LLS. a of 1%76. apoars TOF the o seea al this sSely infor uk4 owder, s WITHQUT > TVA WA rs for Convick undersgued ~Mating, 1GHTON, W airde a. beg®. cly Edhsion r Macgione â€"mor will be w umer about x December \ 5 Potitions Je perLanea lal { Novembe RG. otices .. required. Jp andi supâ€" with printed w bs made lustractore, 1ndersign +d , 13810 0. e Senmia, R T M ed on reai f Ta~ Act t be preâ€" "A U ng Tporate > lmw saune ation Teet gacrister® yOL. U 0 U â€"Barrister At rery, «es =" } Y " ‘ s d c 4 . prsster prister® Homcopathic iPhysic oTT ryist Physiciau, Surgeon w mt UTTAWaA, UNT. a0 X A iomAs i siqa ue aud bot walct i Barr is i Corner W eilifgiot a L. In EM ity of OTTA A A, County cessor a. (Â¥. CuUTIVs, my (Cid® H1MD DC surveys in CilaWa auc vicluily, aad uaye pleasa e in fe© mme,ding uiua as M GI#BS & COURSOLLE, H Patents of Invention, Office, as former‘y, over & MA 1 Agent’s OUtf:lt â€" I'rge | L;r'go Commission & Cash Premiums UBzAAY . 0f FAMOUS â€" ACTIOR, ([TRADE F1ICTORIA C LUXBER cOMPEILSG THE TEX Jewels of Imaginative Literature: > Pilgrim‘s Progress, Vicar of Wakefield, Robinson Crusoe, _ Faul and Virginia, Gulliver‘s Travels, Elizabeth, £ % Vm: Ficeiola. Â¥ Tales from Arabian Nighis. Cor: pote in ONE YOLUM E of over 1 u0 pages mul‘ln: llusirates With 44 full page mngreyâ€" It is the WORLD‘S ST Y EQOK, and _all want to read it . Ageut‘s Quilll {ree to au who mean business and â€" )11 f. loiuiy CAn V Baunrister Plam ber, ck. ( ©HEYSLLR, H. FERLAND, sTHUR F. €OTrON, T LAMBERT in wesekest reR & Â¥. JOMUASTON, Provingial Land Surveyor al Dn-,w-u. Huccessor to W . & Thisile & CO. teClical Cards. P ATENTS. ixzs H AL x, 6M ME Ad v o cf M awBAlLf, . W. MaeCUAIG. . Trade Ascagnee. cor TLEE, B.t rEWiRT & w & R D. VIII., NXO. 8$9us. Aitorncys, Solicitors, Nota« ries, &co.. &c0., er, Aivtor & & is BEST OF REFERENCES e1yEN sSoticitor® 4P cCards. & 14 o raae y PEXNOQUR & Y eINiYRE, n & ham d lrform‘) t Public No. 2 We.magton SL, Public and AqvocAtes â€"»@gnrkI Â¥. .DE MAEKK RFGISTERED.] A CBAMBEK®S, WELLINGTON sTEEEY, OTHAW A. Basd orney * irmey, Solicitor in Chan Acconcheur. te, Soltctior, &C. FORD & Co-s s£16 & MiLl Gas and Steam ;Fitter, wom aud Bank streels Olliaws SOLICITOR3 OF aAdvocate, &« u A Th E80 N, 6 , & ney , Notary wreet _ uffice hours from 9. u. Speciapattentivn i dispiacelued & ot ioe 1720 MOLISST Bulkiings, Green GoRMuECLLY, Office, corner of O‘Con: Soilcig@ges, Conâ€" ian, Surgeon street, side1ce, \"nvflr’l and the use of the knife, evay «ud eimost p«lDâ€" given o arlies sUCâ€" ga ecial iy i streei, near G 7e of Surgâ€"ons f Carleton. )x M®ECHANT J. urorMULL w. R. THISTLE 1 Accouchear Manp‘s Hardware golÂ¥â€"Li icitors, sol ettor Centre Town Maria Street r jow pressare, tin‘s, Maio Seli« LEA Rujot! e‘s 1% 391 2401 2104 aund of mach p sucâ€" “' ANTEDâ€"A young man with a small ca‘ ta. tojoin adverti<erin a good payâ€" vap o s me«s. _ Address with real name, to U SLNENS, P. O, box 531, city. 308 f B 200 l}fl s i@J> with or without fgoms, and ‘0oms withoat boar‘.. Table| aad reoms orstâ€" Ohoic. st Wines, Liquors, Cigars &¢., &0. &c. Bass® Pale Ale and Guiness‘ Extra Stout ‘ aLwaAYs ON HAND, Exhibition Visitors will be well accom» modated during Exbhibi« tion Week. Dinner u’nvufll from 12 4.M., until 2 P.M., at very reason» able rates. [he Royal Oak Hotel, Anglo-AmerlCan Hotel, The "Feathers" Hotel. Mr. BEN. HUCKSLL begs to announce to he generâ€"cl and taveiling puolic, that he has siered npon i(he Propriet® -n}p of the above tâ€"L lately conducted by Mr. Fred. Evans. Tne bes brands of wines, liquors and ecigars e kept ana the promptest alte ‘tion is paid TAC%NCIE® for Bosrders, No. 4 McCorâ€" O asces‘~ Perrees, OTonnot street, Apply NQON AN‘S RESTAUrtA NT, Sparks street. | SU8LU . Lideau Street, near Sapper‘s Bridge,) FRED FOOKS â€" â€" â€" Proprietor. The Dufferin House, ate U au the Secoud Grad ERV 1 NTS WANTED â€"Three or yoexl Housemalds can find 9u\plnfm CLIsBY HOUSE,. Apply immediate m oarD OF PUBLIC SCMOOL TRUS TEES. Corne . Bank and Wollington st3., OPposITE THE GOVEKRNMENT W oRK gHorB ls now opeh for businees after being renoâ€" vated and newly fi‘ted for the comfort and wccomodation of the travelling community. tawa, Nov. 9, IS7% g&m 4A CALL IS SO LICIT ED .R Xt‘awa, Sept, 4, 1875 _ 308 s beatiful aod furnjshed with the .choicest >rands of Liquors, Cigars, eté. Your call wiil be kindly olicited. M E. J. HENRY, Proprietor. PHOTOGRAPHE R.! Htawa, Sept 17, 1973, Aucllh.. catad ABL and tare APdrneda) o gpneean l«rged by the addition of several ï¬Jw:lom d weil fucnished rocms 0@ the second st>ry, Due fAvest Luncheon aod Dining Rovins in e city. h de ï¬emon bonoring this Establish men‘ with â€"ir pasmoage may rely Oa strict attention ing paid to : neir orders. L quors Wines and Cigars f the best Luacheon served at all. bours â€"without boar‘.. Table/@aagd reoms »rstâ€" _ Corner Sparks and ï¬ruk steets, and in two misules‘ walk of the Pariamenat rar $5â€"SP4RK3 STEEFTâ€"S85 n wHOLESALE AND BETAIL, Jeweller, Watchmaker, &c A .arge assortment 0f Gold : uadies‘ O â€"era and Victoria ( Aibert Chaiog, Kings and G ind Jewaelle y cf every Ware, Ulooks, &c., at the jast (fouse in the city. _ W L. 1, 1875 The subscriber having purchased anothner Fstâ€"te of Boots, ~10°% #c., at 65 ots. on the Doila , .Great Slaughter in prices will be made for cas io ordor to efegt au ensire clearance. bfore egeivicg Fall 4 oc%. Te _ ¢ .