; oud new owner 0, the business and ' readings and book signings by lod national authors. SheUlal to organize guest authors for the Brown Bag Lunch. "They get a lot of people," said Grieve. And Grieve has already re-hired Helen, Pat and Carol - three of the old staff. '"It's great to have them because they know the customers and the business, ibeetner mcy will continue to do special orders for customers and will offer access to a used books website for a small f "People have such a good time. It ceases to be only about shopping. It becomes a whole experience," she said. The new old Greenley's Bookstore will re-open on April 21 (April 28 is the back up date). The phone and fax numbers will remain the same as will the email address. Plans for a website are in the works. 7n Grieve's opinion, every community needs a local bookstore - with an inventory that includes local books by local authors. She is also a big supporter c downtown Belleville. "Tlike my local places that I know. I like to walk into a restaurant where people , Darla [Miller That I wng up here, we didn't have, a mall. Downtown was the place 1 events, like Winterfest, add to the draw.