U l^ceili; j. WWWJ.UKJ'i ·**· vvwu- pain emitted. ward; Beverley Bowen; M. The Prince then calls for Bossence; C. deary; N. Ftfap- everyone, aoid finally at his pier; W. Goulet; E. Bamp; D. command, the Ducihess oaBs in Kasarda; M. Larvitgine; A. Mc- Cinderella. He, himself, fits Kerdher; G. Mi'lligan; M. Mich- the slipper on; she gets its elson; B. Persall; K. Rogers; mate, and so the little work E. Sinai; R. Sodenholm; A. Tur- girl becomes the bride of bin; J. Wilder and D. Wojelk. Prince Charming, and they .The choral reading, on "The live happily ever aflter, mudh Little*Boats of Britain", a bal- to the Chagrin of the two lad of Duoikirk by Sairah Oatr- jealous sisters. sley and directed by Miss C. THANKS EXPRESSED MteJkmieyv A.tC.C.M. followed. Before each numlber on the This type of choral reading program, Mr. J. G. Demeza, was first tried last year, and had welcomed the parproved so successful that it who ents, some of whom were from again was included. This re- North Bay, gave a short talk quires speaking in groups, in the students* degree of three tonal qualities, low, me- deafness, the work of the; dium and, higher,. depending on school inand teaching !ttiem to the particular portions of the poem, as to importance. The talk, and to lip read. He alstudents taking part included so extended appreciation, to those profoundly deaf; some the students, to the teachers, with a trace of hearing, and and to all who had had a part others with a residue of hear- in the preparation of the coning. The girls, with their white cert, with special thanks to blouses, dark skirts and the Miss Maloney, Mr. Gordon, the young men in their white and Mr. Parker. shirts and dark trousers, num- Appreciative thanks go to bering 26, were most attractive the teachers and staff; to the and their rendition was exceed- students; to those responsible ingly well done. for the beautiful costumes, and As an interlude between the the superb background; and to first part of the program and those in charge of the lovely the highlight of the evening, lighting effects; in short, to was the ladies' chorus of 14 Ontario School for the teachers of the school who gave the two numbers, "Elizabeth of Deaf as a whole for a magniEngland", by Haydn Wood and ficent presentation. the sprightly "Old King Cole" The case of the operetta folby Cecil Forsyth, accompanied lows: at the piano by Mr. S. Alec Lady Carla, Beatrice BrenGordon, composer and director nan; Lady Maud, June Pliska; of the musical numbers. Those The Duchess of Kinburn, taking part includes Mesdames Jean Shaw; Cinderella, Sandra Bate, Chapelle, Cox Davidson, Drebit; The Fairy Queen, Judy Downey, Eadie, Fox, Hill, Mc- Ann Wilson; Fairies, Lynda Dougall, Procter, Parking, Baetz, Joan Breivik, Dorothy Smith, Shannon, Wells and C o o k , Geraldine Emery, Wright. (Margaret Gregg, Marlene Munn); Pages, David Fisher, "CINDERELLA" The operetta, "Cinderella", David Beiany; Aid-dse-camp, was delightfully portrayed in Douglas McConachie; Lady three acts, and accompanied by Mary* Mary Ann Jenkins; Lord a most beautiful lighting effect, Norman, Norman Boucher; enhancing the gorgeous fairy- Lady Lorna, Lorna Gilders; land costumes. The first act Lord Jack, Jack Clemen; Lord depicted the Duchess* home Zenon, Zenon Stus; Lord and that of her two impossible Michael, Mchael DeLaFranier; daughters, where the little Prince Charming, Adrian maid of all-work was looked Ainsworth. down upon as being a nobody. Stage management, Clarke All she possessed, being an orphan, was her dust cloth, her Ward; stage lighting, Rudolfs broom, and the bellows with Lacis; stage decor, Mr. Graham which she kept the grate fire and his artists; properties, Mr. going. The two sisters, prepare Vaughan and his boys; cosfor the ball, while poor Cin- tumes, Mrs. Vincent and her derella goes about her menial girls; hair stylings, Mrs. Lewis occupations with heavy heart and her girls; make-up, Mr. and tear-filled eyes, wanting Graham and Mrs. Lewis; proso badly to go, too. grams, Mr. L. Morrison and his While she is busy sweeping, boys; projectionist, Miss Huffthe Good Fairy appears, in- man. quires why the tears, and when told, begins her magic with the entrance of six lovely fairylike creatures in gauzy garments and wings, dancing and swinging wraith-like banners of green, crimson, pink, blue. In a trice, Cinderella is changed into a lovely Princess of Silver Mountain;"her drab work clothes become a dazzling gown of shimmering beauty in white with a gleaming tiara atop her light-brown hair. Each fairy, to complete her costume, adds a lovely diamond bracelet, another a diamond necklace, and