LESSON IN SAFETY -- In the picture above Sgt. R. W. Blatchford (right), safety officer for the Belleville City Police, instructs both staff and pupils on traffic safety on the special demonstra- tion model built by the students. Paying keen attention are (left to right): Miss Joan Shannon, teacher, and pupils | Helen Woodward of Manotick and Rob-! ert Gundy of Brockville. First Time b History, OSD Pupil Awarded Safety Flag For the first time in the history of any school for the deal in Canada an "Elmer" safety .pennant wa® precepted to the students of the Ontario School for the Deaf yesterday afiterinoon. The presentation is the climax of a month's hard work on the part of Sgt, R. W. Latchford of the Belleville City Police and the staff of the OSD, in developing and preserving a course in safety to the students I of OSD. The project required some study and observatioil prior to its introduction to th* students due to tti* d&fiferettt nature of presenting mateflal which was Lecerwuy. Sgsfc. LofccMoiPd bad to spend some ttoa observing h*~ struction procedure m classes before his safety program was promulgated. I To assist in the work a special (portable, table-top model illlustrating the different types of Slights and in/tersectlons was ] built by the OSD students in | their own workshops under $ta>££ guidance. The instructional aid ! allows for practical demonstrajtions of the proper way of 'walking or driving at intersections and so forth and is complete with flashing lights a-nd operating traffic lights. Most of the school's 500 pujpils have received th* aalety instruction course and the presentation of the "Elmer" pennant by the safety committee of the local Kiwanis Club is to remind the students daily to obey ^nd observe safety rules. The occasion of ffte presentation was a "full dlress* affair. The students and staff of the intermediate and senior schools were drawn up before the flag' Dole in front of the main build-! ', ins en masse. A color party | I from the school's Girl Guide j ·and Boy Scout troops was on /parade. Numerous school and .local dignitaries were present, i PRESENTED FLAG initial ceremony took place 1 half of the students, that they would always try to obey the six safety rules. M any pupil is found breaking one of the rules or if a student is involved in an accident, the "Elmer" pennant cannot be flown for 30 days. Mr. Leo McKee, chairman of with Mr. George Hume, vice- the s a f e t y committee of president of the Belleville Ki- the Kiwanis, spoke briefly, emwanis presenting the Elmer flag phasizing that the pennant was to Sgt. Latchford. Sgt. Latchford, to remind the boys and girls toi in turn, presented the flag to Mr. obey the safety rules. Joe Demeza, superintendent of Following the ceremony outside O.S.D. The flag was then turn- a short program was held in the! ed over to two members of the junior school, when another pen-; color party to hoist, aloft below uant was presented to them. This; the Union Jack,on the school flag pennant is to be flown in the jun-' pole. ior school dining room. Student Senior student Jean Shaw Steven Bradshaw expressed the thanked the Kiwanis for their thanks of the junior students and presentation and pledged, on be- ·g-ave the pledge on their behalf, j