For Cash Customers, Advertise in Kimballs 1 Directories. 18 BELLEVILLE [ A ] DIRECTORY. GEO. ItlTCHIE «fc BELLEVILLE [ B ] DIRECTORY. CO. 19 c .«* Adamson, Edward, engine driver, h. E. Bleecker ave. Adamson, Joseph, M., mason, h. Mill, n. Burrell. Adamson, Wm. H., fireman, h. Bleeker ave., cor. Lime. Alexander, Francis, E. Mrs., h. 23, E. William ab. Hotel. Albert, George, moulder, h. Edmund. Alfred, Walter, contractor and builder, h E. Ann ab. Hotel, Alfred, Wm., shoemaker, h. Oanifton Road, n. Mill. Allen, Charles, baggage man, h. Lime, n. Bettis. Allen, Capt., bds. Queen's Hotel. Allen, Jacob, laborer, h. Groat St. James, n. Church. Allen, John, ship builder, h. S. Dundas, n. John. Allen, --. Mr., lake captain, h. S. Dundas, n. William. Alley, Emeline, Mrs., h. 25 Campbell. Alyea, Ella Miss, dress-maker, bds. W. James, cor. Colborne. Anderson, F., bds. Queen's Hotel. Anderson, Geo., moulder, bds. E. Pinnacle, Anderson, Geo. H., barrister, bds. Dominion House. Anderson, James, blacksmith, bds. Bleecker ave., cor. Emily. Anderson, Mary, bds. W. Cpleman bel. Bridge. Anderson, Peter J. M., banister, h. N. Hotel, ab. John. Anderson, Wm. F., moulder, h. W. Albert, ab. Hotel. Andrews, Friend, boat builder, h. W, Coleman, bel. Colborne. Andrews, Geo., fireman, h. Sand Road. Andrews, Mary Miss, bds. E. John, ab. Queen. Andrews, Wm., tailor, bds. E. Isabella, ab. Bridge. Andrews, William, boat builder, bds. W. Coleman, bel Colborne, Appleby, Lewis A., gaoler, h. at Gaol. Arby, Harriet Mrs., nurse, h. Foster Ave., n. Albert. Argue, Thomas, student, bds. 204 E. Church. Arkles, Emory, h. E. Front, ab. Hotel. Arkles, Robert, h. E. Front ab. Hotel. Armistead, Samuel S., teacher, h. Albert, ab. Queen. ARMSTRONG, G. D., machinist and manufacturer of Churns and Washing Machines, h 119 E. North Front. Arnett, James, laborer, h. E. Foster ave., bel. Bridge. Arnett, Robert, laborer, h. N. Wharf, cor. Maria. Arnett, W. J., laborer, bds. E. Foster ave., n. Bridge. Arnott, A., clerk, bds. Dominion Housa Arnott, Thomas, laborer, G.T.R.R., h. W. Bettes, n. Station Road. Arthurs, Wm., laborer, h. W. Church, N. Dundas. Artis, John, farmer, h. Church, near Wharf, Artis Samuel," jeweler, bds. foot John, near Wharf. Arties, Peter, laborer, h. S. Dundas, n. William. Ashbury, George, mason, h. W. St. Charles. Ashley, Harford, founJry and machine shop, bds. Albion Hotel. Ashley, James B., teacher, h. North Front, ab. Harriet. Ashley, Jacob M., tinsmith, h. Mill, cor. Ashley. Ashley, Mary Mrs., h. Mill, cor. Ashley. Ash ton, F. A., bds. Queen's Hotel. Asselstine, Fraser, grocer, h. 221, Station Road. Auburn, Charles, blacksmith, h. Stirling. Auburn, Agnes Miss, tailoress, h. W. George, cor. Queens. Aunger, Susan, Mrs., saleslady, bds E. Murney, cor. Henry. Austin, Benj. F., farmer, h. 51 Hotel, Austin, George, commercial traveler, h. N. Moira, ab. North Front. Austin, Hnlbert, drug clerk, bds. N. Moria, ab. North Front. Austin, James, painter, bds.. over 377 E. Front. Austin, Walter, bds. over 51 Hotel. Ayers, John, sailor, h. E. John, N. Wharfe. Aylsworth, Mary J., Miss, bds. E Front, cor. Ridley. B V Babcock, Benjamin, laborer, h. N. Elm. Babcock, Catherine Mrs., h. N. Elm. Babcock, J. S. Mrs., dress-maker, h. N. Grove, cor. Centre. Babcock, J. S., marble cutter, h. N. Grove, cor. Centre. Backus, Robert, mechanic, h. Wilkins, ab. Yeomans. Backus, George, moulder, W. John South, n. Dundas. Badgley, E. Irvine, LL. D., h. College Ave. Badgley, Robert, laborer, h. 85, Station Road. Badgley, Samuel, clerk, bds, Great St James, cor Brown. Baker, Charles, laborer, h. W. Coleman below Bridge. Baker, Rev. J. J. M. A., Pastor Baptist Church, h. W. John ab. Hotel. Baker, James Mrs., h. Moira, ab. Hillside. ·) G. D. ARMSTRONG, MANUFACTURER OF THE S w ·PATENT EXCELSIOR CHURN, AND GENERAL JOBBING OF ALL KINDS DONE. Wringers re-rolled, &c., &c. Please give me a call before buying a Churn or Washing Machine. E. North Front St. - - BELLEVILLE, ONT.