the senior school. These award sole; Andre Bourget; Donald Sattare donated annually by Mri ler; Harold Bradley; Robert Hill- ing; language, arithmetic, geoFetterley and daughters, Mr man; Kenneth Searson; G 1« n graphy and history. In the vocational subjects, home economics; Muriel Cuykendall and Miss Jea: Skinkle, and Keith Dorschner. sewing; beauty culture; typing Fetterley, in memory of the lat The following intermediate H. B. Fetterley, M.A., superinten boys awarded pins: Byran Meany, printing; business; woodworking; dent of the school from 1930 ti Norman Roggie, James Labadie, carpentry; agriculture and mechan3S34, Those receiving this awan Gordon Henshaw, Jackie Wales, ics, will help us to be useful citizens were, Joy Saunderson and Donn Cyril Cassell, Ronald Hartogsveld, of Canada. We wiU try to remember the lessons we have learned Bell. and Glenn Hagedorn. here, and hope to meet what we INTERMEDIATE AWARD INTRAMURAL SPORTS--GIRLS cannot foresee, with courage. The intermediate award, presen The intramural sports the "We express our thanks to the ted by Mrs. A.. Wannamaker, wai awards presented to the Province of Ontario for providing for progress and proficiency ir girls by were Miss B. Wilbur. Individ- us with such an excellent school speech and speech reading in the ual crests have been awarded to-- in which we have received such an intermediate school, and was wor senior volleyball captain, Diane excellent training. by June Rundle for speech read Moon; "We shall remember the nurse, intermediate volleyball, ing, and by Billy O'Neill fo: the doctor and the dentst for their captain, Patsy Bishop; senior basSpeech. careful attention during our ill: The Catherine Ford scholarshi ketball, captain, Diane Moon; in- nesses. , termediate basketball captain, pwarded to students in the senio: "At our school we have had full eraldine O'Dell; senior Softball, grades of the junior school wh< and interesting sports' program, have made the greatest effort in captain, Betty Williams; intermed- ·whidh has given us much pleasure speech and speech reading, and iate Softball, captain, Diane Lew; and has helped to keep us in good have achieved satisfactory progres junior soccer base captain, June health. We thank the sports' teachwas presented to Judy Ann Wil Braden. Individual crests to the follow- ers for preparing us to compete son, and Billy Conley, by Miss H ing: senior badminton champions, with other schools in the various Hegle. (doubles), Marlene Caldwell and games. We have learned the rules Mr. J. G. Demeza, assisted bj of good sportsmanship and this will jMr. S. Alec Gordon, made thi Sheilagh Kerr; senior badminton help us throughout our lives." (doubles) Lillian presentation of the graduation cer- runners-up, The day closed with the recestificates, to those students who Kluba and Lyla Garnet; senior sional, and the taking of many &fter completing the curriculum for badminton champion, (singles) pictures. grade 8, have continued in schoo" ,yla Garnet; senior badminton, for two years. Those were: Misses runner-up, (singles) Betty Wil·Donna Bell, Christina Bennett, iams; senior table tennis chamDiane Moon and Joy Saunderson pion, (doubles) Marilyn Bishop Keith Dorschner, Robert Ebersole; and Evelyn Caldwell; senior table runners-up, (doubles) Donald Satler and Kenneth Sear- ennis son. He also presented the certifi- Donna Roult, and Doune Clary; cates of merit to those completing senior table tennis (singles) Betty |a course of study emphasizing vo- Williams; senior table tennis run:jcational work: Misses Elise Gush- ner-up, Donna Bell; intermediate ing; Mary Ann Kwandibens; Nora badminton champions, (doubles) :Kay Mathewson; Shirley Warren ~atsy Bishop, and Diane Lew; inEdward Rosengren and Robert ermediate badminton runners-up, .Ebersole. 'iucy Kasm and Margaret Schneler; intermediate table tennis ADDRESS TO GRADUATES · At this point in the program, ihampions, (doubles) Patsy BishMr. Demeza read the address to the ip and Diane Lew; intermediate ^graduates in which he pointed out ;able tennis runners-up, (doubles) ·that it was his hope that the stu- 3hirley DeWolfe, and Jeannette dents would remember the attrib- VlacDonald. >utes of good character learned at NTRAMURAL SPORTS --BOYS jthe Ontario School for the Deaf Intramural sports, boys, awards as well as the subjects studied. The wards for general profi- iresented by Mr. W. Williams to 'ciency in the senior school in aca- --senior basketball, captain, K. demic subjects were then present- iearson; intermediate basketball, ed by Miss C. Maloney to Donna aptain, B. Eynon; senior volley: >all captain, A. Bourget; intermeRoult and Marlene Caldwell. The following senior school late volleyball, captain, F. Stagg; awards were presented by Miss enior hockey, captain J. Wright; Burriside in arithmetic to (Roult) ntermediate floor hockey, captain and accorded to Marlene Caldwell; VI. Devlin; senior Softball captain, for language and composition by ". Griffore; intermediate Softball, Miss P. Maloney, to Joy Saunder- Captain, J. Hawkins; boys' soccer, son; for reading and literature, by aptain, B. O'Neill. Miss W. Huffman, to Donna Roult Individual crests were awarded ,'and for social studies to (Roult) he following--senior badminton and accorded to Marilyn Lawrence 'hampions (doubles) B. Meany, .nd D. Sattler; senior badminton by Mr. J. Boyd. Senior vocational proficiency unners-up, (doubles) G. Skinkle .prizes were presented by the foll- nd H. Bradley; senior badminB. , owing: Mrs. G. Lewis, for beauty on champion, (singles), 'culture, to Betty Williams; by Miss deany, and runner-up, D. Sattler; K. Daly for home economics, to enior table tennis champion, D. Diane Moon; by Mr. A. J. Clare, attler; intermediate table tennis for laundry work, to Elanor Tack- hampion, F. Stagg; rnnner-up, E. inyk; by Miss N. Ketcheson, for Bowler. jsewing, to Mary Ann Kwandibens; .O.S.S.A. AWARDS iby Mr. J. Chard, for typing and The following C.O.S.S.A. Bay of business, to Donna Bell; by Mr. (uinte badminton girls' junior : J. W. Hodgson, for agriculture and mechanics, to Gerald Griffore; by Mr. L. Hall, for carpentry, to George Metigawab; by Mr. L. E. Morrison, for printing, to Kenneth Searson and by Mr. H. Vaughan, for woodworking, to Robert Hillman. '""ommercial certificates were ·M"d by Mr. J. Chard to Don-