Belleville History Alive!

Funeral of Richard Aylward and his Wife, 12 Dec 1862, page 2

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, this baj been a elrdinal dottrine autlietio* were; also greatly raovml, ami sob* reurCbftrch. the f postl« l«|fy jrvsj,that were audible In various parts of the Church. |bs) maa wbA t|i inies an r art'M ie ut that denies Al the conclusion of'ihe tierci***, the bwlios i Truth of tit J--and tbosa who act in aW were removed from the QJMJrob to the hear«e, ace wkh that hive ill rTiric* of saj- andjMMiveyed to the ^e.mdlvir^tteudvd by an >. f I tt tl MsVaty f(wnd* which has con- .immense COI.COUIIKJ bf {jr^ple. " 1 yea together o jriv» Christian inmji to two of Ttur fo low creatures. , ARaiYALOFTHE-AILABIA' i are ctredUitaaees eonUoteJ, wtfeh tbe of poor «, which has Prize Fl.)kl for tfu Ckampiontkip, King me lo Jeriale fH>ra m usual course ' tkt WtHter.--Tb Brituk Pmt em Uu such occasion*--I m*a on soon oc* · I>rmocr<'tic Victory in Amtrita.--(frtat as the burial of the 4ead. The two Dtmoititratio*! in Gretct in fatnr of Uhow oorp«e* are twfoie ;roi I have reason Priitct Alfr«d.--R»tna oty* t to Print* to bef iere, were of Alfred bring o Caniifat* for tkt Orrcian vkick tAty d\<t (Situation.) 1 t befieve aa I believe am living. I Tkront,- Tjfc* Roman.Qtttttion in tkt not' say' it becausW man Italian Chamber of Dtpmt'ttt. ibiriz, and that malnleajrs another thing, i-- it frcm all thelci wiirastances conII ALIV AT.Dec. 9.--The steaimhip Arabia, wlih the matjer. \tx all know that from Liverpool on tlie 29th, «M Q.ieens. Catholic Chnieh eooJe m is murder* and town on the 90th Novl, arrived here tbh · rasvjy to assist i:i kunishing: it, GoJ ha* given lift, i nd no man ts m. Her dales are one week later than those (n taking that life. jH no nab say already received. . . ' e-e this man' is a Cath A c, or ft PiWeeTbe .excitement? 11 Greece In favor of orujfiM religion, that M ie not entitl«( placing Prince Alfrid oft the throne still eMpsMMwen aiut God t toercy. He :s continue*. · . · of .jimd'* cnceiuree--4 Je I created him The irrftfti ptitft flght for the ebampion I <ma end his day*, ar i o lliin be sbfp of Kftfland, between Jew Maoe and phi* life.! : .' u vftien *ei<f that whm jft rien are form- Tom King, took plate on tbe 28th of Nov. such ft roan is di«nses>l In comtemot and After fighting ft I renods, most of whhib b * man Ji.po»ed to i *·< |oit. Let that were io favor of MMM, King put injftae of remember that w li what jodg- his sjedj^i bam«et blows and knocked l>e me**«f«* out it < rill be mated Mao* in* ftsibk. Mte« could not eomo ap »««Db i m by Him who tboirs mercy to tbe to time, · boa it waa celled, and King was awl tbe nnjnsU 1 «*.-<W but allude tw declared be victor. It ia reported that manner in which 'the ti ia an, I John a leeaas) b« agreed to fight Ktog pea je.***· r tli 11 pner man and place it IhM for the eJkfttnpioftabi^, each nan to pttt up fri**>«.l*, aiMber lri*l at the Mune At that U al, a £500 per! side; ! ' : si w*« amnfftK»J for lak* he life « an The crew of the steamship Mississippi, lt>r*un<(, I am .abandoned at sea while on her way from tr iulvw owHtletVoce. |C«**le»niag thai New York to China, wen Uo4e4 *t the lit, or in reaaew, because that ma4 haJ Cape of Good Hope. be would ty allu,l« to it i the Loodo* Daily New* uWtes m edihave kill*! ai»y II knew (Met i torial to the refutation of the, idea that the way uf ef ib«t rnwi { Oemocratic party ban be called conservative. rhat eirnswi *»*«.'