+. ATTTAT BOOTS & SHOES. THE "LONDON," Wellington Street, near SHOOLBRED & ri mWVe EWELLERY r mnen fot the recepticn of Guests, This has been furnished new throoghout, re «« 0 expense. icest wiues, liquors, clyars, 46. i Sta blimg. 0 00 2002 ( Opposite the Post Office, Eigin |Street mbracing ali the novelties, out for the se# : which the confidently Invite Inspection. . AEeMEmei To all who are suflering from the errors an iadiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, easly iecay, ioss of manhood, &Câ€" L will send a reela_m Cect #ill cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. _ ! ummnedy'udueovorfl by a missionary in south America. Send a seifâ€"addressed enve â€" t.g to the R@Y. JosEPH INMAN, Station L). 3(pte House, New York City. Ni C HT #Blv d tw ave received of their Spring Irs portations, is BALES O1BPETS and cusraAINS.| above popuiar Retaurant bas popuiar Re>taurin! DA# rl‘.rnrmu. Junre sIGN WRITEB, HOUSKE gwont- TOR, PAINTEHK, PA PERBâ€" :wwm. And & 5 work Erinhce aty m _ Sm A laree assortment of XuW Paprivg w'fl..|lmhrtdâ€"- use _ very tion ‘of HUUSBE 8IGN, AMP! owum wRITING) am‘aluuhum ke.. execulsd in s Roperior Styls w#riied sIGN PAINTEE AND GRAINER, Wellingion Street, Near Pooley‘s ANKRUPT,.SA LE TTAWA CARPET HoUSE. va Hote! is 33 io 37, WILLILAM ST LABOURERS WANTED immso diate y at Cobden, o_ the Penibroke the C. C Railroad, Wages §1.28 per ni in the v.livge very reas. n ble. KintlYy tC ; 3954+f e assortment 0 Gold and Silver Watches, ? O era and Victoria Chalns, gentlemen‘s ; Chaiog, Hings and Goid Sets, Sracel * t®, [ewalle y cf every description, P‘ated , Ulooks, &c., at the towest prices, The § mase in the civy. _ W holesale buyers can «ir staex as cheman from me as any ot.hn-r Charles W. Leonard; J A R V I 8. 69, SPARKS STREET. CClants. (LATE JARVIS & ARLESS.) rom Yem«»le Teachers, des‘rous und r the Foard, will be rece.vâ€" man H. RO ‘INSON, Esq. : 0 vs lerca holdivg a lower,cerâ€" N. MARKS, The Bar ttotcls. CHAUDIERE, . s. BROWN, H. LETCH, Proprietor. WM. ALEXANDER, Jas. D. JOY NT s£odgiuig. L supplted with the CARD ;,M'Rd. FOR.â€"L; . [ $WJ2m 4 5 to announce to 15 Sussex Street secretat y 30006 out for the seasout Proprietor. 1¢ â€" $16m1 &pacious MG tour nt & un > | ‘_Uâ€"::_‘_.V___. ___ : Miss Macdonald, as was. &ireAdy 8N° J.T aurrros:t n ’:;:nnood, willH‘in ?1‘ fuhionsblehb.;ls.t | No. 36 Russell House Bleck, Bparks St. ‘ i’lll:::l:mfg:rd-o::o,m:ixaï¬ o:. :e. b“n: FIRE, LIFE & MARINE INSURANCE received in Oftam& | __ COMPA NY of Montreal sUN MIECUAL ACCIDENE INSUR ANCE COx cA .Â¥ of montreal, OTTAWA RIVESR NAVIGATL )N COMP‘NY. RICHELIRU NAV!GATION COMPANY. _ B@._ oâ€") and Wood for s«le. + STEAM3OAT TICRKET AND GENEKRAL COMMISSION AGgENCY, A ggnt for the following first class Comp inies : EQULITABLE LIFE ASSURANOCE SOC‘ETY ol the U.â€"ted Nintes, . Assets over $20,000 LIMPERIAL FLRr. IN3URANOE COMeANY rf Loudo i, Enalm~d, Canitol £11,000,000 DomINION PLATK GLASS INSURANCE , CANADA Fire and Maring Insurance Co. GEoRGE ROACi1, lu?-. Mayor of the city of Hami!lton, D. THOMPSUN, Esq., M. P., _ READ OFFICE OFFICK: Russell House Blook, Ut:awa, Sept 14 1876 _ ___ ______ _ c-nAs. DESJARDINS, General Agent Citizens Insurance Co‘y. CAPITAL, . 0. _ $2,000,000. York ‘Steet, near Sussex> Street, oTrAWA. d 'l‘nl. Insuranc« Co. THE UNION POCKET BOOK COMPANY having seeured by cash purchase the entire nank upt stoCk olyymn H. Mortond & Co. con «!sting of 100,000 PORTMONIES (POTKET BOOKS.) of the best raanufacture and superh quality, each pocket book bsing mude of Real Morooco Leather; io effect a speedy clearance sale aod havi ¢ la view the o‘d motto of the ho se, CERTAIN PROFITS WITH QUICK RETURNS The comâ€"any nave‘decided on giving each Fig®, Of this r ncorporated 1874, Ottawa, Jan. 2% ;)6 «« «s 10 L c et M 2000 «e « 1 w w ‘Foe above priz s with the cost of advertising and othef locideutal xpenses, @IVING TME PUROHASERS Tw â€"thiris of the profits that accrue on the onâ€" tirs rale, nd to enable over{l one to have an equa) sbar« in t: e profit, wi h the certainty of receiving roble the yaine for their small in« vestme t aud the fusther Opportunity of surely gaining a snare in THE DISTRIBUTION OF $100,000, And this too y tha riskiess Outiay 0( $1 only. The Union Pocset kook Company will deilver froe wn& ddress on rooeoan of one doliar. A GENUINE MORROCC) LEATHER PUCKET BONOK, Tog:ther with a . ‘ * QoUPON TICKET, _ \Entitling and giving the holcer a share in the % drawing of . T13 CaSH PRIZES, O‘ths nBrmus value of osE HUNVRED THU‘?SASD DOLLARS cUKKENCY. ~ ‘The Company gusa antee to return to each purchaser al l..st.mmblo the vaiue for his oney. ® now CAN THIS BE ACCOMPLISEED ? Is a quesuion many doobtless ask themselves ard foreseeing this, we offer the following lucid ngividual purchaser And 215 other money ?fllu as tbliovts vi 3 Pk{‘l‘Z.‘Ji O“l" $ (;: UA‘.‘S'H, IA. H. . San, 9. 