aad iut Uaragrapbs, 1 riuancial Stuiemeni# «4 Yaace Uâ€"«â€" carus insort ar, whou udt ex6 >O5, $3 ; twice a saek word over 6 AGES, DEATMS®â€" __ o normations apply to SOCIETY requiri F in prmd ofing, capâ€" eap and the reach of all. _ is of ihe city in 3 y mornung, & wour all p-na ural â€"meailer ; 4 bG WAAA Â¥ * >r the Daily Tim#t+ eive and 2â€"usalt Cenbe , bLast, TURONTO Yy, New Yo oi b arders can be a« "‘:"""‘?'.".'_F;m-! * T. BORTHWICK, 3 Nichoins street. to Remi. Cretaryâ€"Treasurer, where the stock bas TI M E 3 Ck springs. meuls on the First m woâ€"arwd l.uu’m»A 12â€"A M ver iWwouly. The A aint. subscrivers in any p AHS pef annum. eut adverusement# JMe deoear ;uï¬â€"f- % â€" Maiier, ®lPT i the benefit of hrg +_be ool:l-= ch& PEL DC delie and those whose nocly" tnhals at, and partiecs Box %2, Toronto. rs ut moderate ch& TY requirements fof as lallowe ; :"::-.".";.'-:.-_'_‘ houses, whilst USSE X.5§ OTHER _ BAT is Mineral water lords ~ Cw coue: cmummomee * couniry should â€"rdphm incuiqint 10 &# i USE. q W‘ better, and hingiieg. This ron has uo eom of it :ums:u "_‘NCem lt ere, 1% will not alect it a e sure you o »tain *#"e or maroon, M M ==, woy , * Ne Wos! £1 * E. Pows, are ied Juity: s «‘uced that wili lent ugh the .:J /I. umed with weil rurnished »coms and »ani. Apply at No. 4 MeCormagi‘s Micck, " °8. foots, The paint ig 1ve of or \a, I\ OR B -.“-~.' * VANaAc <PHYÂ¥, d roÂ¥ that Ni MN, Jr Q‘saunut Bireet, of ab NO <aws RBST \Â¥RANT, Rparks Suweoct Wun. withiin 1# en L1 Ling ts Barrister, _ l‘..v.{..“f. in Chance: COU" Rarristers, Aitorneys, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c., $ Moagrove‘s Building Rideauâ€"st, Oltawa 838 sou® O‘ Connon, Q 0. u. J. O‘Uonsury w4 Harristers, Solicitors, Atiorneys Conveyancers, &c.. we. Heil‘s Block. Elginâ€"st. HosBLE. K. W. SooTt, q. 0. _ VOL. vIII NO. 8890. Are w 11 +M ALKER, o Sb.INT GRA B AM McLsop MTeW aRT vct. 17, 1874. Ur ri0zeâ€" Elgin Stre Whn wa. C o B.PismeEr. A.J OM coâ€"roe.}) M.P. Hine e V w . H. W arksx. | 8.C juiy 11, 1874 1 Barristers and Attorney «â€"atâ€"Law, Boiiotâ€" OFFIOEâ€"No®R Viewria Street, um‘:m-;u by C P 0. B>x, ITAILLON & OHEY8LEL, L Unrristers, Attorneys, Nolicigges, Or veyancers, &¢., Of the late Urm of Lewis & iinhey.) CAe Accountanté, Auwditors & Goueral Commission Ageuts. â€" Province ot Qquehec. Barrister Attorney, Solicitor in Chan cery, &o., for theProvince of UNLANIO, Mun surmet, Huil, P. Q scmâ€"6m 0 ARCHRAMBAULT, & . Notary Public and Advocase, Has opeued an ~ftice in the Village of Hiul) I‘rovince of Queree, for the trausaction 0 ail Notarial and Legai business, aither in the I‘rovthce of Quebec «» Untario. Special 4iven to the collectio , ol accounts in both g w NC A, Jb UX A L. MA THMESON, & Barrister, Attorncy, Notary, &0. Oftceâ€"Master lu Ch n siry Cl . mber®, Co t ong», _ tawa, Unin da sGorlrd (ity.ot QTTA W A, County of Carteton, veyancers, Notarien®, dDD., C109 Oflceâ€"sell‘s Block, opposite Russell House. __ tore in Chanscery, Notaries, &0. wiBceâ€" Hardy‘s Bloc k, Mideai MLre®L. U hufch) about the 10th Inst. va xie1 O°CONMNOR. che Moinepathic Physictan, Surgeon May Siel. 4. TainLo® J ne 3, 1844 web. A. 174 D* L NCA NC B c s elithâ€"veter ic pery ie : 9 § to 11 , and 2 . aitention gven to-d'h..‘t. n w.-.d‘ d-ww of _ the MNXMEY, CHRISTIE & HILLQ, uterus May be consuited at his Office, corner of O‘Conâ€" Lor as d Albert streois. Uttawa, Oot. 24, 1874. 2404 T m porkry U tawa, South side of Rideau street, duater. 2 PA Consultations at all hours. coTT, Ltall, Oct, 28, 1874. 1 Â¥. H. FERLAND, Cancers cured without the use of koife, u.ro‘:urdl. Mll‘l-%: w. -rmun-h artice wented 1 req dred, Nigut Offeeâ€"At his residence, «> 4 hnoeâ€" Jpposite the Russell ‘CONNoR a KoG6, Nv i1} Nt James Street, cet, Hul}, tun, March 9, 1874 a _BION HOTEL, coNNOR & O‘DoHERTY, Nn oMAS P. FORAN, [ * Accounehear. Resienceâ€" Albert Street, gll_g_ho_lp‘- 1. REFT tie 7"“.1.. .