The Intelligencer i Almost endless op- portunities to help people is one of the highlights of the job for Donna Lang, com- munity relations co- ordinator for the Quinte Arts Council. A Belleville girl, she is the daughter of well-known resident Eugene Lang. While Donna has enjoyed her work at ' the council since she started in August, 1993, she will soon be saying farewell to both her job and her hometown -- mar- riage will take her to Peterborough in Sep- tember. "I'm usually in- volved in almost every project and ac- tivity of the arts coun- cil," she said, "especially in the pro- motion aspect." <\ But she cites the recent Two Weeks in May Festival for which she did practi- cally all of the ar- rangements, also involvement in help- ing to organize the first conference for Arts Ontario held in ' Belleville this spring. "Then there's the telephone," said Lang. "It rings con- stantly, inquiries about services, pro- grams and more. It's really great to be able to help a newcomer resident learn about the arts groups, pro- grams and facilities available here." As well, there's the opportunity to meet- ing with many of the key leaders in the city, including many who are members of, or represent member groups in the council. "We have close to 700 members," she notes. In recent weeks, Lang has penned the weekly "In the Arts" column in Sunday's Intelligencer. Writing the column adds to » 'I'm usually involved in almost every project and activity of the arts council especially in the promotion aspect." her weekly work load, "but I'm pleas- antly surprised at the number of peo- ple who read it and comment favorably about it." Lang observes that the community and awareness profile of the arts coun- cil has been raised sharply in recent months, partly because of the move from the Queen Mary building to Bridge Street East, downtown, and also the new TicketMaster outlet. "It at- tracts a lot of off-street traffic," she said. She's also involved in promotion of the annual Wiser's Deluxe and Ovation series of performing arts arranged through the council.