> Association tribute /r^O7j(7/S3/ , for veteran teacher AMELIASBURGH-- Mary Huff , retired Ameliasburgh teacher, is to be honored today for her long career in educa- tion. She is to be awarded honorary membership by the Federation of Women Teahcers' Association of Ontario. The award comes at the organization's annual meeting in Toronto-a tribute given for service to e d u c a t i o n , the teaching profession and the federation, represen- ting Ontario's 31,000 elementary public school women teahcers. Mary Huff's career spanned 44 years, begin- ning in a rural Hastings County school. It includ- ed 12 years at SS11 in this township, 15 years at St. Barbara's school, at former Camp Pic ton. Her last 13 teaching years were spent back in Ameliasburgh-at Kente public school. During her career she trained choirs for music festivals-groups which were rewarded with many awards. She was active in local teachers' organizations, and for 10 years was on the directors' board of the federation. She also served as a governor of the Ontario Teachers' Federation, the govern- ing body of the teaching profession in the pro- vince. She's also been active in community work, and is a vice-president of the Prince Edward Agri- cultural Society and, as chairman of the organ- ization's historical com- mittee, is working on the history of the Picton Fair since 1930. She also was a director and treasurer of the Film Federation of Eastern Ontario. /Hat,