â€"nmn..'l & "ILLIAN MOSGROVE, ALKER, CASSELS & ?IIOOI- wW. P.LOUTLEE, 6.C.L., ‘s (onfectionary, & Mguey o lend on Real Estate, Medical Cards. R. LOGA N, Barristor, R J. P. LYNN, ‘ pwar C 01"" rans Lexffen seo T 12 gift U#. J. D R. MACDONELL, tiers and Astorneysâ€"atâ€" Law, citers, Conveyancers, &c., OTTAWA, oT. _ _ _ « to and from whe Cars and Boate m . TUPP be comsulted oruiny us by rechionce. Mertaita . CO@OOKME will remove to his former resitience (Aecond door from th e English LEcoal Wards. C. W, MacCU A1G. OMcial Assigneos. { rmerly ogcupled â€"'B;"\ii'""_uo-.':;ml; l= STEWART & GoBs_ULLY, Advocate, Bolicitor, &¢. Cours bMouse Avenus, l «dAants. TTAW A, Ont A d v o o .a % 0. wiblce ut i. 108. Beaundin‘s, Main Hotcls. OrTaw a, OwP, "Anaiee fr mast ‘Jl:d‘-‘ l£ AssgLe,Jr. | P. PrxBOOK "lane odgiug. i 8. FOBGL® bae cnmsulted hambers, O‘Connor .:Alew & o. &o., Bol cltor E. H. COHRTSLER g787â€"ly over THE DOMINION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. nrxolnunui‘ whyep. that a Diviiend at N the rate of @ Pn.nm. Ig :l;clngn‘-lr the My-roaï¬: the ho paidâ€" up Capttal, Swlll be payable Io- and Atmmo.%‘l:b-::u.od- J.o.-g.u‘Lu. SATVRDAY, 2Q4th JULY NMext Street Railway Oars This ts the ouly Company in Canada now bailding Passenger and Stroot Gar Roling Stock mctie, J nists and an Ml DIL/ interested _'Io have been troubled in thp past with gummed or heaâ€" td arbore, and journale +nd have been paying fancy price, use Uraven‘s Arctie and Kngine Olle aad so avoids those com plaints for the future. All Olls guaranteed and orders solicited; wW.J. CRAVEN& Co, P TE 141 St. Paulâ€"st., Montreal. 8 Tront, &th June, i1870 |§! rg § éssgiggsggda id i [ Norwich Egg Powder, K.. 10 1 $ O00 00000024 2 dioan. canft 4 imwans ‘ ‘The undersigned has a Heomâ€" Yard, Corner of King m"m where building stone and posts of all de will be kept constantly on Wbeels afd Axles fitted to order. Milier Couplers and ) latiorms. Porgings anâ€" other Oar Supplies. Btreet Car Fittings and Castings. F. METNDL has opened ouh as a Maichan‘ Tailor and Q@tfiiter, on Eigin st,, oppost‘e th Post Office. Firstâ€"ctass goods always on hand md satisfaction guaranteod ul taa We can furnish on sbort rotice and a% lowest P HOTOGRAPH E R G1HBS & COURSOLLE, Leo. 4 1874. Patents of Invention ]n’flflummmfl-’w 1 have left with my former Assistant, Mr. A. F. OUTTON, my Pians and Kecords of surveys in Uttawa and vwlw have much pleasure in reeommending as my sucâ€" ONTARIO CAR CO., (r meking all (TRADE MARK REGISTERED.) FICTORLA CRAMBERS, WELLINGTON STREET, OTTAWA. 3824 RAILWAY PASSENGER COACHES onwtâ€"n«.o:‘ Weilington #t., look, Otta Wa, Oné. «â€" . y iRicis a% nele Agoents for Ontario. DIVIDEND NQ. 8. l;"lâ€"'v'h;i;. marxas _ * Office, as formerly, over Mann‘s Hardware mon af wOW MA Diamond Yeast Cakes Miscellancous. P ATENTS. * _ The Victoria Stables ;.-ég.;_.b Ait SRivonlent riontn n Phatsocins faiee, h piaass Luxasn AxD Cowufustox MenumAa®t 1 0oi 1 M L cb 10e db ALcels Amscnnd in the L‘Mm-zm-"“ EW Tailoring Establishmene Marcb 1), 1W#4 Business Cards. RTHUR F. COTTON, Provincial Land Surveyor and J A R V I 8. 69, SPARKS gTREET. EOA ED TDUUNTTCTLLA Dwaa oo nstan hands are ;;‘m“i.:‘.u mï¬a eUF RBALKP #Rho» \Lall Jiny1s & ArLESS ) Carriages. cehdsifdne 6.q ols i dag Hbeatr nE BOLICITORS OF BROWNLEE & 0O Xinds of Oakes WITHOUT THOMAS MUIB, ADLL OBAAAM® ON @TICE to Millâ€" owners, Machiâ€" W, R. THISTLE HWy 2530 tm 35 Banker, Montreal Dealer in Greanbasks, U, M tw ds and Checks Qommereiai paper disconnie«. _ Collection made in all parts of the Domtnion and U. 8. In terest a.lowed on deposits. Uot. 20, 1n74. 3040â€"8n w it saies of ho.rny and Patents, and Companies. Muzney invested in frstâ€" securities to 7 »nd 8 per cent. inâ€" terest: Htocks »e~ «nd carried on a mtargin cf 10 per cont. i rest at lowest current Leo, t 1474 POR BALAâ€"N. M quarter of No. 2 First Mnu Front, $ aeres more or less, 40 of which are in fine state of cultivation, Canu run & mowing machine uuuu.