Vermilyea Spends Last Day Writing Letters, 01 May 1935, VermilyeaSpendsLastDayWritingLetters

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I T«X WKATRKH FTMh «e>t lo northwfat w!nrt.v fmir ROd oool. Thursday -N<> Uw>rly to oMUrV/ wlnd»; mo»tly lm coot; proteMy som^ ilgttl nJtKM>frB over ·ouLtiwmt portion. ; BELLEVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY t, 1935 VERMILYEA SPENBS LAST BAY WRITING LETTER NEWS BRIEFS : AND ODDITIES ff*rr~ff4 ^^Mw* »4V»s>«r««»M~. Prfax* Albert, SM*., May 1 -- (CP)--Three- TMW-oM Leonard Nannaa H*ffn*M WM Sucked In twd today. MMnc U hoer*, thr twsdK) eitedBTw »···«·; * qn*rter mite fr«o U» h«*ne of his Sjarsrat*, Mr. and Mr*. Ou Hoirinma, \icmtitm, IM* nignv. KMtMCk. R«*.. May 1 Ifl'lTln5 fwnal* of UM «p«wirs contha ml* thlnki -Thw' OakUI. {·OOerifTB Bkliyr from Tf>r%t4H<. "*<[·- He Ht hu a bwtrn t«f rtvtirnl wbm Mra, J»ek TodwwortU allefwSly U*k aft«r him with » otnb wMto b« m dolnc hta Amtj rrmOTto* UM Todonrortl" pmoMBion trim their farm. New Features Jar Full of Money DANGER OF WAR Mystery Keeps Relief Parents Trembling SCRIBBLED NOTE Belleville UANPQ ilAIihii iiaTPinnn m i IHIU WESAT2P1 SAYS RED CHIEF IfflllUU LIIU. ULUUU for Better Days >!,.· ,l« nuke n pan<k-l,:m<l finish with <gr of tlic *[»(vial vjillirn and piin-limr, »liilnTMB« Ilironpn :,-,. are v. ,lrli|..|itcil that lliry KV with Ilir liopr of .-innins nn buying fgi » month 700 Military Plane* Fly Over Red Square at Ceremonie* 'RED ARMY~ READY' Every Type of Airplane ii Paraded Above Lenin Tomb (By John LJoytl, MOOOOW, M»y l--(A,p)--Nearly 700|jnillt*ry planes roared over Red Bprinfffteld. Mo, M»y r.~<AP) ( An mraenMnl rw»ch«l with hi* -- W111U Brtdi«t' family wu on re- landlord W divide the Wlli rritoved lief roils all winter, hla "s<-vcn kids a terrific strain wnioh begmn with his hunting dJ«cOT«ry. crying Mr gomnthlnB to cat" --while 'I told my wife ftl»ut It fuw we Bridged tremblingly giumlcd J6.000. didn't kjxw wh»t to do," Brtdgta I'txUy Uie 41-year-old teiniant said. "I heard thrm talkln' downfarmer told his atory, rc-freshcd by town that the golf! rwt*s wanji't thrre nMthLi of «OOd slcop. the flrat legal, or something, so I WM »fr»ld h« hM enjoyed since he went rab- to try to spend tt. bit hunting last fall. Seeking mrnt "I hid It way out In i plowed flrld. for the family table, he found In an Etot I couldn't sleep nlghtp. I kept ftbnndcned cellar on hU larm near thlnkln' what If It waa to get plow9toc*ton, a fruit jar full of money. ed up, or aoniethlntf." iiilrr ml i JMIcvlll,- llrlliT Ilnys Mil fmr r r i j w i l s of ft)io|>pcrfi taking jut; Young Than'i Letter Last Condemned Man May Read .Tllrnd tiir \ir\r.i: drawing" arnl · |ilunnr npain inl.i Ihr »h»|ipini 11UON GERMANS IN WAV DAY FETE Germany i< Now "New NO LAST REQUESTS i »Mtr, Historians Find Indian Chiefs Were Not 'Big Shots' r-- ------ H*fr*l», N.V^ May 1 (tTl -- «mUrfauu h*vt Merited thrlr onfwHy to ro*ny rewomi bnt Kmmangnl Jatft, Trter»n of the UnK«d State* <1H1 W»r, ronfc*ec be doont know a »lnfffe ir«*«« why hit H allTO today--hlN J90tr> Mriliday. CbiM<0. May 1 (CP)-- Th« potec kept a sharp eye today for cowboyv and Indians. Th«y flcnr«« the -redshklns" and oattle chaaen would be w«-«rKg VMM of the -Coo pounds" of cowboy and Indian »uit*. ridlnp SMot*, h»U, loy pbUls. iam*hawk* and feathered brad pltff* *ioten ftrom * pmrked auUimobile nat nltbt. IHHwaokee. Hay 1 (OF! -- As hr S5>rd down » str*K In pnrsnlt of ft matoriat, officer Walter K*hlman WM pitched from Ws motor <*,:·*. Sh*klnj Off hU ri»»r, hr ooked' up at a street sign. U road: -E, Fault* HMHb mwe." Q»liilllMM. U., May 1 (CD -- "Any rom h an ox If H'U niar hitchod and pun a load." vald Mart and Marlon Thomas, 14^ near-old Oriutoou twliut. So )ICT copied an oaken yoke