<·· the reesilt o f ' U review* the course of the party ia the j, at* I M i* only f> .to yos]l on pftst to show that tbe a*»unj|rtion of eoarite tr^al Ikat I spa rs imervtae.1 Mrvaf wm is elmaeiL j bjt-cf. Oiwror ;wo . . ing those »w« i the trial cam* on. Tbe London Morning Post points out and edltnirv«, t* the serprise of i that the virtual want of eooJUenoe in the *ien«*f other*, be wa* aHo U> net <p«<ftt«nit0 *ufl», he Government at Washington, a-tioo the remo> cent elecuoa^io tbe North iiMJtoitie, fnniiah etlnweJ Ie r ba Uiat'<i»v«.n>ment with ft plausible pretei of lien, I rtqrr*** ibe dealt* of ajn retreating from its position with some semSuck a death ufier»u|w««« Juiw not blance of dignity. U fears, however, that a maa-une M call en| »J for mency. until that Government is fofeibly ejected ·r that iri»rmy friends, ejK w ..perepftt in from power, no hope can be entertained of i Town, who tiuast W their' nequaiMiince the war being brought to a eooclunion. b« law. m^to o« of tbe*e (earful Tbe London Army and Navy Gasette lyliftffd ami kit, wif* \ art «i.^i»ii.) fheir iria), relnember, did net sftya that Gen. BurnUde's ehftftge of base to place until (we or t*ir»e dkya after this Aquia Creek gives U bo* Httla confidence wsa mnile use'of. Tftosjs ;per i« the pUns of the Federal leftders, it does i c>«MM«««^»e«M ate se teoderl who not, believe thft Confederates will quietly ChriMtana, foUowen of a i . nen-iful Reileemirr, bad1 IMI mereyl*r ijthera. submit to tlie movement. At a meeting of the Groat Hliip Cominto ey' for$<4 that venfealnee beioofMi) and were ptepared It take thai 1'en- pany it was staler! that if £1,7*0 WAS not re w thrir own bait>la.i The aaiajriiy immeijiaily provkie>l the ·tearo»hip Great r the ir«dirklual wa^»ttr^*1fttn«,b»l jHtiUbl Kafttom must pass into other hands*. It ·-WM bis arquaintaiiee wilH Inie law <vfci« would also require 43,900 to bring her ikim to peoetrsie lute the home. Tbe diiectoi* proposed to raise that terrible eipre**i<Ml, *· AYE.WARO £ 100,000 on a mnrtsJAg* for three years.-- k«DUI8 WIFBAJJ* UOOMSD." Well, friends, they wore DOOMED, (fife*! earned £4ftjUOO in eleven days. ^awJ Mibbinfibmoghottttae phuroh) 8ooU UusMll cen*ure4 the general manage, i will bfirMy aUude M the eaase land ment of tbe Company. The proposal of the IMS eeoneeled with the trial Lxl Directors was adopted. __ of the poor ereatoree. AW Ward Contribution* for th« relief of tbe dbbis wife were sitting at their: dinner, Ueseod Lancashire opiratlves continued on tbe poor, oofortiinaJe Monro (VTM 10 a mujrninoent scale. Tlie Amertcau Chami doer to ask Ayiward, abnut som| fowls wfre a* « small HBeld between the ber of Coiunicro*, at Uveroool, voted Xl,sbaaties. Ayl ward said « I did not 000 to tbe relief ^UMI, An extraordinary genera! meeting of tbe jUr heae, Her bare;! any en my prem* Atlantic Telegraph C<>a>paoy is called for . ! I request you low home." f His i still bung ftsoun.1 lite place, ami Avl- on the 12th of December,, for the purtmse rard «ama out--angry wows took pJaso^ad of considering n proposition for tbe Usu* L collision onaeeil. Ayl ward