Dedication: pays off — for historian Boyce Ane medal from societ since 1990. Gerry lastings Boyce County Board of Education er, In 1991, he was elected to his term as city i dent, adviser and director of sa merous projects. Tn 1961, Lie helped to estab- lish the first county museum in Hastings and remains an active member of the Gey t ety-oninty mu- seum management A decade Ba he sae a director with the the provincial | eps hae the Royal On- ‘The Canadian Historical Asso- ciation presented Boyce with a certificate of 1 of merit in 1974 ma peat oe 1988 with the cultural award. and pres ing its a ee for people of of all all ages and cultural backgrounds. It annually honors individuals, _ organizations and institutions ed ma! ind outstanding con- preserving, re- bei Me bic r writing about the history ofthe provi.