Belleville History Alive!

Evidence is Concluded, 23 February 1935, page 5

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ra,«zt.y/years-.«(o.. wrong r; two petKxii, ;«, tae, day; . He - kt . didn't ...know -then; -mod Marti all evidence of the cane; ex- confined to a room, wag called in- Mnally t\ Ijfcnerbf the larger accused that he was wrong. I cept for Tuesday morning when be sanity at that time. mylai employers of~Canadlan labor with a, loesnt. now, he thought, In his own way, ·sill. "Charles VermUr*»-ut the age o! .."'.-. weeklr payroll In excess of $40,000, believed thls'was one way of coveting up hla Q.--In your examination did this sixty became tshUdlan." conUnued minaUor Mr. Smith »aid. and Is one of the tracks. - ."- , , -,-include a statement of his history. largest buyers of Canadian 'food Dr. Robertson supplied that ac- A.-- Ye*. Q. This would be an early age for products In the world. Last year, cused bad told hint he (accused) he revealed, considerably more than tad be«n UHntt&ff over "thtt pian" Doctor Sec* N« Mental Dtnase hto uncle to become childish? A. I "Tat« r Q.--Have you formed-- you are ttont know what Use physical f *els $10,000,000 worth of Canadian farm familiar with the definition of-- w«re. The simple statement that sl»-ot , products were purchased by the or week*. / . ... ' -/. , ,, im.' Be having regard to an ibis are* you -of he became childish tens nothk». company, « · . - · --,- w*^S^m* · , - , - > CU*df)caU»n tt Typo. the optakm that at the, time of the " ' tfato «iTe. "We beUeye that a company such tad ·*«!! "offence, wu he tuffering ? A. No. Mr.' Payne referred to arHecedents ~ ~ a condition of the mindt_ , at position and with no bank loans or of the family ott the maternal aide from A^-lt it my opinion that ai the js capital Indebtedness other than la and attempted tojMreJhe. doctor ime he"wur«ot suffering oJf 'a ~dls» I f01 - If you" dW" have chfldishne by lls ounmorf BharM,|clamlfy.^ the. types oLmental defleof the mind. . f at this age- ID any family would it be ttetical. can 'face the; l&Mediate ftitoe with ency as regards certain. members. pediment an, indication otjwemkness confidence," the president declared. Dr. Robertson pointed wit that hereapprared stock? A. No. , ·-,..:. i~an Imrjortant-rol«r1n~inH' Q.--Would the accused at the Q.."When did you ever see anyone state. sanlty. "It might hit one place and miss another." Harold VertnHyea, time of the act know of the nature childish; at >«0 in 'your experience? ional pe aking into consideration his de- of the offence, and would he know A. Right along -- an the time. There Is no set age; toey.mignt bejresslve condition recently that if he was wrong? A.--Yes. Q.--In your opinion at the time of come go at 50. an'tadlvidual of his type put under Q. Ad: strain would be much more liable the,report*d commission of the act, This state is aprogressive state [insanity o crack than if he had come out of was he laboring under a delusion of mental deterioration or degenera- this emo rdlnary good family stock, said the which might, in his opinion, excuse tion, It was pointed uot-- of, won* urn.- A.--He was not, in my optaoctor. · -· , . ' the belle (Continued Fran Page 1) · Agree* Insanity to' Stock. Mr. Urquhart, in taking the wit- on. suffering from any delusion A.I w ess, brought the statement that he which might excuse him from the this. : Defence hammered a* the ques- --Sgottst witness) "did not pretend to be a ·o*.---Defence objected to this question tion regarding sanity Hrthe~Mii more of a mental search of accused mental specialist". .' portent < nd had consisted of a-probe Into Q. You told us that as far as this and was sustained by the court. Witness agreed that "there was noid, del "We are not setting up a specific sanity In the stock." /ermllyea's earlier business life. plnal arthritis was concerned, ac·It ra This was described by defence as The history had. been traced thru' cused had been told by a doctor who delusion," pointed out defence. "a cloud, hanging ove> the famflj agreed. ils trip from Western Canada to was treating accused for it. A. Yes. arr. u Repeat* Aoeved Not Insane from which lightning may strike a alifornla, a questioning of employt toning, any DUeaae Baled Out. era and general business. The dlfDr. Mitchell pointed out again aunt c erent position, 8 or 9 of them, were Q. You can. as the result of the that In his opinion if he commitmenbpau BereeHty Only One Factor. jointed out as having been held by icepltal ted the act the ·accused was not InA. It is examination, rule syphilis he accused. · Witness explained: The inhert- nes*. alout of thia case? A. I was satisfied sane at the time the crime had been committed. The examination later y« hat he had no syphilitic lesions.