COLUMN joing green with Belleville Public Library unday, April 22 is Earth Day 2012 and a chance to join forces >rldwide to promote a greener way life. [f you are looking for "green" ideas, )k no further than Belleville Public jrary. On our shelves you will find up·date information on everything from :an energy to sustainable gardening. If you want to make a difference but 3 not sure where to start, get some couragement and simple ideas from nee Loux's "Easy Green Living." Did u know that by fixing that leaky faucet u could save 3,000 gallons of water a ar or that keeping your car tires propy inflated can improve your gas leage by more than three percent? To help explain the "clean energy" estion, why not take a look at Tom nd's book "Kick the Fossil Fuel Habit: Wendy Rayson-Kerr S LIBRARYLINE 10 Clean Technologies to Save our World." He provides an in-depth but reader-friendly look at 10 technologies that are sometimes hard to explain and makes them comprehensible, using excellent photography and graphics. For tips on eco-friendly gardening, try Stephen Orr's ."Tomorrow's Garden: Design and Inspiration for a New Age of Sustainable Gardening." In this visual handbook, the author shows us how to embrace sustainability without sacrificing beauty or innovative design. Reviews of his book often use the word "stewardship" when describing the atti- tude we all must take if we are going to change the direction of our everyday actions towards the Earth. The City of Belleville is joining die Earth Day Celebrations by giving away free seedlings and selling rain barrels at the Market Square. It starts at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 22, so don't miss this opportunity to help make Belleville a greener community. If you don't have green fingers or simply want to do more, why not come out for the Quinte Trash Bash? On Saturday, April 21, do your part to clean up our community: go to Market Square between 8:00 a.m; and noon, pick up garbage bags and gloves and register for the area in which you will be working. So, on Earth Day, take a small step towards Green living -- it's the right thing to do and it's contagious! Also, don't forget that John M. Parrott Art Gallery is hosting a special event on Saturday, April 21, from 2-4 p.m. We are very excited to welcome back Joan Murray, a highly celebrated author, Gallery Director and one of die foremost experts on contemporary Canadian Artists. Joan will present a lecture entitled "The Four Seasons in Canadian Art." Admission is $5.00 and this includes a catalogue. Please call 613968-6731 ext. 2240 for mpre information. Wendy Rayson-Kerr works in Information Services at the Belleville Public Library and John M. Parrott Art Gallery.