suppoesi him. of 000,000 new capital, preferential shares »lf io danger Ol death, ajnl«*ll«d tohiswife of £5 each, bearing |0 per cent interest, i was intbe sbft'ity. HbeoverbeafJhim, > te tbe door aud iftking ,wi»ls)ver guaranleed'by tb« IJrIUsu government in ' hand, she *4ent to event of sueoess, and liny further profit to 4 applied to paj pay * par per oeot oft (be be first ·to 4M M kne*, She fright r * ' * old capital, and th* surplus to «a equal ;wbettoer eb4 tti her'htteband division between tbl tbi! old »ld and and new, new. and day* Muura the formation of a refund, a Capo of Good II inils to tbe end of M* bteii October bai bee I H Very stormy weather had pre railed ·doing tOMoh damAM to the laterraptiog bos .i, _ _ . _ B . _ - _ ^ M It i ! t »-^ i biit<ware. rt>|>ul*ed with terrible slaaahtvr. We heluXihs whole fiold at dark, an>l before niue o'cloi-k that night the entire Coul*lerate force was in full retreat aciv»* the Boston ateunlaiita. Our IUB* in killeJ anvl w, omitted isGOO; that of iha CtMifedsiaiM ly(is»| W' their own a>liui>»ion. B«««ial o( tti« eivmy s fitiM officers were killed --amooa then (jot. Slti... cohtmandintt a britfade. lie was formerly a Bijigailier-Gen'l. in the Mis«on i Stwle Uuanl. Drily a tew. prisoners j were takra. We eaplure>|l| four caissons filled with annnuiiiliun. LiwuU-Colooel McFarlaim, of tie 19th Iowa, in the only Field Officer killed wn our Ie. M.jor Hubbard, of the 1st Missouri W:is taken' prisoner. ; Flour ATHjarvtu.*. NA*HHLL«, Dec. 8.--The 39ihv brigade. Dilrrmnt'* ilivifioti, eonnUtiiig of the UMlh IlltnnU, CoL'Moore commanJini^ briffaile ; the UHxih <?hio. Col. U(«l; l(l*h Ohio, Col. Limber^ > Seckler'a battery, a<i<l a email iletachm«iit of tlie 2tkl Indiana cavalry, were ·nrpfiMjil at daylight ihi* morning a! H*rkvilla by Morgan, Commanding three rrainwtnU of tavaTry and two of Infantry, After fight ing an boor an.I a quarter our forreii ·urrenttered, and the eiwmy burnt our camp. capturing* nearly all tbe brigade train* and teams, «^-l .baminq; what >bey cool.l not carry away. Oar Ions was betwien SO and CO killed |an.l wounded, who were left on the Sold. Tbe Confederate las* la not reported. The fiallant Li.-uf.-Col. Stual of tbe '2nd Indiana cavalrjr,an.l C«L Moorawere amouy ibe oaptoiteil. Major H'dl^f the 2nd Indiana eavalry, ^ra* .wuumleU, but nut dangerously He eaya half our infantry fought well, but the other half eat* broke. CuJ. Hardin'* and Col. l|iller's bricaxte were sent in pnrseit, but ibe enemy bad forded Cjm bat land river ami were out ut reach. Meiur Hill denies that tbe cjunp was surprised. If so the aflair t« more >u it* a* H-»r'rwrrtlW WM a stuoog OM ThofsJay a UeeH. CoJow»l of Davis' <livi»iua WAS captured while *ktrmi*hing.-- Tw« rvgirnental QusitermMtersof Palmei's division wwe also eaptorwd wnile ieraging. The latest dates are not reported. Thirteen wagons and male* on n foraging efpeJitioa were e*|4nre>l. A de««rier liom Merfresbora Mport* ChraUhum and breckenridge there, with 15.000 num. Bo*kn<-r wa«atBti«llyville. Kirby Smith M »ick al JUaoaawter. Gen. Joe Jof\»foa was e BaturJsy. ' i.f h« whole aiMoont M Noitli America, anil Of ( )otarla" .U i have i tba situ Inj al In Government tliaii 7. r»r a nt Mi»il«iVjr rsihcr thtn bo I ciai opens^Uon, have eilei Co»t>v&\ivK PAPIR. s«n>e