int. CIETY, roof and £, capâ€" and owa Nurseries at 3 * of Quebes, has 6# ‘m w"- ?. Hotel, O A L CRES, autial roof that laste ihem there. 1t flls l not affect it a fow 1 by QTTAW A, HALT | . ‘is sivte be made : better, _ and i=stt® gilng. This patut UBS, &c. uls, ei of tis, iron, feit, ; it & ensity appited f.' adl â€"' is to tw Ave of ord tuoed Luet W liers McRaWl, _ ¢ «i al the differemnt Mo N D, CASSBRLS Treasarer ew York. se whose copy ouf EA\â€"STF tock book wil e e > buy amie giveil. , Toromto. . SMeH icate Lhe ecteeme mentoned thek « EKxchaoga, At )RONTO Jubility, whicim Lh« jay ment of The ~int is ex Cl amounts to «. aod real proâ€" ich is abscluteâ€" other inlerests lunual revenide N oR IRON 1875. siness parts Bathroome, V a NAG B as Doran‘y i. Tne Deâ€" yars, &a he Hank of xiation as a View of -.Q 1, Kagq {TRADE MARK REGISTERED.] « VICTORIA CBAMBERS, WELLINGTON STREET, OTTAWA. dudd tha ce is d ors Karristers O Harristers and Atiorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Seli+ ciiors, Conveyancers, &c., 0O PRNAILLON & CHRYSLER, Barristers and \llur-o‘{“hl aw, Soliecd tors in Cha scery, Netwrics, a ce Bafrrister J t :-rrl-urr-. Aitorneys, Seolici@@es, Conâ€" veyancers, &c., â€" 'ï¬.r;i-d'-'-;.(llrunoy. Solicttor in Chan cery, &e., for h Previnte of ORLaNO. Street, t | __ Provincial Land Surveyor and ww!. i. Thistle & Co. Office, as former‘y, over Mann‘s Hardware "Hrore. * 3si0=u (ity of OTTA W A Homwepathic Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Utta wi, t cester Muy be “'Il.l W . Pbysician, Day Office â€"8 Night Offic« â€"Al‘ eatre Tow! , Cancers em ed Wi a rew but cer m is process. . lie(e esfuily Wealed i( F. MELNDL bas opened out, as a Merchan! Tajlor and Outitter, on Eigin st., opposite th FPost Office. . Firstâ€"ciase goods always on band Bd satistaction guaranteed. C in fetiring from the practice of my professiOn, 1 buve lefl with my former Assistant, Mr. A. F. CUTTUN, my tvians and RKecords of murveys in Uliawa and ncmuf and have much pleasure in recommeiuding him as my sucâ€" YOL BHarrister, Aitorney, Solicitors, &c., PLNMEY, CHRISTIE & HIELL Mn khas opuugd w OFFiCEâ€"No, loel, Otta wa, < G1BBS & COURSOLLE, BULICITORS OF P HOT OGRAPHE R ceTr. sTEWART & GoRMEU LLY c«isters, Solicitors, Attorneys, Coun veynucers, Notaries, &0., &¢., Mreâ€"ucl‘s Llock, oppese Russell House Patents of Invention, Te w n [EW Tailoring Establishment. Hartisters, Aiterneys, Seltcitors, touveynncers, &¢., von NOR & MHout Harrister, Atiorney, Notary, &« coxNoR & ‘DonHERTY, LUMBER AND CoMMISsfoN M®RCRANT HOMAS P. FPORAN, w. W. WARD R. 1.046 A N BR TUPPEER R. J. D K. MACDONELL, ETHUER F. COTTON, Â¥. H. FERLAND, sHcedical Cards. P ATENTS. W. P.COUTLEE, B.t MRusinuess Cards. ALKEEK, CASSELS & PENNOCK, ARCH AMBAULT 4, TX 1. FAYLOR & Co I 1LAMBERT Notary Public and Advocate, lenee C. W. MacCU AIG Barrister, Advecate MARSHAL MATHESON, Ha J A R V 1| 8. Advocate, Solicitor, &C 11X MOseROVE, 69, SPARKS STREET. conveyancer, .« 1e <mncery . Solicitors, Attorneys and vouveyancers, &c., £1] Oflicial Assignee wWoob, Surgeon and Acconchear OT al C€ards [II. NO. 3917. JA..NVIS & A NJ i8 . ) W. K. THISTLE 1. O°DOMERT MONT EEA St. H farl« SUFr Sol cltor 38i6â€"1im fe Stt Zoily Â¥totels. CLISBY â€" HoUSE, Comer af Elgin & Wellington Sts. SECOND TO NONEIN TME DoMmINION pr t The @bove popuiar Reutatrant has been eularged by the wcdition of sey:ral +pucious and well funisned rooms on the leeoml -x‘? u'l'hc fAvest Luncheon acd Dining m the city. Uendemen honoring this Establishm enrt With their patronage may rely on strict attention being paid to heir orders. u-tm Wines and Cigars >( the best quality. Luncheon served at all boursâ€" 1ts ecmmand opp. site the MagnifGicently A Luncheon will bo Provided in the European Style. Friday next, 13th Inst. w her The Dufferin House, The Royal Oak Hotel, Choic, st Wines, Liquors, Cigars 18735. ~_ 1875. Caledonia Springs. loyful