FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 11)3-1 THK ONTARi RS. VERMILYEA BLUDGEONED (Continued from Page One) inknown assailant had previously |been seen In company. Police and professtonal theory lbeli«ve thflt the elderly woman was Ixtruck five times on the head with I the hatchet, twice with the sharp lalde and three times with the daB for blunt side of a newly purchased Bather's hatchet. The blood stainJed hatchet was later found at the pear of Dr. Faulkner's home where lit had been abandoned hi the flight fof the assailant. Bes«riptI0a of M*a NEW LOW The Film "An America Tragedy" Cause ofLaivsui Mother of Murd«r*ti Girl Dnro&rui* $150,000 From Film M»keri Cortland, N.Y.. Oct. 5---CAP) ·-- FPCITJ *(6»i life to fiftlan/ and from fiction back to rent ilfe is the story of "An Aoiertejin Tirnfetly." Twenty nine yews h$ve parsed since 'the lews affair of Ctester Gillette and Grace Brown fashioned the plot for Theodore Dreiser's novel. Now the novel has lent its name to the trial of Bobby Edwards at Wilkes Barjre, Pa., for the slaying of his sweetheart, Preda McKechnit. Dreiser drew from the records of Gillette's trial at Herkimer for his book from which came the stage 4»!sy and motion picture. Tne romance of the New York country girl who drowned in remote Big Atoase Lake 1« involved directly in a law suit now pending against the makers of the film. Mrs. Minerva Brown of Norwich, mother of the «girl, Is seeing for $150,000. She contends that the picture showed, her to 0e slovenly, illiterate, unkempt and neglectful of her daughter. Trial is set for this mouth. ·* Grace Brown worked in the shirt factory of Chester Gillette's uncle in Cortland. Together they went for an outing In the lower Adirondack mountain,* of northern Herkimer county. Young Gillette appeared at the camp of some friends and said the girl had fallen from a boat and wa<: drowned before he could aid her. She had. been struck on the head. She, aLso, was about to become a mrther. Gillttte, further, was In love with another girl--a society sjlrl, daughter of well-to-do parents, Gillette way tried at Herkimer-and sentenced to death. He was electrocuted nt Auburn in 1907. PRICES! FOR DEPENDABLE i On Monday last an unknown man about 45 years of age, standing 5 fret 8 or 9 inches in height called at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) J. J. 'Parley, 115 Bridge St., and was met at the djoor by the maid of the ,house, Eunice Mountany. The man STOCK MUST BE asked, for the whereabouts of Mrs. Nathaniel Vermilyea and upon beREDUCED! ing informed by Mrs. Parley that iMrs. Vermilyea was not at home he ·eplied, "Alright, Aunt Lizzie, I will again," and departed hurriediy. Last evening, .shortly after 9 [o'clock, a man appeared at the side of Mrs. Farley's home, rang bell, the door being ansby Mrs. Vermilyea who had ·en visiting in a front room with 's. Parley and Mrs. J- W. DavLsWhen Mrs. Vermilyea opened he side door she wa.s heard ex-'"Oh, my gosh," and admitted ie man. They immediately as- : ;cnded the staircase and entered 224 PINNACLE ST. rs. Vermilyea's private bedroom where they remained for ten minpiles or more, loiter they drscrnd·d and were heard talking as they eft the house by the .side door, [,'Eunice Mountnay, who had met the (due and all tip,-; were looked into Irnan on Monday Itu.t happened to to UN; la.".t One angle re'see the pair start, down Bridge St. ported wa/i that the kil.ler',s ajito!and is of the firm beieif that thr rnobiie hiac! t>e( x n abandoni.vl in jrtan to call on Monday Ls the same r'rinc*' Edward County. Immediateperson to have been Mrs, Vermil- ly Btal! In«pe(:i.or« Uujghecd and yea'.s visitor last night. ( J a r d n e r of Toronto and two mem* The pair were observed walking bers of local police departments ing « constant vigil. According to the latest police re("westward on the south side of went to t h a t centre and ail Ilm.vs of /Bridge Street by Mr. (.