1875. o LN & is MONEY FRIZES. THE FIRST PRIZE BEING $20,000 ‘CASH is w4 w o 10 000 m 1009,000 Given Away. expi&AALLUD f this remunerative bargain 0y giving a kE SUNSRED THOUSAND DonbARS CHMANCE FOR ALL. se Aos CCR T ids cus vowthe Will take at the Com *s [Princt O:tice, 530 mc Smat,-PnlmpMu, in 5. state o: Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, Nov staie o Po lvania, on W OQNentAT 2107 ember 2ith, 1872 and THE WINNING NUMBERS Will be adverused in this Journal and the pric. cipal Pmmelshh and New York newspapor: of <alurday, Novemoer 27th. ue 'rl:s PRIZES ce ‘ hy f 4 wardeo in drafts, nbacksy W i ~â€"fg U ...&..mmr. hy Mon QHAS. 0. UURY, hsg., Munager. > R. C, W. MacCUAIG. > Agent for Qltawa Vailley. HAND IN H MUVUTVA L post office order par registered letter, by. 1 office t us r 5auy‘l mocuidg mummomm A'tx J& 1 ferred prizss ca 1 be sent by express, or in any other m uaner purchasers may selet providing same be significi by them whon forwarding order for pucket books. P HEMENMNBER THIS IS_NO LOTTERY, Buta bong /ide Dusiness systena founded on &A true Auanci J tams which enables the Comâ€" pany to couvert into money an otherwise Surâ€" lus stock, and this too with good profit to Cns t reraee e sprade dpupressl a 8 B m mï¬mefl is the greit W.:: 41 no qiher way can be successfuily «ttuined. We guarantee each posket book to be of the beâ€"t manufactiare ; of pure Moroceo leather and int:insically worts in retail trade at the lowest rate of from $3 to $4. * This is an opportunity %flmld not be let pass by,; one and all embrace â€" tuis ch=uce;‘ we afford ¢ one an qp’nnnnl‘?' oiâ€"realizing a share is 106,0°0 at the insigadâ€" can. oumay Of $1 (one doti«r ior which they 16â€" c ive yalue targe foid and those who let this forvatit: ous chance escape them will‘have only themseives to biame. All letters repiled to same d.{on received. We advise lutending purchasers forward orâ€" dats immediateiy «Lich will prevent disapâ€" 80 100 President : JoHN WiNER, Eeg,, ‘tamatiton, t V.ceâ€"Presidenis : CHEMERC CCRA OV All letters repiled to same dn{on reo We advise lutending purchasers forws deis linmediateiy which will vent poiutment and receive prom pi & tention, TL LCW vmcvmenca oviee TYamt ONE PHDV""* " AGacec on Thut.uands ( "Bememuer, every one thut seads ONE D is be:ore ovein bor 20t1, 1810, receives A MoRRBOCCY LEATIHER PJKET BoOK Lirs, Aoccip®xt axp GvarRaxtss, â€" _ _ THE FULL BENEFIT emunerative bargain 0y g Iusurance. County of H«iaimand T ce 0o > > â€"+â€" Hamilton, Ont. CA PIT AL, $1,000,000. Temporary Ofilco: R. C. W. MaoCUAIG, Agent, Ottawa and y_l_elei_ty. Charter Perpetual 100 giving a OTTAWA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1875. TELEGRAPKIO SUMMARY. A London despatch denies that the Crown Prince of Germany has any intenâ€" tion of visiting the United States. ‘The funeral obsequies of the late Mr. George Belmore, the famous English actor, who died in New York on Saturday, took place yesterday, the most prominent members of the histrionic profession of that city acting as pallâ€"bearers. Advices from the seat of war in the East, state that a great battle took place between the Turkish and Insurgent forces, ou the 12th inst., near Pira, in Bosnig resulting in the signal defeat of the latter, they leaving 600 unburied dead on the field. The dedication of a monument sacred to the memory of the poet§Edgar Allen Poe, took place at Baltimore, Md., yesterâ€" day. _A Madrid despatch says Senor Collenâ€" tes, present Minister of Justice, will prob. ably be sent as Ambassador to the Vaticaun. a ‘Mississippi is & capital country for " tramp‘‘ politicians to migrate to, as may be instanced by the case of Alex: ander Davis, the negro Lieutenant Govâ€" ernor of the State, who was, a few years ago, a boot black in Memphis, Tenu. Now, would it not be a good idea for a certain peripatetic "statesman ‘‘ of Ca nada to try his fortune in the "Cotton Belt," next time ?. If so, bon voyage / Don Carlos‘ letter to King Alfonso conâ€" tains an offer of & truce to the Madrid muthorities, in case of a war with the United States, but at the same time deâ€" clines to relinquish his claim to the crown of Spain, and is confident that he will some day wear it ; and should ‘the Alfonsist (party refuse to accept the armstice, he calls upon the world to bear witness that Catholic Spain has done her duty. His Honour the Lieut.â€"Governor and ‘The leading newspapers of Madrid hail Don Car‘os‘ offer of submission as a harâ€" binger of peace, and express the hope that the war will soon be brought to a close, either by the submission or Over« whelming of the Carlists, as the Royal army in the field. will number 300,000 by the first of December. % Solicitor General Sir John Holker, M. P. for Preston, has been appointed Attorâ€" ney General, and Hardinge ,Stanley Gifford, Q.C., appointed Solicitor General vice Holker. Loxpox, Nov, 17â€"Selicitor General i Holker, M. P.for Preston, has been apâ€"| goinud Attorney General, and Hardinge . tanley Gifford, &C., has been appointed Solicitor General, vice Holker. Wholesale Discharge of Op erativess W Messrs. Blockow, Vaughn & Co, irom producers, of Leeds, have been compelled, owing to the depression of trade in iron, â€" to discharge between 200 and 300 operâ€" TELEGRAPHIC. atives. The great Shropéghire race at Shrewsâ€" bury, today, was won by Coeruleus, and Consul, second. . ; Must Pay the Difference. The Lard Committee of the Produce Exchange toâ€"day decided that the memâ€" bers who recently. failed to make good their contracts for delivery of lard must pay the difference between the price when the contract was made and the time when the lard was delivered. * Referse Appointed. f ‘The Metropolitan Collar Co. have pe: titioned Judge Donohue for an order of dissolution of the company, and the Court has appointed a referee to wind it up. , Jehockam Davis, lumber dealer, fyled an assignment toâ€"day. Liabilities, $92,â€" 958 ; nominal assets, $82,236 ; real assots, $15,440. _'l‘lg‘P{&iged States Trust Co. is #CUOCC 0 : manmken. creditor for $30,000. Paris, Nov. 17.