of the \Te»»ern pi el us Oontervstli Tvronto. j'Hnt stock shareholders at £5JJ e.w! that £lo.OOO will ·« quit* Ubluli '.lie undertaking ba<«lln It is somewliAt i dmsWvative city like T shoul d .have been so UHI know ledgsd organ. Vourirma OOXPAIY learn from tbe JbWea J to raise a Valuatoet Htla n Madoo is progn Tb* novetnent waa only I of toe number required-" furtjj-oine privates--only remlin to be Obtained, i Uiatltbeorganiutioo will pletjd. This gratifying r is mjtinly doe to tbe eier lay, liVq., Town Clerk of MORE ooMMiBBioifsThe Globe says:-- Tbe Government have issued a commission to enquire into tbe finaauial transaction* of the Government during Iks? peat ten yean, including everything relating to tbe public seconiiea, tbe issue of debenlurea, the mode of keeping Ibe public aooooala, ibe sipeoditure oa ooniingencles, dra. The. oooiraissioa tt It) ·oaatst of Messrs. T. 8. Urown, hafdwatt merchant, MoatneJ; Mr. Wm. Bristew, bUa pf Montreal; and Mr. George Sbeppftrd, now of the Qoebeo Menwry. Mr. liriwft i* to be chairman, and Mr. Sheppard secretary. -- Evidence is (o be taken by UM ftommlsslon under oath. It is a curious {act that the Oovernment should buvs appolaled as the ·aotetary of tbi* oommUaioft ft peraon who was on two different oooasioas the organist of iitctnbera of tb* late Gov»maient, the very men whose acts ha is now appointed to review. Mr. Sbeppard was: the editor of the Chronicle while It supported those beautiful mucilage, and ·eafing^ax jobs whioh gave tha coup da OMio to tbe Cartier &|aedanol(IfGoveram«ai ly, under tbe circumstance*, that have from Mr. Slisppard ft very t trpoit of the floaDoial BysUa ' Mr. Poo a prated I Mr.i personal Wend and admirer ,, . the ftuUH r of most of tha finaielal four year i. Will b* deal with th< spaetor Ctneral wi bout/ear, fat faction I Thera la asi oiu^adsg* ai ting a th «6to oatoh a tbiat W without i Xy iotentloa to apply iha nation to any, of the parties, tot it ·aid that Mr. Shsppard having IH tba eoanea know* wbera to kit Ita ptoyars. U may be so, but ih« I . ;' - !'i* i · ,i ,|...i ·,..·!·.,".'. ·-· i'*|.: ASSOCIATION--1 *».y| that one of Press meeting will ission n«ed in d«fi !«nts will be mellow voided." W* tru«t ve not yot seen thai ted at lb» Aswoii ves one whit betu Uianj outsiders. --J/amilu Ttje Jim*, we suppose lUet/i when the above wai bopeJtbattisriag been r late nVeeting of Uie Free tone will be Improvsd. .'4 ASSAULT.-- Ing abont ten o'clock, a n aanlt was eommltteJ on t P. IlateWy, Jr, by two UamUton and Caton. Th area* follow* :--llsmilnc« Into · tbe Saloon and eel they were told there wen TLey then a*ked for Br give* them. Upon being said they bad no rooi Wy living Jo»t at this tii asked them for tbe he told them to i and he took I him towards i outside, lUmblj e minntM aft* came to the i Mr. llambly outside, they were sorry and wfsl wlthbiui. But having hi, not io«4e to their request ·AafwaXl*, not hearing · ttaAbiyJgoea to the door i roedlau|y he received a h deliver*!! by Hamilton, OB ttie sVown of his bead, Uohes la leogi ·ton*) passed < parties who on the wall tx jog and sotu< U » ro«gh, J ftttd weigh*; two pound*. bit oooIoM* Id dodging; tt ivould, in si) BrobabllitT, tbf parties who OOOUaltti ft l U a t l 4:1 ifesOUil

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