Tidings to Thousanis. *C‘‘"\ HAIRDRESSER l)yl‘vpuln. D>crangenit nt of the Digestive Orâ€" ganâ€", Dropsy, Diseases of the Mkin, Affectious of the Liver and Urinary Organs nre positively eured by using the water for a few weeks. &0., &0. &c¢. Eass‘ Pale Ale and Guiness‘ Extra Stout Ridean Street. TESTIMONIALS, +‘ Montreal, 8th July, 1876. " 1 hereby eomg that 1 entertain a very favorabie opinion the baths and Waters of e Caledovia Hprings in many forms of disease, among which i wouid especialiy . mention chronic Mbeumatizm, the Signelac of Gout, Nmnlonl;,noncol the varieties o Culaneous disease, spepsiz, Chi rosis, and in carefuily serected cases, some of the diseasos of the Kidâ€" very day, (Sunday excepted) fr P andreds of Rbeumatics have been cured by the Suipbur Haths. Suflering is alleviated by the lirst, and eripries throw away their crutches afer abou: haifâ€" aâ€"dozen baths. > Uhe Proprietor ho c# By ; nd procuring the se rÂ¥i® :s ney Dr. Wm. RKobertson, of Montreal, wrote as h,m,'b’g. 1§3} ;â€"â€"*But the disease above all im whi the action of the water is most deci« ded is Rheumatism. _ * _ * _* _1 have kuown a few individuals who suffered much from improper use of mercury who were re« modw:-imbylhou.olmm naj Emm PCP P ow m for the accommodation of visitors, The giounds have been improved and beautified, und every means for aruusement and exercise m-nhhd. The trip thither by the Oltawa ver isâ€"most cqhg‘bh. and a rairoad from monnrwmeb‘mnphmmdoon- struction. Until raillrdéad is built, comâ€" fortable carriages will be in waiting at the :nn for the mmfl: ‘o.f visitors to the rmm. The distance e swn? from ontreal and Ottawa respectively is 6 and 50 Mr. W. CHAMPNESS will open a good Liv» A magnificent new hotel, Capahi® o« ACCOMâ€" modating 300 guests, wili be opened on J une 1st Corner Bank and Wollington sts. ULPH U &, Your ca TE RESTAURANT WILL BE Ol mt o Oe e o oa dn o t â€" B rad .&'mo@'" wa ie 3 ANaDEAN WATRBRS of these Sprir will yet make Caiadonia the greatest res it in the world for health and seok« 18. ‘Thousands of testimomais t be procured, but the reputation of the Springs renders it.unâ€" necessary to do so. FR Invalids ! Attention | J ul y ""ls u‘m 00 wh, 1 196. PORIT view THE "LONDON," tawn, August Rheumatics! Read! JVHN KENLY, Ho OHALKER, d PA G RA H A M Al.Q3ION â€" HAHOTEL tpeuse or Transisnt Guests. .. .. . .... .$2.50 per day, Wellington Street, near *Bank. By ime Weok. By be Mouth ED FOOK Mb J UV ENATING _ WATiHS so mnc sought for in years long past The Elysinm of the Invalid is again open lence at the Bprings during the season, and ; be con ulted al ADY time, s ..:: Firstâ€"Class Private Iy it Meals nt all Hours. hoicost Wines o Lk peh ACCUMMOUATIONS, Hotel is weil supplied with the Eo GOVERNMENT Work SUoPS vurt House Avente ALWAY3 ON HAND, y Fiited up‘ Bar this side of New York, OTTAW A, Ont, i from the Cars and 1 the public ge Ix 6. LETCH, ‘}‘ropnto:n râ€" busi tuation being immediately romont Bulldings, with a Mtawa: River, aud in a Iine e with many other advanâ€" 8 A L1N B and G A 8 near Sapper‘s Bridge,] procured may t esarasense en sns DUF o JA8.°A, GOULIN & co, | & d | i/ _ h l & s i | L h / (@n n d® \ditc(y ® R _/ “A- j “_. | j 4eA stt saniy o 31 3/ + s . w NSR AH 2 iï¬ c ; a» fe4 dA $# }, cR .“53‘.- 6"A xi.xp'fl' HNOC C * t igh 1y make it Bar J. HENRY, Proprietor y informed o Nt q Mr ed with the choicest ete. olicited. many other advanâ€" the best situated in far the comfor wg community Ix s after being renoâ€" (.r the comfortand C support from erally, Proprietor, Hotel. il supervision, te and attonâ€" terstand Their m kept ou the pre m ises, Manager «Popri Hoat . free 3784 that the HOUSK, CLISBY $909â€"3in 1 Mait btained ven till | be D 1 uum:ut'munum WILKINS MoCUAIG of the l?ltx Wtiawa, OfMfcial ml'“" have been appolnted Assignee in this , and the Creditors @re notified to file their olaims before