&m bs$* to pireus toa^MMP l i o n at (lafemtel; C Wa>sMBgtanw D«ft IbpH is tiKJ world's ®w eoltefe for deal ·talents. £| offers to gradfct* ate® o| Sdiooto to the Deal aroundi tftft world an oppotrteir ity to advaaw to diegrm In the Mteal ante and g&tenee$. Others of the have already ®eOT£©d went in their special The SuperinteEdefflifc recognition for* 'achievement in aE ing the ' stiKLegt& school Hfe9 was t Mr. Demeza to Miss Gal Williamson of Tknimins, Gotaria, and to Mr. Richard Qsalbt e$ Fort Erie, Ontario. As the students -reeesuedi their awards each replied 1with, a brief speech wfhidh was " reproduced on a large Sfctfeen at the side of the platform m everyone could read! it. Miss Gail Williamson presented the valedictory address and charmingly thanked the staff for making everyone's sojourn at the school so pleasant. The Superintendent spoke fedefly to the graduating class and wished them every happiness and success in their future lives. AWARDS, SCHOLARSHIPS, PRIZES fp THE CATHERINE FORD SCHOLARSHIP Awarded to pupil® in the senior grades of the Junior School who have made the greatest effort in speech and speech reading and have achieved satisfactory progress: Robert Gundy, Stewart, THE FEE MEMORIAL PRIZE Awarded each year to the pupil in the Junior School most deserving of recognition for effort displayed and participation to the extent of his or her capacity, in the face of additional handicaps or diiiiifiieulties: Steven Bradsh-aw. THE PROCTER PRIZE MEMORIAL Awarded each year to the pupil in the final year of the Junior School who is most deserving of recognition in his or iier rhythm work: Robert ; DunMey. PROFICIENCY PRIZES Intermediate School were presented to: Kenneth Dans, John Hemingway, Nancy Kelly, Robert Wa-uigh, Beth Robitaille, Roman Kazragys, Henry Fountain, Karen r Biederman, Connie McGregor. * J^nes: sewing: Connie ; _ / . ' :>r; industrial arfe and crafts (wood- to© Judf Ann Judy Ewen Weawr; Sewfcvg, Su; Bui'Ming ConstrueJohn D'U-ggan; Drafting -- General Shop Work, Aimo Mart-1 linen toy reversion to Clifton' Caribin; Auto Body* Jacques Daous*5 General Shop, IMachael don Clark, Jack Clemen, Peirry; Madiine Shop, Aimo Charette, Terry England, Judi Marttineu; Weldiimg, iMiehael Ewen, Roberta Ferguson, MarMooflaey; Printiag (Comiposi- garet Gregg, Jacqueline House, tion), Clarte Ward; iPaintin'g Gerald McQuaid. Midiael 3>eLa- Full Time Vocational 1-- Jack Terry Bind'eraagel, Brian BuckHenry inghain, Peter Burton^ Jeremy Joyce, Annie Weaver. MeKinfey, Greatest Impfcweni'ent -- GRADUATION Welding,' Wayne Hebblethwaite; CERTIFICATES , Leslie Young; trip- Awarded to students who, , EonaM Baumhau;r9 after completing the curriculm of C'o^merciail for Grade eight, have continued GertMicates --Iiyiida Baete, Su- in school for two years. san Cooper, Huth Guy, Louise Graduating Class 3 -- Carol Harl-ey, Bayjnond'e SLeBrun, Car- MacLeod, Mary Nicksy, Gail ol MacLeod, Noreen Mitcliefll, Williamson,, Mary Nidksy, June Plisika, Patri- Graduating Class 2 -- Lynda da Tra-sk, Ann Tyo, Gail Wil- Baetz, Dorothy Cook, Jacques liamson, Judly Ann Wilson. Daoust, Michael DeLa Franier, Presentation of Buttetrick's Tommy Marwood, June Pliska, sewing book to the girls of the Clarke Ward, Judy Ann Wilson. Graduation class and the full Graduating Class 1--Barbara time vocational class who took Caron, John Duggan, Ruth Guy, sewing: Nanei Ayton, Lynda Louise Harley, James LearBaetz, Barbara Caron, Dorothy month, Raymonde LeBrun, Cook, Susan Cooper, Ruth Guy, Aimo Marttinen, Noreen MitLouise Harley, Raymonde Le- chell, Patsy Trask, Ann Tyo. Brun, Carol MacLeod, Diane Grade 10 -- Nanci Ayton, WilOharette, Roberta Ferguson, liam Conley, Susan Cooper, Norene Mitohell, Mary Nick- Richard Csabi, Larry Gordon, sy, June Piska, Patricia Trask, Norma Wojcik. Ann Tyo, Gail Williamson, Judy Ann Wilson, Norma Woj- THE FEE-PROCTER cik? Jacqueline House, Mar- MEMORIAL AWARD garet Gregg, Annie Weaver, Awarded annually to the most deserving student graduating Judy Ewen. Driver Instruction Presenta- and proceeding to further edution: (a) Certificates: (b) cation. Presented by the familAwards by the Belleville Ki- ies and friends of Miss Judith Fee and Miss Sandra Procter in wanis Club. Nanci Ayton, Barbara Ca-ron, memory of these two dedicated William Conley, Susan Cooper, young teachers of this school, Larry Gordon, Ruth Guy, Lou- who were killed in a tragic car ise Harley, Raymonde LeBrun, accident in January 11, 1963, Carol MacLeod, Tom Marwood, Susan Cooper. Noreen Mitchell, Mary Nicksy, THE H. B. FETTERLY Patsy Trask, Ann Tyo, Gail AWARD Williamson, Norma Wojcik, Awarded for progress and Aimo Marttinen. proficiency in Speech and Proficiency Prizes -- Senior Speech Reading in the Senior Academic Department, were School. Donated annually by presented to: Mrs. H. B. Fetterly and daughMonique Charette, Eberhard ters Mrs. Muriel Cuykendall, Klanert and Gerald Wideman, and Miss Jean Fetterly, in memBetty Fitcihett, Dale Kasarda ory of the late H. B. Fetterly, and Billy Persall, Clyde Jour- M.A., Superintendent of the din, Michael Smythe, Philip Ontario School for the Deaf Meany, John Wilder -- Grades 1930 - 1934, William Conley, 6-7: Anne McKercher, Gail Judy Ann Wilson. Young and Leslie Young, Sharon Bancarz and Ivan Beer, Ro- SUPERINTENDENT'S land Lapointe and Kent Paint- AWARD er, Lynn Emmerson, Sharon J Donated by the SuperintendD-uffin. Grades 8-9: Peter Si- ent to a student of the Graduatcoli. Grade 10: Norma Woj- ing or Full Time Vocational Classes. Academic, vocational, cik. Certificates of Merit. Award- ?.nd out-of-school achievements ed to students who have com- during the student's complete pleted a course of study empha- school life at the O.S.D. are eon sidered in making this award. sizing vocational work. 1 Full Time Vocational 2---El- Richard Csabi, Gail Williamson. io Beauty