and JEERS! of the Week ··.. Q(\ \ HT Pi ft ir ft ~ D v n^ Pv\Ps open in Newfoundland at 3on while they're opening pa coast at 7:30^aTm. TheySJ close in the East at 10 p.m., irKthe West aMxSO p.m. and someyhereb^tween those times in otniaM^arts of Canada. Let's hope^fieH^gislation is introducejHmd pasied before the nextx^fection. Anything that assuage Westen*\alienaion is welcome -- and timely. CHEERS for Picton au Janet Lunn who has bee awarded the Book of the Yearl for Children award by the Canadian Library Association. She's a stylist whose subject matter (suspenseful time-travel into the Canadian past) provides a welcome antidote to other writing Author Janet Lunn: honored iV for children, including Judy Blume!ajndodramas of puberty. forLiberal MPP Sheila Copps for arriving at the Brockville Psychiatric Hospital this we^k without warning apd deman^ihg a tour for herself and her entourage. The supervisor was al^ay attending a meeting, and thd person left in cnarge refused tclaccept respon^bility for allowing non-medical people free access. Fair enpugh. And how very\ unfair of Ms Copps to complain that she'cf been stonewalled* "i$ie offic^l opposition party was denied access to a facility that i^ paic^for by tax dollars," she dfaim&d. Rubbish. If only they'll yiown she was coming, they /would no doubt have baked a Wake. CHEERS fq| the organizers of a new citizens' coalition group called Acc^s ^Ontario. Its formation was announced this week, and/ts purpose is to press for stronger frefedom-of-information legislation in Ontario. A bill on tMe subjec|, promised by the Conservatives yea these many years, is still to be introduced/As the group's spokesperso|i, June Camwood, has asked: How can a ^pvernment e responsible if $he public oesn't know 80 p<|r cent of hat it's doing? Besides, the IpubWc pays for all information ollected by the government, and therefore has a righ\to it. CHEERS, also, for liberal MPP James Breithaupt, for