}. N. Oorman, traffic were bkxrked for hours, but porU today R photograph presented to Mls« Kunlce Mountnay, the maid ljlocal real estate operator and seem- no trace- of ihe ear wa.s found. |{ed deep in conversation, Mr, ClorR,('ix>rt,'i to the effect, that a car at the home of Mrs. <T>r.) J. J. | man, the last person to ;;ee Mrs, hetfrlng the de/^ription of the Cali- Parley and who previously Informed ,Vermily«a 'before she was wt upon, fornia licenced llulck wiw .seen in the authorities of the nlygtcrious stat«*d that fihe and her companion'Tn Ont.arlo but no confirma- vUlt of a stranger calling on Mrs. turned into the, professional fn- tion of thl,'; rumor \vn.-, ^yen by the Vermilyea last Mondny, was identified by the maid stg the man. to ftp· trance to Dr. Faulkner's and started police t,hi,n u f t e n H H i n . to walk towards the hoiw. A" mo- A c h r r k - t i p of Anicrican rnr»<,or jH'ftr at the Parley home last Mon ·· The maid aL»o /stated thai ment later Mr Gorman heard a cur.i entering Canadian port.s d u r - day. loud .scream and on looking across i i i K (lie piL'.i ten day-, wa.'., made ·she believed thbi to be. the .same Mian who W H K seen l*avlng the Parthe street failed to ,S<T either of the person,1; previously, Mrr>. t h r o n n h t t > e pfforU of Chief K i d d ley hon>c before the hatchet, killThr identity of the jVermilyea by this time hnvitiK sunk aru! hw a,v,tx'ia:e,s - A l U i Mu- re.sult. ing occtjrrcd 1o th<» ground and her a/xsailntit 'br- that, replie.-, in. !.h,» negative were ( j'^moti In thr picture Li known to ing hidden behind a c l u m p of buAh- rfCflVfd from N u t g i u a Falh, C o - the -jKillre, | ferry Dock Hir»rch,«d c*. Prof. V. 1' |tunt. HridRC St., Toronto, W'hUr Hftniift" and Cotvnurg. Out , Oct. 5 '(?P) nnd a next door "neighbor to Hr lx)in-«-, Windsor |>olifT .'.tailed Uvy wouid Ffculkner, was iitllnK near a wesl iin.'n.'thatHy confirm anything that r"hfH:k up of c«r f e r r y record-'? here this morning rrvfal^d that no au.jBdow and also hi»ard the scream, throw any light on the sub- tomobiles hud crojwd over from 1 Peering out of the window, Mr, might No reply had been r<v*ivr<l H,(x^iie?;t<*.r or departed from here Hunt *,laird to polk:*", he «aw » dark j.x-t. from the**.* at 3 p.m. Uxlay. during the past tfw days. .shadow of a m»n pawing between A thorough |x>mt,-t r.hrck-up of A m e r i c a n Police were arjkftd here to see if liis house und the Faulkner home. automobiiev e n t e r i n x Canada a maroon car, .iald to have It disappeared In the dnrknexs to of Hejleviile u i l i mlso tei, )u b*en uaed by Uie Hcllevill* hatchet the Tt was ft!, thi.s point order to u n r n r t t i some small clue 1 that Mrs. <l)r.) Faulkner entered toward ;he Identification of the ninn, hftd come iu'ro. ^ on the ferry. Police alto checked hardware upon the scene, isaw » woman iy- murderer of Mr,.;. Nathaniel Verm l i -stxirf sales to leani if a number six In front of ht'.r home nppflrent- ' ve a I n t he m i - i u i t une r - l t y . (') P 1*., lathing hatchet had Ix-on sold re3y injured and called the police, j C.I D., and 11 C M !'. are .still keep- cently, coiTeauondin^ io the deslittle realizing thai the jx-raon In! cription of the one u,';ed in the atquestion w;t.s her own mother who tack on Mrs. Vennilyea, but equir'had been bruUilly attacked i ies showed, no hatchet had been 'i Taken to Hospital < bought. Purrh»s*ff hi Toronto? Upon the arrival of the. police am- j-. Toronto fx)31c** .s-ftld today they bebulanee, Police CotxstabUw Tsard, ; lieved the hatchet with which "Mrs. Evans and Arnott immediately | ·j Nathfiniel V»rmilyea of Belleville placed the woman on a, stretcher I I was slain last night was bought yesand on the advice of Dr. Gibson > I terday at an East End Toronto was rushed k> the hospital while j I hardware store. at Constable Isard remained at the I They said * man entered the fccene and started an investigation | A m Used Cars Motor Sales The all- American girl, Ain.'nca", title waus won by Lou Schmaltz, 17-y^ar-old blonde, betn of New Orleans In the amaU beauty contest finals staged at t Chicago world 'o fair. Mix, Schma f'-om all parts of the United Sta to annex the tit'c - Week-End Specials