}h from end to end. Terms easy. Apply to J. BERMINGL AM, Auctioneer and Land Ayent, Elgin St. Oitawa. By J. BERMINGHAM. J. M. ROSSâ€"& Co. _ 82, Sparks ~ Street oTEA W A. IMPORTANT TOâ€" LUMBERMERCHAKTS Auction Sale Of _ Valuable Timber Limits. ‘The Executors of the esiale of the late J chn hedden, will offer for sale b‘l Public Auction at the Auction Kooms of;F. W. Coate, & Co., in the eity of Toronto, on ted in the districis of of Lake Huron, vis:â€" square miles. ‘These !imits are most aovanâ€" my saituated on the maimn stream of and on u'-:rnt River, and the whole is tim bered a good quality of white -Mvuhunhnnd:‘ngh. w of the !imits re of Mr. Gaviller, the Surveyor (who recently explored t:omam) and for other particulars apply MORRIS, HARR!S a MeSRIDE, 0 Boiictors, Jordan street, Toronto. Next, at Two O‘Clook in the afternoon, the folâ€" lowing Five Townships of Timber Limits situmâ€" PECCE T Audiddireielt as Codntanrtabdiiccrartup 3 qein Kach Townubip mdlumol about thirtyâ€"*lx mounre miliea. ‘These !imits are most acvanâ€" On the Bank Street Road, F OR & 4 L B, AUCTION SPECIAL. JO8EPH H1OKSO N, or THOM A SYMING RIDEAU AND CUMBERLAND STS that they will have every satisfaction . in . buying _ their Olothing â€"AT THEâ€" CLOTHINC Establishment, 69 Sparka Street. lack THURSDAY, soth DAY OF JULY. RIOK 110U8E AND LOT, Fresh arrtvals this morning, al 10} Ridean Btreed, oppouite Dalhousta St. ; A. STEVENSON, nï¬ anaminnitint x13 Smkegg Nes. 100, 101, ; 105, ‘106 and 135. A selected stodk always on hband to suit all HAYV & O ATS SALE. rties. â€" Orders promptly attended to. S" The n'mo." wrice "Aill be paid for the of Farm uce D. BROWNE, FLOUR® AND FEED STORE. Awtion Sales. JSuane l0th 1875 OCBAN, LAKE AND RIVER ®PISH, FLOUR AND ‘FARM PRODUCE k t M AOITRT T t Montreal, Executors of the !state. FISH MAREET. Flour & KFeod. ETROPOLITA X in k - 'm‘?uo- vorge Birvel, hew Hanegt; A% and Stock Brokers, Montro al, Auakers. 2 Orates of (ï¬â€˜le * 6 Murreis of lnvrr{re 10 Orates of Stoneware. Suceessor to D. McLarnon, ~â€"GORNER OFPâ€"~ The retail Gothiny Busiâ€" ness so long carried on by ON BRASY TERMS. Joseph Metcaife is now tranaferred to the Firm of JOHN SMITH & CO Mr. Smith‘s knoWledge of the Ready Made Cloth= ing bu«inoss (14 years exâ€" pertence) and their deterâ€" mination to keep the best class of Goods to be had, and to sell at the lowâ€" eâ€"4 prices possible, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metoalfe‘s old Customers €lothing. â€"â€"DBALBRS INâ€" & TAYVLORBR, Algoma, on North Shore 8 DEPARTM ENT Outaws, June 21, L 2100y3awh â€" A eombined ‘moothln. Tmplng IRON, a great chiue and one *bat should â€"be in every and no doutt will be wllw. ab .4 FIRLUS Orockery and G wtore, agent for City and Ooun es F For dharp‘s Saf Oil Cabt for kinds oo tuds, Soo l stzes Prom holfau- nent. cheap and durableâ€"will save own price 4n ofl, in a short time. . ___________ __ _ _ UR Uonnado dnc : Ploase leave your orders. Agefie wanted to can yast. Appml CALDWELL & CO. â€" â€" Managers. Milis‘ Supply Agency f * â€" f sicht inch m 7 o‘slock yes. | fnotory, wit prews | 3 ane foot eight hï¬ll'n,zuluk m‘m i *\ Mutual Life Insurance C0‘y., mwuwm the Ciiy En .'l--r‘. HFRTFORD, CONN : Avenue Sewer, -Mb&ml-‘.‘} 6 wnfuusnuinge | water ceased to come into the g"‘:‘ f Assure _ â€" . . _â€" â€"* _ 400008 thag way. The Rast Bt. Louis & | B00% end , _ | DarosuratOrrawa â€" 0+ _ * 1 o.-u: *‘MK d t tstablit hed fo ..u."'.‘::#l::’.'.‘.- "the “&ï¬dhdï¬. One foot “ mione t pedparoino e suplicn water wi lzn 2 Bt, Louls |JN®) «wene Agoncy « ““ h \:,::::“n.tnm .,g:’:‘..’-’,“a%-g:. 5 iEmnnqa:mï¬l: #w m:lig:m R w | id PSE WR ressrenore asd axportenens W\ The mmyor is ‘acoriing Rimecit in every , it is subpo No. 17 NSparks Street, Near Russell House, Maro® 46, 1874 HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! . HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVESLL =| HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACES 111 THOMAS SIHORE & WMPANY, {Succossors to LKE & THOMPSON.} Heg leave to call the attention of the Public to :lkl::; ::r;o und varied assortment ot all deseripâ€" which they are offering to the Public at !! o low» cst rates, . They have aiso m&d Tag Enddiet Trunks,. Vanmon Ravohely tiigs, ‘\Almhl:.l evoryth l::( lan' their line of business, . UALLAND KX \AMINEBTOOK, Repairing ueatly and Noug but the bait Wwork i Bawa, welting, I° Packt Â¥Files reâ€"cut, 3 oo Tniatars Sthadard overtiorn #ud GROCKRIKA, WINLS, LIQUORS, PROVIY« 10N8, £TO;, ETOC., BLYTH & KERR‘SY. “WI‘ Yalves, fllr- Tunlpl, Also, w" y ‘0t the abose aAB‘ Li@at ho * COMPAN Y , &o. OTTAWA, SATUORDAY, JULY 10, 1875. CoaAL OIL _ COOKING STOVES, Liberal advances made on comsignments. J. H. SEA ‘ HN"“PI(..