â€"The evening papor® of this city &mlid; the text of the letter written by Don. Carlos to l‘l{m; 'Ag'ons:, in 7 c% Claks i d ancidant WOuslt. HY ; C000 27 £60 would not gained strength. Now, howâ€" ever, the h“ï¬? .of the country is at stake, and all children are: bound to defend it. Should war break out, L offer you a truce as long as the contest lasts, but maintain my right to the Crown, as t retain the conviction that I shall one day wear it.. I cannot undmydI:»‘yfl volunâ€" teers to Cuba, but I will end these Provinces and. the Cantalerian coast; will. send out privateers, manned by the inâ€" domitable po%uht.ion of that cost, which will pursue t e merchant ships of our enemies,and ;lm'lnpo chase them into their own harbors. If you accept the truce,let us appoint representatives to settle the conâ€" ditions. lf‘{:u refumctho world will be the witness thist Catholic Spain has nobly done her duty," « Comments of the Madrid Pregs on Doi Mapa, Nov. 17.â€"The . Cronisia, th0 Ministerial organ, states in. reference 10 t.h'oreportodlot.wofDon Carlos to King Alfonsoâ€"# We . believe Don . Carlos is more uncompromising than any of his p.rï¬nm.’l’.ndittddl{“w"“‘“mb. ginning of the end , of: the war, and . it will be speedily terminated, either by the unbmission _ or overwhelming of the Carliste." The Cbrrug::dafl says that the preâ€" tansion | of Carlos are exaggerated wesnie o Cie oelath is c L w and inadmissible, and that FO R EIG N . Text of Don Carlos® GBEAT BRITALN. Shropshire Races. €arios‘ Lettor. SPALN. 1 foigntdh it â€"at least, it New York, Nov. 17.â€"There was alarge meeting at the ‘Tabernacle this morning, and the services opened with the uinfl:s of a bymn. Deacon Hawley then the requests for prayers. _ Revs. Dr. Ormiston, | Buddington, and Northrop participated in the services. Sankey sang,and Moody prayed for the success of their meetings tonight, and said toâ€" morraw ‘ they would commence their collections to pay off the debt of the Young Men‘s Christian Association, and they waunted to have $3,000 or $4,000 in ‘the Treasury. ‘He wanted the young men in Brooklyn to have a good start. Funeral Obsequics of the Late Mr. i Belnmore. The funeral of the late Mr. Georgs Belmore, actor, took place here toâ€"day. The following were pallâ€"bearers :â€"Lester Wallock, M. D. Balmsr, George Howey, W. J. Florence, John Brougham, larvey Becket, E. Arnott, and B. F. Russell. Schedule of Canal Steamboat Company. Austin H. Kelley,Receiver of the Board ‘‘ of Canal Steamboat Company, has fyled in the County Clerk‘s Office of King’sl County, a schedule of iis assets and lia |, bilities.‘ The stock account foots up at : sa{’w :357',&:), and ‘the paid / in $98,800 ; | ebts due | com on open account amount to CD,TW.p“y fe ie | Indgian : Commissioner Appointed. A Washington despatch says Commisâ€" sioner Smith, of the Indian Bureau, has resigned, and that . the office has been tendered to and accepted by Geo. Jerome, exâ€"Collector of Customs, &t Detroit. Railway Enterprise. i PrartssurRc, Nov. 17.â€"The excursion of guests of the ‘Delaware & Hudson Canal Company, over the New York & LCmndn Railroad yesterday, preliminary to its opening for traffic, was made the occasion of general rejoicing along the line of road. The train arrived at Plattsâ€" ‘ burg about:4.30 p.m. An immense conâ€" | course of citizens was awsiting it. Great | preparations ~for the ‘entertainment of ekcursionists were made by the peop‘e of !Plzttaburg. A magnificent dinner was | served at the Fouget Hotel. The excurâ€" sion will procéed to Montreal toâ€"day, and will be received by the Council of that ; city at three o‘clock. Order Denied in the Tweed Caso. 1 New York, Nov, 14. â€"The counsel for William M. Tweed asked Judge Donohoe for an order compelling the people to reply to Tweed‘s~ amended answer in the suit l against him for $6,000,000, and to his un: awarded answer in the recent suit for | $1,000,000. The counsel for the people | held that it was discretionary with: the | Court to give the order or not, and 16â€" | fused his. consent to the order; unless the defendant stipulated not (to put in the ! awarded answer in the second suit.. This stipulation was refused, and the Court | took the papers. â€" â€" The Groat Billiard Tournament. In the great billiard match the score stands as follows : â€" Slosson, 300 ; Garnier, 218 ; winner‘s aver 9 12.32. ~Cyrille Dion, 300 ; Rndolm, 190 ; winner‘s average, 10 20.23. Wm. Sexton, 300 ; Maurice Daly, 236; winner‘s average, 13. Joe Dion, 300; Slosson, 163; winner‘s average, 9}. 