worwad)\ 4p ue cad $0] 9C ‘AoN Cask nukeof That love of the Parisian lan- guage dates back to her Grade 7 days at Tweed-Hungerford ele- mentary school, ite teacher, t Ra messes apt her a she “I love it,” Boden allowed. “I Boden only took one period _- think it’s so neat-to get a differ- of eee a day, rather than ent perspective, I didn't know all ench immersion, but the the processes ... ake fora striple (student) field tri e She takes the position serious- si 5 ly, too. ee eee where “My role is to be the student's voice ... (to) make sure the stu- dents are heard.” French,” It tuned out that returning to One concern is that the high St. Theresa for another year was a Schools in the Algonquin jurisdic- — because Boden got tion no longer have a 15-minute ved in the nuts and bolts home room first thing in the betund-the scenes machinatio: morning, Boden said. The home of the tbe Alzoaaala and Srscime room had about 20 students from tholic District School Board. all and announcements could be made about various er ean lancy A ‘eown activities. Without it, it is hard to Moree ees Boden as the get the word out to all students other echoer To joiny “It Sorked really well,” she i an eistagen can said. Other issues for students include no late buses, so there is "Then, See ae no transportation to take them lone student trustee on the j hotiedt they pa articipate in after: id e ching school a students stret 4 Kingston to Trenton. She is also invo ved in She has attended three board — ae cathe ore eer the 0 Do moe Se ewe ction of garments for the Salvation Army program, Coats for Kids. Boden's school involvement youd fill anyone’s plate but she is e articles i) f those articles con- cerned Eva Olsson, a Holocaust ‘survivor and author of Unlocking the Doors: a Woman's Struggle Against Intolerance. Olsson was a aves speaker at St. Theresa and she wi impressed with the Ai Boden penned, Some of Boden’s words will be included in the introduc- tion of the. latest edition of ‘At home, the Boden oe i also includes a younger | broth Kelsey, 15, aa Taylor, “soon =H be 10,” she said. Then there are jungry for more. For example, she has two part- time jobs. : the four cats, the dog, a rottweil- er, who gets along famously with the felines, and the horses. There are four horses, kept i in stables at a nearby farm. .,, “T love horses,” Boden said. “I few up *Her favourite mount is Dakota, tries to ride at ‘least an hour a day, more on Sundays. There's more. Just,like any “teen, Boden likes to “hang out with 4 Her favourite music is country — perhaps that is due to the horse influence — but she listens : FESS and alk the story of — ho Tate cy bye oo Johnny C But pony it comes to her favo rats HOO she breaks with nese,” she said. Contact Bary Eleworth at: newsroom@intelligencer.ca ee-and-a-half year old apltee vpMewty "u 3