M the accused, baa yoa seen him , oae Is true? 'l hive^talked wtUi ? A. The first one;- 1 you, seen the man etace witnesses in-: the -room regarding Results of "Wm? A. Y*s. ^---rr;. -gg the Old Co . _ . pointed -%utr: as the ^*Have"ryou~iua3r doubfts now regard· Leeds 'TTi ing the' Identity: of t$e accused?" accused by 'some oneJJfc Yes. that tins, man is accused, but be .,,, ,-- Honor." -eourtTfKUouTned-until ten;0clock ' Saturday mornings _;-·'--.-^'-r:--^ Q. You won't, swear he ia the ac- Huddersfiel cused at-aD.TAA.-No^---;'·- C j*.'----** A recess lor the Ju£5? was then Barnsleyand buyers were present B. Morin, night cterfc-at; the Walkcalled. . .." -,,.-,-. ·-'.:--. · played. lumbers . at , Saturday's er House, TorontoTwhar testified ;at the VermllyeajTlal,onJfttdaj_aftax-, Black j>oo jme. There JirerelV Jew noon that he'had seen the accused Bradford man at the · hotel on the morning .Court" resumed with the: calling, of Bury 2; of October 5th, at one o'clock and > week .showed ;*· slight Basil Thompson, Battle Oreek, ticket Hull Citj price, namely 25 cents a later at two-thirty ajnv was asked agent and relief ^telegraph' operator; ^Manches bylCbl. Qreer.l K.OM counsel for low-* played. . ; r >r dressed ' 'pork. : Dressed Harold yermUyea, fo; describei "the in -question he had sent a Western "Newcastl (Continued Town=J.^-- Union leiegiAai fur v "&ST ·It w»s a parcel, wrapped enger would' be entitled to pass Collins". . - . , . , Notts Fo butter and showed no , : through, if he did not pay an addi- _ Thft»message was dictated. , The Port Va! n prieej-" Home-coufclng;"A, parcel you could ;· put under tional fareJ- ; . ' man "resembled the man in- the Sheffield u> In the interior of the your arm arid put your hand in your "He could have gone into all the prisoner's dock", said witness. 1. , lldlng. In the.: vegetable coat pocket" i He Illustrated with coaches." Further ~ questioning -re- The original of the message taken West Hi s were slightly ., dearer motions. , ' . ' vealed, .that, the passenger_ could and sent, was read by Mr. Urqu- unplaycd. Ips were 5o : less : a pecfc- A small guest-size , South cake of, soap, have entered six. --; = hart. It was addressed, ~the Palmer Aldershc were.as follows:" - ..'_ _ tntroditeed by; Crown ^Prosecutor Question' toy Col. '"-·· Oreer--There Hoase, Chicago, and contained a ,bus. ..^........^^tOO TJrquhart, was not permitted to be Bournen ;at, bus. ........... c.85 listed -as an exhibit, but was Identl- was no porter In charge of any of request to hold the plane, that a Bristol ( those six cars? A--No. stop would be made a; 63rd Street ' fled-by -witness ;as-the kind of soap Q--And he went into your car-- Station. The original message was played. Crystal : used-at'thetWalier House. ; the only one on? A--Yes; filed as an exhibit. .;....,.. ,60 . Jtrwin MacDonaM, employed in the tic 2. "How many of these passengers Col. Greer took .the witness.. bus. ......... .45 Exeter ms,:._. ,,.,> ».....:... 8.00 business of flee 'of the Mail and Em- ever tell-you their destination? A-- Q--Anything significant about' .^MUlwall Idem.-they, do.-.. the message being sent Western Newport , bus. ...... 10.00 to 12.00 various editions of the paper was . Headed for Airport' Union? A--Well, the company does ed. ;. , 13.00 met with an objection by defence Q--Andwhen this man left the 5gS, CWt. 10.25 most of the postal telegraph.busi- Queen's counsel as to his qualifications in car, you knew his destination, his ness.' , . . . . . . . . . - _ . . - . :.' ' ' Boyers 0 OWt. .ViTrvT-i-rri-w-ri --Sirindor as girenrthe-CiwnrJor «lot Testifies ---- = Torquay hindpcwfc-^TTT: 6.00 future use. Adjournment was then ited 0. . .25 to ".27 called to allow ten minute recess. --that he was heading for the latter Fred Whitney an airplane pilot rein a hurry? A--Yes. >··; ' Watford 1, doz. .25 _The man idenif led wore that night siding irr Los Angeles, California, Scwti i, doz. .i;....,.20 to 32 BeU Boy Identifies'1 and employed by the T.W.A. Lines a greenish-brown suit 'of worsted Alloa 5; ... ......... . 1.25 to 2.00 testified the plane leaving Chicago Cowxlen' . . . . ..... ..... .60 to 1.00 Jack Ward, bell boy at the Walk- material, and a two-tone top coat. departed at 9:50 pjn. Central Time Dundee ...: ..... .