& Im porter, 0... Bt, Potor At., AVOIDING HEAT 1N THE HOUSE, JAS. HARTY & Co., Merchants, Kingston. 0. J. CAMPEELL, Esg , Messrs Oampbe § H. MEADOWS & ( 35 Bussex Uttawa, April ;1th, 1876, THE "DOMESTIC" IRON, <ol e » Are offering General G Wines And Liquor® C vousdalyy; m:on.w * make room for theic Rpring Stock:* ‘ 5 ibs. of sound Ten for $1.60, value Warâ€" ranleed, @l8o, a~ redurtion on n:u‘t 10 lbs, of upv-!:}l a reuuttion on No, Werrings from 60 ct», to to quantity, or N%hl’ L tion of ‘l.‘b rer « Couâ€" fisb, in large bags, m-"Fu ) lus. per Western Apples an A «iso on all o: wilch nro sellivg: at a reauction for UAB E. HOTEL CARVING TABLES! | HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! IIIGH â€"WINES, ~â€"â€"â€" PROOF AND RYE, FINE AND COARSE 10BACCOS, PICKLES, BALL BLUE Distillery, Alph. J. Steers & C#. COMPLETE IRONS IN ONE. ‘ 2 drohs With® reforenons anid expertence, Â¥ * ‘mnsouomm‘ ANY SIZES of the aboye, supplied to order by _ > : )nA Hardware, &t. STAROH, RICK, RAISINS, | CURRKANTS, NUTH, CIGARS, PAILA xes, Judson‘s Standard u'unrm' au “"‘-’.‘.‘.‘.‘-‘.“L..‘(:‘ ver, Btoam P Baskerville & Bros., No. 36, Rideau St., Ottawa, OUSEK EEPERS, SsAVING FUEL ~ANDâ€" ASHFIELDS Urockery Btore, RUSSELL HOUSE BLOOK, [pposite Sappers Bridge.) | OTTAWA, ONT. Commission Merchants, w mgn{ O f mm @Grocers. =»DEALERS INâ€" â€"â€" W HOLESALR rtbtum and Weais Colebrated soLp Low. * THOMAS BASKERVILLE b4 + “'â€a % K1TBâ€"In. @-‘uuu.& TheTuneral will take plage on Bunday (toâ€" morrow] from his late residence, Gioucester Btree!t, Lower Town, at 3 o‘clock p. m. The different Mechanics‘ Rocietios of the city are requested to attend the funeral without further UHREE Frouch Compositors WANTED + _ ~ mat Ta®â€" * { . ; gove eauring orvicr, Lo Weilington Streot. The Hon. Edward Blake, Minister of Justice, has left for Murray Bay. The Hon. A. H. McKellar and Mr. Jawes YVoung, M.P., left for Toronto last night. < © : The Hon.J. Simpson, Senator and Préâ€" sident of the Ontario Bank, is at present on a visit to this city. Mr. John Lorn McDougall, M.P. for South Renfrew, is in town, and stopping at the Russell House. morning by boat for L‘Original. " Free Preas " and " Cit‘zon " Mr: McNab, M.P. for Glengarry, was in the city yesterday. He will leave this TELEGRAPHILIC. New Advertizements E"bWi!t New York. A Pleasant Surprise. Neaw Y July 9.â€"Mr. Beecher was ‘.‘.m::lï¬non leasant surprise yeaterday . at Puk-flll, farm by re« %nwhdvilit'ï¬om of oluumtdfln. Plyâ€" u&% andd Church n«ana g- The announced that the urch increased his to one bun:â€" dred thousand dollars ($1 ) for the Wm.: A.‘ Moore, aged (22, and Louis Degan, aged 18; both n-uhua Brook» lyn, were drowned while bathing at Coney Island on Monday. > * \Anbhaman Treatment of Indians. ‘ A letter from Handing MDOm m:ihhdwâ€"dqin the Herald, mismanagement of Indian stores in %muq-mz‘bdum contrac are 9 -u;umndm wmui:m.ï¬ to feed, are compelled to live on their kill game last winter. There was no issues for twentyâ€"five days cna.'no m for two months. ; Esttmated (Cost of the Tiltonâ€"Beocher The Evening Argus of in moede Aihow m«-m-u&“:d“ o;::;." :1'25'6.'0. Beecher aggre Beecher‘s expenses have not been less The Hon. M. Geoffrion has returned to Euoc o O e dn n C CR than $7,500, while Tilton is out of pocket T100 _ . Moxtzorcro, N. H., July 9.â€"The execuâ€" tion of Mac Brown for the murder ‘of 8. G. Carr, takes place today at 8 am.. A mmdh- assembled from all dir= ‘The wife and child of the doomed man remained .llnlï¬atwlthfll and will stay beside him till the last BT. LOUIS. _ _ Deoath of General Frauk P. Blair. Br. Lovie, July 9.