5 Mipnpugtrow®, Nov. 17.â€"A match for the members of the American Rifle Team, to be one of three for the silver service set won ‘at Providence, was arranged to take place at Goshen toâ€"day. . In the abâ€" sence of Fulton, Cantield and Bodine, a competitive match was ‘shot instead, six members of the ‘American Rifle ‘Team and R. R. Murray and J. W. Booth, of the Goshen LeatherStockings Club taking part. The follo wing is the score out of a gouiblo 35, at :800 yards‘ range: «W.B. arwell, 29 ; R:â€"C. Colman, (28; Gen. ;Dakin, 27 ; A. Furwell, 26 ; J. W. Yale, 23 {VP. R. Murray, 23 ; L C. Bruce, 20 ; J. W. Booth, 19. ~At I',I)OO yards‘ rangeâ€" Dakin, 25; Bruce, 21 ; Tewell, 18 ; Farâ€" well, 14; Booth, 12; Coleman,; 6 ; Yale, 5. in the match for the Landlords‘ Prize of $50, at 500 yards‘ range, in which four members of the American Rifle Team and twelve others contested, C. W. Coleman, the marksman‘s brother, scored 19 out â€"af a possible of 25 ; R. C. Coleman, second ; Farewell, third, Booth, Fourth. Mark M. Pomeroy, better known as ‘ «Brick Pomeroy," proprietor of the Demoâ€" | crat in this city, suspanded toâ€"day . | Lia: bilities, ‘eatimated at $140,000; ‘assets, nikil. His creditors are scattered widely throughout the country, and a meeting of them will shortly be called. Murderer‘s Doom Sealed. Arsaxy, Nov. . 17.â€"Application . was made toâ€"day to . stay proceedings in the case of John . Clark, now under sentence of death in Rochester, N.Y. After careful l consideration, the application was denied, each of the Justices concurring. The Meelings at the getting anybody e!8s0 in 1N0, VaMIOD® ARC utterly false." ; hp ++ Condition and Efiiciency of the United .. . States Navyâ€" The annual report of the Chief of the Bureau of Constraction and Repair: at the Navy Department, now being prepared wiu,‘ï¬orrenemngtboworkdou;t the several navy yardsâ€" during .the: year, refer at some length to the condition of the United States Navy,as compared with â€"{ the navies of Great Britain, France, Bpain, and other European . Powers,and show â€"Resignation not yet Accepted. Wasmxoron, Nov. 17. |â€" Bomhry‘ Chandler says that the resignation of Commissioner Smith, of the Indian Buâ€" reau, has notâ€"yet been acceptea. < 1 5 ~ A Denial, _ P W asHinorox, Nov, 17.â€"Gen. Tyner, Of. the Post Office Department, received. a telegram toâ€"day from . Senatorâ€" Morton, “yi? 4« All reports ‘that 1 attempted to linto ere .flot Jewell, or in behalf of watting anybody élse in the Cabinet, are KCms o t e mc oo® 43 more â€" formidable armament. ::« The qu:diï¬on of| our: ironâ€"clads will â€"also be* referred~ to, . and . their. . fitness . for coast defence shown and it is also A MERICOA N. BmE EDC O SenmoR e m N ad: that, while we lack powerful ironâ€"clad. sea ; going vessels, similar to. those in foreign navies, our own will compare favourably with that of any European Government, so far as discipline and general efficiency. are concerned, and â€" that: our vessels far mere police duty are equal, if not superâ€" inor, to those of. greater tonm?,mm a fact thos there ~were » not . two of such vessels fit forâ€"service â€"in 1870, 4 while now we have sixteen. which can be placed in service within five ~days . The :anill recommend that. & policy be | p“dofbundmfl-soertlinnumbcoli war vessels annuallyy: both of. iron and // \Mmmmuglmhlbhwm' pete: with that of any â€" nation in. the world. The annual report of the Payâ€"| master General of the Navy has been subâ€" | mitted to the Secretary. â€" He recomâ€" | mends that a plan somewhat: similar.. to | that provided for the armay.by the Act of ‘ y y and economy among sailors, and suggests as to the manner of carrying this plan 44 4 POUEM CC EW um Johason, a pronminent citizen of this place, committed suvitidd early this morning, in his bath rootm.‘by shooting himself in the «"Brick Powreroy * Failed. Newarx, Nov. 17.â€" An Aldorman Commits Saicide. NEW YORK. with & pistal. WASMINGTON. Rifleâ€"Match. NEW JERSEY. 40 have bean : the cause . M#ATTtO 23HM1T @0 . t @ _ ~UOMNCS i Loxnox, Nov. 17.â€"Rate of discount in ‘ open market is 2} to 2}, or 1} to 1 1â€"8 per | cent. below the Bank of England rate ; , Conslos, 94 15â€"16 for both mney .mi account; United States bonds â€" 67‘s, 108{ ; new five‘s, 103} ; Erie, 14 1â€"8 ; do. preferred, 27. _ j t cag, ya Gold MonxtrEAL, Nov. 17.â€"Stocks are quiet and slightly weaker. Sduâ€"Tolop&h. ies prv‘e mrigendy 190Q io 19087 extra dividen to ; Merchants, 91} to 95 ; Rastern Townâ€" ;l;i!p-, 104} to 104%; Peoples‘, 92% to _ 3:30 p.m.â€"The amount of bullion withâ€" drawn from the Bank of England on balance "u;dâ€"sy-;;iâ€"igd,o(m, all of which was for shipment to the United States. LrvyERpoot, Nov. 17.â€"Lard 56s 6d per cwt. Bacon 58s per owt. for long clear middles. New York, Nov. 17.â€"Pacific Mail 404 ; Telegraph 75§ ; American 59 ; North Western 334 é preferred 534 ; Rhode Isâ€" land 104} ; St. Paul 35§ ; preferred 66 ; Erie 15}; St. Joseph 234, preferred 28} ; Harlam 1324 ; 3&0» wfl‘Now York Ceontral 105 ; Ohio and Mississippi 13} ; Panama 129 ; Wabash 54; Union Pacific NsÂ¥ York, Nov. 17.