that had Irartlkd to California and w,-V araln dvruif the (old rush of '49, fitted It on the ne<-kn of w.) yearllnir oalve* In the Thonuw K wAKon. The calvea. Huckleberry nnd £!nnnte. haul wood from the Umber, irraln lo the feed lot and, afff school, a wairon load of boy*, wlftt Mart and Marion on the neat IHR demonstration Uio Soviet has Their Power WM Limit- tutlon to the contrary notwlthhtand-. lug, Uiat there were Inqlan chiefs. ever given of Its aerial power while ed, Each Tribe Had Dr. Arthur C. P*rker ol Rochesthe Rctl Army passed In review in ter, former State Archaeologist *nd recognized auccessor to the lftt« I>r. MttBkogce, Okla., May 1-<AP>- William BwucJiamp of Syracuse, M The demonstration van followed by tut address by Klemcnty Voro- -The "Heap Big Indian Chief of foremost United States authority on schoolboy fancy was Jolted down to Sit shlloff, Commissar for Defence, in less glatnorouH proportions today Jn history and folklore of the Nations In a. statement to the which he said the danger of w*r one of his favorite reservation lands Binghamton Press today net Smith"hangs like a heavy cloud over --OktoiKuna. sonian authorities right on their reIndian authorities of the State cent declaration "there were no iiitnan ^y. quickly agreed with Smithsonian "If w«r Is Imposed upon us, the Institute ethnologists who report real Indt*n chiefs." "The Iroquols and many other enemy will g«t ncquulnted with our finding the chieftains were not "big groups." said Dr. Parker, "certainly Red Army." he added. "They must shota". had civil and military chiefs whose Said old-timers who oug'ht lo authority within their fields was not not rei»roach themselves If that acknow. dispirited save for failure to perThe chiefs power was limited, form ^expected functions." Every type of airplane from n^ulti- their following was voluntary and Referring to the protest of Brantthere even were different chiefs In motored bombers to new. bluntford, Ont,. IroquoU authorities to the same tribe lor different Jobs. the Smithsonian bulletin, l>r. Parkweed and iwift nursuit r^aft In fact, Indiana were downright er said: aded above the tomb of Lenin Socialists when it came w recogniz"The Canadian authority Who rerom which Joseph Stalin, Soviet, ing authority, preferring to follow cUtor, reviewed the mllllary <li&- their own Ideas rather than those plies that the Six Nations or the ay. Hundreds of tanlcs rumbled, of erstwhile "leader", Orant Poro- troquots had civil chiefs Js frirrect. leanwhlle, over the stone paving o( man. noted authority on Norlhwrat Iroquois civil sachems constituted a council operating under rules and Indians implied here. regulations as definite as those of ^>ectators counted 135 heavy "The Cherokees. for example, had xsnblng planes, atone during the a war chief as dlstliiguiahod, Ironi the United States fienate and with What the ipnwslvc aerial demonstration. the chief who presided over peace even greater decorum. The air parade was led by the councils," he said. "The war chief WtsblnffbtHi Bureau may meufMa Indian government Ahtre uge "Maxim Gorky", known as the mlfiht collect men lor. an expedition, that in was -no_eJ[epuUve function -ciR^abU of world's largest land pianc. but to follow him was noi required". rigorous enforcement. ' Voroshllofr, addressing the Expert Denim Story "With the Indiane, nowever, eoclal Bmghamton, N.V., May 1.