me, and to meet at my Office, §;arks Ntreet, in (the City of Ottawa aforesaid, on TUESDAY the seyenth duy of BEPTENMBER, a ly A. D., 1870, at ten o"eiock in the forencon, for the public examination of the Insoivent and the or ‘erlu‘, of the aff«irs of the state generâ€" Insolvent Act of 1869. In the matter of JAMES WELLINGTON DUFFY, of the City of Ottawa, County of Carletor} Tobabconist, an Insolvent, The wbove Insoivent has made an assign. ment of )8 Estate to me, and the Creditors are Datod at th¢ City of Ottawa, this _ weventh/day of August, A, D. 1875 In the matter of HELMEN iGLLDE ARCH A M+ BHAULT, Dry uoods Merchant, OLlaWa, an Insolvent. The aboveflnsolvent has made an Assignu onl‘ of his Kstate to me, and the Oreditors are horeâ€" by notifled to meet at his place of business St Andrew Street, Corner of Cumberland in the said City, on Tllhfll).\v, the 3ist day of AUGâ€"+ UST, A. 0. 1875, at ten ofeluck in the forencon, to receive sbatement of his affairs and to appomt an A: signoé. R. C. W. MoCUA!G, -m&c: North Gower, in the CONARy of LBTEITUT in Provinee of Ontario, in the Dominion of Canada, being composed of the undivided one uu!ol.rlol’n jot number twenty in the Fourth Concession of the said Township of T se oik wa" thar in Te commencing va as w®, say, the northern limi! of the allowance ror Fond between lots num bers “..3 and twentyâ€"one, in said Fourth Concesslon, the distance of sixz‘am feet from the south east angle ol-kl num ber w.:n + no& thence south sixtyâ€"six degrees we xou porthern limit of said allowance for road, one chain and fiity links from thence north thirty» six degrees west, one chain and links froma thence north, sixtyâ€"six degrees east, one chain EoooE en mm o LCs and fifly links from uunoomthmthh'ylu degrees east, one chainand to the place of beâ€" Insolvent Act of 1869. notifl d to meet at my office, Russell House Block, on THURSPAY, the 2th DAY OF A UG UNT next, at Two U‘Qlock in the Afternoon, to receive statement of his affairs, and to ap» potut an Assignee. y R. C. W. MeCUAIG, a â€"=â€"_____â€" Iuterim Assignee: Notlce is hercby given that under and by virture of the powers vested in me as .-I’no. ofthe estate and ellects of the above in« mlvcut‘ i will oGer for Sale by Public Auction, al‘; he fands and premises hereafter mentioned, in the Township}f North Gower, in the County of Carleton, at the hour of three o‘clock in the 202 2. 2." itg ail the esate, nighy title, an i er, A. 1. an interest Of the said Insoivent .ï¬: mysolf as ass ignee of this estate, in and to, all and sing» ular mt‘?rhlll';:uulummdml:ndlml pl‘.mim m, y and Nu Town» daipof North Gower, in the County of Carieton, In the matter of Dated at Oftawa this third day of August, A. D , 1875 gluning, containing by admeasuremebi i and one q-n-r:nu chains, be the sa: rh.ra:lluonmhmounu premises good repair and in running order, ‘Terms of sale cash. e Insolvent Act of 1869. Insolvent Act of 1869. | ated at Ottawa, thi: s‘xth Jday of August, A. 1. 1378 GROCERIES, WINEN, LIQUORS, PROVISâ€" 1qN3 £TO., ETC,, J. H. SEMPLE. Importer, &c., 53 8t. Peter 8t., Moatreai. & JAS. HARTY & Co., Merchants, Kingston, 0. J, CAMPBELL, Messrs Cam pbell â€"_ Cnssells, lhulorn.ï¬u' King Huu-m T. H. HARRISON. Liberal advances made on consignments. Are offeri General Urocu'lea Wines Aund Liquors :t unusually LOW PRICIG3, to , make room for their Spring Stook, 5 Ibe. ol’n.-'dd Ten for $1,60, vurmn:'u ranteed, Also, a uetion on Bl:l' € lbw, or upwards . & reduction on No, 1 Labrador terring» from & cts. to $1. mmm quanuty, or No, % Labrador 4 tion of $1.2 per bbi., dry Codâ€"fish, Conrse Male in large bags, Fine SHalt, 230 ibs. per , Good Western Apples and Unions, also on wil of which are selling at a reauction for CASH. HL1IGHâ€"WINES, 10BACCOS, PICKLES, BALL BLUE TO EXHIBITORS. ooo W. H, HILL, North Augusta, June #, 1875. & PUBLIC. NOTICE. Aumpomgbm anares Crockery, Glass Ware, an Electroâ€"Plated Ware, &c., From Gooderham and Worts Celebrated Distillery, SOLD LOW. ce s Soil 82, STARCH, RICE, RAISIN3S, CVRERANTS, NUTS, CIGARS, PAILS and BROOMS, also, Baskerville & Bros., No. 36, Rideau St., Ottawa, Alph. J. Steers & Co. Toronto OUSEK EEPERS, Ecogqal Hoatices. RUSSELL HOUSK BLOCK, {Opposite Happers Eridge,] OTTaAWA, ONT. Commission Merchants, PROOF AND RYE â€"â€"DEALERS INâ€" 1.