â€"Cotton weak, at 13 1â€"6 for m?&d.ling uplands ; flour withâ€" out decided change and a moderate inâ€" quiry ; receipts, 19,000 barrels ; sales, 15,000 barrels.. Rye flour quiet and un changed at :4 30 to $5 50. Wheat firm and quo! unchanged ; roooirh, 120,000bunl?h; sales 30,000 at $1 14 to $1 15; No.3 Chicaso, $1 25 to $127 ; No. 2 do,$1 30 to $131; No. 2 Milwau kee, $1 35 to $138; No. 1 spring, $1 20 B g1ov W @1329 100 C. 2R handizsd to $1 40; new and old winter red Westâ€" ern, $1 25 to $1 45 ; de. for amber West en ;â€" $1 38| to $1 50 for white Western. Rye quiet and firm ; corn a shade firmer ; receipts, 40,000; sales, 380,000 ‘at 74 c steam western mixed ; 751, sail do, 76 to 704. light imixed and yellow. Barley quiet and 'ï¬noh:ngod. ï¬.o.ifu, 49,000 bus; sales, 15,000 bus, No: 2 Bay, 112 bus ; oats, rg.her more steady. Receipts, 54,000 bus;| sales, 54,000 bus, at 540 to > ve lcats bmsanth 7 Nikd: uPL o OARRS 1 556 for mixed western State; 45 to 52 : for white do. Pork dull, at $22 50 per| bbl1 for ma-if Lard, 1246 to 12}¢ for steam; 12%c to 130 for kettle rend wed. Butter, 226 to 326 for State and Pennsylvania C 0 M M E R C I A L Curoago, Nov. 17.â€"Flour is nominally unchanged ; the wheat demand is‘ fair, and prices for No. 2 Chicago wpring have advanced. f’:‘gomuketu ul} an g‘rioec have declined for other grades. No. l Chicago spring, $1 09 ; No. 2 do. $1 06§ lpo:,‘%l Od?naller Dec.; $1 06§ seller for the year, â€" No 3 do.;{ï¬ofor réjected Nov. Corn firmer, though not notably higher ; No,. 2 mut}io?f}o spot, 5046 soller Nov.; 47$c seller for year. Oats dull and prices a shade lower ; No. 2 30%e spot, 30;:: to 3016 seller Dec. Barley was firmer and held higher; sales, 87¢ Seller Nov., 86%6 seller Dec. Rye in rod ‘ "mï¬ at full prices; sales at m Porkâ€"deniand good, at full prices ; sales Cheese, 6c to 12%c, common to pti %;mloumâ€"iomdo,k‘io; Mlm 12}0, ® s vis at 200 to 250. â€" Lard is firmer, though not %notgbly higher ; sales at $11 85 per owb. ulk meats are quite stead ; shoulders, 7¢c; short rib middles, l()f:i ‘to 10 18 ; short clear middles, 11 to 11 1â€"8. ‘ Whis: key is suadwy, $1 12%c. At ovonin&cdl of board wheat wus higher for Nov. ; $1 073 for Doc. Corn is firmer, at 5020 to nPB " O POOCEL ClÂ¥ ce £5 40 00 c t 8 i 50;0‘ for Nov. hg::d. market for other articles is unc . teâ€"flour, 11,000 bus ; wheat, lï¬m- corp, 30000 bus ; oats, 41,000 bus ; barley, 5,000 bus ; Rye, 1,000 â€" Shipmentsâ€"flour, 14,000 ; yi:uzm88.000 bus ; corn, 77,000 bus ; oats, 20,000 bus ; barley, 19;000 bus; DUS 4 ©HOPy 1e rye, ’3,(XX) l;\:'l. TVRKEY, ue . =werne Griat Battle â€" The Sulian‘s Troops Vie Loxpox, Nov. ‘17,â€"A telegram to the Times toâ€"day from Constantinople" con tains the following : " A serious encounter: accurred on the 12th inst., at Epira, in aooas poat n Insargonte " Pho Sabiime a large of Insur ul Porte is Q&oinlly mmmod that sixteen battalions of t.l'ot.\p(ll uxlx‘ci:r Choflhï¬ P-I: were enpful,nn t tue were oomf etely routed, leaving m on the field. 4 4 MABYLANP. . Monument to the Memory of Edgar A. * Bu.mlolï¬ï¬ov. 17.â€"The ceremonies atâ€" tending the anveiling and dedication of the monument in memory of the poet Edgar Allen Poe, in the: Westminister churchâ€" yard, took hp;}:loe this ;foumcon. the exâ€" ercises preliminary to t unveiling taki lace in the Western Female Hnghs::):f K‘ho platform was occupied by invited : guests, among whom was Walter Whitâ€" : man, who was the only post presenit. At a quarter past two. o‘clock,: Prof, Eiliot rose and said the exercies would now beâ€" in with the singing of a Pilgrims‘ Chorus l y the Philharmonic Society. ‘The regn order, according ‘to the programme, order, according to the programme, then e‘rroceoded with. Agor Latrabe cluded ‘his personal reminiscence, the blagoe repaired to the: oburochyard 4 the streets aljacent, when Prof. Elliot veiled the monument, placing upon it * j «Murder and : Incendiariem : Crworkwart, Nov, 17.â€"The Gazette‘s ackson, O., special ‘says :â€"**Mre. Mary Bruce was {onn% burnt to death yesterâ€" day, near her urn“i.:g dwelling.> Her ekull was fractured, it is supposed the woman was assaulted in the‘bo_paltil\‘xï¬n. a chaplet of evergreens. MNURRARE UE CTOE C Dqi nds oo Mrs, Lowder‘s absence and the building fired to coneeal the crime; that she reâ€" vived and attempted ‘to escape, but her clothing being in flames, she perished outâ€" ‘ . al e ae . L L au CH d cage â€"Arscecsnpmntns P 9e K. 20. side ‘ xe burning( building. _ Nathan Lowder, a son of Mrs. Lowder, has been nrrab&, but the evidence against hi is wholly circumstantial." Arrestod for distiller, ~S E: Eberware, u-ar.'ï¬g David M. Lewis, storekeeper, who HA MMMHQMMIMM: Indianapolis, and George _ Thompson, Montrcal Stock Markets. Indianapolisp and G 7 gauger, who '"3;’: .-:._*'.'B ment officers. time, at Mount Vernoqg, left this morni for Indianapolis, in custody of the marde opriniry Afnnlesed.~ _ _| , W. H. Allison, M.P.P., and D. B; W ‘Gouou®us,: Nov. lLâ€"val&.mu""'ï¬â€â€œ vote. have failed whdutm_owt 6 *tenant Governor : Davis, } COLORADO, & Wdhibwyhdhn.d.. i M i omm New York Stock Market, New York Mevey Market. MICHIGAS. | ] â€" Dewver Nov. ltpi%fl?w. + ? 