-- (CP) pressure took care of that. With tne "Our country is doing cvt-rjlhliig --Young Canada and the youth of possible to prevent war and our the United States may chase Indian Indiana government proceeded from rong army appeals to be the best chiefs all over slumberland tonight, the group as an entity and was not Thus may irgument to tills end. If war Is secure in the knowledge Its quarry Imposed from above. mposed upon us. the enemy will are real entities and not mere story- have arisen the statement that there were no chiefs. To depute this nd there Is a difference between book creatures. f\>r the leading fact to only mincing definitions". the CVAF'S Army and our Red United _ _ , nn ,, :h= , TTM_ States at it: Army." Iquols says, the Smithsonian Instl- Different Chief* Hiss Mystery Shopper Slips Thru Crowds, Escapes Recognition / * <«»> > TfH« Reporter Interesting Stories of Her Experiences \ in Shops And on Streets --White She Recognises People, They D© NoS Recognize Her Miss Mystery Shopper, one oi the most enthusiastic features of the Belleville Better Days Shopping Carnival arranged by the city's leading merchants tor the present week, slipped through the crowded s;ores and along the sidewalks of the business section or the city yesterday with the greatest of ease. No sharp-eyed local or oul-otown shopper has yet recognised her. So far no one has confronted hen with a section of the Dally Ontario Intelligencer, bearing a printed advertisement of some one of (he merchants taking part in :he Belleville Bellei Days merchandising festival and asking her: "Pardon me, But Are You Miss Mystery has been awarded the cash prize of ten dollars lor following these simple rules. "Although," slghe<i this S (oot 1 inch, 120-pound blonde, mystery CARCnTE HINJB of One tuMfce* farmer ba« solrrd the TtroMema of twrnlne the dirts of maple sofar kettleH into reFSTctine. Po«r*d into k« cream* rone*. th« left-orer stiffen* Into a chewy maw whkh flndm a ready m\t. Straifard, Ont., Mny 1 (CP) -- Reprimanded for failing to display license pUtes on his automobile, a farmer af this district began to explain: "I forgot to chanfe thb morning." It wan nzwa to him when the officer tnld him he must have two setp Tot two Fan and they arc not in I erch an trc*b 1 r . Metx, France, May t (CP) A German yoath In foil Nad reealla flipped tbronich the G*rman rtjT. told police he was chief ol the Hitler youth organization at Wlejnensce, near Berlin, and said he wanted to enltsi In the French r jvituua clothe* and Mnt Met* recruiting station. to a Mi*» Bernice Daviidn Occupants City And Erneit Smith Miss Bernice Davison. of this city, and Mr. Ernest Smith, at the R.C.A.P., Trenton, were both seriously injured when the automobile. which the former waa driving, crashed into a tree somu seven miles west of Belleville nt 2.30 a.m. today. After lying unconscious at the side of the road for a period of well rled on that gorgeous ((oat in 'the afternoon. But she was so engrossed n a chic little hit she was being ittcd with that she didn't even iQtice me- Then when I walked into Delaney's a little later in the afernoon I saw Mrs. McK-- trying on one of those beau tit ul sable- sons were rushed to the Belleville rirnmed coats. I didn't blame her jeneral Hospital in separate am>ecause I know myself that furs arc going: to be higher, much higher next year. And Mrs. McK-- is one of those women who is always looking ahead." "Haberdashery clerks are losing Eome of that self consciousness' I used to notice when It wasn't quite the style for women to parade Into flowing ties and robes. Yesterday I walked into Quick and Robertson's, J. G. Shaw's and Symons' Men's Store and not one of ttye clerks so much as .batted an eye. They merely STnlled and bowed a little. If-I had been a man I would have been tempted to splurge. But I merely took my time, browsed around and then came out again The reports from iJie hospital at 2.30 p.m. today were to the effect that Miss Davison's condition was "critical" while Mr,. Smith was stated to be resting quietly. The accident happened about onehalf mile west of Rlley's Pavilion, when the motor car skidded on the slippery pavement and failed to The vehicle crashed against an elm tree, driving the entire engine back into the front seat, where the two occupants of the car wsre seated. Miss Davison sustained a broken right ankle, severe internal injuries and facial cuts due to flying glass. Mr, Smith sustained a broken hip and numerous other bruises. . Miss Davison was lemoved to the Belleville General Hospital in the city ambulance, while Mr. Smith was taken Lo that in sti tul ion in MarLin'g ambulance,.. JThe.