='mmâ€=:: mï¬: BASKERVILLE BROS. rocteys. T. W. HILL, arks. Street. EY3 BLOOK) °* ~ R C. W. MeCUAL __ Assigneo t Interiâ€"« Assignee, t two in {ALAO, For harp‘s Safety Oil Cabinets, for all kinds of oll, fulds, &e,, all sizes from 5 to fl'wnml. neat." cbeap and‘ durableâ€"will save their own price in oll. in a short time. _ _ s _ Pleasoleave your order®. Agents wanted w canvash. Amvry at w ies ASHEFIELDS Crockery Store, _‘ _ . f Duke Street. _A combined smoothing gloesing, floting and erimping IRON, a great wnum-mvlu‘ maâ€" ehine and one ‘bat should be in every + and â€"no doubt will be when sceen, at ABHâ€" FIELI® Oroakery and Glassware Store, sole agent for City and Counties. CALDWELL & CO, â€" â€" Mansgors. HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL CARVING TABLESI! HOTEL PASTRY OVENS1!! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! _ . HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES!! HOTEL HOT AJIR FURNACES 1 Mills‘. Supply Agency QrTawWA O8T., o No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel\ Houst. Marot 28, 1874 Statters &« Eucrricrs. HAT! HATS! HKATS! GREAT CHEAP SMALE AT A8STONISHINGLY â€"LOW PRICES ! * oP Folt, Silk and Straw Hats and Caps, \Waterproof Coats, Umbrellas, &¢., In order to éléar the Stock as soon a# possible 1 have decided to sell al} the assortment of Hats, Caps, 4¢, &6 cost for cash, . . #00sâ€"#m Haws, Be ®\ Packi Files ‘reâ€" W8, Jmn;. o l:ll.. ng, } out, UI'ldmunL Vaives, Stoam J »mp8, / Also, Agoney of the GLOBE GA."" LLGHT QUMPANY, &o. _ _ BLYTH & KERR‘S. H, MEADOWS4& CO,, 35 Sussex Sire Ottawa, April ;1th, 1875, # TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEh*X | SUN ~PROOF HATS, wll.l. be opened on‘ the 19th inst., in the New | Bubwiings, south sl4e .of Carlte® Bquare, FREE TO ALL M ALE A ND FKX A Li POPLLS w:‘g HAVE, PAFSED THE NaCkSARY EXAXIN« ATIO®N. 4 The Standard of Admis+jon to the Preparatory ouw been raise | to an equivolent with the 81d dn (the Public Schools, and. no. pupil will be adusited, who canactj ass such &n eXt Hats! Hats!! »Jats !!! $ FOR THE MILLION. 56 SPARKSâ€"ST., Opposito the British Lion Hotel. March 12, 1875, T Ottawa, Pth August, 1876 COAL OIL COOKING STOVES, AVOIOING HEAT IN THE HOUSE, in thec in t o0 en s nokarct be mm mmï¬ ons ons wmm’&flgm. Nospizitious sedyp ht 7 D. €. ROBERTSON, Wn.l."bc received b; the undersiyned § â€" until WEDNESDAY EVENLNG, . Lt | Ottawa, Aug, 9th,{1876, _ Free Press and Citizen Copy. H. HODGE 8. THE "DOMESTt!C". 4RON. JUST RECEIVED ALL THE NEW s STYLES FOR 1875, TTAWA ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to order by 1 OWNS END‘S DEVLIN‘S. Indian ~Helmsts â€"andâ€" Puggertes; 0. CO T E‘s, The Ottawa Collegiate Institute COMPLETE IRONS IN ONE Htardware, &t. S AVING FUEL MONTREAL AND OTTAWAâ€" TENDERS RIDEAV STREET, UNION BANK BLOCK. A, _ PRIDAY, AUGEST 13 , 1875 ALJ. SIZES, â€"ANDâ€" By ordér, pois oulibt gul beHRIM i beiterres nd AT DEVLIN‘S. JubniN PEN NXOUK, Becccuary, | $014â€"in Hecrgiary. 3874 Corner Wellington and Bank stroctsf Ottaws. llontlnï¬ of Publi¢ Butidings, Greon Houses, . ivate dence by high or low prossute, .l.mun and hot water n’ll ee‘nllu. 1 * tary of Publiq Works and endorsed * Tenâ€" der for Lock Gates," will be received at this Office until, npon of TU?BDAY, the twenty= fourth day of AUGUST, lmtaut.,{for the conâ€" struction ‘of ‘Gates for the Lock at L‘lslet Rapids, Allumette Island, River Oltawa. Plans aud specifications can be seen on application at this Office, or at the Lachine Canal Oflice, Montreal, on and after the FOURâ€" TEENTH instant, where printed forms of tenâ€" der can be obtained. & Department of Public Works, 1 F. BRAUN, Otlawa, 10th Aug , 1875, s Bee THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1875 Quoitsâ€"(Open to members only) lltdmxa, an elegaut silver cup. presented by His Grace the Duke of *ntherland, to be retained from mjmr&oyur by the wlnpcr;ax.d. ï¬.w. @ uâ€"mr'rlu, gol! med»1, $5), by Hon. Jas, Skead; 2nd, writivg dosk.