4 : 1 m % . Poath of a Railroad President. . ,N,&, JW m.i.‘u' ‘Desmors, Nov. 17.â€"Samuel V. Co., and Win. R. late Superinten. of Utica, New : York, ‘Vice President dmdun-tom , resulted in the Fiint & P: Marquette Railway, 4 tbmd latter, The wound is uMSwn?&hw f f not ‘to be serious. f Evaxsvinty, Nov. 17 .â€"John W. B Liverpool Markets \Chicago Markets London Markets. Violsation: of the Internal mevenue Laws. MWISSISSIPPL oHUIO. a 4 INDIAN t 144. ing the high harse of principle, casts insults ‘and sarcasm at the volunteers, who, obeving orders, took arms to prevent ‘a riot. According to its style of reasonâ€" ing, the Toronto volunteers, who are all Protestants, would have had the right to disobey the authorities, who commanded them to Lrowct. the Cuthohc procession. What a charming state of society it would The "Nouveau Monde" and "Eien Pubâ€" lic"â€"Personalâ€"The last Vessel of the Seasouâ€"Grand Banquet to Railway lodignant. . MoxtrEir, Nov. 17.â€"The insults cast at the volunteers by the Nowveau Monde are referred to by the Bien Public, as ï¬o‘l:m :â€""It“inknow?thlz from a reâ€" igious as well as civil or int of view the soldiers or mflmm obey the orders of the authorities, but the Nouvcau Monde, which is always ridâ€" be, v‘vall:letre thodguu-dimlof the peace ln:‘ a ri to dispute opportuneness authoritative anfm and to act as seemed good to them. Sugro;e that toâ€"morrow the printing office of the Nowveau Monde were threatened with sack and pilnzl;y. a furious mob, and that an armed refused to march, ssying it could § not protect a paper whose pnw‘flel oftended it, what would it n&u e dare not repeat it, lest we frighten our readers, _ Nevertheless, our confrere, after the odious manner in which he has ‘tirut.od tho«o‘d h‘vhn::o hnx;; fulfilled their uty, wou ve no right to. i . At the Criminal Court wdm arrested in Ottawa for obtdining a quan~ tity of silk from a Montreal house under false pretences, was sentented ‘to two years in the Penitentiary. On ba-::: the sentence pronounced, the father sister of the prisoner were affected to Tl-l; Hon. Wells Williams, Secretary of the Legation from tlie United States to China, at Pekin, arrived in town toâ€"day. â€"The Allan‘s ship Serdinien came‘into port at 3 o‘clock this evening, and will be the last steamer of the line to arrive this _ Mary Jane Cartwell, the suicide, has been pmmno‘dm and has been transferred from the hospi« tal to the lunatic asylum. ~| _ e At 11 o‘clock this forenson the special train uriv&eonwu about 200 gentleâ€" men who come up to assist in opening the NewnYork & &ud:mh_ Railway for traffic 0 , W 18 Inrpboon- poudofludmggov York and Pennsylâ€" vania merchants and railway men, entered the zpecial train at Albany and Troy yesier !.y morning, and passed over Stunss "o frmat meust uit ow This row!, which is 10-:10"' e e perp.oltluli a 111 be opened ir in W through t.nmo on the 20th inst. Among the excursionists are J. V. Baker, of New York, Prosident / of the Road; beon congratuiated by Lord Dufferin on the py termination of the ‘The butchers are holding an indlignation Tisk a1e ts Catporation, in iacing 8200 uct 0 e 19 tax on each private butchers‘ stall. _ CA N A D 1 Aa N. DR.~ TUPPeR 1N NOVA SCOTIA. widressed a public meeting of citiwens, ,l;_muod over by Mayor kitchey, at the cmponno.lhlithinflui The hall was crowded. 'rhom.;;ï¬w&m hours and a half, and prin‘o-,pflg"i- anâ€" swer to an article ; published in this day‘s Morning Chronicle. : He defended the policy of the late Administration on every goint,nd contended that as as Sir ohn A. Macdonald and his colle were inâ€" power Cansda prospered in a marvelious mannen, â€" He adverted to the Pacific Railw. Padflowwqéwmw l m adh that the late Government were not guilty of corruption in that matter; that the had not received it; asâ€" a legaoy that the Reform Government was mainly to blame for th.mddom financial poiicy,. whereby _ i0ADs were ::bd that m‘lndv va’md. aud money us acquired given to banks, causing inflation of trade, The failure of the Reciptocity Treaty was another cause of depression. He criticised Mr. Cartwrighth lose negolistions, ahd. mmsisted.thnt these operations were far from being as favourâ€" e o e oo onp the saniep time effected . lonns. in the London market at much better terms. did not bring in‘ and pass a single meaâ€" sure Mw taken cut and from the Li Conservatives, and laid great stress on the fact that corâ€" ruption had been proved to exist in the Reâ€" Hauwax, KA, Noy. 16.