-two--inJured persons lay unconscious along the side-of the road, while, numerous other motor cars parsed without stopping. Courageously Mr. Smith pulled himself to Lhe side of the road and summoned the assistance of a passing motorist, who in tiun notified the local and provincial police, who investigated and provided the ambulance service. PRIZE WINNERS . A Wednesday's Draw Tlie dravmga of the Belleville Better Days tt>r:Tne tickets depoSted on Tuesday resulted in the following results when drawn by Mayor Tice today at 1.00 p.m. Major Prise-- 2X8677. Minor Prlxes: 2. 23MM 3. , 54(9437 4. 507455 5. 1MSZ1-- Maria Smith, Smith field. «. 361013 7. 170837--Norman Wrfc Aer. WclllncUn R. 4 9,1 HO .9 109838 10. 19154-- W. C. llaggerty, Cherry Valley, 12. 272738 1 j" 4ft»rj tive .J^y's shopping tour of the leading stores of the city. "1 was almost, caught twice. If that, well known 'ocal housewiie bearing down on me Tn the Metropolitan stores. with a piece of papers in her hand amine" their stock. After tills invaand a glrmn of recognition in ' her sion of the men's haberdashery eye only knew how close she was., stores I kept th« gam.e up .by. visitAnd if that younc rWin the Can- ing in quick succession W. Cook's adian Department Stores only had Cigar Store and R:-J5. GiHespie's » little more courage " tobacco and news store, and '·again Despite lhe fact that there is a I almost wished I were a man so price o[ ten dollars on her head that I could take advantage of for discovery and capture by the one some of those really marvellous who follows th« simple niles, Miss regular man's bargains, all th> way Mystery Shopper is. frankly enjoy- from cigar lighters to pipes. ing her experiences in th e stores "The fleck, shiny cars In the show nnd shops. windows of Boyce's Garage and "Il'.i exciting." she confided "It's Sales and Trudeaii Motors,'! simplv lols of f u n . I've been lookin? at pa.sflpd up. T just didn't have Hip everything from wash tubs in the nerve to ask Ihe salesmen any more Walkor Hardware Company to chif- about them. So, after I had climbed fon hos*> in Ihe Walker store, Mc- in and out of them a dozen or more Intos.h Bros., ns well as LipsonV. stores, and (rom rlrc'.rin - light and Vhowine off n little bv pressin" Boulonge. May I ICP Cable) -- lam ps i n the ) lydro Electric on the horn button, I left, but I t ' Frederick WaUber, German-CanShop to some of tha! beautiful was n fob to tear myself away. RSI adi*n of Wlndi'or, Dnt., today cutlery and kitchen appliances in it will "be for you when you visit i berwi a rroM-ch*nneJ "wmlk m Stroud's, to radios in t!ir Bi-- "A" them. his special water-rt(». Th* chanJ Oompuny." . ..., ] ":i"ji,,v« hnd u ^rea', man;, other · no'. ..was ..__ rmtber , . J aJ . "c choppy -Mr.