.» - ;..j ·,,, /. ,^4-ajt^.s,4»»»«t!-^»w,-^,j»s»^ ^A^ =l "1 s "- " " ' · ·/*-"-.'" ·*" : - ' ·--·' - "'· - - " - ' · ' " - --.-- varying moods Us trial. " ;Uc, he I* not any other man '«d'Stae gj >td. A. Be=is a I fflntn at mil. oned regarding ay." ' Witness ce a paranoid t he Would not run »way" h; 1 has a delur has no de}uold not worry nw million. If aimed- a. prostrehange to- Should be , Regarded as - Symptom: AndtNpt New York. . Feb. 23 <AP)--A child's overactiv\ty is not a sign he is a little dynamo physically, as parents believe. ; but a danger signal. Studies of such children showing physical causes were not chiefly responsible; were' reported to the Four Trapped by Gale in Dr. Mitchell for Crown - Stormy^ Bay of BisCalls Accused Sane at cay Time " AEROPLANE: IS LOSL DEFENCE "SAYS'INSANE' Drr~Robertspn Might~be From Squadron of British Ships aF i OMatas elation here today by., Dr. AsHer T. 1 'red and Ger~ ~ ~~. ~ Manoeuvres^-- ^~-r- Vermilyea -Admitted sane hrottiers: BraT'CItolc, Cincinnati. 'Trip EastL^ >usins of the Qveractivlty he said should be New York, Feb. a (CP)--Seven Dr. W. B. Mitchell, of Montreal, regarded as-a symptom and-not a vessels were to distress today, with nparlsoQ with disease. It appears in about 10 be possibility one of them had gone giving rebuttal evidence in the iccusedr per cent of children admitted to to the bottom after its crew was trial of Harold W. Vermilyea on i was certified Child Guidance Clinics. rescued, and an aeroplane was re- the , charge of murder ot his vine a normal It reveals itself in such.thlngs as »rted to have crashed in flames mother here last October, today suffered d«lu- over-talkativeness, stated that accused was not InboastfuUness, nto; the sea. »r» Scrawling distraction,-attenlion^seeking-and Pour of. the ships were trapped by sane at the 'time of th» slaying. Dr. d delusions of restless sleep. More rarely as fight- a gale in the notoriously stormy Bay "Mitchell had examined Vermilyca oat water in Ing, destrucUveness and cruelty. . of Biscay and two on shoals off the on October 28th In the Jail here. coast; pf_Japan. The_plane1_uni --Dsv-Mitch«U- dedaredOlui;--Ver.» ople^ dentilled, was said to have plunged milyea was · emotionally unstable, acDoctor's -View- of s .Wnen-he · Col. Oreer toWrthe-wltnessT "Just to destruction in the Dutch Cast impulsive and very egotistical. Witness told of the brace worn by it. be did not answer my questions," warned de- Indies. An oyster sloop went aground Dr. J. J. Robertson for the de"I told him this brae* ' boots at fence as he took up the question- in. a gale off Delaware. fence had previously stated his accused. The - 5,59(Kton British steamer belief that Vermilyea was Insane was more of an Inconvenience than 1 did not run Ing. . .s\ -:a bane/It. He told me then : that <J. Would syphilis affect the Catherine Kadcllffe was the biggest at the time of the death and testcertain doctors were competent loctor?" asked brain? A. Yes, it would In time. ·', victim. It struck a reef a mile and ified that in January while he was only to deal with this condition. . a half off . Bosso -Peninsula, outside 'r as witness Q. And it would) affect the lower making an examination of VerWitness, .sitting in a chair proHXrther Fred, tnd of the bod/ about the lower Tokyo Bay. the accused man told him vided for him. told of further tests Pishing boats and larger craft, mtlyea, ited out. that part? A Yes. he had been worrying over a "contaken for examintioh. "The reflexes labU for cross Q. Then what do you mean, that Deluding a Japanese destroyer, hur- spiracy" and that he came east to taken disclosed that a pupil of the ried to answer its cry: "Lying in they (the jerks) would be far re- dangerous posUlort-Nee<t- immediate rectify this conspiracy and that eye re-acted, to light in a normal «f erring to the moved from the brain?. "you fenow what I 'did." condition. ."His arm reflexes were (Continued on Pa«e 7. Col. 4) va* quite ob- Witness replied that the progres.Trial Mora Rapidly normal. But I was unable U> decunditton did sion of the disease would be The trial today moved- rapidly to tect a. reflex In either -the knee or .Suddenly. VI- through the whole body.' --- · - ., · Its conclusion Saturday as. the de- ankle." ENGLISH FOOTBALL fence »d been held called · but a single witness. Q.--These were' negative? A.