Printed for emitchel@belleville. Jibrarv. onca ding formance, Cae and profes- sionalism in Bradford, son of Jack and Kay graduate of Nicholson Catholic College, Bradford was ed to Mar: operations office for navy-army and amphibious operations. rm with the er for the annual joint mar- dinate joint navy-army Cena ant lucted ibi- ous 0) oes eee involved partic’ courses and ercoaa exercises Fae (ero? Maj. Bradford _ honored for work Belleville native Maj. Robert staff During his te navy, Bradford was a principal ous forces. with revit mtr & Maj. Robert Bradford British and American amphibi- He returns ee Sr aaa ue summer prior taking w position in the coteaton fiel o will remain an advi- sor oe joint < operations to Mar- as a y Pag 8 ESEADE " Maar bert