-. M-nf Charles Sirect WS£ in i experiences 'Knrt -JiaiTow"wc'apes of i Marled flut." accomP*"" * °7 » Starts to Walk Channel "on Skis A forlorn littl«- mMKafte itcribblctl l pencil on a page of plain paper from hta only son, J4-ye«r-ol(l Than and addressed from Ban flernarillno, California will be one of the ' (B; The A»*el*t*d Pre*s) lait letters Iiarolri Wordcn Vermilyea will read on this earth. The I The greatwt mlllUry demonmessage, the contents of which fstratlon In the history of Soviet ; were not divulged wtw recclvori with Rujwla at Moscow, holiday apeecfaa. small batch of other mall for the | cfi throughout Germany, a bombing condemned man at the cminty/court 1 in Vienna, riotln« in France, and house shortly before two o'clock this widespread police precaution* afternoon. IlL'sldfi his elbow as he ' a^antit possible diaUirlmnces In toad the letter from his non stood i tlM? United Btatee marked May Day 1 a imiall stack of letters written in LhrouKhout the world today. Vermilyea's own flowing hand, and [Canada and, the BrHLsh laleji oddresaed to friend.-; and relative! J was quiet. throughout this country anrt the United States. In this manner Is Vermtlyee, doomrd U> die on the scaffold some time after midnight From il part* of Germany con- 1 tonight, spending his last hours In ly from the newly-acquired I id.en.ned cell. .t to I hn Hallburton Cbuniy, OnU-but !eft I Saarland, Germans wenL to Berlin B w illyea was up early this mornher homr bt an early age. ! celebrate lite 'JDay of Nat .lona.11 ing after a restful night. One of Labor." oijrt yesterday un: hl« first requests wns for a rtiave inoellor Aoo.f HlUer told morff| ,ly af nncd the verdict of the and a hair cut. This was done by 1,1)00,000 workers a&scmbled i - cou t in finding Mr*. Coo one of the Jail guards In the cell 'guilty of nurdcriiiB Harry Wright, Temp^lhoT Airfield that although J corridor whlli- three others stood and watched on. Following the hair ecutiv clpmency now Li blond whole continents I woult &huve his second request Goo's only hope to escape Sing the poorest cUIs«ii hern,' was for a stock of writing paper Dr. Johann Thanhofer and, a pencil. Alone In the cell Mr*. Eva Coo Will Walk Sing's eloctnc chair. official of the Austrian Chancellery/I neated on the blanket on the floor Last Mile at Sing lofii his legK In n bomb expiation! he spent hours engaged in this taek. last ni^ht In Vfrnna. The Oovern-J Sing Hrarly Brrftkfiwl Taken menl Usiied pardons to 600 i Vermilyea ate a hearty break- 1 ARE SENT TQ political offenders. AJbauy. N.Y., -May J lAPi -The fast, today, a slmpto fare of bran flakea, grape rnilt and orangen, but New York Cburt of Appeals too«y Bournemouth. England. May I -- tho evening meal the night before signed the death warrant for th« 'CP Cablet--Alma Rattenbury, 31, and only an hour or no after he w*a execution of Mrs, Eva Coo and set and George Percy Toner ,19. were A detective wafl alaui and fr teftiniutf of the fact that .xrtenwwy th« date for bet death In Sine today formally committed to trial itheni were wouuded In rioting j ha4 been denied him at* heartily Sing prison aa Thursday night, at the Old Bailey In London on j Baguolet, France, laat night, i " a Bubatanllal .supper ol roast chick- June. ..27, {..Conuminl3t5.Jtd.el _.lo. .fo^c uhepgeti of murdering Hie- wwmui'a en, salad and other "delicacies topped The order of thu court gives War husband. Francis Mawwrt Rattenly Into a Rightist jw>iltki by cake and a cup of coffee. ^n T^ E. ijTwe/S 8W 8lnK bury, 87-year-old architect. Spends Day Wrltlne , discretion lo carry out the cxecuThe newspaper Tag reported toThe handsome young Canadian Thb afternoon Vermily*«'ji let-jtion any* time within the week woman nnd her chauffeur were ar- day from Sofia three policemen and 1 Communists had been killed in rested during the week of March 24 ter wrlltnff will be broken by a sec- cRimlm? Mondny, June 24, but seditions are invariably can-led dash at Enlno in the district ond visit from his brother, Arthur. when the architect, who spent many ' the order year.s on Canada's Pacific coast, ! Kagan in NOrtheaatern Bulgaria. The brother is expected to arrive :ut Thursday nights Two men were killed in incidents shortly after two o'clock and spend neans Mrs. Coo will walk "t-hc last w«S fatally wounded in lib hour or so with the condemned j mile'* the 21th. She was born with a heavy mallet. related to May Day celebration^ in in. Up to the present no refer-; Spain today but owing to extreme ;e has been made by Vermllyen ' precautions laken by the Governto hl» brother or other relatives ol j ment, extremists' activities were the hanging even though the confined to . a few scattered diadow of the rope Is only orders. 