TO THE PUBLIC. After a thorough canvass and careful compilation, tkis Directory ented to the public by the Publishers, who would here express -s to all who have kindly responded to the necessary inquiries lin gathering much of the information the work contains. Dre WARD BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE. FOSTER WARD.--Bounded on the south by the Bay of Quinte, on the east by the City limits, on the west by the river Moira, and on the north by Dundas Street. SAMSON WARD.--Bounded on the south by Dundas Street, on the east by the Corporation limits, on the west by the river Moira, and on the north by Bridge Street. KETCHESON WARD.--Bounded on the south by Bridge Street, on the east by the Corporation limits, on the west by the river Moira, and on the north by Hotel Street. BALDWIN WARD.--Bounded on the south by Hotel Street, on the north by Pine Street, and extending on the east and west to the Corporation limits and the river Moira respectively. BLEECKER WARD.--Bounded on the south by Pine Street, on the north by the northern limits of the Corporation, and on the east and west by the Corporation limits and the river Moira. COLEMAN WARD.--Comprises all that portion of the City west of the river, bounded on the south by Moira Street, (including the north side thereof). MURNEY WARD.--Includes all that part of the City on the West side of the river south of Moira Street, (including the south side thereof.) · Those not conversant with the business, can not form anything ·like an adequate idea of the labor connected with it--the difficulties ·attending it, and the care and system required in its compilation; ·differing as it does from every other class of book-making, it cannot · be lightened by any other previous volume. To be done aright, the I work must be done each time anew. Names will be found arranged strictly alphabetically, according I to the1 spelling of the parties themselves, as given to the canvasser, lit being one of the features'of Directory compiling tjiat orthography [of names--however odd or quaint--be adhered to, simply adding to la name or taking from it one letter, will so alter its place alphabetical ly as to separate it several pages from the names with exactly the \same pronunciation. The need of a new Directory was apparent to many of your [business men, and the call for encouragement in the form'of subscriptions and advertising, has been promptly and liberally responded to [by many, The Business Directory will be found to be a very complete representation of the business of the city. Should the name of [any citizen not appear, it has been unintentionally overlooked. Those firms whose cards appear in this work are HONORABLE, · ENTERPRISING AND LIBERAL DEALERS, and are heartily recommended ·to public patronage. In due time, when practicable, a new edition will be issued and [improved. Having toiled earnestly and faithfully, conscious of [having done our duty, and hoping the work will be received favor[ably and its usefulness generally felt, this volume is respectfully I placed before the public for its approval. THE PUBLISHERS. ;i