--- ·.--·· t - · · - : / V p ' ^ . A,--Qertara aathoritta are agreed that taiaaar S» art.bKiriUtHr/, tat «Brt»M trends may be transmitted. Q"~xt Is not · posHbte'tt K to , %hsn tnuwmlsUon of these JSuri****!t&» eommJatlon of the -··The prisoner weak}, not profit *jr £r«aot tmxu win (trite anr»d«anlte' genkflBnr «» **rt«f. He weoW not get «»tk»a?. ATMNO, OB* eaaaot. ·-.$1835139 w*r-«r*to*BW~«aifc--ae-ftta-nt* -- ment . that ^ benefit? know the.aet was wrong.and doesn't hmcflt anyone--certainly not his sister. the fathers were sometimes respon-: Cd, Oreer referred-ito the exam^-. prompted by divine guidance.- ing · ' , « " inaUon of accused.- WltnewsaM a . - ··- - · Limited, closed was Q--Or his aunt? A--No Re s»Wll»«,kaew.h« wa»_rl«ht T4» Q.--Would you accept lhe"dlsclo*, five ^minute "preBjEDilnary tChat anad v sar on Dee. M, itact to this point and I could ~ " urea that there was evidence ot-ta* first' been held and then aorosed* nt of I1S.15L99 not change him." -· · *> · · - Dfttaral for a person to be depreas- sanity in certain members_of this asked him." who b*_was _rThen_we tlon somewhat Witness later said the word t ed; »«T»rf«ny with. -conditions "difamily?.-- A.-- I dOT ~~ taBced frankly^He Invttea ; 'ne*: to :t ceding, year,_lt rigfit" or.guidance had' not ffiej ar« at ____ OoL-Oraer referred to *.' a "' balky make a physical examination, and*' uA»Tby--Vermttyea'ln thla r«- tt^ more or Jess, text book on psychiatry. I .told hbn'I had-Jxjped- that I - ·poet,-_thkt he (Dr. Robertson) had Characteristics in this respect to could. but I did not do this;" letters __ of 43 jeC.633.4C deducted this'from his*experience heredity were being more fully exirrent liabilities of ; -~~a: wnSStt^ of ~ fetters" " porportedy mental ? "" Kepert «m Case.::-' :.,.;s < plored only during the past few npared with X Dr. Robertson at this point called from accused, sent from. California years. Dr. Mitchell pointed out. of 3.7 times r attention to the difficulty of classto hi* mother w*s produced t -Q:--May the Jury take it, that lea ft year aga, with- a recognized condition in the witnesa to the governmentr of the in h*T>K«i. call ifying any patient into any class of , "^.-/t;. from wttnees that accusmental eases.' . ·-' family stock, it would be more mental examinaUon. ·ed investment yoa report-- I mean did ed had told him "he had thoosht prone to transmission. A.-- Yes. 36,396.03. "Betkrec "Abie To Scheme". you make up year mind be. was this orer for weeks and weeks". jle, consisting mentally affected? A--On NovemSidcHe Canes Ting by. various This man. in ray opinion, Ss of Mr. TTrqohart leferiej witness to ber 7. 1 wrote a tentative lepuU. and : a man's learlnc the scene on the Sef. total *Z»,- the paranoid type. This type -fa mght --Ia»iledly" .~O--Ha^reaHaed ., In answer to-st*tement ths.t"soi- then on Noventoer--13, I~ nmds ,1a7 of_*95JM7J7 abJe to - scheme - and ^plan^acutely; .... .';. , .-."'.-;natare of the act? -The physic- ddes were a form of insanity wit- compiete one. 31. Total fixed they-are considered...to^be^ extra the Col. Oreer had secured_a_copjjof t reduction-to smart, but their reasoning power is al nature of the act", pointed oat ness oald that fear of disgrace,_wor^ w-rfportrtfifou^nTESe penntaoioo ry-orer--rnnandat^-trooiaes" were to sale of some wrong. This man is not of the low- defence counsel. of witness. -..- - -. '. . .. ':" tproprUtfon of er type of paresis--he Is of the A dose bond of relationship al- times responsibie. ' - » There must- be some great perexisted between mothers and ireet widening scheming, type." -- ,_.- - ways "N« fkyrieal ExaaOmtiMi " turbed state of mind for suicides to It was further added that accus- their first born child, and this was loss surplus' ed did not suffer from fixed de- often used toy them to skin their take then- lives. I agree wKh that. Q-- You didn't completely tndie' mothers out of large sums of money, · Suicides occur in times of path- up your mind until you had eaawnin$749,509.68 as lusions. Dr. -Robertson said -izuanswer to a ological depression--they are in a ed further records of X-ray pictures 7,276.06 at the confused or toxic state. ~" . "Explatlonr" Says Doctor. is reduction is and other things? A--No. Wltaess ...... ... · , . * ·« At this point morning recess was Q.