suitas on Wisdaesday.,; y ... : *t feUr-d'eicxde Ektnday aftornoon, drepped blankets with which th« and hit Sept.? 30«ii 1934. At that time Wlt- rescuers, Mr. Ingram ;and Dayton .WelUngt Police, Medical -Testimony Murphjv-oI-Well tngtoniwra $>ped-the ness^waft-on-desk-duty-andrwitnessed ^ot-the-morntng^-^as--glvew "Holiday ' ' ' ' over;to the questioning ot Constable "accused" sign the hotel regUtcr, -he o fftrmt '.'On -arrival, .here. Uiej O.Arnott, Plain. Clothes Officef F. which S preaed · wVfi'de?' a?" llwir of Fite "Br.Oeo.'H.; Suable 8nd "He registered uad«r the'iittni«lof. Vardy has betn.for many y|«r« miles w Dr. JR. S. 'Gibson. : gw ., quest" B.*. Pr Carterj-Aberd*enr- Washing- an -inmat« -of -the Sh«!t«r. Me 'has d*ay mat run,away fWTO many plates ten or Tttlf'8, I -to their part In the in - ton," «»ld ths witness firmly. , _ _ . _ _ - _ , ^ "It well, 40 ertine." torti ev!de»s«, was' inter* ·«d s*sa handed :U) the ten 'They rie.,boy».ir«re in- bedeating because"/of :th» fact, .that he o'cJoek lanh* ; was the first to find the hatchet ·fl6e i«)i lying 'in - an old dish pan,.resting Bonn 303 w&s eletta-o'cloctri that-night haa'tW «H"» "pile of broken cement blocks signet; of thecregister,: fire :^cap® ft-hftlf at the rear of »r., Faulkner's iresi·/H-fitpjSif.;--,cars The with him one dawn the of* their roQmv;To«y took deaoe. This TeUtwntd ,:pr,,St6blefs 8maU:-bog,- '^ " "later they ed the testimony that the /wotfnds 'on'Mrs, : . the -bay to reseulni If ;,was at larfce, wen t /across the - Ice ~; on VermllyeaV . head / T wrlsfriwere ! I * year-old'w^/"Tnan.* yermilyea left caused by a tool'of Wie same shape, brown,-, suitcase", \added witness Prince Edward shore and, · then] years i their way to -Wellington," skiff to SS Ontario, California. In a .wine- col- as the head of thevhatchet.' . -The triff- ; questlo'ning . of. Mr. mnrte .Wellington Ontario, February r*-- they re lo»*d Buick opach. He'"had one wounds /on the-side of the head CTrquhart, Crown prosecutor. .Marooned 24 hours on an ice 'floe travelling bag arid a suit;casei when above the right ear were particu- "It resembled that one trWe," in like Ontario, most of -the' time across the la<J . . . . . : . . . - . . . _ larly severe and had the appearance nothing, but 'carrots and dried ·after t The bag and ^suitcase prodused of · having been pommelled. by: a pointed witness to a suit case -be- with lads who /ran' mile ; to eat,. two exhibits 'wereMdentif led in part heavy tool. Whoever wielded 'th« .fore the bench produced during corn away from the Children's Shelter ' the by the irttness. '? "They '· took very tool-did so In such, a savage jrian- the morning and partly Identified by at Belleville late b'n Sunday "night tq ner_aa,to^ expose ^bram_tissue_and a-prevlous;wltness."~ -------r-' ---------- and- -tried to reach-- the -United procedi :Hun< drive several specules" of "skull Done NewiHTlot so States., on a raft of fence rails, were shore · When" VerinUyea came; back, on well into the brain. Such extensive Resemblance Noted rescued two miles off-shore at Wel- the bo CJct. 6th* witness was one of first brain Injury was .the cause of death Jington_last- nightr----^-- *-»-~^~ were fc to tee him. After accused had re- which ,ocourred-the-next-day-after " One^urteaae waj»' KlvenyMmrwTC^ The boys. Charles Weaver, "12, A. Th witness ; told htm he had the attack at ten In. the morning. ness said, to be looked after until and Henry Vardy, 16, embarked sec- ed me< Constable Arnott was questioned later needed. The man who re- retly on ; ielr raft, made' of fence- to bed cJosely as ,to whether he could sea sembled Vermllyea' stayed on at the rails bound. with _wire^_ and--with S*The The. sazn« car and baggage accom- a'group otipeople standing on the hotel from Sunday -. until the 4th, planks as paddles, half a mile along six tri __panled_VennUye*.,upon hly,fetum. Dr. Fmuttoer' lawn/.from .where,,he sald_wltness._<_,,.i ,'-,,.,,_,.,.,,, . ,i, : .... the shore from this ^village* last aft«m< Then, according to witness, police was stahdmg when he got out ot the Q--Was there ' any conversation night. Neither had an'overcoat and bundle officers can* to the, Vermilyea car. Arnott stated that-the light was with this man during his stay? V their food supply consisted . only were c not "sufficient to recognize any^.on« _ _ . iof Carrots and dried corn they had suppllc at he was «n until he called at the desk and taken from a farmer's barn. .... ; return- / '·/.' - . ' .- ^ : \^ · at that distance and that -the be said he expected two men to callunable to do so ·until he was a?as witbin ~~. ^AocuseTS was ; on "the long dlsThey, were first seen "When before jp. The Draper and Walker-- laximeri. :vj- tince'"' telephone when Chief Locke about six feet of the group, Q--Then whai? A--He went to ·· "caice^to U»' "house," -««lil .witness. - night was one of 9rdinary' degree of , t Explanation darkness In which thtre was no his rcom and telephoned down to Mr.-Urquhart ; took up re-examln- f% be called t 2.30. - _ - - ~ ' JDpoiL Mr. IVermilyea _ being told moon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .. -Witness--From- )&st ~ot the crime-in-BeUevlUer-relayed Q. Could you identify this coat" the man called? A. Yes. This man you to hta California home from Bellethe Wes'tspoke of? A. I .believe so. le who re- Carter, came "down, he turned to . The ville by officials he replied -rf-"Oh. was produced, -but 5 evidence me and said If anyone calls now, brought coat --niy God." ..-' ' ·-,··'-;. . ·'," ' ,. ' up some question of its : adve. him a tell him I couldn't go on that trip misslbility Col. Greer took up ^hr?ercss ex- was that "Vermilyea. gave, as an exlilbit at this ~ sheet of paper, whl ricluded .a and that I've gone. ' Flc Mr. Urquharc continued with ctl6ns~that 1 This man had on a gray felt, time. Under.-^nes'Uoning witness rehis examination.- Witness-became --Thi plied that he worked as a laborer, from any hat, 'long grayish brown coat, pull- .entangled a question regarding Coun -^snd'had resided In Calfornia for 28 as to replv over sweater and" what was believed his ability In to "swear" to the color ilyea went to have been a gray suit under- of the clothing. 'yea'hs.'He had worked for accused Justice Jeffrey PX- in il ' for just a. lltUe over one year. Ver-. nd will be neath. The .sweater, said .witness. plalned the.point. The witness was iw.'yea had: paid on an average of [Tie names was xm .over the vest. , ' ...tolled · , --+0 cents per hour .for 9 Hours work. were,. Frank 'Henny, - Ja ck Nagle, Witness told of later seeing the dismissed. B -un ~rHeTiaa~seiaom conversed -with Ver- Clarence Vermllyea, Ar thur Ver- man in a police lineup at Torontd . Sale of Similar Hatchet ' Wh ~mifyea *«nd=naaT3tttle' friendly re- milyea, Mother (Mrs. N. VermilyeaV Col. Greer, . defence, took' up the .lames Nichols, a salesman In the w:is i lationship-with -him.,; Helen or · Bert (Mrs. and Dr. questioning. ~' nardware department of the J: B. Slierl 8ay«' Aecn»ea Wr»te Slip Faulkner.) Q. Before you saw him in' the SU'ipson next witness when shown ' "Ban A slip of paper wa» handed wttWhen Vermilyea retu:rned afte; lineup you had seen photographs the hatchet as^an'-exhibit explained - Un> ness--"Mr,-_ Vermllyea has gone triess how of the man? A. Just, some pictures it was of the same type~as · that