$1200, by Smith St. Andrew‘s Society FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS in vatugble priges and pursés will be awarded neuml ol:upnmonm the:colebrated Cale~ donian sports The novel feature of " tilting al the ring" will be introduced for the first time in mmst.h.aome exoon%‘nt Iu':anonmh:hvr. sign! intention coun ng exciting Scottish pastime, â€" Doua]g-t"u' o' m t 'me inet rons * » l;u?;or ll),_l%wsllvc cup, * Mr. J. Standing Long 41 uiap=1it" nFikd. ‘Aoid smedal, Runsing Long Jumapâ€"lst vrize, $3; 2nd, Gross d by Mr. W. M. Somerville. 3%â€'?1(:337'« "'enll%;n-o'» (Hieats}= 9t Prigg; ks sn'v;eâ€"v;iiiil. Oâ€"'w? by Mr. J. P.‘ Robertson ; L4 â€"1st prize, stereor and sc t on ae Auanndtine uenvy“mooolun."fn-e. $10, by Major D. A. Ho;:“;:g;‘null‘!lai ï¬:.p.â€" prigo, $%: o P oging the Caberciel D. mp 9) a mode €/% 1 (VPPER OTTAWA.) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ___by br.J. A Grant; 2nd, $5, _ iufdiafnos 1st piige, $ioy tout g5. v.fl'&"’&‘.&.‘d tns" i’.-.bâ€"l;lv pnu', g10; Â¥nd, $ One .ï¬ mr?% medui, $3 by mengcirepre Roamertt Chane lhoeyl n}flaâ€"& 'E., $2, by Fook Bail fluouéâ€"lf"nn-: énam‘pion belt, givon by Mr. K. 0. Barber. The band of the Governorâ€"General‘s Foot Guards ‘wili play some nmm&\:hu selections of musig from the Grau« »d: durl g the gomes, Butherlaud‘s Quad ille Band has been uuulgfg to furnish daoe‘ng music.. The soâ€" ciety will also be in aitendance.. Refreshnients wil! be farnished by.Mr. J. H. P,. Gibson at reasonable rates. “(;inmn&' open at 11 a.m. Games begin u w (ioth o h0h Huguryor br mail previous 0 to unmlh ht P Tickets of Admission, 25 cts. Children, 10 ets.‘ Vehicles, 50 eots. J. A, GRANT, M.D., D. 0. ROBERTBON, Plidstiger. Heoretary, Before M. O‘Gara, P.M. Duncan Macdonald, charged with bein drunk and disorderly, was fined $5 n.ns costs. | James McConnell, charged with being drunk and sleeping on the street, was fined $2 and costs. s John ‘Porkinson was charged with asâ€" sanlting Thomas Ardie. A fine of $10 and costs was imposed. ‘Ann‘Johnson was charged with using insulting language to Ann Egan. A fine of $2 and costs was imposed. ©. «5+ New‘Advertisements. '-ï¬.dbnon_â€"_â€' Dunning, «drunk on the streets, was fined $3 and conts. ; Russecc Houss.â€"â€"W H Stubbs, Ottawa ; wifer Bobert Hall, J Sippell, 8 & Jaques, wi T6 & > aques, A C Burgess Ww 2 Morrhon,; A B Chatice, C E Lowis, F W Cowan, Montreal ; Lient. Col. Lewis Reid, Halifax;: N Arsinault and wife, Sorel ; James Ross, Wim Smith, Houelton,NY’; J Rogers and two sons, Brockville; T. McBerth, Dekalb Junoâ€" tion ; P. Croney, do; 0. Green, do; D Purcell, jr, Rensaeller Falls; Thomas W Rogers, Boston ; George Rryson, jr, and Tork Gooqp t Duisiiny atabantoriy OPK ; T Miss Lizsie Dunforth, Rochester; N Y ; W Campbell and wife; Eganville, Robert Grant and wife, Hamilton ; J H Bimmons, M Cass, F Thomson, Levis ; David Simms, Thurso ; W 8 Browne, Toronto ; HL Redâ€" head, Brookviltz; Robert Hunter, James Harrison, Smith‘s Falls. Wixpsor ‘House Azruivars.