â€"General Frank Wu‘zunwum% ed by his family and a few intiâ€" mate friends. He has been in a very low To French Compositors. candition for several months, . Under bleod transfusing treatment he grow stronger and improved, .During the past few days he has taken frequent rides, and ow yutm: he walked down stairs. His death came suddenly, and will astonish wbtapih i haiie n ons o 8 come ...mfl.m Ma'*ni:’nbak y:: :-ds Tlaye .:!:llhudtbo E mm.t g:’\)m- Avenue Sewer, so that for the time g water ceased to come into the thag way.. The Rast Bt. Louis & vents so far a volume of weter rising into that part of the city. One foot water will force 2 Bt. Louls The r:nbtht a rise of 'QE: a quarter will lot water in. ‘The mayor is exerting himself in every , * i8 8* to tm | ~Rev. l&'fl&-fl',m' t5Y e reo thak line be our city was a listle more elevated. lately AM L R 1 U AN. F OR E I G N !ATION : wanted ‘a young Beotchman years ufage. Active, intelligent, und CUottage to Let. * Left for New York. 1axsrowx, July 9.â€"The The Hon.Mr.Cartwright is expeotâ€" A Cook and Housemaid. & Residenceon Btewâ€" 0. no“wnu. EABST ‘@T. LOUIS. friends who had hopes of his NEW YORK fl!fl‘. 2- MEREREDITH , Augusta tt. fenuin‘s "“â€"&â€""'7';â€â€˜ he sent his wile Reevartte e it Fadar in |the mates abousthroe m exerting himself in every , n«"mm of p‘ease copy, mere Cmes. the »paith ic aine foeamizee m bottom of the sewer, and submerged in the filth. â€" On after it had Mm,Mmmmw beyond doubt, that the remains were those â€" of Hflw Albany Express robber, who had Maï¬uufl from the cotridors of the jail i ons en in o 1 soing [ ons nndoui’ui.h upon a skeleton of a man lying at the a‘ mh the sewer and out at its e rng venne & theames . 1 is nabigmal: m Daring Attempt at Robberyâ€"Markets. Cu1oa00, July 9.â€"At 12 this morning w!m:lh.cl'u-hlinï¬-mn_m.houu,on1 mvmmmmw. stand at a lonely watering in Clark County, Ia., two of a bend of robbers boarded the locomotive, killed the mr, detached the locomotive and ‘ express car from the rest of the train, and. ran theim‘ out some distance, and thcntriedto,nh an entrance into the express car, ‘The }nc..:.u.wbohdloohdhimdt‘intho car barricaded the doors, defied the umwmmwrdu:n robbers, fired shots through dnllduol'flncn,mhd to gain an entrance. mummmm umdde:dnd uC to the scene of attempt mbbuz, on &rriv © ing there the scoundrels fled. This: is considered one of the niost Jangerous points on the road for such work. a â€" The advance on wheat and corn during \tho last three days has had the effect of dimlnilhin‘ deiaand shipments, although lake freights are easier, and a large amount of room is ready. Only. four of grain were taken.. Wheat wunmowud,thï¬onipudm muuw.tflmflpm&m the latest reports showed a quicter feelâ€" 212 Pudtat [d s aciy ie ae hiecd Tim, and gold bantess are arriving daily on the way to that MONTREAL. Jacques Cartier Bankâ€"Theftâ€"Spurfous Walker removed with his family to this city from Toronto, and took up his resiâ€" dence a# the corner of St. Antoine and Chatham streets in which the mechanics were still working. ° On the 28th ult., to -mmhunxnmrm:idyl' for many yun,ndm_m:ly ued on that account, were from one of the bed rooms. ‘The police were notified and on mt um baon wirkng if up oneenines case, it up ever were still 'orkln‘tmon the, 20th ult,, to mï¬h.-' -M';i‘fb :lmm‘: 3: w-. On Wednesday last he sucâ€" 9 hï¬â€œâ€œ"%m a Miso thier, a youn -Mbvh-!)olwiorn:rqh( addresses, and in the â€" course of conversa tion learned that she had recejved from hhth:nrï¬du rhg,whhhv- pro duced uï¬d y the detective as one of those ig. ~ Delaurier‘s resi tractor, Mr. Delaurier,of Canal street, and one of those missing. ‘ Delaurier‘s yesl dence was nn-rnn'ï¬ searched and the other valuables found in his bedâ€"roow. It appears that He obtained egress to Mr . open window by means of a ladder. HMe has been arreated. = A quantity of counterfeit silyer has beon in circulation in this city. _ â€" _ _ © Montresl vs. Shamrocks.â€"At the 11â€" crosse match yesterday the crowd behuv «I in a most outragous manner. The Gazefte says the polh:ynn_d‘ht as well hove been replaced by as many posts. A quantity of an..iud goods ‘was # “‘“h' 100 bris extra at l $4.95;° 100 extra at m strong bakers‘ at .gu.