( Receptions Honor Couple On Golden Anniversary Mr> €_.. March-4th, 1914 at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mooreroft of Hazzard's Corners. Miss Flor- ence Mooreroft and Foster M. Gunsolus were united in mar- riage. Fifty years later they received many friends at the home of their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ray- mond M. Gunsolus, 55 High- land Avenue, Bellevil]/e. The locale was changed but the prin- cipals were the same. The ..^~Mrs. "Petci*?**^and the groomsman, Mr. Fred Mooreroft, brother of the bride of fifty y>ears, took their places and helped the happy couple greet their many friends. Messages of congratulations were received from Premier John Robarts, the Rt. Hon. John Diefenbaker, Mr. Rodd Webb, M.P. for Hastings-Frontenac, J'r. Lee Grills and Mr. Elmer SanJercock and from many friends and relatives who were unable to be present for the occasion. The tea table was centred with a beautiful white wed-] ding cake decorated with touch- es of gold. Those pouring tea in the af- ternoon were Mrs. Alfred PouL- ter and Mrs. Ray Pierson, a cousin vof Mrs. Gunsolus. Mrs. Les. Lennox arranged the dain- ty sandwiches and cookies and wedding c«ke while Mrs. Roy Grant and Mrs. George Great rix served. In the evening Mrs. Harrj M. Davis, Mrs. Agnes Curry Mrs. Wes. Gray, Mrs. Russel Scott, Mrs. Lee Grills and Mrs. Jack Bush poured. Mrs. Fred Stirland invited the guests to the tea room for the first part of the evening and Mrs. Wil- bur Fox for the second half. Mrs. Harold Craig replenished the tea plates served by Dor- othy and Lcis Moorman, Loreta Fairman, Mrs. Arthur O'Hara, Mrs. Morley Tugnett, Mrs. Jack Ireland, Mrs. Arthur Clare, Mrs. Gordon Anderson and Mrs. Vic White. The hostess was as- isted by Mrs. Armour Chaplin, Mrs. Albert Stirland was in charge of t^e guest book. Mr. and Mrs. Gunsolus' grandchildren, Barbara - Rae Drew and Cathie Gunsolus and little Dariene Rodgers helped make the guests feel ait home. Wee Laurie Rodgers, too young to take part, stayed at the ihome of her grandparents. Mrs. Meighen Rodgers, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gunsolus, journeyed from West Hill to greet friends and relatives along with the host and hostess, ing chatting over old times with those who called. Mr. and Mrs. Gunsolus farmed in Madoc Township prior to moving to 307 Foster Avenue, Belleville, some fourteen years ago. \ Mr. and Mrs. Meighen Rodg- ers, daughter and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Gun solus received the guests in the afternoon and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. ?Ray Gunsolus greeted the guests. Pouring tea were Mrs. Harrj croft, Mrs. Fred Moocroft, George Mooreroft and Mrs Stan, Moocrof t. Serving and as sisting were Miss Mary Taylor Miss Bent'ha Mooreroft, Mi&! Margaret Mooreroft and Mrs Ross Mooreroft. Barbana-Ra< Gunsolus invited tlhe guests t( sign the guest book after greet ing the honored couple. Many pictures were taken <x the group to keep fresfe th* memory of both long to t>e re membered events, ^/n aaiuraay, February 7tl at the home of Mrs. Gunsolus brother, Mr. Ray Moorcroft! Madoc Township, her two si ters, Alma and Minnie Moor croft arranged a tea and re: ception for the many relative! and friends still living in th« "golden anniversary couple's' former neighborhood. The;! spent the afternoon and eveif THE ONTARIO INTELLIGENCER, Thurs., March 12, 1964 Mr. and Mrs. Foster M. Gunsolus who celebrated j their 50th wedding anniversary are shown with their1 anniversary cake at the home of their son. Mr. / Raymond Gunsolus, 55 Highland Avenue. (Photo by William E.-Riley, Belleville) I