â€" D. Mcâ€" Adam, Montreal ; K. Kenn%'l‘aonw; Henry Wells, Cleveland, Ohio; A. B. Talk about puzzles, but here is fllom est yet heard of : Twomen, A and B, bought 100 acres at $100 per acre. Mrdd' w A took his share off the North & “8110&; while B took his share off the tmoat m%rm How much land did each get? How can the question be proved 7 Bend in your ‘ Gop sAvE THE QUEEN. Oltawa, Aug. 12, 1875 _ ._ Te Plumber, Gas and Steam Fittor, cottish â€" Gathering! n by P 4C . Champades . uo) 91. CULBUTE CANAL, OF OTTAWA, BAB Will b na% is on. BALL UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE a‘ls\ b*~ G R A N D HOTEL ARRIVALS. OPFP REFERENCES GIVEN POLICE COURT. PROGRAMME : Tuursvay, Aug. 12. By Order, 3917â€"3m 3916 6i though they be, indicate the élection of Mr., Baker by possibly a large majority. It is thought that the majority.given Mrâ€" Baker by the returns ‘received last night will be somewhat reduced when the acâ€" result is ascertained ; but it is conâ€" coded that his election is beyond doubt: We think it well to await full returns, however, before reforring ‘to the subject | at any length. School, is staying at Mrs, Joseph Brown‘s, City Hall Square. Mr. Crooks, Provincial Troasurer, it has been definitely decided, will run for South Oxford, which constituency was made vacant by the unseating of Mr. Adam Oliver, who had represented it since 1867. The time of ‘holding the election has not yet been fixed. n Embodied in the report of the proceed= ings under the auspices of the St. Patrick‘s Literary Association yesterday on Major‘s Hill and at the Operse Honse, will be found a somewbat abridged report of the lecture delivered by the Rev. George W. Pepper, of Ohio. In point of literary merit Mr. Peppor‘s lecture is very poor. {It is one of the worst pieces of verâ€" biage that we have had occasion to publish. The highly intelligent Irishmen of this city who had expected m ‘literary treat delivered with great eloquence must have felt that they had been deceived. The lecture bears another character which we shall not take time at this writing to characterize. ‘The best way to discourage such efforts is to expose them by pub. lication, thus allowing the public to judge for themselves. r We have great pleasure in drawing the attention of our numerous readers to a notice, which appears in another column of this paper, respecting the German Lutheran Church about to, be opened on Bunday next in this city, and the induoâ€" tion of the pastor to this Church. Perhaps it may not be amiss here to revert to the fact that there appeared in some of the city papers last February an appeal to all who might feelâ€" generously inclined to help and assist our fellowâ€" us, in their praiseworthy undertaking to erect a church.© That this appeal was most generously responed to, is evinced byt.hohcuhtthohnl&w,nn- finished, has yet been so far advanced as to enable theni to open it for divine serâ€" vice on Sunday next, the 15th inst., at 10 so interesting an event. citizens, the German® residing amongst am., when the Rey. A. Senne, their pasâ€" tor, will be inducted by the: Rev . K.. W. Sohrceder, the former pastor We beg to assure our readers that a most cordial reception will be given to themni, should they be desirous to witness TELEG R APHIC toâ€"day is . Proportion of Bank mor!otom'hidh last ~week was ï¬)’per cent is now 52 per cent.. Erie Congress has awarded medals . of first class to the Chief of the Statistical Buâ€" reau at Washington and . Prof.: Hayden, of ghe America Cario, Aug. 12.â€"The A:cnnhnl' are lm-kingpppnï¬gmbin w ian %wbnh is not y 'm“ Khedive has sent reinâ€" s to the troops on the border, sBout 30 Eughat and (Ameriien cterty men and several Arch Grandukes m hops of the Eastern Church. â€" Among the American delegates are the Rev. Drs. Largdon, Kevin; Butler, and: Parry, Dr. j Bullion in the. Bish 0t Eughee ‘hes Indrensed Religious Matters, Boxx®, A 12,~â€"In ‘the attendanee at the old%b conference which Dollinger xrofll the proceedings with an ï¬dthr:-w ohh:‘hd&hdm.lzw botmth&l:flhn M,Gm and the w! course of ‘ecclesiastical history. â€" At the conclusion of his address the Conference entered upon the busiâ€" ness for which it had met, which was the consideration of ~the â€" intercommunion separated churches ; this union is :.M a