-- What kind of mental abnor- added he had made no physical ex>" payment of mality leads these suicides to the Mr. Payne referred to a newscaDed. .. ds in excess of because he believed that act? A.-- They do It not ' always amination the year. The »per allegedly procured by accused had_not-been . anthortatcW--He-1 .when-tbey-are-iremne;- he ^J-BiejnornintoLOctpJ ' ausly_oe " dtdTnot wish to do this without the , would be paid Walker House, Toronto. consent of. accused's attorney. Defence Counsel at eleven o'clock, Time of S«ioides d of quarterly "Did he know then that he had this morning with the rramlntng of Although he had made no roedioal t only «ut of done-wrong? A. This man, as I say the last witness rested its case. OoL Greer sought, acquiescence examination he said he bad arrived does not believe he did wrong. I at certain conclusions which have that the four relatives had been t-nDr. MltcbeO la Bebottal . esldent of the might add that this "explosionder great stress when they commit- botu xnotiified or confh-mod since having passed off, left him in a 5 unsatisfactory ted suicide. This was agreed, with. then. iree conditions, quiescent state,. but when he saw With the resumption of court af"But," witness continued, "people · Santty HeM ^.provement in this newspaper he might have be- ter the recess. Dr. W. B. Mitchell, do commit suicide and now knowing called by Crown Prosecucompetition' to lieved he should have gotten away, Montreal, It." They had yielded all the retor Urquhart, next witness, testified Defence counsel pressed the pointid the methods but still he did not believe he was t he had made psychiatry a spe- sponsibilities of this life when they tbat "the sanity field had not been rddence before wrong. .exhausted by the witness's exmmln- * cial study since 1917 when he grad- (relatives) committed the act immisslon. On Agreement AM To Mentality. Question of Erasing. uated from Toronto University. He aticn of accused." Dr.J4itcheUJ.n__, ild that officers CJ1_Pj}_yQu__agree_that-it-was--a iniwer poiutWout that there was ominton Stores Mr.TPayne-conUnuedr--· mental condition which drove them nothing to indicate _^6raye_mental-^ y constructive Q. When the m»n went to this Los giene Institute of Montreal and is lt?_ A,-Yes.loisease." . ___ , ilch the-com- Angeles' Gladys Avenue garage, in Professor of Mental Hygiene at Mc- toDefence pointed outS- that seven Q. You did say in the reporTtEat qill University, Montreal. the evidence of the owner, he (ow- 1 Witness had examined accused on members of the family were ment- he was not in a normal, mental isiaed the 1m- ner)-was requested to; erase the October 39, 1934, last autumn. It ally unbalanced. ** of health. DJd you make r:: by Dominion on the blotter--In your opin- had been held at Belleville and was Witness stated in answer to a I condition up your mind the time of youc.'. 3iic life of the records did the accused at that time a purely n^n^*l examination. It question that the form of mental report that he at wa»? largest grocery ion, know at the time that he was disease suffered by VermQyea made occupied five hours, divided Into A. The time I made-. inion with 496 wrong? A. I said several times that two periods of the day. He had somecAlxty years ago when he wa a close of the accused didn't, know then, and heard all evidence of the case, ex- confined to a room, was called in Witness was halted by Ool. Greer. » of the larger doesn't .now, that he was wrong. I Finally he answered the question sanity at that time. cept for Tuesday morning when he an labor with a believed he thought, in his own way, by saying the man, from" the exwas 111. "Charles Vermllyea at the age of :cess of $40,000. this was one way of catering up his showed he was not * Q.