Accused Manslilsaine Dr. Howland Testifies oh Ability of Man' to *- Stand Trial --·--^- 'Used to Fly Of £ Handle?' Says Brown jri -De- '. history? A. Yes. . Q. Are you able to form an opinposition ion of the man's sanity? A. He had always .been--a psyrrtnnnthlf: oversensitive egotistical, had certain trends towards right, and with' the history of this- delusional symptom, 'developing before the , crash, this 96-Year-Old Man Tells of Vermilrea Able to Fol- man was degenerating and with -.,-· Mental-Illnessof · financial strain developed an low-Trial Say» Wit'- . the --~ ^-"Mother · ----~ acute Condition that he^was inv sane,: a condition in which these ·.' - '- ; ; nes« ·- '-, . Harold W. Vermilyea, accused -ci.; delusions of.persecution and grandthe murder of his motherl-on thcAfter five minutes thl*-afternoon eur-have been -pronounced." -'-night of October 4, last, · while" Hv-"' azJiProvincts «f OnUrJo.'RIGHT, above, the Jnry returned to court and Question of State o-|sbows tfte trlllium-'ln Woom- LEFT, decided Vermilyea b fit to itand nia during the fall of 1934: had :unbelthe" leaf design. . '.' hi« trial. ~~ Qr~And~ at~ther time^of ·;The. jury Rt ' the Jrial: of Harold mii<slon of this crime--if he_:dld tions, speech and--raannerr° friends**-:' | W. Vermtlyea, charged with mur-commit it^-what was his state? -- of long standing in his home town*.; j der of his, -mother, was re-sworn Insane? . testified at the Thursday'afternoon,'- ! thite'afteTnoon-to-de terming- if -the --Ai~ "Undoubtedly,4*--repliedTM--the hearing of the .trial through ;deposi^-- I prisoner was fit to stand trial. doctor. ··" : tlons.previously, taken at an inquiry Vermilyea murder trial .was Col. Greer' referred to the trips commission at San Bernardino, .Caldramatically halted shortly after to* the. city allegedly made ,b"' tlie ifornia and produced in court_yes-^_ three o'clock this · afternoon when accused. Witness continued--"These terday. . Dr. Gordon. Howland, psychiatrist, trips and the disappearance are char- r-"Harold was" queer^-I~ always acteristic of. the delusion suffered thought he was one'of the queerest" In evidence for the defence today Toronto, Feb. 32r-(CP)--i paranoids. Sometimes this type men I. ever knew" stated Thomas of civil servants at thejtrial of Harold W. Vermilyea, by 13 to with murdering his mother, fires off a gun, smashes a window Dale Plttengier of Ontario, Callfor-, · since - the government .of -Premier charged testified that if Vermilyea killeO or gives -some ·warning." nia, an inspector of the General. Mitchell F.> Hepbura: ' took office, the Sir. Unquhart took the witness. It Electric woman last October 4, .he was Company of that town. .,, names of those whose .appointment is disclosed by him that the only insane at the time. In answer to a :Uig the fall of 1934, ha seemed as King's CoonaeL has been cancelled e*-aiul--salaries of ^ various deputy question, Dr. Howland had said he the five hour one. He had read the Kx>m s worse, or more notlceablv _ ht ministers are' among the 23 ques- would: willingly on the face of the evidence given by witness, Sullivan affected by. things or conditions", al Uons,-w!iich members -of the oppc- evidence -and. on the strength of and others. added this friend of three or' fovir_. | years' standing declared ?.t the in-" sittoa In the_ .Ontario Legislature his examination certify Vermilyea , ^ ~^gave notice .today, they will ask the was -insane . and would willingly JVUlinz (^Certify Man Jnsao* ' quiry. sign-- a- certificate--committing .him "He used to fly off the.handle fre^"goVernmenTTSIonday. T ~ \lr.. Urquliart asked: --·'Doctor, quently and was subject to fits' of . »rt "How; many-civil- servants- have to an^institution.he been dismissed or have resigned on -On the .trial en the ability' of would you haw any hesitation in rage.