mutual recognition of Primitive ,Truth,‘ which may enable each church; to admit members of other comâ€" munions to ‘its privileges in ~respect of christian mï¬cnmï¬m.m ofh.ditiml'poonluï¬:,‘ . ohu: more constitution is not contemplatedâ€"a un mbig:nug::hndï¬onhdnmof i7 tos Bitke aan fathom of too apolont l;{ the Bible and fathers of the t urch is sought for as real bond of union. ‘The discussion on this subject occupied the remainder of to day‘s sitting. Mr. MacCabe, Principal of the Normal Th uon uim is vophared in they have agreed to support Austria in i ocns made a hacte romth m thet Awarding of Honours Paris, Aug. 12 â€"Theâ€"Gec Bullion in Bauk of England. Loxvox, 330 p. m., August 12.â€"Bullion THE GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURUOH. . F OR E I G N The Austrian Dificulty. SOUTH OXFORD. GREAT BRITAIN. RUSSELL. GERMANY . datinng might make to ConstaNtIN Aug 12.â€"â€" The Turquic, mpoporofn;t‘y,munsim in Hersegarond is becoming grave.© Bands dhsmu have duo-s into the plain M.n:‘u,nndumthu tions. Amqfeb_ogwnfl.m mmnoh.i:sonmweh 'ï¬nl& i i Paimatt are > us Srimtadt of s dervian tolke e uk & op Tur&fmnï¬umtofmfluin- surgents with encouragement. Custer‘s Gulch, of the eleventh, says : Gerieral Crook found only about 200 miâ€" ners there. They will all leave by the 15th inst. Agent Howard arrived in the Hills with Spotted Tail and other chiefs. They «â€"â€"Testimony in ial of Polide Captain Wfllim,hofthemtpodï¬udmuohr that he and several of his officers were in expross: great tl:pr at '.:. ditches -n:'ii M &D To sn toren mitioe dum"""'d...:s‘ when they sell the Black Hills. The bearing belt is about 50 miles long north made , their Pe.nnoe wake of the armywormo:pon.ld Improved State of Matiors . A London despatch : * Financial m.rk:m-d:‘enmohk' i than it has been week. * und'nc"‘u to doclinosin value. _ The. fiatness W.w:{. This, with the advanâ€" action of the Bank in arranging a low ‘ rate of discount, gives us eyery prosâ€" pect of a steady and well supported marâ€" briï¬ulm'&-l.â€"ï¬ndhm-hm made their appearance in of the New . Yoi August . 12. â€"The loss eaused by t::' New Jersey toâ€" day, has been very ‘heaty in County. Daninges estimated ~at $ M 000 to $200,000; and M. Passac & Co., at PrirapEupHta, ‘Aug. 18.â€"The Avening W'tod-ipï¬hamqnfl“ from Wm. Welsh to President Grant on what he terms a libellous attack of Secieâ€" tary Delano on Walker, clerk of the Boatd of Indian Commssioners. ‘Welsh Horace Binney died here to day, Mgen T c N14 /. $y se ohemese chmdntthoo attacks were made on W because he exposed fraudes which it was the duty of the Interior Departâ€" ment to check. Opening of the Old Catholic Confere noe Bowx, Aug : 12â€"The Old Catholic . Con. ference, called by Dr. Dollinger, was form rah in parties who were hay. On Sunday at w-::::&dm the f .ndnpoa. thmnof which t} into the quarters of the mfliumm,nd‘mybd the tents blankets of the camp under their feet, so as to provoke a collision, Otfpbatiand, Mid. Div... Camberland, N. Div..... Clarence, «No. 3..........â€" QOsgoode Sub, Div. No. 1.. _ 45 Duncanville, No. 1 poll. 104 Gloucester, No. 3......... The Hiotâ€"Arrivals â€"Â¥. C. C, &.â€"Indecent Anssaultâ€"Robberyâ€"The Deviin Caseâ€" ‘There are some 8 or 10 polling places to hear from. { takon against the ringleaders. Prbuflumhr:b:nd Baron de Walâ€" derer of Vienns, * W. H. Wilson of Brockville and M.O.m of ‘Toronto q.d‘.ï¬ho&.hmdnu The F&l:m()om‘t:_o:n resolved to ments present to wfl«uflw-mm For the sixth time this year a warrant h-i"bu?-udâ€""_ against Mr. Duclos, keeper of St. Henry, this time form received by Justice MacKay on the Deviin case, also one by m jr., of the \Gazette, and several prominent citizens of the city. No notice will be taken of any dlr Deviin appeared itness in the & as w s & in office and in the ‘habit of receiving Mr. Deviin‘s letters in his absence was then called biut could not be found, and not Wls : £4Od 4 Salesâ€"Montreal at: 187}; City 102} ; Merchants 101} ; llqd"oï¬ï¬‚oa; Commerce,126. â€" Bales at this afternoon‘s M_n?