'ay. walk I The condeinneL. unassisted to the scaffold', with the j determination that has been i exhibited by him ever since the | ^ A dewp disturbance nenlr^d near sentence °T death was pronounced. ] J \ Father Point 'has cwus^d stre>ng This'is-evident bj-ihe fact' that^he i , 11 winds accompanied by hca.vy rain .ppears to worry little over his fate ' * j over Quebec and she MaritJois .nd has apparently accepted the InJ · Provinces, and another disturbance evitable with a cool appraisal of · ^'extending from Alberta southward vhat lays before. Some "lime this $ I to Texas has caused ll^h*, to moderifternoon he may be asked if he j * 1 [ate precipitation over Alberta and Cyril McBrtde desires a sedative or a narcotic to. At'TOMOBILES: ! 8aalcatchewa.n while high presMire : Clarke and Miles soothe his nerves during his last' ajid fair weather covers tbc res ion Trudean Motors Wright's Superior SUtrns hours on earth. This is expectJ. Livesey ol the Oreat Lokra. The weather Boyce's Garage ed to be refused. has been oool throughout the DoI Clarence Jeffrey Hunr of Execution Set-ret minion with frost occurring last W. Dennis BAKERS: When the actual hanging will take Ayres and MacLaurin night in maJiy districts from Ontario ace in the tiny yard at lhe rear National System ">' westward to the rockles. Harry Green of the jail has not been announced Lafee Superior--Bast xnd southby Jail officials. It may take place COAL MERCHANTS: HARDWARE STORES: east winds, partly cloudy; probably nt any hour alter midnight tonight, followed by some showers over F. S. Anderson or in the light of the grey dawn. Walker Hardware Company em districts; stationary or Officials at the county jail were Schasttr Co. : Smltb Hardware higher temperature. singularly mum when an a t t e n i p t . John Lewis Manitoba. --Fresh to . as made to find out. The sireels i CROCKERY ANO TOYS AND White Hardware east winds; cloutiy; probably somt ..i front and at the rear of the court ELECTRICAL STORES: light rain chiefly over southern ! JEWELLERS: house will be closely guarded by a ! StrmitTs districts; not much change in temcorps of special constables from Bowi-a i perature. ! AHRUS McFee nine o'clock this evening on. ParBelleville Hydro Electric J. O. R. McCurdj I Saskatchewan -- Fresh to strong ticular attention will oe paid Church W. H. Oliphant A. Wonnacott ; winds; ctoudy, with some llsht rain; Street and the adjoining territory, Big "A" Company ; not much change in temperature. none.but jail officials and others MEN'S WEAR actually charged with the act o' ! CONFECTIONERS: execution wlJl be admitted lo Mi. : Quick and Robertson 1 Jail building, 1 E. F. Dickens and Son j J. G. Shaw Burly Hangman Samuel Edwards -i I Symons' Men's Wftmr who has been in the city lor the past DEPARTMENTAL STORES: "» Tip Top Tailors few days superintending the work Canadian Department Storen i OPTICIANS: of building the scaffold has seen Mclntwb Bros. lege pool Thursday, May 2, B p ro. Vermilyea but as yet the condemnWalker Stores Limited One iiigXt only. AdnUulon I5c. Ml-H ' N. Edwards ed man has not seen the man who' John W. Cook , READY-TO-\VEAn-STORES-- JUBILEE ORANQE SERVICE IN ', will perform the last BCD. Vermilyei ' LADIES: mamiei church. Bcitnvllle, Sunday . has been sighted jmd visually IDRUGG1STS: evenins. May 3 at 7 