“la)__uprin; extra a Piab superine, i4 0) ‘l‘h‘n' no ohu.o;. ‘There ‘is mno change to note in the money market. 'Ihouhrhdn{": stock loans Mï¬lw some amounts have been k B‘-lhnx- change is dull at 109} to 109§} for k ‘.ixtynyulhhnpdmh. There was only a very moderate amount of and there is little change in prices. “x:'rmm'-v-ulld-ï¬ly firmer. _ Monâ€" treal at 187 to 1874 : Merchant‘s 102} to 1021 ; Exchange 99) to 100 ; Comâ€" merce 128} to 129 ; Royal Canadian, 884 was . o:l’{":"nâ€"q moderate amount of activity in the Stook Market this mornâ€" to 89 ; Teleg: Cartior, 40 to ‘ Toromto, July 9.â€"McKay, who said he was a commercial traveller from Hamilâ€" ton, took two fashionably «dressed women out for a drive yesterday, but as he refusâ€" ad to pay eight dollars cab fare, he was A short time ago a gentleman named xi to % doliars caD Tare, NO WWs i.mflz:mmmmnwu marning and fined twenty dollers. _ _ The York Pionesrs intend uww annual picâ€"nic at Queenston te on Miw of the Battle of Aundy‘s ~‘ Two men, naned John Riely and Wm. Newman ‘the ground. Loss upwar | fatseane oaly $2500,. .A bout s woome .pm.m_ml;’l’i::ntdï¬o‘ ‘ Ernest â€" Maison, m proprietor of a gootud Shoe Htore on King streoet, has absconded. During the last few days he managed to sell most of his ‘stock, and he made several purchases of ‘%&,hvbflhmflnfl iapvears he sent !h wife and: fausily to oiWincdidecoated MBC Dutatater nr on APtater vor ob bapietcteantend reapetcin little of eight years, into ‘:lud podg‘o:olmc.m, -‘:5 there attempted commit t ,.,.wb,m_amm-g« after » long chase, and lodged last night ,hNa}"‘m,wnmptmnflyd& .omingï¬qn.dougurompoby.u ting through a stove pipe hole only fourâ€" teen inches in diameter into an dl,onua.(h'hbtdw&b got into street. Riely has a ‘ 8. Johnson‘ factory in Yorkâ€" ville was dnmlnun-dy |burtunmnht0ï¬u‘°m°' water and delay in giving the alarm the | fhctory, with its contents, were burned to Toncsl oo deciges Iuoy ware chught pected their designs. They were caught _ ‘Rev. David Mitchell, of a hk C4gem ons on tho prmormen St ms CA N A D J A N Pss _ Skeleton Found. the market closed steady. TORONTO h, 157 to 158 ; Jaoques ipping i io Nes rioe esd t t + Toronto Presbytery has been called for him as a member of the United Church, and he will hEn bis labours on Sunday next, though induction will not take place until next week. Roulean Unscatedâ€" Runaway and Aoci« c;dentâ€"A Doserted Shijp at Sen. QueBeo, July 8.â€"Judgment was given in the Court of Review uth'mdg‘:g the petition crhuu& return d‘li.' Rouleau, M.P. for the gounty of â€"Dorches Bur,-to the Hounoto'?mm n.ï¬â€˜ hoursiJudges:Casault, " aâ€"chereaun Tessier were of opinion.'u.u Mr. Rouleau: was not legally entilled to his seat, owihg‘ to corruption practised: by Lhis agents in tioner,. as d (:rpount of the .unseated member, was disqualified ‘ for election ‘du« the present ‘Parlisment of Can@da ‘A home beluugleg to. Me, Jan. Hossagk horee o remopls m onte detnation in a fur rate & , éâ€h:?fl? The driver, car, an ve ; T oke oue of.the wintows, ant All but _ Captain Roberts, of the ship Mmon;{ ab thi #cnflnnmi ports on the 19th :u‘:: iq'hfl'&ulel ,“.lon;. h:??°wniu. passed under of the Norw: barque Rayale, :lmmhl. with Gu:‘.:ln main masts and tizeu t« t carried away. ‘The vessel qipsrnlo be loaded. u::,'u painied black with a yetiow: rib and J.:: Hgureâ€"head. There were houses on and a »mall topâ€"gallant forecastle. There sov ¢ ck ; a ound the cabin Imhlhli anchorsâ€"gone from the forecastle and a rope line over each bow ; all the buiwarks :nd -.&::iqhiou standing ; the decks quite AY, no chafing appeared on either side to mark a collision. The wind was killed one of the horses. A gentleman seated in the car bhad a narrow escape, it:n.y,hlï¬uunul;,noaindnom Karly on Tuesday morni~g two ronghs were discoyered in St. Itoch maltreating a MM'Mmflflom to extort money the pretence that they werse detectives, and would arrest him if the funds were not forthcoming. N.B.W,, fresh, with a threatening appear ance, and night coming on the Captiain did not consider it prudent to go.on board No one was seen on her. BDead Drownedâ€"Crops, &¢ ¢ Haurix, July 8.