--In your examination did this sixty_beeam6 chUdish," continued I amination, 1 is one of the mentally normal defence. tracks. include a statement of his history. Canadian food Q. This would be an early age feu ia Type kL last year, Dr. Robertson supplied that ac- A.--Yes. had told him he (accused) Doctor Son No Menial DUeaae his uncle to become childish? A. 1 ·ably more than cused had been, thinHr^g over "this plan" "This report, was made upon the Q.--Have you formed--you are dont know what the physical facts Canadian farm familiar with the definition of-- were. The simple statement tba basis of my own discussion with shased by the for weeks. having regard to all this are you ol he became childish tells nothing. .hlai. He was descrlhed_to me_ai . ClastdflcaUon of Types. the opinion that at the. time of .the _Q. Is .this an early age to becomi lalways- being--Impetuous, impulsive i company such 'and easily disturbed by other pecstrong ~ liquid MrTPayne referred to antecedents alleged offence, was he suffering childish? A. No. pie. Part of this . knowledge came N D bank loans or of the family on the maternal side from a condition of the mind? ChBdfalutess. from him. and part-fronrthe broth-. other than is and attempted to have the doctor A.--It is my opinion that at the time he was not suffering of a dls common-shares, classify .the types of mental deficQ. If you did have childishness ers. I found him to be of the egolate future with iency as regards certain members. ease of the mind. at this age la any family would It be tistical, assertive type, with an imsrident declared. Dr. Robertson pointed out that here- ...Say*. Natare of Act Knowa an Indication of weakness in the pediment. in his speech.- He also apprared in an abnormal emotional dity was an Important role in instock? A. No. Q.--Would the accused at the sanity. "It might hit one place and Q. When did you ever see anyone state. He was an unusually mla another." Harold Vermllyea, lime of the act know of the nature childish ,at 60 In your eipcrtcncel tkmal person. taking Into oonxidcrattcm his rte- of the ofTenoe, and wmild he know A. Itlght along -- all the time IHndity mat Wn4 prnslve condition recently that if he was wrong? A.--Yes, There is no s«t age; they might be Q.--In your opinion at the time of come so at 50. an individual of his type put under Q. Admitting he had heredity a strain would be much more liable the,reported commission of the act, This state is a progreslve state (insanity) in his family stock, and to crack than If he had come out of was he laboring under a delusion of mental deterioration or degenera | this emotional condition you spoke ordinary good family stock, said the which might, in his opinion, excuse tion, it was pointed uot. of, would you have any basis for him. A.--He was not, in my optn doctor. the belief this was taking c-rer? KB rage D Mr. Urqunart, in taking the wit- ion. suffering from any delusion Arm* Inanity hi Stock, A. I woQld hare no reason to *»y, ness, brought the statement ttif t he which might excuse Mm from the Defence hammered at the ques- thi*.(witness) "did not pretend to be a act. "l_Sgotisrn is one of-the most fan-. Defence objected to this questk ! tton regarding sanity In-tfae "Stock.' ?.arch of accused mental specialist-. of a probe Into Q. You told us that as far as this and was sustained by the court. 'Witness agreed that there was in ·Tportant characteristics- of the para- . ooid, defence sought to establUh. "We are not setting up a specific sanity in the stock." business life cptnal arthritis was concerned, ac·-It might be applied,* wttcee This was dsoorihed by defence «n traced thru' cused had been told by a doctor who delusion," pointed out defence. agreed. "a clood nanetnr. orer the srsyt tosstftjs MSSSK! far ;«, *,. Yes I CASE