THEjNTELLIGENCER, Saturday, October 12,1985-11 Y SCHOOL rmalcy from impediments The school's centre Sir James Whitney School for the deaf is shown here as it stands today. But over Its 115-year history, many changes have taken place. Original buildings have been torn down and new ones built The main building shown nere houses administrative offices and the elementary and high school classrooms. Besides regular academic courses for elementary and high school students, Sir James Whitney School for the deaf in Belleville offers a complete vocational program. Even in tht early days, vocational programs were popular with students, as shown in these two photographs. Above: carpentry students are shown with some of their work. These students even built a wooden gymnasium for the school in the late 1800s. Below, a sewing class is kept busy. Sir James Whitney, one of three provincial schools for the deaf in Ontario, is celebrating its 115th anniversary Oct. 20.