After further disoiwHiou it WAS derided to allow Mr. (Jonion to proceed wtth MJHH Mtirjifit'.r&Wt in reply to further questions by Mr. Got don, stated:--She made no particular arrangements-foi;» bringing out the -children. When her party was complete she went to the Agent-<ietieral in London to arrange for the regular* emigrants refund IKTHIUH given by the. Ontario Government. TUe MUIIA she received amounted in three years to four thousand one hundrocl and revert dolhiw. This'Avmifs consisted of a paymeni^of six dollars per head tj#r"lf11 emign twelve yearn of age. No other advantage hf£ Iwn received frmn the GovenJnenl of Canada except in reduced p-issaifos, rMich as given to other emigrants, (·ertuin concession* were impose to licr last sprin^'Ivyr . the (Janadiaii l*r>vernmeriiU:<>r' 'bringing o tinill >y the_3>oMmioti line Jbr ' ihree ' pounds five Mil I lings, sterling, but she hud declined 1 -- ;-Jtnil hud^|>it:d the regular tare. * l ! tnr^vt«w«^«uatt«t) of-liringiutr the children out, up to hist year, wan 4. 10s per " ; and halt that amount for cblldm?n HhtUtt'^l^it years of age* , That was ih« farts .Jjjverp'M»! nud <i<u'b«»c. The <'<K>t of transferring cfnigrantH'-'i^oitt JUinjtlo11. **> * «rr^w^l1^^^-m*Wo^tti0,4nlni fare from London to 4£uol>oc £3. 2». <(W."*" Kitty had three hom^s in Canada for children ; oue at 'ft!--liiiaslton_. The ladies who had m_advance ahi>ut nuitable ]^aces'ToT't4i*M*W*U"aUt A" record wa-^ kept si , and how they bel wwer-iK---6tJ,*-Jte*, posnible, gis en out to >y the children, aruT wTi?t^ou4tL4M).^expfH,e4 to use them well. They always required a, rec()ininendation from a. minister or oOtet'^l'esponHil^ persoji'ij- a*to^jMJetability {ip^TViniffo!" the children, When }jiTMins of Improper habits mude application t hey "^ were invariably refusal. They exercirtDti a ,t"Ui.H rv'..-'!'",1 <>v*«.' tiie i->«'lfr»** k !! ^Hoja'they-'Were went out.'. 1 Since the" children lirst rjuno out In 1*70, on«* o| their At}h'«»ol-masu^'.s had !"t-en travelling continually in (!{iniidii, making inquires into Jj«5 welfare oftluno who tiiici' Iwen sent out, Kven in canes where no special compfainl^ were made, they keptja ijio'vision over theoi. ' · j ^ A horse was kept at BclIcvilK», for the j«o of their travelling agent, and IH^ limit .w as imjMwo«j by her upon tin- e\"p^nKe*t»f his visits, They had also a su]wvisbp of uilothcHondr *Ajiui»iJK-r of Kidi<»-» wore continually making fnendly visits in ditfereitl (listrictn of the country, . v ^ They bait at the pj-e^ont time one of the-»e vihitoiN in'lHIeViUo.rfiiiU two othersits tb<» Kasiern Townships, and w i t h tho>e thcv wei\rrn-cH?»"4tant coiniuunictUion, u 1H74 they \\;v\ . no l<»ss Hum twelve himd-ivd . rcixn'ts; in two hniufred other k 't'aseH there "were t. wo reports; thus making iiyilS Hixtean liundi-ed, reporte. -, ·- : ,;/ Thi^'kopi- a ^voottl* in -a' -book-' at tlH^p''Ioiiie, where friends' of those tho , .These Vent ou^ i'ould a«c»ftairi'" how I lie entlgiYints were getting on, ink, Cantula. '.The ei»c|uirie.'i i(;mi!it^.-:«Tlliehc>u»e^ l^otli-i .'i were often the 'raeal'w.of't'heii' ^et.Hrsg..otlier ei.ruiii(;m ? I ;ngiuri«l'and Cannd{t-\\%re.r»pei?Thiigiira?wrdi'iy"r- mld/'-.tlie right of 'removing'" children Avho had not been wolf .DlaC'ed^m^is^erei^ff! in jilT'C'iiseH i-iv whU'h* it was fowwi-tlwy were -not. well treated, · ,,";i'^-f · 'f'^t ' '·'.·· ' ·; . . ' . ' . ' ' -.-* ..- ; ' ' .'·?i;"::'". v ; ' : / In -all. cases .whelfKjhi Idren were ^ttil?^ w "i'n 'fk ultfliml; even* when. 1.1. Wiw1'opii4 th'e < j h:II<l *wai> to bhune, h'e ws& '-kept' , eare of the 'Home. 'They had- no^rt'tle .as -to bow ""long- the - child reji wcr ............ " the 6] ·I. cjase, a child which- hud developed into an imbecile waw returned to 1" drj</hiiM,l. (A re-ufistor of tl^ chUdr^t who had come- tp < 'anada under her care wan'ex- . hibittjtl to the (hiAmittce.)' , , 'v' "· HkHne of the records had been lost when the Home was" burnt. Of tihe two