PIONEER STAGE COACH, THE WELLER LINE FROM TORONTO TO KINGSTON. (Prom "Pioneer Life Among the Loyalists in Upper Canada" by W. S. Herrington, K.C.--(The Maomillan Co. of Canada, Toronto). sturdy young nation could not possibly have gained its present stature had it not been for the impress of the Loyalist migration which without a doubt moulded the course of Canadian history along Imperial lines and helped to form this nation within the Empire from widely scattered units and widely different viewpoints. Before 1783 the clearest observers saw no future before Canada but that of a French colony under the British Crown. The influence of the United Empire Loyalists in Upper Canada (Can well be credited with Canada's growth along Imperial lines and its steady progress and prosperity both commercially and politically. "Before 1783 the continuance of Canada in the British Empire was by no means assured: after