-His . memory seemed- to be-! Vdng a certificate consigning: this request of tne government since, the Vermilyea to stand, Dr.~Howiand Man tpJan_lnstUiMion_ for the in- come more faulty and he was cor- s \ repeated' . questioning --by--; Ccl.' _r -oOloe?« 1 3eT^A^AocoSHn|; evidence7 reads tpattioh from T. P. Lan- Greer, > admitted that accused had '. have heard and examinations made orders I gave him from time to tiro '. ability to stand trial. . . .' / : . Lately, he had. seemed fo be in a ; casteri- P*MHJorough^: A, ;.H. Acres, hani-up condition' arid was anxiousDr. Gordon Howlani was stHl.nn I would not ^hesitate'to dp this; ' · j;ustJbe Jeffrey.objected. -' id this for ;any^klnd; pf^orkY' Harry P.i the .Stand' la -the Vermilyea^iaprdeY, Jfj^ltoiSi; SiSi-!ViH' ";-^'A' · ' ' ' " ' Brown of t^>land;*C«llfoteia, .nf^tl-C' trftt'^h ^ ·'·Tnls -c&te nKfelTsKip," he ordered ager of. a .citrous fruit packing'exGreer; defence counsel - continued . . . . The jury wps- immediately.'. askad W. H. Price, Former Attorney Gen- the questioning of witness in. re- to reUre 09. th£ miestlon had teen change; and one, time .employer-cr> en eral/ desires information as .the, spect to the iVermHyea, family. The thfl.aceus^, declared,In.his deposl; Jl raisedW to\whb6her Vermllyei tras ti- person^ . "whose recommendations distinguished. · appearing ' compet«»it. Co conduct · his defence tldn read 'by defence -C^lBS^l. ' ' ',S* nt for appointment as His Majesty xmdered the questions dlreofed to ; HMpJtal .Hetid'Teftiflc!* ' n- counsel learned In the law -were ilm before the close of the mo'rn- or stand h(s trial. . '· Iff (he-'etorly part-of Thxiruda.V afid, ternoon Dr. T. D. Cumbeirland ol ' Vermllyea's Appearanco by order-ln-co'.incil since ng session. The .list of tile family ,th cancelled (Continued on Page 5, Col. 1 ; the llth of July,'1934." He wants to as presented by Col. Grew before ' Ttiroughout' the lengthy quesMe know and when these were can- noon recess -had- been: ·e- celled how tioning of the medical witness on "There were fo^r suicides. Two Witness explained it was hard' to.' and on whose recommenda.Ir. people were certified Insane: cue questions relating to his sanity, get down to a purely mental at.1 _] , ', · x rmilyeji--sat unmoved. Justice j-d tion. son -of Solomon was 'confined to his titude. ' ' A ..-.--·-, , George 8/Henry, leader of the opit- position, Jeffrey resumed · court: He instructJntune AJI Life leads with seven questions. home (luring the later .years for acts ed the jury that Dr. Howland had Q., Will he continue to be in-He asks' the salary of Duncan Mc- of violence;, Reuben Vermilyea saw testified that accused -was insane sane for the future? A. For the rest Arthur, Deputy Minister of Educa- spirits and had visions of money tion. The salary of his predecessor In the swamp: John C. -became and that he (witness) would be of his life. and how many Deputy M'ntscers childish; Delilah R«ld became child- willing to sign to that effect, nnd 'Q. Arc you able to givj an opinish; an uncle. Charles, became have him committed to an insti- ion on the specific question as' to ice are receiving a salary of more than childish before 60." ' tution. The court pointed out the whether he can conduct his owli^ et- $«,000. questich of insanity had been trial without having an interview Col. Greer then asked: v ung The former-Premier asks the num' ber of Royal Commissions appoint- Q. Taking these things into con - raised. "The defence of insanity with him? who . went relate? bacfe to the. .time the 'ASMS?:! a lorur naus« OR thfi narii - ASKING OFr <pSTIONS FAMILMIST0R1F Questions