â€"Dr. Fuppert ive party purity had been the chief charac teristic of the elections. Honn&:bhd the steel rails affairs and said Mr. money w ) year urchasing the rails, which he could then gnnhooghtnu-ddlpnn tanehm ‘the people of the lmh their mind and restore the Liberal m servatives to power, The Reform Govern . mthaiofl'eotgd.oubr::dhldm dered public . money, promoted corruption. ThaOppo-iu'an had carried in Untario along, ani since the last general election, no less thanâ€" six constit« uencies. â€" This showed what ‘the feeling of the people was, and in Quebec the Reformers had even less hold than in Ontario. The fact was that the Opposiâ€" tion stood six votes stronger in a division uu.nmoydidtw{mm He then treat | ed on several questions. ‘The removal : of the Railway works from Halifax to Moncton, and the new Provincial buildâ€" ing question, and the charge against him pcnoml!y.'l'flhemh.pvo.boldud nnqmï¬ï¬oddqh&:uï¬n;uho_hd no connection with the Fraserâ€"Reynolds firm and that he had never made a dollar uike hh geaitwan wee Amgemiir es 8 & vote of thanks to him was moved and sarâ€" ried, Hon. James McDonald and Messre. MONTREAL. istsâ€" Recovery â€" Butchers Speechat salifar., termination of ‘the Guibord while in the Liberal Conserva ©COLORADO, " tommmneg va gh4 woting AfMfay. \ . iickteniydtnn|â€" werce ho eepatnet ol td i asmeâ€"Company, resulted in© yeur ago, at â€" Albany and ‘Troy | "", _ _ *""b.g""‘ 96 | the Bi es mss e is Ioheoi o ts A meaise on M,Pmdc".: ranger M . Too" SGotk" us aftern« , of , but QuzsEc, Nov. 17.â€"The House met at 8:20. After routine, the following bills were introduced :â€" B‘LLA INTRODUCED By Mr. Ogilvieâ€"a Bill to . the mummwzï¬ of Montreal. . s A Bill to incorporate the St. Henri @as AE'St'oohngo’t'hon-ndthho- vincial â€"Permanent Building Society of Montreal. f Mr. Morreur moved for a Select Comâ€" mittes to consider tho*:nhol of the mutual insurance against in order to Mr, Arcers did not objectâ€"on behalf of the Goyvernment. Carried. Hon. Mr. Rosurtsos introduced a Bill to incorporate the town of Sherbrooke, which was read a first time. Mr. Wurteus introguced a Bill to amend the Quebec Railroad Act of 1869, which passed through a Committee, with several amendments, andâ€" ordered to be read a third time to â€"morrow. .COPIES OF RERORTS, Mr. Rosert moved for vopies of all the reports of the Railway Engineers, with a Mmon(ofuumndnu paid to the Railway Companies enti tom subâ€" sidy under Chapter 2, of 38 Victoria, toâ€" gether with copies of the on of Railway Comfpuï¬u.or m* have prayed for aid, or who have made a nquutforBailnylL:d the names of the Companies who had conformed to the â€" Mr. Garxzav said the Government had no objection, and the motion was carried. law. _" TBE HOUSE IX CoMMItTEE The House went into Committee on Hon. Mr. Anger‘s Bill to amend the Q,umc@wuumna-' Aot ‘of 1875, Hon. Mr. Chapleau in the chait. _ _ _ Mr. Jorr renewed the discussion of yesterday, on the first cleuse, and while admitting that privileged communications nrolirle o ho ettoenmemt ant io umoflmd State. | 4 followed by the H ::: C el Tluls the pill mes merely Gopiamayr aud Ee"u'u"grqnuâ€""_d_pm‘"‘ ting any doubt in the future. Z-' sit again toâ€"night, after w BSC" * T s Messrs.© Matthicu, Laframboise and Loâ€" * INTO . COMMITTEE On the Hon. Solicitor General Awour‘s Bill, and the discussion on the first clause wuznmun.d. of x+ Jfl!“ . ranger, to the same effect as on yesterday afternoon, aiter which Mr: Joly withdrew the amendment, and the first clause was mhmmhlï¬lï¬ï¬r‘ pears to the JndpMInJ!lp.dJ" presence at the tmial is necessary, the trial of an election petition shall not be commenced or continued during any such session." x ‘This was discussed by Mesers. Wurtele, Mr. Malbiot, after the amendment was put, and lost. Mr. Wurtele then moved k plzuett en hoaent qi Arserst Rpadt muts c on ibvier m * macr ind wmm-,-m-'-pmu-ï¬- of the sitting member," be of the second clause. ‘l&@h‘_flflgï¬- QUEBEC LEGISLATURE. sion, without discussion. Yeas 18, Nays Hor x:mâ€"m:â€"-ï¬ zm::‘..' the words, this all not apply to cases now poh'.": Mr. Invixz moved thait "agenis found “uil_t.yofmï¬pwu in defaeult of tun‘ni:t.h-o::-:-m“ i4 :%lnhmuflhd. ‘bflhï¬dm dlauses were then carried. ‘On the 5th, Mr. Lasezet moved that the bill do not apply to cases now pending. . Lost. . â€" e ioi the tion by the House toâ€"morrow. > The House adjourned at 9:45. < At six o‘clock, Reported progress, aud asked leave to n-inw-:'uht.mcwmlm * css mioitcer Ser Joniee AL B raised Whothor BT. JONKINE SL. e UME Pundee, is disqualified to sit in ment on account of his being eral.. The Colonial Office that "The Meresutile "‘““"‘..m or xiteam case of / vs. Dunwimer & Co., will not come an till the 26th inst. t A man who gave his name as John Jones, was arrested this for stealâ€" in’uixovmuï¬anmpolo The Bishop of Toronto has sent m oir cular to all clergymenâ€"of ‘his imâ€" malssizan. ‘UBsring! on that day are to be on devoted to the missions of and Rupert‘s Land . Application will be made at the comin monecuprana‘ was up toâ€"day, before Mr. Justice It was an argument~to reverse @« cision given by th learned Judge ‘at %mm.mu Mr. Heotor Cameron M.L. vor the respondent ; Mr. M. '..Pc_‘“ ic Oanu':':;‘.d'lfl id that the case had ‘lapsed ani J-ï¬-â€" given was final. evidence there was a Ol under the decision given by the of Error and Appeal in the North and North Wentworth cases, he should be unâ€" seated and disqualified. .. ... _ _ â€" |â€" .. t New City Hall Injured by Fivre, ‘~ Loveviic®, Nov.‘ 17.â€"The beaut PRICE * CENTS. Machine Shop Burnt. .. _ of G, P ra"â€i-‘.nuuidq\- Loss, * D Was $25,000 ; insurance, $6,000. _ ~* _ Oxara, Nov, 17.â€"The the was 14 degrees below zero at Fort Laree mic last night; snow to the h of four ty Hall building, com C l on 1 00000 }, mes 46. yeur ago, at a cost of SEW KAMPSHIRE Cold Woenther. KENIUCKY. fire to the atuount_of