° ------ .70 to r .90 er House, next witness, recalled the He also wore a brown--light tan- for 1*06 Angeles, finally reached E. Stlrii bag ....... .....\:. J50 night of ~6ctober 4, last and the felt hat. He also wore "glasses" Edinbur Los Angeles at 9:35 ajn. Got on His Nerves ck ..... ..... .35 to .50 morning of the 5th. First he pointed played. At London the. man got. out at During the interval of; the night ·ck ............. ... .40 to accused sitting in the prisoner's the fifth and the morning of the King's sck .: ............ -.. .30 box--"Hie man in the chocolate- the station and walked up and of LeiUi" / 6th, he had carried nine passeng- -l__ down. v "" brown suit", as the man he had seen peck JO --The questions--mostly_iabout_the ers.- Accused, he said, had been one in the-hotel.>eck____. . .-;-- .TT.T' JO Montro.1 being late--which were asked of them. *He's the man I got the morning train te ......... ;........ 25 Morton over by his passenger said immed hides. Ib. ... .03 paper for," added witness. '"Hien I over and"got Nort Question Abaut Cab on his nerv.es." es, Ib. ...,.........v.. .02 took him upstairs in the elevator". witness Barrow The second mention of a plane es .......... 1.10 to' 1.25 The room allotted him could be seen was made at Battle Creek, when the One incident was remembered l>y Carlisle :, Ib. ....... ....... .__ .04 from the elevator. Around ten to passenger sent a-telegram through Jiim: -When. Vennilyea was given a postponec is ......,...; .15" to two o'clock witness again, answered Mr. Thompson, agent, to the Pal- breakfast box lunch, the man Iden- Crew A the elevator ascended and saw ;the mer House in Chicago. The mes- tified as accused asked if that was "Doncasi man with his baggage ready to de- sage was dictated by_the,mani<33ie .all he*, was golrig to get. One other on 1 part. He carried one brown suit gist of it was: "I'll continue to Ihe bit of .conversation was^ when wit- Hartlcp case iand it bag, according to wit- airport rather than hotel because ness asked If a cab was needed from Lincoln ness. Both pieces of luggage were train is late." The na/ne "Col- the air port. The man identified as Rochda tentatively identified by the nervous, lins" was given by the man. Th£ accused was known as "B. P. Col- Southp StocX young witness. train ordinarily stops at Battle lins." Stanley l Creek five minutes. In providing cars-for the plane *"".': Told Him He Was Early Tranmc A telegram for the passenger was passengers from the airport an by the witness at South order is given over the plane's United 3. "When" I saw him," he continued, received Wroxli! It was handed first to wit- radio transmitter. At Glendale, 'I told him he was rather early. He Bend. Sco ness by the brakemaft. The mess- continued 'witness, he had advised told me he was ready tg go". Aberdfr was addressed to a "Mr. Col- that'a car would be needed for Witness saw the man recover a age Albion "I knew him by that name small parcel from the desk - clerk lins. Clyde 3 when I heard him give it at the lour passengers. _and_ later helped carry some-lug- ticket office/' Hamilt - · . Did Not Know. Name gage to the taxi. .Thistle. ) Glad to Get Rid of Him Q--Did the accused . have glasses Hearts Col. Greer took' the -witness. on? A--Not when he went out >the After leaving South Bend the pas- '---Q.--This_jnian_ Kllmar trayeUed_as Col- --Queen': ngcr^wmfc^yAJrpnt-ta-the., con--T" ·---·--·-^·* '*--·«v»*«xr^^4.--TIIKZH And Explanation he went up in the elevator he did. ductor. Then he oune back and lins. Recollect the date? . ~ poned. 'rincipal is Satis-; , Col. Oreer took over the witness said he .'wanted to get off at 63rd. A.--Yes, October 6th. Queen i Q.--How did you find out his Ranger Crown Prosecutor Urquhart. St., Chicago. The train stops here factory ' from St. Job Q--Was anything said about ice on request. When it stopped--""Mr. name was Collins? What was the was taken by witness up source of your information in this quite sMlsfled~that the water when you took him up? A-- Collins," 1 through four crowded cars to get respect?· ' " ' · - . s we.V«? snrounxHeas' re- I asked him if he wanted some, but "Off IS ttJS light-. The north platform a .~.T hnfl JJ3 B3BSR5 of knowing SKEI !H ERDEBME