the 17th day of Juiy nexi, péS & L I M E . Pauters. o o e i io .. _ LBARIHS & LL . KNHIOH . comvmigaioner of Fisueries A. W. HIMSWORTH, Clerk, Privy Council. uo ved Within of Figheries 1875.

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