â€"Edwar i, the only sou of the late Hon. Edward Whalen, was lot; by ti:p e ti cb.f‘l wo-b,un upsetting of a &A squall. Four other boys ':;emcuod. 4 in the western counties thol‘rom the hay crop, it is thought, will be 'th:“‘nm while other crops promise Dr, Campbell, M. Pâ€" P. for Inverness, has been appoinied Immiigratio‘ Agent "‘The schooner W,. 4. Starr was taken on the marine slip toâ€"day, the water having been pumped out of her. r ‘‘Nteamer Hibern‘a, from Liv al, "arâ€" rived at St. John'h Nnbumd, to: duy at 11.30, and will be due here Saturâ€" day afternoon. has been & ied Immigralio ; . for Nova Bmua Mr. Deubnhgq Hoonsuaca, July9.â€"Mr. Beaubien is re clected by 349 majority. Mr. Micajah of Union county has rooontlyobuln&: patent for.ntp{:ut nufornvipï¬n‘unni: The machine an ingenious cont principles nmrely haw 10 Aordenuts. and which the ":“:a“&ommru-' or w neviger solv air na tios. The body of the machine inâ€" shape nn.hluud-muhhd- ed to be by kinds of Aevices, wiuge and pwidle wheels, both to be simultaneously operated through the io mrapnanoaet wi i s machinery, the m'mu'u an upward and downward in the manner of the wings of a bird, their outer ends yimldâ€" iug-m&y are but opening out, and then remaining while being «deâ€" pressed. â€"The wings, if desired, may be nuunudonuh-m forward as well as to raise the in â€" the air. The padidle wheels are intended to be used for propeliing the machine in the same way that ‘a yessel is propelied on water.. _ An. instrument answering the tudder is aitached for guiding the maâ€" .h.uh:a::al,bonu to be used h‘:l; v a " after which wb;l:zuldodflo:?aduuï¬opbo‘ ure of the occupants, â€" Mr. Dyer has been studying the subject of <air navigation for thir‘y yaars, and has tried yarious experi mr:luht:niu vhat hu:.,ma-uum took: #n eagle hhgnodd. and has sonstructed his machine “bwh:“ pattern as negrly as cunnqhouhgbdm.byoflpuut he himeelf has the most unshaken faith hillnnu-,.;ndhlndy,-.n-utbo machine can be constructed, to board the ship and commit himself to the wind. A few days ago the graves of Mr. and w&u ‘h:‘ ;lw-linaw:‘ dfln‘a-rin‘ -dmh.dnrmnm to anothar eighteen years, while the body of the husâ€" band was committed wt&.:‘“ brqo-' three years ago. . Owing length time which has elapsed, it was not autiâ€" cipated that, anything more than dust Www pobliice o(thonh ‘ y e surprise uwmwod“hmï¬:?h: was over y years at time of _ her.. decsease, ht...body was found as perfectly: preserved and the features as natural as on the dey of her butial. . Her hair was of considerable length, but the‘inast vestige of her grs oliee: han Uimpporred, lenving‘s old One hoy was killed and two wounded in Bradford by the blowing down of the Thursday of last week. A Ship with Wings and Paddics. yrom the Gainesvilie, Ga., Eag‘e PotriGéd Bodies in Maine Mr. Beaubien Elected, From the Hangor HOCHELACA: QUeEBEC. HALIFAX. Wintz Mr, A. Jones, late of Whittleâ€" sev. (h-whm., schoolmaster, who went to Canads under the omre of the Union, writes as follows to Mr. B. Taylor, tbow;'n-ident:â€" «"X»® * * Teronto, April 27. 1875. "Dmar Siz. On Monday and Friday bt,.by‘:ho kind md Mr, Dowâ€" aldsou, Toronto ion Agent of the Dominion Government, I witnessed the % of over 400 -m byh“udb-# Of these the Hibernian brought 320, who the previous evenin Large numbers of written applications for at the office from almost every town and village in . Western Canade, #nd . by, 10:30 on Monday morning pne hundred and fifty persons were clis of. ut the day farmers .,T.f“"mfl.’l‘.m %..; Sotthe es were continually arriv -?l"dquthp The pv%muhu‘o“m #15, or £8 2s. 6d. a month, with board, we.; married men hired for the year, boum gordss, anc‘s uoarte of an nomn fhnlmtluo,u'm .’l':-d pasture for a cow. A farmer will in most bases. nell his labourer a good milch cow for $25 or avout«£6, and deduct the amount tn.-wh--muï¬o end of the year. . As provisions in the rural districts of this country do not cost, taking ‘one %hgmhm,.rflu.:n&.h ngiand, labourers, if frugal temper mie, can both live well and â€"save money here. If married, and his wife has any timg wh:pll! wmw'::-*m ur~ ties, she can = ment as a charwoman at hdfm (2s 1d.) a«day, and board.