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Police Officers Testify in Vermilyea Case, 19 February 1935, page 2

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VEST INDIES y ' CE H.Gardneris rj About TfansportatBf iS Chicagoi tc|Lps STATE BOARDS MEET ' *J> · '· " '..".' . ' ' . . , -iH Control of Cultists Urged Miss M. Kelso Tells Coucrt , by Doctor at Chi' ' ' ' of Remarks Made by ;·'· hrr Mrs. Veirmilyea hv-- Etherington--of-Kingston Refers to Osteo- Witness Swears She pathic Practice Heard Footsteps Climb;-· ing Stairs Chicago Feb. 19 (C?)-r'The as- RlNGING-W BELL Guard Health"J; Of Trial Jury, --Milk Provided" 1'recautions arc being teken_by_ Mr. Justice Jeffrey to.see tKafri<>""~ relapse in the health of the Jurors on the. tried of-.Harold Ver_ m Uyeasr- occurs r~~r~~~~*~ · :-- Extended recess periods are being given during the day, and in the rest intervals bottles" of rich m!lk are being served to ktep up their health. '·"" ~; : .: Tod ay the j u rors. appeared. la. livelier.spirits .than..on Saturday,. au-Spata. with Governor Sir Alfred ClaUd HolUs. It'is hoped .that the Duke of Gloucester, en his way to the West Indies, will meet the honeymooned there'. He has not seen them since before their mar: rt- riage. --'· ~f~~~ ile he '.a !ar he he ;o Hauptmann in Hurry Get Action Picks ~~Fi«her - Of to ^ Trenton, " N. J., Feb. 19 CAP)-- Bruno Hauptmann's urgent plea for prompt actftm on an appeal from his death sentence stirred up a controversy among his attorneys today and presaged an open break with Edward J. Reilly, chief' defence counsel. Over the objection ot Reilly, Hauptmann from the death house requested C. LJoyd Fisher, Flemington attorney and associate de- piratlon3~Bnd" demands* of -Osteoe -attack paihs for licensure on " t h e same on Mrs. Aurella Vermilyea, 76, and terms as physicians demand no the arrest -of her 49-year-old son consideration" stated Dr. Frederick ·Harold. two days later in Ontario, was related ._ at the Etherington' of Kingston, Ont., to- California, fifth, day of the son's murder trial day . 'addressing the .Federation., of today,- along with "detailed identifiState Medical Boards of the-TJnited cation--of --clothing-- and:--articles States in conference, here. found in the California home. A beginning was made- In the Dr. Etherington, Dean of Queen's wire was sent requesting '-Jthf aj>- _ University Faculty of " Medicine, reading of transcript of evidence of prehension of accused, but no hour witnesses take by Commission at could be -fixed by witness. said he and a colleague who ·visited San, Bernardino, California, before Q. How soon., after the aecident,four leading United. States schools Mr. :T. W. Duckworth,- -who had dld it occur to you Harold Vermilof Osteopathy concluded . that been appointed a commissioner for yea might have been implicated? A. 'graduates of these institutions that purpose, but the reading was The same night. ·- ..... · halwd -femne-- time being. _2 ~~TM~ coikd_not be admitted to practice Q. Before midnight? A. It was. "Perhaps by eleven o'dock rugon the sam« terms as graduates Police on Stand gested Col. Greer. of the medical schools of. the UnitChio.f Constable Alex Kidd, InA. About half past? ed States and Canada." spector Hamar . Gardner, of the Q. Did you have any discussion Previously the conference- heard O.P.P., and Miss Mary KeLso were with Miss- Mount enay? This question was objected to by from Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd of on the stand this morning. New York the prediction that 60 Within .. three- hours after the His Lordship. Mrs._Aurelia Vermllyess. _____ Witness ,_.told,_o.LtfMng_alLborperttnt of -the medical-practice-. In dlscovery_pf in a dying condition on the lawn der points after contact had been thickly' populated states would be of her daughter- on Bridge Street established with California, Tclfm dispensaries and clinics 10 years East, her Injuries being: the result ph one. communication, -to the bev hence. of an alleged- hatchet attack, con- of his - recollection ww not mati^ The. New York medico said: "It tact -had - been established by the with Ontario. Calif., until Octofcois Epparent that the voluntary hos- police of Belleville -with the police 6th.. said · witness/ Defence coun--'. of_OntarlQ^_Californla;^the -- city hammered on thii t«npted to place the: exact hc.:r creaking down by reason of the, Chief, of Police, testified. inadequacy "of funds derived from After an~ adjournment oh Monday, messages had been "owinj to the illness' of "four of the philanthropic ' ' KdlOoa o< N furors, _sutfering .from -. irrfluen**, . Control of_ on-.-tb«-trl«l-of -H«roi(r* --W; "Roy Nw-manTstuRw, * , Mall and* Dr. Charles B. P&rkham.- Secre- Vermilyea,. *resumed on Tuesday Bnplre press room . svperinkudenc Toronto, recalled Octoter-Sth-mndtary of the State Board of Medical morning. entered the court room plaoed the time of th« "one star Uxs miners of California--at Sacra- at Vermilyea 9.30 o'clock. Carefully groomed mento, urged a uniform standard dressed In his usual neatly pressed edition- of the paperas being on the lictnsure of physicians be adopted chocolate brown suit, and suave streets at 12:35 that morning. All three editions of the -paptr by State Boards to control "cult- and poised as usual, he took his seat morning carried ful! headUIS." __ ' '" . -": in. the prisoner's dock and a/ter,a that lines tellinj of the aUack of Mrs, Giving Uie conference his- con- brief survey of the court room, setcluslons in regard to Osteopathy. tled back on his air cushion, arms Vermilyea. said witness. . Inspector Hainar Gardner, of ths Dr. Etherington claimed he bjjd resting .on bdAh railings as he lolled Provincial Police Department,. Tofound actual teaching of medicine at ease. \ ronto on the n!ght of Oct. 4th had at the bedside of the sick "grossly, been at his home when news of even lamentably, inadequate," at Slatted Hair on Blade the crime had been received. A call Osteopathlc Schools he and coHeaChief Alexander Kidd of the had been received by him -at midi-uc-s visited. .... . ...... ........ ___ ._-.. Belleville . police force, first "witness night. He arrived" in" Belleville ."it ~ "At' the largest school," ,he said. .under the questioning -of about 2:45. He had then proceeded "the building devoted to. hospital called Crown Attorney B. c. Donnan, to the scene and made an exajniservice is-old, dirty and in a state told of the night In question- and of natlon. This was carried -en- by of disrepair. Instead of foundation proceeding to the scene of the as-

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Alexander AND Kidd
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