ipt in the pursuit, leading to the arrest of the accused man. Attorney General Arthur W. RoeThe telegram to Mrs. Faulkner was dated at Los Angeles 10.06 a.m buck did not wish to prophesy what action *rould be taken by his deSaturday and read: "Picked up morning paper and partment. "It will all depend on learned mother was killed yester- what happens in California," he day and warrant sworn for my pointed out. "We are taking the arrest. Who started this story? usual precautions and an officer is Fire advertisement for my family. leaving right away to bring his Crowded Highways Reprisoner as soon as possible." Please wire details.'* sulted in Mishap That It waj signed by a man giving · Provincial authorities communiTook Toll of Six cated with the British consul at the name of Harold Vermilyea. Crown Attorney Donnan and the Los Angeles over the week end to By The Canadian Press police were at once notified of the initiate extradition proceedings by message. It appeared to them and applying for a provisional extradi- The long holiday week-end in Onthe family of Mrs. Vermilyea that tion warrant. tario was marred by loss of nine With the arrest of Vermilyea in- lives. A yQung boy was electrocuted, it would be well to wait for a while in the hope that another message California, guards who were watch- a man was fatally shot, while huntasking for details would arrive. As ing the safety, of the members of ing and another was drowned. expected it did, about 2 p.m.. this the Faulkner and Vermilyea famil- Crowded highways resulted in mistime by telephone and after a care- ies were taken off their posts. that took a toll of six lives. Vermtlyea has been engaged for haps, ful ch,eck-teack, according to inforThe drownings victim was Romeo mation from Ontario, California, it years in the fruit exchange busi- Fortin, 23, of Chapleau, Ont., who was from the police station In that ness. He and his wife were sep- went to his death in Sylvanite Lake, city, that the call was coming. Mrs. arated a few years ago and there 23 miles from Chapleau. Harry Faulkner delayeo as long as pos- war a court action over the custody Clifton. 55-year-old Pembroke, Ont., sible in order to give the Crpwn of the children, the father winning resident, was accidentally shot by a .Attorney time to arrive to listen in possession. His former wife is re- companion while hunting. on an extension line in the Faulk- sining at Sacramento with relatives. Fifteen-year-old Stanley Novak, Oh Monday further investigations son of Walter Novak of Waterloo. ner home. After this conversation it was for blood stains or marks wore made Ont., was electrocuted, when he stated that it was difficult to ob- a*. Belleville by Dr. E. R. Frankish climbed up a street lighting pole tain from Vermilyea any concise of Toronto, pathologist. He exam- and came- in contact with a wire, answers to questions put to him by ined clothing worn by Mrs. Vermil- falling 30 feet to the ground. y°i on the night of the murderous Curtis Book' of St. Anne's. Ont.. Mrs. Faulkner. attack and took back to Toronto her was fatally injured on the. BrantMan is Held hat, coat and other clothing bearing ford-Hamilton highway by a motor stains. · .The crown attorney drove to the It is said there the pathologist city police station and telephoned to is. to examine a spot on the upholChief of Police J. H. Lock of On- stery of the taxi said to have been tario, California, and asked if Ver- driven to and from Belleville and milyea was fn Lie station and had also a spot on the woodwork of a phoned from there. The answer bete- rooip believed by police to was in the affirmative. Later Mr. have been occupied by a man who Donnan asked Lock to trace the drove to and from Bellexille in a "whereabouts of Vermilyea!s auto- taxi on the night of the slaying, to mobile for the past few days. dicccver if they are of blood Mr. Donnan requested that Verniilyea be held foi. a time and the request was grafted, ' Traffic Officer Sam Ervine was despatched about 4 o'clock to the Attorney _Geaera!'& Department afc Toronto with a warrant of arrest on a charge of murder against Ver(Continued From Page 1) milyea. Later in answer to Mr. Donnan's query Chief Lock wired: mint package and two fresh cigars "Have car checked. Coupe was fo'jnd in Vermilyea's clothing were stamped "made in Canada" and a pieceofLsoap_ found to one pocket stamped "wlHTlfiFliameoT a TAKE rr FROM MEhotci in the Province of Ontario. ,m NEVER ee CAUSHT POINTS OUT .ROUTE Meantime Vermilyea gave to of'AftMH WITHOUT ficers a day-to-day account, of what John Bannas, Toronto taxicab he said were his movements since driver, who eame to Belleville over I September 25, when he drove away the weekend to point out the route " from his home. he took on Monday night of last week and on Thursday night with Drivinf Upstate passenger who left the car while it was kept waiting on streets in He said between that time and st -Belleville. Bannas is the man I last Saturday mbining he had. drivgave the police a clue on Frien extensively through the State, visiting packing-houses and looking day morning that the man he had for employment. as fare might be the man wanted H* was asked about a letter sent by the authorities in connection to his mother, Mrs. Nathaniel Ver- with the mtmkr.of Mrs.. N. Vermilyea, aged 76, who was hacked to milyea. Bannas when he read the death near the Belleville home of story of the murderous attack at her son-in-law. Dr. J. A. Faulkner ! once notified the authorities that Ontario Minuter of Health. Bright he had driven here oh two occasfr TIRED FEET, SPRAINS, sa!d in this letter Vermilyea wrote '-'ons and waited for his passenger. BRUISES **<> COLDS he_Avas badly in nee_d of money. {He was shown pictures of Harold Vermilyea told officers the letter Vermilyea who is accused of the mailed in Los Angeles last murder News from Coast ST»TP MM K mm Departing: 01 ,1