-- Examination of Vermilyea ie- threw -boots They were absent. . . . ...... Dr. Robertson, j_a schoolmate of that hi never Witness on the stand told of imp- London, Feb. 23-- (CP Cable) -- Vermilyea's. Dr. -O. :Howiaud, of Seeoad Examination ping accused and examining' him, teautts of soccer games played In Toronto, was .the only other witnear for the defence, he was "heard but did not remember ij he had the old Country today follow: examination of accu.-.Friday;---- ·:--r~--^'JT-T- ""^ ^ ed had been made on/Jantory-ZS" t»ken"~aaa. tested-for- knee-Jerter Persons -with .:Vermlly«a: dld-not go: on ihe in the Coun$y r jaiL. f Thli n»d been,' n. "We see no knee Jerks, arrunusuhl, but the Mij^ye «, OeL 4) . 3 --' -1- "stand-to testlfy-iri his own defence. actions- than cause for their abieoce in-th« case . EvertoQ 1; Aston Vlila.a ^ --~ .-.The Crowu^ at once _begin the ue~in,the-bil- of_*ccused was oat known sVearinf "and , Q.~tfow often do you appear in Grimsbr Town 1; Derby County 3 introduction of rebuttal testimony. court? A.--<Juit* often.Buddersfield Town ~3; Chelsea 0 Toronto, ,fWi. 23.-- (pP^-- Q.-rConstantly? A.--No, not Manchester City l; Arsenal 1 . the, second into moderate snowfalls, have 'occurMiddlesbrough 3; Blackburn RoThe defence in the trial of Harold red ia Southern,,. Districts of,' 8«s-__ «used,Fred.it constantly. . vers 3 . ' ' '. W. Vermljyea, · charged with the katchewan' and Alberta pressure and ray impulsive""~ 51 Time* In Court Preston North End~ 2; Leicester Hatchet slaying of his aged .mother cold t In dress; he weather is extending over tha ~ Q---Say in 193<, how often were last October 4, rested its case" at western provlnots from the north. City 0 had haUuclna. 11.02 a.m. Sheffield 1; Leeds United 0 lojts. He could you in court? is high over the Marltlmes A.--I don't know. Later he ad- Stoke City 1; Portsmouth J Dr. J. J. -Robertson, school-year Pressure of doctors and and Eastern Quebec. ·an institution. ded he had in one spring been in Tottenham Hotspurs 1; Sunder- acquaintance of the accused man, Kenora and Rainy River-- Fresh was the sole defence witness today. southwest to northwest winds; partwitness from a the court 53 times between < Jan- "land i ' ? as he pro- uary and. June. Generally he hafl West Bromwlch \AIbions 5; Wol- He testified Vermilyea was Insane. ly cloudy and mild; probably 'snowDr. Robertson, a school year actestified on mental cases. He adverhampton W'anderera 2 at night with lower temquaintance of the accused man, said flurries EngUih League, Biv. II perature. " impaired; his mitted that often there was a dishe felt' his family held a conspiracy s was very Ir- agreement between men versed in Bolston Wanders 3; Port Vale 0 Manitoba -- Northwest to north against him. his -study. . Bradford 1; Hull City J . fair and becoming llyea carries on Dr. Robertson said Vermilyea had winds mostly Q.--Yes. you might even get up Brentford S; Bradford City 0 understandable colder; local snowflurries set about to rectify this conspiracy, somewhat Burnley 3; Swansea Town 0 no comparison and appear against each other? Saskatchewan-- Partly cloudy with thinking he was acting upon "diFulham 2; Notts Forest 1 [ the cousins. I A. Yes. "" somewhat lower temperatur; local ~ vine guidance." Vermilyea had not 3; Weat Ham used this phrase in describing his snowflurrlM. . i»t accused has Q. And these points of difference Newcastle United are generally settled by the court? i sort." United 0 ; motive, but the doctor said' ho had A. Aa they should' be.-yei", agreed Norwich City 1; Blackpool 1 - come to that conclusion after exLetter Col. Oreer. Notts County 0; Sheffield United 1 amining him. Oldham Athletic 3; Manchester rll i7. 193*. said Opinion of Doctor* Accused's Business Life United I n bv accused It ft Toy, heard Dr. Mitchell's evi- Plymouth Argyle 3: Bury 0 nritnux Shat. i: The medical witness__sa!d JVermil- Swearr Just /as a casual friend with no outstanding traits. ' , " -, ^'~f-- Dr. Robertson had seen him once 10 or 11 years ago at the time of the funeral of · the '. of . the" - father -- accused. . j--*-- ~._,. Dr. Robertson referred to accused having an impediment in · his rturing This was-not--so noticeable . when : he had seen 'him-- 10 ; or -ill years ago.-:: · ' .-· . . , , ' - - ...· , · ". Q.-^Any reason " for the- absenc? of it? A.-- No. · , Witness testified, that on January 7 he had given accused a clinical examination. Witness said accused had told him of havinj a form of, spinal arthritis. "So I took an X- _ ray. I could find no destruction^"--. no signs of arthritis, "excspt for an'~ area^near the hip joint which -mlghSprodu:e pain." - , ,- PICTON DRUG STORE IS GUTTED BY FIRE