--I Hve factor is only one factor. 'This , Uktaf for Job (personal), his case history, his an- has in the past been somewhat over- oonduiot mean disease. tecedents and other sources revealMr. Payne dwelt upon the occu- Mr. Urquhart referred to letters stressed. Knowing the .history and a wosnai pation as a seller of fruit. "He allegedly written by the accused. ed this, he said. .--The patient's having a patient under our care, we .Court ppeared to like this Job the best, Q. You spoke of these and he re- appearance, speech,- actions, moods can do much to help him." nat It let .him get out and get membered what was In them? A. or variations of moods, his ability Q. Inheritance-does cover a sub- to «:. d to calculate, reason, his insight, all stantial field in the field of in- at 3.iS i around. .He had held this until Yes. .....* 931 or 1832, I think," - - witness Q. He remembered the letter sent telligence? A. Yea. There are three-major things one -ontlnued. "Then business, he told by his sister? A. Yes. me, "had become bad; he lost his Q. You know there are two rules looks, for In insanity ;~there~are lent would have little control over The first is or- this. Frequent passages from a book ob and tried to get work. He prescribed by the Criminal Code three , reactions. poke of no Income and no visible with regard to criminals being re- ranlc trouble--the central symptom on psychiatry were used by defence icome and of the trouble of keep- ponsible for crimes--A.-JL under- here Is a loss-rlntelectual deterior- counsel Oreer. Not all points were ation? I found none here. The ng his children In college." tand there are on by the quiet spoken ex 'Just continue, please," invited Mr. Urquhart read from the rules second in Insanity is a toxic reac- agreed pert. Not all psychiatrists think Mr. Payne. _ \ . and then asked if Vennllyea did the tion type. The central element alike, he explained and opinions are deed and when he struck his mother here is confusion--there Is a cloud- apt to be changed on study. Reference to Assistance of the patient's consciousness with the axe, he would know he Ing Bu · "· · * Here I found that his orientation Dementia Praeeox. "He spoke of his mother being might kill her. The doctor's answer --as to time, place and person -- well off and the rest of the family was, "Yes, I believe so." very good. There was noth- Dementia praecox,jwas.described and that they didn't need financial Q. Would he think this an act for was There as a "mild withdrawal from the assistance, but he (accused) needed which he was liable to arrest? A, I ing to suggest confusion. outside world", the patient living in note In lelp to carry on. He spoke of the believe I would say he might know Pathologic Reaction Saturda; a fanciful state. They are quite disdivision of the estate and that he this was punishable, but that he as a elaas. _ Paranoiacs _are of attendee The third reaction is the psycho- tinctdementia-praecox nought it should be divided up was justified in so doing. type, he "am buyers. among the four of them. So he When he committed this act if he pathologic type. . This third reac- the ket butt up to a certain point. wrote his mother, he told me, put- did. his tntrv| was in such a state he tion type is of the depressive group, plifled. Q. Does . .. ? I turn to Sullivan showed ing this proposition up to her. did not appreciate law, order or any- the dementia praecox type. Thl --you owtaf b know him? A. Yes. Then he told me of his sister iiing else," added witness. type possesses hallucinations. : found no evidence of Intellectual de- The defence took up * second was not writing him, protesting against this Take S Vermilyea Y i and said that there was a "con? Q--Then why did he leave the terioration, that he was suffering book of psychiatry. The author weekly ; splracy" against him.. from delusions. His conversatloi Sullivan, was known by- the expert a featm scene on the run? | procurln Justice Jeffrey pointed out that Defence objected and was sustain- was collected, coherent and there on the stand. ed poult this letter spoken of "was not the ed. Mr. Urquhart refrained it "he were no evidences of disturbance In Relative's History. ens pro one In reference to the division of eft hurriedly then." his train of thought. There he estate. "I made a mistake however, Just a. slight Impediment Reference was made . to Gerald munerei Says Flan Conceived of speech. there," agreed witness. Vermilyea who went Insane. He and gra Q.