â€"In fact the demand for women of this class in 't villages and rural portions of On{asio is greatly ahead of the "In some \uuhnngg_nh-d__ & had daily «:'rfl-l'otnwnt-uhh“t I wish that some of tho badly paid needieâ€" women of the large cities of England sould share in the wdlâ€"m&dh work. o bd.nowg:::ld noodod.FmTho nrvnh:: y coun who came out in the HM-:LM matian had no need to leave Toronto in. uest of service. They were eagerly ch Wt&w girls of their are geiting in England. By 2 p.m. the Qw&dr arrival, none remained and many apâ€" plicants for female servents for Toronto, as well as other places, had to go away disappointed. ‘The wages obtained at the emigration depot in ‘Toronto are much the same as those I find paid in the counties of â€" Carleton, Frontenac, Poterborough, Bryant, and York, the rural porâ€" tions of which I have lately taken a someâ€" what If:dmw M,&g in small vilâ€" muuonfl :lmf:u b“hbâ€' d umnmdnnv:'brhaho is now auple employment in the public works, their wives and daughters oan be employed at high wages and in far larger ‘ numbers than _ are mt . all likely to come for a long time. The «te hard times in the States have supplied :ohnoq ihch-d(hndu"im winter A “""k""’l" American is a drawback in many trades, as ces sation froimn work it enforces eats up the profits madle in the summer, As to the trestment of the emigrants during the voyage, and ut the mm_l questioned a great many, r ‘&MNM&MM food and accommod«tion on the Allan steame ors, and the treatment‘ at the ‘Toronto baths, &o., are also in m, and the depot own railway platform, emigrants be toall depot leaves :ml h“bo desired. food is Wm&ud vost, for y-duhstnnn.mdhum cases, where necessary, lor even a longer L per but ing in contact with nmm mï¬mm-;u prea. 'mm by Mr. J. Donaidson, T k he occupies." hoacareer " ©aud it maiiiueg Dobate in the British Mouse of oe, Saed Hamiion; uider Seorelary ‘of noon, an Btate for lmuw:pllluuxm: MM% io the between Great udlm-‘k:-fl the earlier matters h&do hed Mymlh-uh‘ Mr, Morganey, the Governâ€" ment‘s instructing that the King of Burâ€" opps tevigh Buroahs but Tasd Hanit ‘m“::ï¬ rifl.d-lo&o-n‘ 'v.bumum "at Mr. Disracli made a statement: in reâ€" ward to the contemplated visit of the jvtluwed that the ustwm OTmaAaking cereâ€" mhlm-ud-n be yet the must be placed in a tion to exercise generosity ‘and display . â€" 1t would, ho#wever, be uw es Ritkiat Igees esn for India on the 17 dnmr.udhb Â¥isit will last for six months, The expenâ€" ditare to insure \bmqm dignity would be $750,000.‘ Mscdonald, Prince of Wales to India. He said a gront sinply suiteble for a visit to the polâ€" mhmfduhhflmh.m O‘Conmor Power, Burt and Peter Fowler made speschées protes‘ing against the “Oz:h lst of J-ub:npouâ€"-: sumimer up <os morane tok o+ hn aige thake pant soo we Frinke o Wrlea‘ heip | The the 15th inst. oo e o the morning at 5:30. At 7 he says mase inh:,duuaï¬usm.m‘ fast of a oup of with an egy in it and a cup of poffee. At 10 he receives Candlaal ‘antdbally and at 11 givee im vate and public audiences. At 2 lie dines lightly cay of boiled beef or a /rit tura, u-n(ï¬ovflovhfl: the T inAH-“.“ nohk-: p natil private library. & 10 his valet asks his benediction and bids him good night. Until the lst of Decemâ€" ber this system of life is not changed, »xcept through sickness. *That destruction ‘of in the fpirus still goes on, but, m,u _oaer is one old bnum‘fï¬ or sahot Jba» a new brigand makes his appesrance on the acene, a~d )* fl‘"h“ «1 ) Lrignndage are ds as quickly they ano mule. A celebrated Liandj| Gomerra, was killed by h Ali Pasha‘s troops about three weekse and his followers, tweive in uumber, were taken prisoners. HWis peouliar «l uraotér istic was a habit of murdering hi vietimé on very slight provocation. â€" Less thas V '-', W‘ r_ C CA% three months h-rh“ wn:.“m"éu d_‘m two merchants with whom be was uBANC to come to terms as to the armount 6t theit PRICE 3 CENTS. A Letter from COanada INDIAN APFAIRS Loxpox, July 8