- Canadian 95; Montreal Telegraph 157}. uAhh--uh-bmtqinm lead a church and manufacture mickles at the same time . Nzew ‘York, Aug. 12.â€"A despatch from Murdercd by Indians. Bisxaror, Daxora, Aug. 11.â€"On Sunday AM L BR 1 C AN. CA N A D1A N BAKER SUPPOSED TO BE ELECTED. The Insurgents Rising, RUSSELL ELECTION. A Libelious Attack The Finance Committeo have PRBILADELPHIA. No. 5.... MONTREAL. NEW YORK. The. Storm. GERMANY. 61 110 849 447 Bl 65 91 447 41 21 19 19 19 delfence of Davis and wife, commmitted for Mulflndflï¬oumq.zfl;brh irl was not preguaut at Slil weul ï¬mflhomeptornnmï¬-l“ e was sullering, and adiminjster ing the draught some was given in imbiaks From thy adfern "f whlth ahe ‘The weather is wrin, and hue â€" tnpemosgeen suo t hal Mrs. and Miss Morris, wife and daughter of Lieut.Gov. Morris, of Manitobes, are in sound,' will take Detroit toâ€"mor~ To: . Hinotaracipns wher rofeteinh here today to be present. _. _ _ Next week Mr. Jus. Ward the Canadian to all comers. | The Ontario _ ‘Teacher‘s Assoâ€" ciation â€" in â€" session â€" have elected Dr. i the charges against the > oot, the apoined us vepresntted by questioned the legality of the committee and their right to take evidence under oath. ‘The committee contended they Queen‘s Park where nic was held. 2o migin the Frentice Beys of ts ty the chairman of the Ing.iry comimittes, stated thata man named bHotokiss had offered him five hundred dollars to proâ€" dure the contract for the stone. HMe oonm:'::mp H:ok-&ï¬..-u Mhos'nï¬d- contract to any such man. â€" The committee® adjourned until toâ€"morrow, when a private ‘meeting will be heldâ€"to prepare the report for the Council on Monday next. ° muf.-cd.mmn%gu M.MM and men of the Queen‘s Own Rifes: with most beautifully . illummed address, on .:‘:uwuunm n.r: tollhr.u.\v“:ut&‘ on Bap: noon, on his resigning the office 9f Sup: o‘clook : Iast night :a fire broke out at 94714 to 91}. KErie, 1 Bpocial to the Pracms. ; ; i % 4 : Krmwosrox, Aug. 12â€" The Base Ball Uoiton 14} m uplands ; d“% reâ€" Soipté 14,000, saies 9,000, quotations un quantity of lumber, dour and grain. The loss is estimaged at. $15,000, partly in Lawrence Club winning by & soore of 30 t t io. uol Stiabns Toleg nds y houses and ‘a large store ‘house with a changed for rye, four stewiy, 5.10 10 6.25; o mm enenr en n No. l Spring, rye quiet, corn dull heary, No. 1 Spring, rye quiet, corn dull heavy, Nes rouititt wl toam t m n o Steam Western mixed 83 to 84, lard barley quiet and Omle o arngrerieaanel 21.65: 21.75, lard u;.‘Ln‘-anm State lrlr-ylvnhmonbâ€. aunpamnen tm zmt . irotuap saane ts madt her ahpiming it }amuuï¬ï¬"ld'hcwh head," was the s The Columbus k-im- Ohio : â€" "He is honest Tallow, 66s. Live muâ€"ls.-.-ouh., 0:1..-,77-10. Floywr, to 20s per bbl for Western white; lis 5d «for sed Wastern spring. Lard, 62s to 62 64. by the eweat of his jaw." Advertising pays A adâ€" vc“bnm%.-lfldhh three wives knocked at dgor in less than five hours after the paper was out. ‘The boy with the bare f66t, ‘tasselated‘ pants, father‘s coat, and a gaudy base ball c4p on his head, appears to have gained a S antury Nace. â€" Toroxto, Aug. 12.â€"It is said that the plants, and good elocutionists are posted ummfb:m-ï¬.-dnm excellent antiâ€"tobac00 tracts by the: late demise of his â€"wife," was made by the inâ€" exorable printer to say, "wear the chemise of his wife." & ing to n,a.‘._.g.,. 'F:-., 4'-.'&.:"_:"':!: ‘?' Pigeon Shootinzâ€"Scholastic â€" The 0. Y. E‘s. and Prentice *Boysâ€"The City C OM M ERCLI A L; 3:30 p.m.â€"Cottonâ€"Uplands, T 1â€"8 ; Orâ€" lus. °1. Red winter whest 11¢ pér PRICE $ CENTS. MILLE ROCHE. A pestructive Fire. be instituted by the City Liverpool Markets TORONTO Now Yerk Markots KINCsSToON worm has attacked the of the 1184