--You heard the evidence of was described as a dementia prae- wa» not A--I .believe he was merely follow- Dr. Spoke of 'Conspiracy' Rowland and Dr. Robertson-- cox type, but was also believed to be Quoti Uo ing a paranoid plan. Pall *hr that he- was of the paranoid type-- a manic -- depressive type. f>.50 7.00 Mr. Payne continued his examinQ--Then every move he made was what do you say? 5.00 6JX) ation in regard to the letters. "Die Dr. Mitchell gave a lengthy and Sprin-r \ planned even as to how he would Barley, I A.--I would say there^was noth3.00 3.50 ae tell you of the results of his escape? A--I believe that Is quite ing from my examination to sug detailed medical outline of this type. Oats, bi . 2.50 2.7f request to_his mother regarding the He concluded with the statement possible. Paranoids have very cute gest this. . 2.00 2.SO that often it was difficult to classify Rye, bu division?" · A.--Yes, he said she did plans sometimes. . 1.25 3!00 ru>t~agree with him. Then, fie'said a patient until a later diagnosis can Buekwtu Witness could not directly state 1: Questioned on Reflexes , 2.75 3.50 he began to realize that there, was Timothy, be obtained. the plan had been made In advance . 2.50 2.75 The dementia praecox paranoiac Red dor "conspiracy1'--that they Were but "It had been conceived before Col. Oreer took the witness.-iQ.--What was the Importance o type harbored delusions of persecu- Alsike, 1 conspiring against him. He said a he left California." . 3.50 4.0C this point that he thougb*_h«.would This Is a constant factor in Dressed Mr. Urquhart referred to delus making reflex examinations?. A.-- tion. . H.25 33C go crazy, it preyed on-diij mind sc Where there is definite pathologica this type, nils would be accom- Lire hoit nsl._"Me said he had these .40.00 45.0C much. ' panied by other marked traits -- Dre&s«d knowledge this would be valuable as that his aunt and sister were "con e Then, he again said after this re spiring" against him. You spoke o a test. Witness took no reflex test. apathy -- absurd notions and so on. Dre.tsed . 7.00 8.0C i Q.--This.,field was left unexpkjr The statement th*t hallucinations Butter. ! lie worried--didn't know ho i 4.00 6.M he and the children could live. H this? A--Just repeat that. were held by triSs-^attent was not a Eggs. No Q--You say he said he was under ed?. A.--Yes. ' . 3.00 4.0C said he began then to formulate Not so. much attention had been correct one, the witness pointed out. Pullet *s this delusion? A--He used the woci ..8.00 paranoia the Intellectual facili- Oeese . pian to rectify this conspiracy." ·conspiracy'. Q - Was this a fact paid by him. witness said, to the In ..8.75 "Proceed," said Mr. Payne. A-- No, there was no conspiracy examination of the Vermilyea fam ties often were unimpaired, sug- Chickens ..8.50 lly tree. When he had arriytd_k Q--The sister, we " 'Then I Came East" h by ills! 'tfOXUVV--aSBcTUsIon o agreed Potatoes. pfoUsUng ·llU Vermilyea he had known of some Apples, f "He said he had to raise money against -giving him this money suicides ParanoUei and PUn. 6.50 7.0 and Insanity of relations. Onions, | He added then I came east and TO A--But that is not conspiracy; -jus 655 6. advice. A. Trjp crimes of the paranoid are i Carrots. Heredity and Mind 5.00 ,6.0 know what I did." not ajn-ays impulsive? A. Yes. - 1 Parsnips. Q.--As the result of your examin ^rstr 4.0 Delusion And Act Q. "You , quite expect them to! Turnips. Q._;'As a ps>x;hiatrlst wliat is 2.50 3.25 atloa and. relying upon your Ion Beets, pe< Q--Docs this delusion justify the your opinion of heredity In regard hare a plan even? A. Yes. . 1.50 2.00 knowledge of accused, did ycu VIRMWCASE Ull

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