< Lee SPfV^V-1 «/ Iestimontal For Former MP Lee Grills A testimonial banquet is be- ing organized for Lee Grills, the Conservative MP who re- presented the Belleville area in Ottawa for nearly 15 years, The event will be held at the Legion Hall in Belleville, Sept, 18. Mr Grills was first elected fo;p the old federal riding of South Hastings in 1957. He continued as MP when the . riding was altered and ex- w tended 'through Hastings t Court- ( ty as the eonstituence of ^Hastings* During his parlia- O nientary career he was invol- ^ ved in six general elections- losing one campaign -- to >• eventually retire undefeated. \L He resigned from federal y politics last year before the V 1972 election and was succeed- ^\ ed by Conservative Jack Ellis ^ as MP Hastings. Dorothy Howell, head of the 1 committee organizing n e x t j* month's testimonial, says 500 $5 tickets were printed for the banquet and recently went on sale. The tickets have sold read- fly, says Mrs Howell So much so, there now is some concern that close friends or political workers associated with Mr Grills through the years could possibly find tick- ets unavailable for the event. Any such persons wishing to attend the event should con- tact the committee, she said. The banquet will see testi- monials from people who knew Mr Grills in various walks of life.* '-, c \ > •::•' -