p.m. All nr J. A. McNabb Co., Ltmlted Dolan The Druggist "weighed" as he paced the corridors Uere of the Orange Order cordially Krorh Brothers j · Qslrom's Drnit Store of the death cell, by the represent:*- | vlteti. Membcri will osaembto Woltcn's Limited ttoj'le's Drug Store Orange Hall, Front atreet. at 8.30 tive..of.the Ciwn.. .Vennilyea-5 t'fic-.i -ft. J. Ftrj^aMi. Becf-Bcc. W Exclusive Ladles' Wear LaUbner's Drug" 8lore ial weight has also been given him I Model Ladies' Wear Geen's Drug Store by the jail physician. ' I CARD PARTY BT. OEOBOK'8 8DNDAT '. Georgia Salon School, suttlon »tre«t. May 3. 8 o'clock Seldon's Drug Store .. Vermilyea may make no "last re- '--good priies. Relreshmento. M1-1I. Artistic Ladies' Wear * McKcown's »roi Sloi quests" other than that his letters 1 ' W. Wise . F R U I T COMPANIES: written by him, be addressed to GHT-- INDEPKNDKCT ORDER OP Veila Shoppe esters JSuchre and Dane*. B O'dOOk proper destinations and that he be' Belleville Frnit C< Orttnge Hall. Good prim* -- door ' SHOE STORES: provided a good cigar. When he .will'FURS: ! Leslie's be executed he will not know until ' Joseph T. Oeli ey Halnes Shoe HOUM. Edwards enters lhe cell, accomp- j Woodley's JUBILEE DANCE-- OFKN1NO DANCE AT I ~,V. H. Adattu anied by the special guards, straps' FURNITURE: Bay of Quint* Oolf and Country Club i Naborhood Friday. May 3, 9.30, Commodore orhis arms to bis.sides and leads him j Wray', i STATIONERS: / chestra. Toil are cordially InvlMd to Perclva) Store down the tiny stairs in his cell corI The James Testa George Thompson ridor to the tiny yard in which mlBBlon )1.M per couple, refreshment*. : Laurie Lewb GROCERS AND MEAT MER* Ml-3t stands the scaffold. | Sills' Book Store , Major Bunton. Salvation Army CHANTS: CONSKBTATIVKS OP KJCKOKKB AN0 1 { Qufnte Bookshop Nu-lldea-- Harkerm. ' Prison Chaplain for the Province Coleman Wuda a» nquwlwl to n I TOBACCO SHOPS AND NEWS Ideal Store-- Wallbrldfc A tit the club room* W«dOwd*j ««»· is expected to arrive in the city late ] STANDS: nin«. May ). nr« p,B&'for tfa* pur* Clarke thie afternoon «nd after special ! · W. Cook's Cigar Store Bine's Markel«rU services at the local Citadel Will ac! R. E. Gllleapie company Adjutant Martin of the AND DANCE WBEf'5c TO 31.00 STORES: Dominion S^ret cc!l where lonal Corps to the death Firs', nlglit for tho Woel worth \ Clceri and Botlo they are expected lo main ny..Curds Z 15 «h«rp i Kfeupi'i A. and P. Store conference w i t h i \ MetropoliUn baton Gr0ceUri> MISS MVSTEKV SIIOH'KIt Mll.ll inlrrr.1 is lirii M)«lcry Miopper whi> i. ili ing abou iiu; in tl having all fcin.l> of fun li« l will) III,- puoiMn identity .if llll r.'licr o»n inVnlitv. joinin;; m the . ' A KKKK HICYCI.K r for tlir, Ixivs .luring Belleville IMlr, MPI 'l a personal ml in Ui<; family coupon*. The exccn th* Hcliiil Merchant*' Assndaliiin lias arranged In give S.TO.OO hreyrle lo the l.ov who hold* ill.' m-cam( number from Kriilay'a r,>ii|ioni. Tim ,lr«w k i l l lair plarr at one , Saturday, and the hoys of Helli-villf. nill inn: rrr. thai parents palmni/.i: the ..iiipon slurrs tin h'riday, with that big. beautiful in sight. II' l\ A HAU.OUN if llelleville v, i Ain't we pot fun? The hoy1, and gii lay afternoon ; ,ake opinion of the hiinineM .,·,·110,1 Tlinrul I. carrying pn, hen a fleet of Iialloona ..ill he released roupuiw. There tore will IH^I wramhle f.u- lln balloon, vvhe they come down and lolM of fun for lx,lh uinng ind i.l.l. People" Say» D«r Reichifuehrer i CLASHES ARE FATAL j ; RuMian Military J>i»pUy; | U Greatest in Soviet History .......... WOMAN TO DIE WIDOW, CHAUFFEUR TRIAL Belleville Better Days Business Places Participating in Great Merchandising Festival WEATHER Coming Events

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