ran i -north and won't-return .for a coux> bright"! I had seen In the press. , tower sold by the'store. .." " ' ' so bright"! Q. How -soon before? A. I ' Kkd On Oct. 2nd. he related a hatriiet times S^I suggest", witness yiat you Vermilyea exclaimed, "Oh, ;. My seen tlvem on -the 5th and 6th.. ofilhe-san/e type was sold a "gen^ r can't read." charged Col. "Grier. God!" Just after this Vermilyea A. And you had time- to compare tleman. " - . The ;sllp of paper was handed s arrested by Chief L ce. Swayne them? A. Yes. Mr. Urquhart: Can. .you_re£pgnlze Mot! , ·'to" the Jury." It Was handed back also related that he id" worked Q. Was there anything about ;hls "sfentleman". Vir day, two him that might have led you to After a moment's scrujJny_inJ:he _________ . again and re-read" by witness. rou?ht otit ·A' r,~3?i suggest ,, again -JJ»at you can't years before. Col Greer-brought out remember -hlm?~A:"No7~exc'epr'tn'aT oTfection of Ifie prisoner's dock -- Loiv read; -that that Is not what the that the witness could not .read I remember him from the. time he I can recognize a man. who re^emb- lor. m note contains," pursued Col. Gteer. llirig out trie vords. Tht put 'some money sway on deposit Ics that man: mer I . ·* ·> you say--:Mr.--Vermilyeaiated that Verm Ilyea and told me to look after it, that "Where?". A, "SlUlng over there!" Daily wrote: this letter and handed It to made, no attempt to i :cover. the you never knew when a person Witness nodded in/the direction of Bruno was tum- might get knocked on the head. you?" A.--Yes. Vermilyea.. , vlndlc Not Good Speller , ~'f ner on his Col. Greer drew' the point thr.t You' meaji the man--in the- pris- made ._ - .. "Put your glasses on and read,, arrival there. "It questioned' Mr. the wan, Carter, left with a taxi oner's dock?" Court recessed at 1.15 p.m. for driver who was not either of the Jeffrey. . . . ;ihb." Invited Col. Greer handing . "to ce witness » second note. An address lunch. "Yes." condci men previously mentioned.' was read. But when pressed to Q. He might have been in con- Thft'-polnt of whether the conver- ever o CRITICALLY BURNED NED' spell.out ^jHie name, witness admlttonipt sation between "the purchaser and with three or Tour taxi drivers? 14 (CP> -- tact .Dot- .'.'a very good seller of the hatchet s A'. Yes dng a cla- L · eller.' Witn '* "* -'i - B^fc^T*"1* *JfV,' fiSSSsfwf? --· Posltlv^ of Identification . . fence and prosecution. At the sugTI, was^ seCol. Oreer shifted his attention gestion of the defence, the Jury rebody when ' Questioned again on the dress of tired from the room while the Porl .,l<i the · note- . containing a ' list of ,the man, -witness agreed he was i his hand matter was threshed out. mond names, of ".'Clarence', 'Arthur', fairly . · positive of the identification. . i which he truck --'Ifefen' jand 'Bert'. If--a Coir Greer objected to any stateof agony "· Col. Greer--What do · yoi -sayments from.the hardware clerk wit- di:ui ^ telegram was received from any was lying. Ills' screams3use to his about his wearing glassss? A. He ness except, these which concerned with t one of these It was to be answered, assistance. couch was was wearing horn-rimmed one. . general remarks not detrimental raigne witness. ". Chief . Locke of trie Ontario. was done to the hbuso. ny damage Q.. Did you ever see him without to the accused. The objection-was chat-Re glasses? A. Yes. sir. sustained by the' Bench. · ' ' oner's · was shown this hospital in The man resembling Vermil.vea 'Defence and prosecution still-de- verdlc "severnl" times -by w i t - j bated the point at press time. The [ ness in' the hotel. J cross!; l-jury.,had then, not returned. iv«d . ·* r$e to