106 BOWERS--BOWRING. right of his old newspaper, the Belle- Woolwich. In 1864 he was reville Intelligencer. During the Par- turned to Parlt. in the Lib. interest, liamentary session, 1897, he declared for North Waterloo, and continued himself perfectly ind. of all party to represent the riding in the Ho. of leadership. He is Presdt. of the Commons after Confederation until Hastings Loan and Invest. Co. In g.e., 1878, when defeated. At the religious faith, he is a Meth. He g. e. 1882, he was again returned, m. Dec., 1857, Harriet Louisa, eld. and sat until the close of the 7th dau. of the late Jacob G. Moore, ! Parlt., 1896. Mr. B. has been Presdt. of Belleville (she d. Apl., 1884).-- of the Ont. Mutual Life Assur. Co. Belleville, Out.; JRideau Club; Al- continuously since 1870, and of the bany Club. Mercantile Fire Ins. Co. since 1876. "An honest man, but a weak man ; also He m. 1861, Lydia, dau. of J. Bowa vain man, and lacking in courage."--W. man.-- Waterloo, Ont. F. Maclean, M.P. BOWEING, William Benjamin, mer"An irascible old gentleman, who despite chant, is the s. of the late T. C. his long political experience, works himself Bowring, and grands, of Benj. Bowinto a white heat on very slight provoca- ring, both of whom were promition."-- Herald. nently associated with commerce BOWEES P. E., journalist, was t>, and politics in Liverpool, Eng. B. in Irel., 1844. Coming to P. E. I. in St. John's, Nfd., 1834, he went when young, he was ed. under the to Liverpool early in life with his late John Le Page and at St. Dun- father, and received his education stan's Coll., Charlottetown. At 18 there and at Birmingham. On its he became Secy, of the Lib. Reform completion he returned to Nfd. and Assn., and 4 yrs. later drifted into went into business. He next went journalism by becoming an ed. con- to N. Y., and while there, founded tributor to the Examiner, of which the N. Y. branch of his father's paper he was afterwards ed. and house under the firm name of Bowprop. He also published and edited ring & Archibald. After 7 yrs. he The New Era. In 1886 he went to returned to Liverpool, where he Nfd. to manage and edit the Daily has since resided. He joined the Colonist, and he has been on the head office in that city, and is now press of that colony ever since. Mr. the senior partner in the important B. has led an active public career, shipping firm bearing his name, havand has filled many offices, political ing branches in London, Cardiff, St. and otherwise, including the Qtieen's John's and N. Y., as well as busiPrintership of P.B.I., and the Secre- ness ramifications extending over taryship of the Central Council of ] North Am., Russia, and other porthe Cath. Total Abstinence Union of tions of Europe. It is one of the that colony. In 1890 he was one of leading houses in the oil trade. He the delegates sent from Nfd. to Can. entered the Liverpool City Council, on the French shore question. He 1884, being elected for St. Peter's has published a biography of the ward, and was subsequently twice Hon. Edward Whelan ( 1868), and returned unopposed. In the Counan essay on " The Principles and cil his business and personal popuPolicy of True Liberalism" (1887). larity5 speedily brought him to the Politically, he is a Lib.; in religion, front. He was elected, an aid. 1892, and apptd. Chairman of the Finance a R. C.-- St. John's, Nfd. BOWMAN, Isaac Erb, legislator, and Estate Comte., an office regarded is the s. of John B. Bowman, who as the premiership of the civic During Mr. B.'s official removed from Penn. to Out., 1820, body. by Lydia Erb, his wife. B. in term, in addition to the initiation of other financial measures, the imWoolwich, Waterloo, Ont., 1832, he was ed. at the Rockwood Acad., and portant Act relative to the converbecame elk, and treas. of the tp. of sion of the citv debt was )